—— 索玛雅博物馆
规模:1 6,000m2
摄影师:Yannick Wegner、Adam Wiseman、Rafael Gamo
合作方:阿方索·米兰达、光的建筑、AR 咨询公司、奥雅纳公司、好山丘建筑公司、Dypro 公司、加尔萨·马尔多纳多公司、Gehry 技术公司、HB 公司、科尼公司、光队公司、Miery Terán 公司、佩特拉·布莱瑟、萨阿德音响公司、Swecomex 公司
Scale: 16,000 m2
Client: Museo Soumaya
Location: Mexico City, Mexico
Photograph: Yannick Wegner、Adam Wiseman、Rafael Gamo Collaborators:
Alfonso Miranda, Arquitectura de la Luz, Arsenio Rodríguez Consulting, Arup, Colinas de Buen, Dypro, Garza Maldonado y Asociados, Gehry Technologies, Hubard y Bourlon Security, Kone , Lighteam, Mier y Terán, Petra Blaisse, Saad Acústica, Swecomex
一家全球性建筑与设计公司,在纽约、墨西哥城和深圳设有办事处。FR-EE 在全球范围的不同环境下开展实践,项目涵盖博物馆、办公大楼、高密度城市中心和基础设施,类型十分多样。每个项目的最终目标都是以三维的形式,为社会、政治和经济转型提供框架。FR-EE 视协作为探索设计可能性的关键,致力于与客户、决策者、策展人、教育家、非营利机构、开发商、工程师、承包商、艺术家、人类学家以及思想和商业领袖紧密合作。FR-EE 的工作方法体现了建筑师、城市设计师及工业设计师们作为领袖和生产者,在当今社会发挥的作用日益扩大,更加独立且协同地进行创作而不是模仿。
FR-EE 致力于将文化、历史、社会、经济和环境背景转换为对城市和社区产生积极影响的当代空间。通过使用新材料,进行深度调研,建设绿色基础设施等方式,将当代社会和文化点滴用建筑形式表达出来。而除了设计实践,还通过研究和管理,精心设计旨在提高生活和教育水平的项目,特别是在拉丁美洲地区。
It is a global architecture and design firm with offices in New York, Mexico City and Shenzhen. FR-EE has realized projects worldwide that encompass different programs and contexts - from museums and office buildings to dense urban centers and infrastructure projects. Ultimately, the goal of each of the practice's projects is to provide a framework for social, political, and economic transformation in three-dimensional form. Collaboration is central to FR-EE's inquiry into the possibilities of design, working closely with clients, policy makers, curators, educators, non-profit entities, developers, engineers, contractors, artists, and anthropologists, as well as thought and business leaders. FR-EE's approach reflects the expanding role of architects, urban designers and industrial designers in contemporary society as leaders and producers, individually and collectively aiming to create rather than imitate.
FR-EE's work translates cultural, historical, social, economic, and environmental contexts into contemporary spaces that generate positive impact in cities and communities. FR-EE's projects translate contemporary moments of society and culture into built form by using new material advancements, thorough research, and the implementation of green infrastructures. Beyond practicing design, FR-EE also orchestrates initiatives aimed at elevating standards of living and education, particularly in Latin America, through research, sports, and curation.
1 平面图
2 剖面图
第一年吸引超过100 万访客;
博物馆地处卡尓索广场,位于一个新文化商业区中心。FR-EE 为占地16,000 平方米的索玛雅博物馆所做的设计向其折衷主义的艺术收藏品致敬,该收藏品涵盖了15 世纪至20 世纪中叶的大约70,000 件艺术品,其中包括世界上最大的私人收藏的Auguste Rodin 雕塑。博物馆的设计反映了“为所有人创造一个新的公共文化机构”这一愿望。
博物馆为一个旋转的菱形,由28 根大小不同、形状各异的弯曲钢柱支撑着,博物馆外层覆盖着16,000 个六角形玻璃钢元素。为了在多个侧面实现悬垂,该结构由位于每个楼层上的七个环组成的系统加以稳定。七环结构体系在多个侧面构成了悬臂梁,并固定着博物馆的六层展览、展示和公共聚集空间。这些设计参考了传统的、殖民时期墨西哥城的瓷砖建筑立面,并赋予索玛雅博物馆随天气、时间、参观者的位置而变化的不同外观。
高45.7 米的索玛雅博物馆位于Polanco 新的卡尔索广场房地产开发的中心,而Polanco 是墨西哥城一个充满活力的国际化社区。博物馆的独特形式和强大的影响力为1940 年代的前工业区创造了特征,并为进一步的文化发展提供了催化剂,其中包括安东·加西亚·阿布里尔(Anton García-Abril)的剧院和大卫·奇珀菲尔德(David Chipperfield)的Jumex 当代艺术博物馆。
在内部,参观者首先看到的是在宽敞的白色门廊中展出的罗丹的《思想者》雕塑,鼓励参观者继续探索博物馆。沿着贯穿博物馆六层楼的连续长廊,参观者会发现梵高、马蒂斯、莫奈和达利等人的杰作。坡道通向顶层的展览厅,这里有着由众多雕塑组成的景观,以及充足的自然光线。除了画廊,索玛雅博物馆还设有一个350 座的公共礼堂,一座图书馆,一个餐厅,礼品店和办公室。
周围的公共空间通过通向博物馆入口的大楼梯激活,并作为毗邻的Carso 建筑群的游客和当地人的非正式广场。由16,000 块六角形和镜面瓷砖组成的表皮,是殖民地瓷砖的传统瓷砖,根据时间和观看者的视点,使博物馆具有非常多样化的外观,同时优化了整个建筑的保护性和耐久性。
3 建筑外部
4 雕塑展厅
1 长廊
3 楼梯
New fine art museum and architectural icon in the heart of Mexico City ;
Served as a catalyst for urban and community regeneration ;
Attracted more than 1 million visitors in the first year ;
Flexible spaces for permanent and temporary exhibitions of all scales.
2 主要通道
FR-EE's design for the 16,000 m2 Soumaya Museum pays homage to its eclectic art collection of about 70,000 objects from the 15th to mid-20th century, including the world's largest private collection of sculptures by Auguste Rodin. The design of the museum reflects the desire to create a new publicly accessible cultural institution for all.
Rising 150 feet at the heart of a new cultural and commercial district, Plaza Carso, the building’s form, a rotated rhomboid supported by 28 curved steel columns of varying size and shapes, is clad in a skin of 16,000 hexagonal mirrored-steel elements. A seven-ring structural system creates cantilevers on multiple sides and stabilizes the museum’s continuous six-level promenade of exhibition, presentation and communal gathering space. These reference the traditional, colonial ceramic-tiled building façades in Mexico City, and give the Soumaya Museum a diあerent appearance depending on the weather, time of day and the viewer’s vantage point.
The 45.7-meter-high Soumaya Museum rises in the heart of the new Plaza Carso real estate development in Polanco, a vibrant and cosmopolitan neighborhood in Mexico City. The distinct form of the museum and strong presence create an identity for the 1940's ex-industrial area and serves as a catalyst for further cultural development, including a theater by Anton García-Abril and the Jumex contemporary art museum by David Chipperfield.
Inside, visitors initially meet at Rodin's Thinker in a generous white lobby that encourages guests to explore the museum. Going up the continuous promenade that spirals through six levels of the museum, visitors will find masterpieces by Van Gogh, Matisse, Monet and Dalí, among others. The ramp leads to the exhibition hall on the top floor with a sculptural landscape gently flooded with natural light. In addition to the galleries, the Soumaya Museum in¬cludes a 350-seat public auditorium, library, restaurant, gift shop, and oきces.
The surrounding public space is activated through a large staircase that leads to the entrance of the museum, and serves as an informal square for visitors and locals of the adjacent Carso complex. A skin of 16,000 hexagonal and mirrored steel tiles refers to the traditional ceramic tiles of colonial tiles and gives the museum a very diverse appearance, depending on the time and the viewpoint of the viewer, while optimizing the conservation and durability of the entire building.