Robots teach humans to be more compassionate


疯狂英语·新读写 2020年2期

山东威海乳山市教学研究中心 刘 娜









1.Do you think robots can be more compassionate than man?Why or why not?

2.As AI is more and more widely applied,do you think it will eventually replace man?What is your attitude towards this?

3.Can you find any expressions about compassionate from the text?Please list them as many as possible.

Robots are now teaching humans how to be more humane.

Humana Pharmacy created an AIalgorithmfor their call centers that instruct employees to be kinder and more empathetic to customers.The program is designed to inform the call centeremployeesifthey are speaking too quickly,too loudly or softly or if they have remained quiet for a given amount of time.The AI looks for certain behaviors and patterns that would indicate unkind communication such as a raised voice,fast speaking,long silences and other indicators that could be tied to lack of empathy or frustration.The program's intention is to have the agents better understand how to communicate more efficiently by analyzing the speakers'voice.

While the AI can detect certain voices,it is nowhere near the point of comprehension of human emotions.CEO of Cogito,Joshua Feast,told USA Today that he views the system as more ofa coach than a replacementfor employees.

“I don't think human customer agents will be completely replaced,”Feast told USA Today.“Humans will always want to talk to other humans.The reason is that only other humans really understand us.”

This is not the first time that AI has stepped into the world ofhumanity and compassion.Artificial intelligence scientist,Dr AmitRayintroducedtheconceptofDeep Compassion algorithmsandframeworksfor compassion last year.He demonstrated how we can use machine learning algorithms to solvehumanitarianneedssuch astheneed forcompassionatecare-giving,helping physically and mentally challenged people, reducing human pain and diseases,stoppingnuclear warfare,preventing mass destruction weapons and tackling terrorism.He also addresses AI for precision medicine,new drug discovery,education,and the legal system.

Based on these algorithms,there is a lot ofmomentumin the developmentofthese possibilities ofcompassionate AI and the potential to help “save the world”as some would say is thrilling.As artificial intelligence becomes more popular and rooted in our lives and our careers,it will increasingly be more common to see these things be utilized to improve our jobs rather than take them.



1.What does the text mainly talk about?

A.The future of robots in our daily life.

B.AI is making people more empathetic.

C.Robots are replacing man in certain fields.

D.Different attitudes towards the application of AI.

2.How can AI make an employee more compassionate?

A.By observing the employee's behaviors and patterns.

B.By controlling and adjusting the employee's volume.

C.By detecting certain voices and giving suggestions.

D.By comprehending human emotions and making adjustment.

3.Why does the author refer to the concept of Deep Compassion algorithms and frameworks?

A.To emphasize the importance of the application of AI.

B.To get the readers to be conscious of the function of AI.

C.To prove AI had existed in humanity and compassion before.

D.To demonstrate the wide application of AI in various fields.




1.The program is designed to inform the call center employees _________they are speaking too quickly,too loudly or softly or if they have remained quiet for a_________(give)amount of time.

2.The AI looks for certain behaviors and patterns _________would indicate unkind communication such as a raised voice,fast speaking,long silences and other indicators that could be tied ________ lack of empathy or frustration.

3.Joshua Feast told USA Today that he views the system ________more of a coach than a replacement for employees.

4.The reason is ________only other humans really understand us.

5.This is not the first time that AI ________(step) into the world of humanity and compassion.

6. _________(base)on these algorithms,there is a lot of momentum in the development of these possibilities of compassionate AI and the potential to help “save the world” as some would say is thrilling.


1.While the AI can detect certain voices,it is nowhere near the point of comprehension of human emotions.

【信息提取】It be nowhere near the point of...意为“远未接近……的程度”。


2.The reason is that only other humans really understand us.

【信息提取】The reason be that...意为 “原因是……”,此句型可拓展为The reason that...“……的原因是……”。



1.compassionate adj.富有同情心的 more humane更有人情味的 kinder and more empathetic to对……更和善、更有同情心

4.unkind communication不友好的交流 tied to lack of empathy or frustration与缺乏同情心或与挫折感相关

6.better understand how to communicate more efficiently更好地理解如何更高效地沟通

7.only other humans really understand us只有其他人真正理解我们

8.step into the world of humanity and compassion走进充满人性和同情的世界

9.solve humanitarian needs解决人道主义需求

10.the need for compassionate care-giving需要有同情心的照顾

11.reduce human pain and diseases减少人的痛苦和疾病





S t r u c t u r e P a r a g r a p h(s) M a i n i d e a(s)T o p i c P a r a.1 R o b o t s a r e t e a c h i n g h u m a n s t o b e m o r e h u m a n e.P r i n c i p l e P a r a.2 A I c a n d e t e c t c e r t a i n v o i c e s a n d g i v e t h e e m p l o y e e s s u g g e s t i o n s.A t t i t u d e P a r a.3&4 ●A I i s f a r f r o m c o m p r e h e n d i n g h u m a n e m o t i o n s.●H u m a n c u s t o m e r a g e n t s w i l l n o t b e c o m p l e t e l y r e p l a c e d.A p p l i c a t i o n P a r a.5&6●A I h a s s t e p p e d i n t o t h e w o r l d o f h u m a n i t y a n d c o m p a s s i o n.●C o m p a s s i o n a t e A I h a s t h e p o t e n t i a l t o b e u t i l i z e d o n a l a r g e r s c a l e.



说明方法 举例举例子 (P a r a.5)A r t i f i c i a l i n t e l l i g e n c e s c i e n t i s t,D r A m i t R a y...a n d t h e l e g a l s y s t e m.做比较 (P a r a.3)W h i l e t h e A I c a n d e t e c t c e r t a i n v o i c e s,...t h a n a r e p l a c e m e n t f o r e m p l o y e e s.



同情心是什么?《剑桥词典》解释如是:“a strong feeling of sympathy and sadness for the suffering or bad luck of others and a wish to help them”。 换言之,Compassion is the feeling of empathy or sympathy towards a person in need.It is a sense of shared suffering and is generally regarded as the cornerstone of humanity.


So,how can we be a more compassionate person?The following tips may be helpful.

Begin with self-compassion.

We can be hard on others,but usually the victims who get the pressure of our harshness,are ourselves.

Find similarities.

Look for commonalities,not differences.This will help you to relate to them,not see them as a stereotype and in the end create a bond enabling you to feel compassion.

Cultivate appreciation.

Compassion is based upon comparison of sorts between what you and another person experience.

Simply listen.

When in conversation with another person,we can be thinking about what we want to say next.We seek the next opportunity to add our ten cents.

Be present.

You can help yourself to become more present by practicing meditation.Thus,you'll be better able to concentrate on the people around you who may need your time and attention.

Give back.

Acts of generosity and thoughtfulness inspire more of the same,into a chain reaction of goodness.


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