【摘 要】 目的:分析肝膽外科压疮程序化护理的实施及效果。方法:选择本院肝胆外科自2015年1月至2018年12月收治的214例患者,将其随机分为两组,对照组和观察组,每组107例。对照组给予常规压疮护理,观察组给予压疮程序化护理,对两组护理疗效进行比较。结果:观察组压疮发生率为3.74%,明显低于对照组的23.36%,相对比,P<0.05(χ2=12.4831)。观察组压疮好转时间为(4.19±1.76)d明显短于对照组的(13.40±2.83)d,P<0.05(t=12.4831)。观察组护理满意度为95.33%,明显高于对照组,P<0.05(χ2=12.3091)。结论:给予肝胆外科压疮程序化护理,可使压疮发生率减少,值得在临床上借鉴。
【关键词】 肝胆外科;压疮;程序化护理;护理效果
Implementation and effect evaluation of programmed nursing for hepatobiliary surgical pressure ulcer
Zhang Hongpeng
Department of Vascular Surgery, Jining First People's Hospital, Jining, Shandong 272000
[Abstract] Objective:Analyze the implementation and effect of programmed nursing of hepatobiliary surgical pressure ulcers.Methods: 214 patients admitted to our hospital for hepatobiliary surgery from January 2015 to December 2018 were randomly divided into 2 groups, control group and observation group, 107 cases in each group.The control group was given conventional pressure ulcer care, and the observation group was given the pressure sore program nursing, and the treatment effects of the two groups were compared. Results: The incidence of pressure ulcers in the observation group was 3.74% significantly lower than that in the control group (23.36%), and the relative ratio was P<0.05 (χ2=12.4831).The nursing satisfaction of the observation group was 95.33%, which was significantly higher than that of the control group. The improvement time of pressure ulcer in the observation group was (4.19±1.76)d, which was significantly shorter than that of the control group (13.40±2.83)d, and the relative ratio was P<0.05 (t=12.4831).The relative ratio was P<0.05 (χ2=12.3091). Conclusion: Giving hepatobiliary surgical pressure sore program nursing can reduce the incidence of pressure ulcers, which is worthy of reference in clinical practice.