Chen Xiangjun was born in 1956. He served as the former curator of Chaozhou Cultural Center, National First-class Artist, member of Traditional Chinese Painters Association, member of China Folk Culture Artists Association, member of China Calligraphy and Painting Collectors Association, honorary curator of China Art Practitioners Association, member of Guangdong Artists Association, member of Chaozhou Literary Federation, counselor of Chaozhou Artists Association, distinguished painter of Chaozhou Fine Art Institute, deputy curator of Yunhai Fine Art Institute.
陳向军,1956年7月生,籍贯广东澄海。潮州市文化馆原馆长、国家一级美术师、中国国画家协会会员、中国民间文艺家协会会员、中国书画收藏家协会会员、中国艺术工作者协会名誉会长、燕京书画院名誉院长、广东省美术家协会会员、潮州市文联委员、潮州市美术家协会顾问、潮州画院特聘画师、筠海画院副院长、潮州市潮州文化研究中心特约研究员、潮州王伉传统文化研究会顾问、潮州市潮郡文化志愿者联合会荣誉顾问。(责编 宁文英)