What Management Needs to Become in an Era of Ecosystems生态系统时代的管理如何改变
The business world cant stop talking about ecosystems. According to a 2019 World Economic Forum report, excitement over digitally enabled ecosystems is on the rise. While most of the focus has been on macroeconomic implications (for example, McKinsey research speculates that by 2025 over 30% of global economic activity could be mediated by digital platforms), what gets less attention is what this era of ecosystems means for the practice of management.
Much more complex than linear supply chains, business ecosystems are groups of companies and other actors (platform providers, government agencies, independent contractors, co-creating customers, and so on) whose contributions come together to produce value. The idea is that each of these parties could benefit if they took a more holistic1 view of their collective efforts.
As much as workplaces have adopted the vocabulary and metaphor of the ecosystem, there hasnt been much information about how management approaches and behaviors should evolve in response. What leadership styles will be effective in getting others aligned2 and making the system work better? What new structures, tools, and processes will managers now need to enable broader coordination and keep progress on track?
From research and practice, we are beginning to see evidence that managers who adjust their approaches to fit an ecosystems world are better able to succeed in it. Take Zhang Ruimin, the force behind the dramatic rise of appliance manufacturer Haier. At the Global Peter Drucker Forum last year, he described the companys turn to ecosystem thinking on two fronts. Looking externally, as the firm gains experience with the “internet of things,” it sees how opportunities and responsibilities have changed thanks to direct connections to consumers. Internally, it has radically restructured the company into hundreds of entrepreneurial cells—an ecosystem of focused units, all leveraged by a common platform infrastructure. The point here is that this is not just metaphorical talk: the new ecosystems perspective had to be carried through to the nuts and bolts of Haiers operations—its manufacturing, performance management, and accounting. “This is especially important for the twenty-first century,” Zhang stressed in a 2018 interview. “Ecosystem is how we create value.”
As Haier and others gain experience with ecosystem management, consultants and management scholars are starting to find the patterns in what works. For example, research from Boston Consulting Group underscores how leaders must move from being high-ranking delegators to influential “orchestrators3.” In environments where leaders cant exercise formal authority, and where collaborative triumphs trump individual achievements, they must become sharper in their ability to build communities and inspire alignment.
As with all management metaphors, talk of business ecosystems has some commentators asking: Is this really new? Werent companies always embedded in4 larger systems, and also made up of internal networks? Systems thinking in management, as pioneered by Hans Ulrich, Peter Gomez, and Fredmund Malik at St. Gallen University (and in America, by Jay Forrester, Russell Ackoff, and Peter Senge) has long been part of business school curricula5. Indeed, Peter Drucker himself, decades ago, came up with the term “social ecology” to describe the nature of his work as he studied the workings of organizations and their impacts and integration with society.
What has changed is the technology that has us more connected and immersed in data than ever before. In todays world of networking and collaboration software, big data, analytics, and AI, managers simply cannot continue to assume a carved-out model of the firm for the convenience of seeing how to manage it. Now that firms activities are so intertwined and their successes so interdependent, the old tools and techniques no longer work.
To succeed in the era of platforms and partnerships, managers will need to change practice on many levels. And with the new practices of ecosystem management must come new management theory, also reoriented around a larger-scale system-level view. Both practitioners and scholars can begin by dispensing with6 mechanistic, industrial-age models of inputs, processes, and outputs. They will have to take a more dynamic, organic, and evolutionary view of how organizations capacities grow and can be cultivated.
As we all work to see the opportunities of this new normal, we will also have to anticipate and deal with its dark side. Ecosystem is a word with happy connotations—like a verdant garden thriving on self-sustaining natural processes—but in reality, not all is rosy. More interconnected networks bring new dynamics and unintended consequences—such as the flash crashes that shocked highly digitized financial markets and the winner-take-all markets that have emerged as network effects and increasing returns to scale give rise to modern monopolies.
When many entities converge on a certain standard, platform, or vision of the future, but none of them individually has enough power to alter it, the result can be a deeply flawed system that is impervious to change. Just take the resistance of stock markets to reward long-term versus short-term value creation. If a visionary actor within a system cannot strike out in an unexpected direction and survive, high-impact innovation becomes much more rare.
An economy, and in particular a capitalist economy, thrives not only when it has the right tools but when it has the right rules. Recrafting these for the era of ecosystems must be the priority of a group that is an ecosystem in itself—the scholars, consultants, regulators, and of course managers whose work shapes the enterprise of management. Together, we must find ways to combat the dark side of dense interconnectivity, and find its potential for innovation and cocreation of value. The future of ecosystems will be what, all together, we make it.
经济特别是资本主义经济的繁荣,不仅要有恰当的工具,还要有适当的规则。为生态系统时代重建工具与规则是某一群人的当务之急,而这群人本身就构成一个生态系统,包括学者、顾问、监管者,当然还有管理人员,他们的工作极大影响着管理行业的发展。面对高度互联,我们必须齐心协力,既要想方设法应对其黑暗面,又要发掘其创新和共创价值的潜力。生态系统的未来将由我们共同创造。 □