在这个湿冷的冬天,我认识了一位15岁的女孩Jasmin Nielsen。她从丹麦来,中文名字叫陈内岚,爸爸是丹麦人,妈妈是杭州人,一家人生活在丹麦。近段时间,他们回杭州来探亲。
I meet the 15-year-old Jasmin Nielsen on a wet winter day in Hangzhou. She is in Hangzhou with her parents and younger sister for a visit to her mothers hometown. The family now lives in Denmark. Her mother is a native of Hangzhou and her father is Danish. Jasmin Nielsens Chinese name is Chen Neilan.
She wears a thick shirt and a sleeveless woolen sweater. She has big eyes and laughs a lot. With short hair dyed in purple, she looks cool. She says she had her hair dyed in Hangzhou for a family photo. The family takes a family photo whenever they are back in Hangzhou. Her younger sister has long curly hair and she has short hair. So she picked the color purple to look attractive.
Though born in Denmark, she speaks Chinese fluently and is well acquainted with Chinese culture. The fifteen-year-old Chen is a ninth-grade student in a school not far from Copenhagen. Mentioning her school activities, she tells me a story about her lecture on China in her classroom.
Her homeroom teacher teaches politics and social science. The fifty-year-old teacher used to look down upon China. Whenever her teaching concerned China and Chinese people, she used words such as backward and ignorant.
At the beginning of a new semester in 2019, the teacher gave a plan of what she was going to teach and want the class to discuss. One thing in the outline was a comparison between China and the west. In the plan, China was listed as a country that exemplified the backward. Jasmin couldnt stand such statements and asked her teacher if she had visited China or had Chinese friends. The teacher had never visited China and had no Chinese friends. Jasmin Nielsen protested, saying she had visited China many times and had Chinese friends and asking why the China she witnessed and experienced was different from the China the teacher portrayed.
After the class, Jasmin sent a long email to the teacher. The teacher gave no response, but she chose to drop the comparison in the classroom. After the class, Jasmin and her teacher had a conversation and the teacher showed the 15-year-old the press coverage in Denmark on Hong Kong events in 2019. Jasmin pointed out the coverage was neither complete nor truthful. She asked the teacher if she could give a lecture on China. The teacher okayed her proposal.
The fifteen-year-old spent about two months preparing the lecture. She made a long PPT document. She invited the school principal to attend the lecture. She thought the invitation was appropriate as she was going to touch upon some events such as the opium wars in the history of China and the school principal was a teacher of history.
The lecture was a success. The classmates listened attentively and applauded. She became aware that they really wanted to know more about China. The warm response touched her. She regretted only that her time was limited.
In her home visit to Hangzhou, she gives herself a task of making short videos in Hangzhou and sending them back to her classmates in Denmark, showing what she sees and what she visits. “My sister and I have visited the Great Wall, the Summer Palace and the Forbidden City in Beijing. Many classmates have watched my videos and they think China interesting.”
Chen plans to do some street interviews in a day or two. Her questionnaire lists some questions her classmates in Denmark want to ask. She wants to film direct answers from people she is going to meet.
“I think this is going to be very interesting and therefore I am happy,” says the girl.