

阅读与作文(英语初中版) 2020年5期

7 Fascinating Facts About Franklin D. Roosevelt

From the Great Depression注1 to World War II, President Franklin D. Roosevelt guided the United States through challenging times. He sought to help the American people in many different ways, including creating social safety nets for the elderly and the unemployed. In 1935, FDR注2 signed the Social Security Act注3 to provide aid to the countrys most senior citizens and others in need.

FDR considered the Social Security Act to be one of his greatest accomplishments. In a 1934 speech to Congress[国会], he said “I place the security of the men, women and children of the Nation first.” FDR believed that “the American people deserved some safeguard[保护措施] against misfortunes which cannot be wholly eliminated[消除] in this man-made world of ours.”He accomplished this goal with the creation of Social Security. Lets learn more about the man behind these impressive achievements.



1 FDR had a half-brother.罗斯福有一个同父异母的兄弟。

He was the only child of Sara Delano and James Roosevelt, but he was not, however, his fathers only child. James did have a much older son, also named James, from his first marriage to Rebecca Howland. FDRs brother, nicknamed[绰号为] “Rosy,” was born in 1854—the same year as FDRs mother.

By the time FDR was born in 1882, Rosy was already grown up and had a family. FDR and Rosys daughter Helen and son James were even close in age. He played with them when Rosys family visited Springwood, the familys estate[庄园] in Hyde Park, New York.



2 Collecting stamps was a nearly lifelong passion for FDR. 集郵是罗斯福的终身爱好。

He started up[开始] with this hobby around the age of 8. FDRs mother encouraged this activity, having been a collector herself as a child. When FDR contracted[感染] polio[小儿麻痹症] in 1921, he turned to his stamps as a distraction[消遣] during his bedridden[卧床不起的] days. He once said “I owe my life to my hobbies—especially stamp collecting.”

In the White House, FDR found working on his collection is a form of stress relief[减轻] from the demands of his presidency[总统职位]. He even had the State Department[美国国务院] send over envelopes it received so that he could review the stamps. FDR took an active role in the creation of new stamps as well. He approved more than 200 new stamps during his time in office.



3 FDR dropped out of退学 law school.罗斯福从学院退学。

His undergrad[本科生的] studies seemed to be a piece of cake for him. He only took three years to earn a bachelors[学士] degree in history from Harvard. FDR then enrolled[入学] at Columbia Universitys school. But he abandoned[抛弃] his legal studies in 1907 after he passed his bar exam[律师资格考试]. FDR only practiced for a few years before jumping into[一头扎进] politics. In 1910, he won his first election[选举] to the New York State Senate[参议院].


4 For FDR, love was a family affair家务事.对罗斯福來说,爱情是家事。

He married Anna Eleanor Roosevelt on March 17th, 1905. Eleanor was the niece of another of FDRs distant relatives, President Theodore Roosevelt. President Roosevelt actually walked Eleanor down the aisle[走道] at her wedding to FDR, filling in for[代替] Eleanors late father[先父].


5 FDRs first attempt at winning a nationnal offce was a flop失败.罗斯福第一次尝试竞选国家要职以失败告终。

FDR won the Democratic[民主党] nomination[提名] for vice[副的] president in 1920 with James M. Cox, governor of Ohio, as the partys presidential pick. The pair lost out to[被……取代] Republican[共和党的] Warren Harding and his running mate[竞选伙伴] Calvin Coolidge. Their victory was a decisive[举足轻重的] one, with Harding taking roughly 60 percent of the popular vote and roughly 76 percent of the electoral votes[选举人票数].

When running for president himself, FDR would score several substantial[重要的] wins of his own. The 1936 election was perhaps his greatest victory, picking up roughly 98 percent of the electoral votes. His opponent, Republican Alfred Landon, only won two states, Maine and Vermont.



6 FDR made history when he appointed任命 frances perkins to his cabinet内阁in 1993.1993年,罗斯福委任帕金斯为他的内阁成员,创造了历史。

Selected as secretary of labor[劳工部部长], Perkins became the first woman to hold a cabinet post in a U.S. presidential administration[行政机构]. She was instrumental in[有帮助的] helping Roosevelt with many of his programs, including Social Security. This was the second time FDR had tapped[挖掘] Perkins for a government post. As governor of New York, he picked her to be the states labor commissioner[行政长官].


7 FDR holds the record for the longest-serving American president.罗斯福保持着美国总统任期最长的记录。

In 1944, FDR was elected to his fourth term. And no one can ever challenge this feat. In 1951, the 22nd Amendment[修正案] was passed, which limited future presidents to only two terms.


注1:大萧条(Great Depression),指1929年至1933年之间发源于美国的经济危机。

注2:富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福(Franklin Delano Roosevelt)的简称。




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参照 借鉴 提升——中美高中历史教科书中的“罗斯福新政”