

疯狂英语·新阅版 2020年4期

* 悦读斋

Step 2 理解·文本解读


1. Beginning(Para. 1~Para. 4): Enjoying a harmonious relation.

Development(Para. 5~Para. 6): The relation begins to deteriorate.

Climax(Para. 7~Para. 8): The other patient doesnt help his dying fellow patient.

Ending(Para. 9~Para. 11): All the patient sees outside the window is a blank wall.

2. The patient on the other side:

Selfish and pessimistic

Cruel and cold-blooded

Despicable and hypocritical

The patient by the window:

Selfless and optimistic

Kind and Warm-hearted

Noble and upright

3.(1)Window being the title, clue and theme, this novel is built upon simple characters and settings: two patients confined by illness to a small sole-windowed ward, their names not mentioned or perhaps not important at all. The limited space doesnt seem a typical place for struggle or entanglement, the sole conflict being the window and the vision outside it. The miniature ward is a metaphor for the real noticeable world and the beings sheltered by it. It helps us to see through how humanity—good or evil—works and its changeability as well as complexity.

(2)Every reader will be as much touched by the picturesque scene as much astonished by the blank wall, the former being virtual and token of kindness, the latter being actual and punishment for selfishness. At last, the “outside-window” myth is decoded, though no words follow “It faced a blank wall”, readers are tempted to think over how the patient by the window managed to turn the monotonous wall into activity and colour, and to show respect for his strength of character. By contrast, what they feel for the other patient who sees no more than a blank wall is contempt.

Step 3 運用·读写整合


1. Superficially, window is the clue running through the text that makes possible the conflict (the patient on the other side wants to have an exclusive access to the picturesque scene outside the window) and the contrast (the patient by the window made up the beautiful scene to cheer his fellow patient up while the patient on the other side saw his fellow patient struggling in mortal danger without lifting a finger to save him for the sake of access to scene outside the window, only to find it faced a blank wall); the window is also used figuratively with regard to a glimpse into humanity, and its self-evident which patient represents nobility and which one baseness.

2. Possible answers: The most accepted moral of this text is this: the small window serves as a mirror: it reflects exactly who you are and what you think. Purity, nobility and kindness will create a beautiful world full of activity and colour; by the contrast, selfishness, baseness and cruelty will be responded only by aridity and deathly silence.

Insight from a different point of view: if readers allow their thought to be freed from the stereotype of “kindness and selfishness” and diverge elsewhere, whey will find the victimized prophet, if treated as the theme of the text, is also acceptable. The man by the window is in every regard perfect and flawless, but the man on the other side is altogether the opposite: the former is therefore the prophet who disseminates what is good and right, but the latter, having benefited from such good deeds, turned out to be the killer of the prophet. Such prototypes of victimized prophets abound in western literature, Jesus and Socrates being the most quoted and the most inspirational.


1. Narrative tinged with argumentation.

2. In this text, the role of window undergoes a gradual change, as is suggested by the change of the authors view: at first, the window symbolizes the authors prejudice against the strangers outside the window, or more exactly, outside his life, he feels content to hide behind the window-a barrier to understanding-making arbitrary assumptions about how the man would react to the incident and taking delight in the moment of his embarrassment; but as the actual response of the man shocked the author by defying his unreasonable bias, the author is fortunately given a chance to renew his judgement about people and his outlook of life: less cynicism and more understanding, in which case, the window is truly as it should be: to allow direct sight, to contradict easy assumption and to make changes happen.

Step 4 提升·素养建构


The most intriguing aspect of the ending is that its succinct while powerful, unexpected while understandable. Having nurturing ulterior jealousy and violated his conscience to have a look at what lies outside the window, the man must be devastated to the core at the sight of the blank wall. And readers must be overwhelmed by the concise form and lasting effect of the ending.


The man asked the nurse what could have compelled his roommate to lie about the view outside the window: “There is nothing to see from here. Where are all the wonderful things I have seen  He described everything so vividly. Is this a new and recent wall  Why did he give me such vivid details that dont exist ”

Good luck to you.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


Reading Check

1. awards  2. animals  3. big  4. photographer  5. images/pictures/photos

Language Study

He spoke so fast that none of us could follow him.



I. 1. A  2. C   3. B

Ⅱ. 1. A   2. C   3. B   4. A


Preparation task

film: documentary, spoiler, filmmaker, shot, scene, premiere

pollution: dump, rubbish, polluted, recycle, reuse, waste

Task 1

1. C  2. A  3. B  4. E  5. D

Task 2

1. take  2. impact  3. make  4. obvious  5. role  6. reverse  7. term  8. amount


Any answer is possible.


Preparation task

1. E  2. D  3. A  4. B  5. C  6. G  7. H  8. F

Task 1

Sam: A、B;   Mr Carter: D、E;   Carters son: C、F

Task 2

1. A   2. A   3. B   4. B   5. C   6. C


Any answer is possible.


Reading Check

This article tells something about Cirque du Soleil.(要点一)With thrilling technical performers and stage installations, it is different from the traditional circus show. (要点二) Cirque du Soleil has succeeded in bringing more joy to the audience.(要点三)Cirque du Soleil has high standards and strict training for its performers.(要点四)Performers also need strong passions and dreams.(要点五)

Language Study



Reading Check

1. B  2. D  3. B

Language Study

She expects her father to stop smoking for his poor health.


Reading Check

1. A  2. D  3. C

Language Study

I have nothing to do with the accident.


Reading Check

Ⅰ. 1. friends  2. mixture  3. scientists  4. owner  5. hot  6. bored  7. dig  8. civilization

9. landowner  10. thick


1. A mysterious star fell.

2. When a cylinder fell,people got together around it and react differently to the star.

3. Any answer is possible. However,a possible answer is about the opening of the cylinder.

4. He was smart and innocent.

Language Study

She spent much money on a necklace,only to be told that it was a fake one.


Reading Check

1. B  2. B  3. D

Language Study

The colder it is, the fewer people you can see on/in the street.


Reading Check

Together with his wife, Heiss drove across the border to give the gifts to the little girl. You could imagine how happy the girl was. As soon as she saw the car, Dayami ran to the couple, creaming madly with joy. Wishing to preserve the magic of Christmas, the couple played coy about who they were. So the girl asked “Are you guys the elves ” “No, were just Santas helpers” Heiss said with a smile.

The parents were incredibly grateful for Heiss generosity. They asked the couple to visit their home, where the father introduced the life of the family especially Dayami. He described how amazed Dayami was, knowing that the couple would come to present the gifts. Heiss also felt fortunate that he stumbled upon her balloon. “Theres hundreds of thousands of acres of land with nothing in it,” he said. “The chances of finding a balloon are one in a billion. So its God that arranged the meet”. Now,theyve stayed in touch online, planing to visit Nogales more in the future.

Language Study

随着圣诞节的临近,海斯向墨西哥的广播电台Radio XENY寻求帮助。这家人(海斯和夫人)认为,这个纸条应该是来自墨西哥。


Reading Check

1. B  2. C  3. C  4. B

Language Study

1. at least  2. date back  3. be known as  4. carry out  5. be seen as  6. be involved in  7. at that time


Reading Check

1. C  2. B  3. C  4. A

Language Study

1. in part  2. was made of  3. be serious about  4. be resistant to  5. lead to  6. be exposed to  7. prevents;from


Reading Check

1. C  2. D  3. A  4. D

Language Study


* 中国风


Critical thinking

Any answer is possible.

* 加油站


Task 1

1. D  2. B  3. A  4. B

Task 2

1. F  2. A  3. C  4. G  5. E

Task 3

1~5  BADC A  6~10  BDACB  11~15  DACBD  16~20  ADBBA

Task 4

I. 语法填空

1. is written  2. to touch  3. them  4. Actually  5. which  6. contains  7. a  8. emotions

9. in  10. silence

II. 书面表达


Dear Leslie,

I am glad to know that you have made some progress in Chinese learning and Im writing to tell you something about our next lesson.

The lesson will be given from 3 pm to 5 pm on next Tuesday afternoon in the classroom 502. In the class, you will learn Tang poetry, which reflects traditional Chinese culture. You can feel the beauty of Chinese by learning Tang Poetry. Youd better make full preparations before class and have a brief understanding of the history of Tang Dynasty, which makes it easy for you to go through the class.

If there is anything that I can help you, please dont hesitate to tell me. Looking forward to meeting you.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

Task 5

Luckily, the light faded out and the performance began. “The father” came out first, followed by other family members. They sat together to discuss the meaning of Christmas.While the family members were talking, my sister Jane, wearing a yellow furry dog costume, came to the stage. She crawled slowly with her hands and legs together, and then yawned, before she settled in front of the fireplace. Then the dog Danger began to sleep. The series of movement were really like that of a dog.

I heard some light laughs from the audience around me. They probably noticed my sisters movement. Her performance was so excellent that she must have paid great effort during practice. My sister did not said one single word that night, but she won the applause and attention of everyone. After the performance, my sister told us that what changed her attitude was Dads words: If you act as a dog with the attitude of the main role, the dog will become the centre of the spotlight.


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