李强 方一鸣 李建雄 马壮
摘 要:针对实际工况下伺服电机驱动的连铸结晶器振动位移系统中存在的外部时变负载扰动及相应产生的转动惯量、摩擦系数等参数不确定性问题,提出了一种基于状态观测器和参数估计器的自抗扰控制方案。其中,设计扩张状态观测器用于观测状态变量及系统的整体不确定性;采用投影梯度法设计参数估计器,用于估算控制通道中未参数化的不确定性,即由于转动惯量等参数的不确定性造成的时变控制增益;基于Lyapunov函数分析证明了观测器的收敛性及闭环系统的鲁棒稳定性。通过仿真和实验验证了所提方法能够实现连铸结晶器位移的渐进跟踪,且对负载扰动及参数变化具有较强的鲁棒性。
中图分类号:TM 351文献标志码:A文章编号:1007-449X(2020)03-0147-10
Abstract:In view of the external timevary load disturbance and corresponding system uncertainties, such as rotational inertia and friction coefficient in the vibration displacement system of continuous casting mold driven by servo motor, an active disturbance rejection controller based on states observer and parameters estimator is proposed. The extended states observer was used to estimate the states and the total uncertainty. The parameters estimator based on the projected gradient method was applied to estimate the nonparametric uncertainties caused by the uncertain parameters, such as the rotational inertia in the input channel. The Lyapunov function was employed to demonstrate the convergence of the observer and the robustness of the closedloop system. The simulation and experiment results show that the proposed controller could achieve asymptotic tracking to the displacement of the mold and has strong robustness against the load disturbance and parameter variations.
Keywords:continuous casting mold; vibration displacement; active disturbance rejection control; extended states observer; parameter estimator
0 引 言
针对伺服电机驱动的连铸结晶器振动位移系统的特点及应用要求,首先构建并分析了系统整体的数学模型;其次,基于状态观测器和参数估计器设计自抗扰控制器,其中,设计扩张状态观测器(extended state observer,ESO)用于观测系统状态变量及系统的整体不确定性,基于投影梯度法设计参数估计器,用于估算系统中未参数化的不确定性,即实际工况下受系统参数不确定性及负载扰動影响的时变控制增益,并通过Lyapunov函数分析证明了观测器的收敛性及闭环系统的鲁棒稳定性。最后,通过仿真和实验验证了所提出控制方法的有效性。
1 伺服電机驱动的连铸结晶器振动位移系统模型分析 伺服电机驱动的连铸结晶器振动位移系统通过电机单方向、变角速度运动,经过机械连杆机构实现结晶器的非正弦振动。该装置示意图如图1所示。
5 结 论
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