徐顺刚 文瑞强 周国华 何子奕 覃福班
摘 要:传统BuckBoost型电池均衡电路存在能量传输路径长和均衡速度慢等缺点,而其改进型电路也存在电路复杂、均衡速度不一致的问题。提出一种单电容集中式均衡电路,该电路利用电容器作为虚拟电池临时存储能量,而后周期性地将存储的能量反馈回整组电池,实现对电池组的均衡,解决了传统BuckBoost均衡电路均衡速度不一致的问题。在研究了该均衡电路的工作模式和控制策略的基础上,设计了4个电池的均衡实验电路对工作原理和控制策略进行验证,并进行对比实验。实验结果表明,该均衡电路具有均衡速度快、各电池单体均衡速度一致、能量损耗小的优点。
中图分类号:TM 912文献标志码:A文章编号:1007-449X(2020)03-0001-10
Abstract:Traditional BuckBoost battery equalizer has a long energy transmission path and slow speed, when the imbalanced cells are not adjacent. However, the modified circuit has the problems of complexity and inconsistent equalization speed. In order to solve the above problems, a singlecapacitor centralized battery equalizer based on BuckBoost converter is proposed. The equalizer uses a capacitor as a virtual battery to store battery energy temporarily, and then the stored energy is fed back to the whole battery periodically to realize all cell voltages being uniform, which solves the problem of the inconsistent equalization speed for traditional BuckBoost equalizer. Based on the research of the working mode and control strategy of the equalization circuit, the balanced experimental circuit with four batteries was designed to verify the working principle and control strategy, and several sets of comparative experiments were carried out. The experimental results show that the equilibrium topology has advantages of equilibrium speed, each battery monomer equilibrium speed and low energy loss.
Keywords:battery equalizer; BuckBoost; singlecapacitor; balancing speed; control strategy
0 引 言
1 波形分析与电流路径
6 结 论
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