Great Migration: The African-American Exodus North 大迁徙:非裔美国人北迁


英语世界 2020年2期


Between 1915 and 1970, more than 6 million African-Americans moved out of the South to cities across the Northeast, Midwest and West.

This relocation—called the Great Migration—resulted in massive demographic shifts across the United States. Between 1910 and 1930, cities such as New York, Chicago, Detroit and Cleveland saw their African-American populations grow by about 40 percent, and the number of African-Americans employed in industrial jobs nearly doubled.

“[The Great Migration] had such an effect on almost every aspect of our lives—from the music that we listen to to the politics of our country to the ways the cities even look and feel, even today,” says Isabel Wilkerson1. “The suburbanization and the ghettos that were created as a result of the limits of where [African-Americans] could live in the North [still exist today]. And ... the South was forced to change, in part because they were losing such a large part of their workforce through the Great Migration.”

On the Jim Crow laws2 in the South

“There were colored and white waiting rooms everywhere, from doctors offices to the bus stations. ... But there were actually colored windows at the post office in Pensacola, Fla. And there were white and colored telephone booths in Oklahoma. There were separate windows where white people and black people would go to get their license plates in Mississippi. And there were even separate tellers to make your deposits at the First National Bank in Atlanta. It was illegal for black people and white people to play checkers together in Birmingham. And there were even black and white Bibles to swear to tell the truth on3 in many parts of the South.”

On resistance from Northern African-American communities to the Great Migration

“At the beginning of the 20th century, before the migration began, 90 percent of all African-Americans were living in the South. By the end of the Great Migration, nearly half of them were living outside the South in the great cities of the North and West. So when this migration began, you had a really small number of people who were living in the North and they were surviving as porters or domestics or preachers—some had risen to levels of professional jobs—but they were, in some ways, protected because they were so small. They did not pose any threat. There was a kind of alchemy4 or acceptance of that small minority of people in these cities. So when you had this great wave and flood of people coming in from the South, many of them untutored and unaware of the ways of the big cities, it was in some ways threatening to those who were already there because they feared the positions that they had worked so hard to achieve—that was tenuous5 at best in these big cities—and thats why there was a great deal of resistance.”

On her parents migration experience

“My parents absolutely did not think of themselves as part of the Great Migration. They knew they were part of a great wave. No one really talked about it in those terms or gave it a name. I grew up surrounded by people who were from North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia—all around me. My parents friends were all from there. They socialized with people from there. They were quite ambitious and competitive among themselves, bragging about that they were going to put their child through Catholic school because that was going to give them a better chance at succeeding. My parents sent me to a school across town, an integrated school, where I had the chance to meet and grow up with people who were from other parts of the world. ... I remember feeling that I would never have anything to contribute on St. Patricks Day. I couldnt tell the stories that they might have been telling about their forebears and I felt left out, and only when I got older, and began reporting from different cities outside of Washington ... there were people who migrated from parts of the South to Chicago and Detroit and Los Angeles and San Francisco. And I began to put these pieces together and it began to hit me that this was so much like the immigration experience of so many others.”











1(1961—  ),美国新闻史上第一位获得普利策特稿奖的非裔美国人,也是第一位获得普利策奖的黑人女性。她的父母在大迁徒中从佐治亚和南弗吉尼亚来到华盛顿特区,她在那里出生、长大。她历尽15年心血,采访1200余人而成的精雕细琢之作《他乡暖阳:美国大迁徙史传》(The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of Americas Great Migration)围绕20世纪黑人大迁徙展开,于2019年1月出版。

2吉姆·克劳法(Jim Crow laws)泛指1876年至1965年间美国南部各州以及边境各州对有色人种(主要针对非裔美国人,但同时也包含其他族群)实行种族隔离制度的法律。  3在英美法系国家,证人出庭时,往往手按《圣经》,发誓所说的一切句句属实。誓词为:I will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God.

4 alchemy(改变事物的)神秘力量。  5 tenuous脆弱的。

