侯婕 王丽真
关 键 词:Caputo导数;不变子空间方法;时空分数阶偏微分方程
Applications of invariant subspace method in the space-timefractional partial differential equations
HOU Jie1,2, WANG Lizhen1,2
(1.School of Mathematics, Northwest University, Xi′an 710127, China;
2.Nonlinear Studies of Science, Northwest University, Xi′an 710127, China)
Abstract: This paper introduces the invariant subspace method and its main steps.Applying this method, we investigate six time-space fractional partial differential equations with the Caputo derivative and construct the analytic solutions of these equations or present the determining equations.
Key words: Caputo derivative; invariant subspace method; space-time fractional partial differential equation
1 预备知识
定义1[9] 令0 4 结 语 本文主要通过不变子空间方法建立了5类时空分数阶偏微分方程的解析解。利用不变子空间法,将时空分数阶偏微分方程转化为时间分数阶常微分方程。再利用已知方程的解并结合Caputo导数公式对分数阶常微分方程进行求解,从而得到时空分数阶偏微分方程的精确解。以上的研究表明,不变子空间法对于时空分数阶方程偏微分而言,也是一种行之有效的求解方法。另外,由例6可知,求解的关键是建立分数阶常微分方程组的解。 参考文献: [1] OIDHAM K B, SPANIER J. The Fractional Calculus [M]. London: Academic Press,1974. [2] PODLUBNY I. Fractional Differential Equations [M].New York:Academic Press, 1999. [3] WANG L Z, HUANG Q. Symmetries and groupinvariant solutions for transonic pressure-gradient equations [J].Communications in Theoretical Physics,2011,56(2): 199-206. [4] WANG L Z, WANG D J, SHEN S F, et al.Lie point symmetry analysis of the harry-dym type equation with Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative [J].Mathematicae Applicate Sinica, English Series,2018,34(3): 469-477. [5] MOMANI S, ODIBAT Z. Analytical solution of a time fractional Navier-Stokes equation by Adomian decomoposition method [J].Applied Mathematics and Computation,2006,177:488-494. [6] RUI W G.Applications of homogenous balanced principle on investigating exact solutions to a series of time fractional nonlinear PDEs [J]. Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat,2017,47:253-266. [7] GALAKTIONOV V, SVIRSHCHEVSKII S. Exact Solutions and Invariant Subspaces of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations in Mechanics and Physics [M].London:Chapman & Hall/CRC,2007. [8] GAZIZOV R K, KASATKIN A A. Construction of exact solutions for fractional order differential equations by the invariant subspace method [J].Computers & Mathematics with Applications,2013,66(5):576-584. [9] HARRiS P A, GARRA R. Analytic solution of nonlinear fractional Burgers-type equation by invariant subspace method [J].Monlinear Studies, 2013,20(4):471-481. [10]CHOUDHARY S, GEJJI V D. Invariant subspace method: A tool for solving fractional partial differential equations [J].Fractional Colculus and Applied Analysis, 2017,20(2):477-493. [11]BALEANU D,INC M, YUSUF A,et al. Space-time fractional Rosenou-Haynam equation: Lie symmetry analysis, explicit solutions and conservation laws [J].Advances in Difference Equation,2018:46. [12]RUI W G.Applications of homogenous balanced principle on investigating exact solutions to a series of time fractional nonlinear PDEs [J].Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation,2017,47:253-266. [13]SIVASHINSKY G I. Nonlinear analysis of hydrodynamic instability in laminar flames [J]. Acta Astronautica,1977,4(11):1177-1206. [14]SAHADEVAN R, BAKKYARAJ T.Invariant subspace method and exact solutions of certain nonlinear time fractional partial differential equations [J].Fractional Callulus and Applied Analysis,2015,18(1):146-162. [15]SONG J Q, SHEN S F, JIN Y Y, et al.New maximal dimension of invariant subspaces to coupled systems with two-component equations [J].Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation,2013,18(11):2984-2992. (編 辑 李 波)