Why China Demanded a Formal Apology From the WSJ
By Liu Yunyun
In an opinion article by its editorial board on February 19, Banished in Beijing, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) obliquely questioned China deserving to be treated as a great power after Chinas Foreign Ministry revoked the press credentials of three WSJ reporters over an insensitive article it published, titled China Is the Real Sick Man of Asia.
At a press conference on February 24, the Foreign Ministrys new spokesperson Zhao Lijian repeated the demand for an apology, saying China wont be a “silent lamb.”
Was the Chinese Government overreacting? You need to know the whole picture to understand that.
On February 3, in the midst of Chinas grim battle against the novel coronavirus, the WSJ ran the op-ed article and put it on its Twitter account. On February 6, the Global Times highlighted overseas netizens criticism of the article on its social media platforms, and subsequently, Chinese readers began to catch wind of it and took to the social media to voice their outrage.
The Foreign Ministry demanded an apology for the “racially discriminatory” headline and after two weeks of silence from the WSJ, revoked the press credentials of the three reporters.
Yes, its true, three press credentials over one headline. Many foreign correspondents in China found the move drastic. On any given week, there are loads of articles in the Western media attacking China and the Communist Party of China. Take a look at some of these headlines, they have been getting from bad to worse: Chinas Collapse Has Only Begun; Stop Investing in Chinas Brutality; Why China Is Ready to Fall Apart; China Is Inventing a Whole New Way to Oppress a People; Chinas Communist Party Is as Shadowy and Repressive as When It Took Power 70 Years Ago. (This one was published during the nationwide celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Peoples Republic of China in October 2019.).
Yet China hasnt taken action against any of these media outlets. In fact, the country has become immune to negative press for the most part. China didnt become the worlds second largest economy by getting swayed by the smear campaigns from the West.
But NOW is a different time. China is in effect on a war footing to contain the spread of a new and fatal virus, with its people doing their best and making immense sacrifi ces not only to protect the nation but also the people around the globe. At this juncture, the “sick man of Asia” epithet is particularly insensitive and offensive.
The analogy, though it may sound witty to its creator, revives the painful memory of the century of humiliation of the Chinese nation in the past when the Chinese were bullied, enslaved and massacred by imperialist forces. The headline is tantamount to placing a swastika near the Holocaust Museum or a confederate flag by the National Museum of African American History. Once you know the background, you realize why the Chinese reacted so strongly.
The WSJ has tried to justify its action, chalking it up to freedom of the press. But when one mans freedom means anothers pain and humiliation, if such freedom tramples on anothers dignity, and if such freedom rubs salt in the wound of all those who are grieving, then there will be consequences.
The WSJ also said in the February 19 article that the press credentials of one of its reporters were not renewed in August because of an article written by the reporter. On the other hand, as a journalist myself, I too know too well the plight of Chinese reporters who wait to get their visas from the U.S. Embassy in Beijing. Some had to wait for as long as one year to get their visa renewed before they could go back to their bases in the U.S.
The U.S. Embassy gives them a long list of questions to answer. Much of the information it requires is either confi dential information about the media they work for or about their personal details. But instead of creating a public hullabaloo, these reporters wait quietly for months to hear from the embassy. They respect the rules and regulations of their host country.
Truth, decency and respect should be the basic tenets of responsible journalism. While we all respect the enormous weight the media carries, there is one profound difference in how the Chinese view it. For us, the media needs to contribute to social stability, not disrupt society. China has a population of more than 1.4 billion. Its hard to get a family of four to agree on what to have for breakfast, let alone get such a vast population to strive in the same direction. But that has to be done for the development of the nation.
The media should avoid instigating resentment and stoking anger. We advocate responsible journalism, where the common good outweighs individual interests. We champion introspection rather than finger-pointing. We refrain from shouting destructive opinions when constructive suggestions are not readily available.
Dedicated journalists who point out genuine issues in a responsible manner are an indispensable part in achieving the Chinese dream. And we remain committed to showing the world the real China, warts and all.