朱莉-维克托瓦尔·多比耶研究员宿舍,巴黎,法国Julie-Victoire Daubié Residence for Researchers, Paris, France, 2018


世界建筑 2020年2期


1 外景/Exterior view






在住宅内部,小厨房、橱柜和桌子构成了一条真正的装备带——既节省空间又极具功能性。在T2,房间的隔墙均可移动:如有需要,居民可以将其公寓变为单人间,更为开放。该计划的合理性有利于更广泛的研究人员团体,因为此类分区的高效性便于在楼内打造用于流通的媒介空间——电梯与走廊间的展示空间。此处再次证明了严谨的空间安排使得打造额外空间成为可能,有益于编织社会纽带。□(王单单 译)




2 外景局部/Part of exterior view

3 立面局部/Part of façade

4 外景/Exterior view

项目信息/Credits and Data

地点/Location: 17 Boulevard Jourdan, Paris

客户/Client: Régie Immobilière de la ville de Paris RIVP

主持建筑师/Principal Architects: Stéphanie Bru, AlexandreTheriot

设计团队/Design Team: Bruther

项目负责人/Principal-In-Charge: Bruther

项目成员/Project Members: Antoine Barjon, Baptiste Grandais, Rosalie Robert, Olivier Busson, Elena Melzoba

结构和施工工艺顾问/Structural and Construction Consultants: C&E

顾问/Consultants: VS-A envelope engineers, Inex mechanical systems thermal studies, Axio costs, Gamba acoustics, Chevalier & Masson textile designers

总承建/General Contractor: Sicra

材料/Material: 混凝土/Concrete

基底面积/Built Area: 650m²

建筑面积/Floor Area: 500m²

总建筑面积/Total Floor Area: 5500m²

建筑使用面积/Net Floor Area: 4900 m²

建筑长度/Length: 30m

建筑高度/Height: 25m

造价/Cost: 12.28M EUR(税后/without taxes)

设计时间/Design Time: 2013

施工时间/Construction Period: 2014 -2018

绘图/Drawings: Bruther

摄影/Photos: Julien Hourcade, Maxime Delvaux, Filipe Dujardin



5 首层平面/Ground floor plan

6 夹层平面/Mezzanine plan

A new university residence for researchers is added to a rich collection of modern architecture of this Parisian university. The Majestuous Park of the Cité Internationale is not the promise of a carte blanche: A distinct memory pervades the site and its string of buildings emanate certain rhythms. Indeed, it is necessary to compose with rather unitary buildings with simple and recognisable silhouettes which are known to withstand the passing of time.

The project, located on the edge of the park,follows the same logic and proposes a compact template. It is a split cube, as high as it is wide.

Its organisation responds to a logic of subdivision.The residence consists of three parallel blades. The dwellings occupy the sides while the hollowed middle blade brings together common spaces and circulations.This partition in parallel strips allows a play of transparencies and visual depth variations, breaking with the monolithic aspect that could introduce a volume of such kind. In order to protect the building from the nuisances of the peripheral motorway, the residence opts for an efficient cutting strategy: the ground is dug and the building lifted.

Located below the natural terrain and accessible by a set of ramps and irregularities, the ground floor is fully protected by the height of the sound barrier.

The front of the ground floor can therefore be glazed. It offers views of a new green meadow. The hall appears as a translucent box that slips discreetly under the two housing blades, in the heart of the building.

Inside the housing, kitchenettes, cupboards and desks form a true equipped belt; space-saving and functionally highly efficient. In the T2, the partition of the room is removable: residents can, if desired,transform their apartment into a single room, even more open. The rationality of the plan benefits the broader community of researchers, since the efficiency of the distribution also allows to create within the building an intermediate space to traffic law: a trade show between the elevator and the corridors. Here again, the rigor of the spatial organisation makes it possible to offer an additional space, conducive to the weaving of the social bond.□







7 入口/Entrance

8 夹层局部/Part of mezzanine floor

9 首层局部/Part of ground floor

10-12 立面细部/Details of façades





13 内景/Interior view

14 健身房/Gym

15 屋顶/Rooftop

16 内景/Interior view

17 九层平面/Eighth floor plan

18 剖面/Section






ZHANG Jiajing: It is a common and reasonable approach to using a doubleloaded corridor in the floor plan when the site is very small. The use of glass curtain walls on the façade is somewhat unexpected, though. It is undisputable,of course, when shading and privacy problems are tackled well. In dealing with high-density housing, the project still creates congenial common spaces for communication through the design of the topography and sightlines on the ground and top floors. The design is fairly good. (Translated by MU Zhuoer)

安娜·德尔·莫纳科:该项目是一处研究人员住宅,由106个居住单元组成,位于巴黎第十四区一条环路旁的大学城公园南侧。建筑有着立方体比例的体量,由两条带状空间组成,短边一侧采用了不透明玻璃,室外和室内侧均采用了透明玻璃,两部分的中心由公共空间所在的玻璃幕墙核心筒连接而成。它具备了现代普遍性组合方式和类似共享住宅功能性组织的优点,然而细节和外表皮设计却更具典型的1970年代特色,令人回想起由雷姆·库哈斯、皮特拉·布莱斯设计的OMA事务所早期项目,以及理查德·罗杰斯的高技派实践,不过是经过柔化的——通过彩色窗帘的使用、家具设计,以及金属材料的普遍应用、抛光水泥表面、抽象的几何楼梯与立面集成的光伏系统。(王欣欣 译)

Anna Del Monaco: This project is a residence for researchers, consisting of 106 housing units, located in Paris 14th arrondissement in the southern edge of the park at the Cité Universitaire along a ring road. The building, which has the proportion of a cube, is composed by two strips, opaque only on the shorter side and glazed in the external and the internal side, connected in the centre by a glazed central stair system housing common space. It has the advantage of being set according to a modernist general compositional scheme and the functional organisation of the co-housing trends, but it presents details and finishes more typical of the 1970s which recalls contemporary some of the earliest OMA projects (Rem Koolhass, Petra Blaisse) and some Richard Rogers high-tech experiments although lightly rendered: the use of coloured curtains along the façade, the furniture design, and the prevalent use of metallic materials, the polished cement finishes, the abstract geometries of the stairs, the solar panel system integrated on the façades.


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