Zhang Qingping was born in Linjiang, Jilin Province, in 1961. He graduated from the Art Major of Jilin Academy of Arts in 1986. He serves as the professor and postgraduate supervisor of Northeast Normal University, a member of China Artists Association, council of Jilin Artists Association, deputy dean of Jilin Water Color Painting Arts Committee. His representative artworks were selected for multiple national grand exhibitions, and were awarded national prizes multiple times. Many of his artworks were displayed in the U.S., Japan, Korea, and Russia.
張庆平,1961 年生于吉林省临江市,1986年毕业于吉林艺术学院美术系。原东北师范大学美术学院副院长,现任东北师范大学美术学院教授,硕士研究生导师,中国美术家协会会员,吉林省美术家协会理事,吉林省水彩画艺术委员会副主任。作品入选七届、八届、九届、十届、十一届全国美展;二届、四届、六届、七届、八届、十届全国水彩、粉画展;中国百年水彩画展和文化部、中国美协举办的大型专题性美展。作品《童年》获1993年全国群星美术作品大展银奖,作品《嬉雪》获第九届全国美展优秀奖;作品《乐晚秋》获纪念毛泽东“在延安文艺座谈会”上的讲话发表六十周年全国美展优秀奖;作品《雪娃》获中国水彩画名家精品展优秀奖;作品《寂静的山庄》获中国水彩画名家精品展铜奖;作品《昔日烽火地》获纪念反法西斯战争胜利五十周年国际美展特别奖,作品多次在美国、日本、韩国、俄罗斯展出。