邱琳 时启龙 彭小明
摘 要:OA办公自动化系统已成为各企事业单位提高整体运转能力的有效工具。本文以我院已正式上线的院综合管理应用平台为研究对象,采用理论结合实践的方法,详细研究和论述了我院OA系统的优化升级項目。首先,本文剖析了我院OA系统运行的现状,发现存在的主要问题,包括政务管理、门户、固定资产库、大版本升级、细节优化五个方面;然后,确定优化升级改造的流程,论述研究方法和原则;最后,针对总结的问题,制定优化升级方案,在测试环境中实施并测试,经确认后在正式环境中部署上线。经我院员工使用反馈,系统升级改造后,实用性、易用性、美观度、精简度都得到了一定程度的提升。
关键词:办公自动化 企事业单位 信息化 工作流
中图分类号:F284 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-098X(2020)12(c)-0158-05
Abstract: OA office automation system has become an effective tool for enterprises and institutions to improve their overall operational capabilities. This article takes the integrated management application platform of our institute that has been officially launched as the research object, and adopts the method of combining theory with practice to study and discuss the optimization and upgrading project of our institute's OA system in detail. First of all, this article analyzes the current situation of our hospital's OA system operation, and finds the main problems that exist, including government affairs management, portals, fixed asset libraries, major version upgrades, and detailed optimization. Then, the process of optimization and upgrading is determined, and the research is discussed. Methods and principles; Finally, in view of the summarized problems, an optimized upgrade plan is formulated, implemented and tested in a test environment, and deployed in a formal environment after confirmation. After using feedback from our staff, the practicability, ease of use, aesthetics, and simplicity have all been improved to a certain extent after the system was upgraded.
Key Words: Office automation; Enterprise; Informatization; Workflow
OA是企事业单位提升现代化管理能力的重要工具[1],系统的使用及管理是衡量其管理水平的重要标志之一[2]。OA(Office Automation),办公自动化的简称,是管理技术、计算机技术、网络与软件技术等多学科交叉渗透的结果[3]。办公自动化起源于20世纪 60年代初的美国,其后扩展到其他欧美发达国家[4]。我国办公自动化起步较晚,可分为3个发展阶段[5],我院OA系统属于第三代,“知识型OA”[6]。我院综合管理应用平台采用平台化的设计理念,以OA办公自动化系统为基础,无缝集成省局办公自动化系统、知网数据库系统、档案管理系统3个应用系统,实现了“一个架构、统一标准、用户统一、业务联动”。
1 现状与存在问题
1.1 现状
1.2 存在问题