张念蓬 朱强
h-edge tolerant diagnosabilities under the PMC model
ZHANG Nianpeng, ZHU Qiang
(School of Mathematics and Statistics, Xidian University, Xi′an 710071, China)
Abstract: System-level diagnosis is an important aspect in the design and maintenance of multiprocessor systems, the fault tolerance performance of multiprocessor system is measured by diagnostic parameters. Traditional diagnostic parameters are obtained under the assumption that only the processor in the system has failed. However, in the actual situation, both processors and links in the system may fail. In this paper, a new system-level diagnosis parameter, h-edge tolerant diagnosabilities is studied. When the number of fault edges in the system G does not exceed h, the maximum number of fault points included in the system G that can be guaranteed to be identified is called the system′s h-edge tolerant diagnosabilities. By limiting the common adjacent points in general graphs, the number of h-edge tolerant diagnosabilities in PMC models is proved. In this paper, the h-edge fault tolerant diagnosabilities for the following four types of networks is determined: k-ary n-cubes, balanced hypercubes, exchange hypercubes and exchange folded hypercubes under the PMC model, which provides an effective parameter for measuring the fault-tolerant performance of multiprocessor systems in the case of mixed faults.
Key words: multiprocessor system; PMC model; hybrid faulty diagnosis; h-edge tolerant diagnosabilities
定理1[9] 在PMC模型中,令k-正则图G=(V,E)满足g(G)≥4且nc(G)≤k-1。当0≤h≤k时,则teh (G)=k-h。
1 准备知识
定义1[15] 一个系统称为t-可诊断的,如果当系统中发生故障的节点数目不超过t时,所有的节点都能被准确地识别是否故障。系统的可诊断数定义为使得G是t-可诊断的最大值,记为t(G)。
4 结 语
多处理器系统容错性能一直是人们关心的重要问题之一。PMC模型下的h-边容错诊断数相比以往诊断参数可以更好地衡量系统在点边混合故障情形下的容错性能,因而提高了系统在实际情形中的故障诊断性能。本文首先给出了在PMC模型下一般图G的h-边容错诊断数的单调性质。然后证明了当一般图G满足nc(G)=δ(G)-h-2时,G的h-边容错诊断数为teh (G)=δ(G)-h,其中,12δ(G)≤h≤δ(G)-1。相比目前的研究成果,该结论不再局限于正则图,同时也不对网络的围长作出要求,可以更广泛地应用到多处理器系统在PMC模型下的点边混合故障诊断。最后,将结论应用到k-元n-方体、交错群图、交换立方体和交换折叠立方体4类网络中,得到表2中的结果。
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(编 辑 李 静)