田立新 张向涛 彭光荣 杜晓东 吴 静 蔡国富 朱定伟1(13)
李绪深 杨计海 范彩伟 邓 勇 李 辉 谭建财 李 虎 刘爱群1(23)
李凤杰 李佐强 沈 凡 赖雪莲1(32)
沈伟锋 于仲坤 刁 慧 张 涛1(42)
熊万林 朱俊章 杨兴业 龙祖烈 翟普强 郑仰帝 秦成岗1(54)
李 楠 刘志峰 杨东升 朱石磊 陈少平 张 莹1(66)
薛永安 杨海风 黄江波 杨传超 柳永军 王利良2(14)
于 水 邓运华 李宏义 肖伶俐 武爱俊 李凡异 张振宇2(24)
朱俊章 施 洋 熊万林 史玉玲 杨兴业 黄玉平2(34)
朱定伟 张向涛 雷永昌 邱欣卫 杨亚娟2(44)
陈文雄 高 磊 高文博 左中航 李 芳2(54)
梁玉楠 胡向阳 杨 冬 骆玉虎 钟华明 谭 伟2(63)
周 杰 杨希冰 杨金海 吴 昊 何小胡 宋爱学3(1)
朱继田 邓 勇 郭明刚 宋 鹏 熊小峰 毛雪莲 李 芳 黄时卓 贺 懿 任 婷3(10)
胡雯燕 罗 威 黄 灿 邓广君 付大巍 雷 新3(20)
陈 奎 杨希冰 胡 林 李 明 李安琪 王真真 李凤霞 李夏露3(33)
周家雄 马光克 隋 波 徐 伟 赵昌垒 李 蓉3(51)
邓 勇 潘光超 李 辉 张 毅 任 婷3(59)
张恒荣 何胜林 丁 磊 谭 伟 杨 毅3(69)
田立新 刘 杰 张向涛 刘 军 代一丁4(1)
张向涛 朱俊章 熊万林 秦成岗 杜家元 孔祥星 张林晔4(12)
李洪博 郑金云 庞 雄 任建业 李瑞彪4(24)
龙祖烈 陈 聪 马 宁 翟普强 黄玉平 石 创4(36)
周凤娟 丁 琳 马永坤 李晓艳 张月霞 赵 梦 阙晓铭4(46)
宗兆云 孙乾浩 陈维涛 罗 明 贾培蒙 何 叶 卫 哲4(56)
管 耀 冯 进 刘君毅 高楚桥 王清辉 李兆平 石 磊 潘卫国4(71)
李友川 王 珂 兰 蕾5(1)
张丽丽 舒梁锋 冯 轩 于 飒 吴婷婷5(9)
南海IODP U1501站始新统—渐新统有机地球化学特征及烃源条件分析
刘传联 陈 莹 龚瑞雪 孙 瑞 马瑞罡 张功成5(19)
史玉玲 张向涛 朱俊章 龙祖烈 贾兆扬 张小龙5(26)
陈 亮 冯 轩 韩晋阳 王家豪5(36)
王绪诚 杜家元 张 琴 罗 明 刘汉卿 姚佳利5(44)
李 虹 张新涛 郭 涛 张 藜 王 军5(54)
尹志军 李 超 吕文杰 赵海峰5(63)
刘浩男 文晓涛 何 健 陈芊澍 张晓琦5(73)
田立新 张忠涛 庞 雄 吴 哲 王卓超 何 敏 陈红汉 舒梁峰 冯 轩6(1)
王一博 赵志刚 谢晓军 郭 佳 唐 武 兰 蕾6(12)
李宏义 徐建永 李友川 武爱俊 肖伶俐 张振宇 沈 娇6(22)
时 阳 郭 浩 廖飞燕 程 刚 李晓寒6(31)
刘 巍 胡 林 廖 仪 王玲玲 何昭勇 贾曙光6(43)
宋爱学 杨计海 杨金海 胡 斌 王丽君 卢 昕6(54)
胡 云 谭忠健 张建斌 戴 珩 张向前6(70)
陈元千 宋 珩 徐佳倩 孙银行 陈 松1(74)
付 强 杜志敏 王硕亮1(79)
赵 楠 王 磊 黄 俊 张 辉 彭小东1(87)
冯 鑫 孟 鹏 郭敬民 李 博 赵澄圣 熊 聪1(95)
陈 健 雷 霄 王雯娟 韩 鑫 刘贤玉2(70)
袁丙龙 张 辉 张连枝 叶 青 晁彩霞 陈之贺 王 猛2(78)
鲁瑞彬 王雯娟 胡 琳 张风波 韩 鑫2(88)
商建霞 张 辉 叶 青 李 华 汪明伟 阮洪江2(96)
姜汉桥 赵玉云 陈 强 李俊键 成宝洋 范 桢3(77)
何小东 马俊修 石善志 刘 刚 谭 强3(86)
赵玉云 姜汉桥 李俊键 成宝洋 范 桢3(94)
张 景 王 颖 范希彬 户海胜 杨 鑫 李 闽3(105)
陈民锋 杨子由 杨金欣4(78)
李泉泉 马世忠 胡光义 梁 旭 张雨晴 张斌弛 邵世国 王克东4(85)
权 勃 侯东梅 牟松茹 杨建民 张文童 黄 奇4(96)
基于人工神经网络方法的页岩油气产量预测新技术——以美国Eagle Ford页岩油气田为例
李彦尊 白玉湖 陈桂华 徐兵祥 陈 岭 董志强4(104)
杨 柳 雷 霄 王雯娟 刘双琪 韩 鑫4(111)
衡立群 张青青 王 健 戴 宗 孙润平5(82)
朱义东 李 威 王要森 文 星 居字龙 周开金5(91)
王亚会 闫正和 涂 乙 汤小龙 张晓林 徐 伟 汪 毅5(100)
李 黎 沈水荣 吴意明 张永江 王要森 董 政 刘 振 刘 南5(107)
张贤松 李保振 王旭东 杨 光6(77)
肖大坤 范廷恩 范洪军 牛 涛 樊鹏军 马淑芳 罗江华6(82)
汪新光 张 冲 张 辉 覃利娟 赵 楠 彭小东 王 磊 向耀权6(90)
张 慧 鞠斌山 苏英杰6(99)
张伟国 金 颢 李 波 王志远 王 泽 仉 志1(111)
张俊斌 李 彬 金 颢 陈 宇 陆永伟 汪 蕾1(119)
田家林 何虹志 杨 琳 杨应林 宫学成 胡志超 李居瑞1(125)
狄明利 赵远远 由福昌 吴 宇 侯珊珊1(134)
易 飞 孙 林 高建崇 熊培祺 李旭光2(106)
杨 柳 冷润熙 常天全 卢志远 刘伊凡 葛洪魁2(112)
陈 强 侯珊珊 吴 宇 由福昌2(120)
李 乾 张海山 邱 康 王孝山 黄 召 杜 鹏 苏志波 雷 磊2(126)
许 杰 贾立新 陈 毅 张启龙 刘 鹏3(118)
马英文 王昆剑3(124)
司念亭 冯 硕 方培林 刘颖杰 张冠杰3(130)
龚 宁 马英文 李 进 张启龙 肖文凤3(136)
郭永宾 管 申 刘智勤 彭 巍 徐一龙4(117)
杨 进 李文龙 胡志强 殷启帅 李舒展4(124)
孙长利 苗典远 李允智 王福学 张 帅4(131)
薛懿伟 陈立强 徐 鲲 杨保健4(140)
梁 豪 郭书生 廖高龙4(147)
3 000 m水下应急封井装置下放过程平衡分析
董星亮 张 崇 顾纯巍 杨 进 王茂刚 王莹莹5(114)
李 中 吴建树 闫 伟 李 磊 邓金根 杨 浩 陈际宇 黄 馨 王璐瑶5(120)
刘书杰 任美鹏 李 军 张兴全 吴 怡 杨宏伟5(129)
郭永宾 管 申 刘智勤 郭 浩 刘贤玉5(137)
罗宇维 肖 伟 赵 军5(145)
马英文 韩耀图6(108)
付锁堂 张矿生 唐梅荣 杜现飞 郭 超 孙 峰6(116)
李淑霞 于 笑 李 爽 李清平 庞维新6(122)
郑春峰 杨万有 孟熙然 李 昂 沈 琼 赵景辉 薛德栋6(128)
彭建峰 廖云虎 郑华安 龚云蕾 袁 辉 于志刚 贾 辉6(136)
陈荣旗 雷震名1(142)
骆寒冰 刘玉廷 谢 芃 白晓东1(149)
诸国华 马网扣1(157)
基于ANSYS Workbench的海洋模块钻机基座多目标优化设计
武卓威 刘 俊 寇雨丰 徐胜文1(171)
李志刚 安维峥2(134)
唐文献 赵 磊 李 华 陈 晨 王文涛 何佳伟2(142)
徐 宁 赵宏林 周学军 王莹莹 郭 鑫 李 楠2(156)
深水锚系更换数值模拟分析方法及其工程应用——以流花11-1 NHSL FPSO系泊系统为例
高 原 孙 锟 张人公 杨 盛 方 霖2(163)
宋纪贵 邵永波 杨冬平2(171)
王春升 陈国龙 石 云 平朝春3(143)
王文祥 白雪平 李 达 陈子婧 于邦廷3(152)
邱银锋 李 强 万光芬 魏 澈3(157)
刘人玮 周晓红 刘向东 郭 欣 张 倩3(164)
周良胜 颜筱函 周晓红 路 宏 张文欣3(170)
江俊达 黄启玉 高雪冬 朱祥瑞 张 雨3(175)
蒋梅荣 郭良波 任叙合 曹 静 李家钢4(158)
刘华祥 袁玉杰 曾靖波 陈再胜 邓林青4(164)
袁晓兵 陈国明 范红艳 邵筱焱 杨 超 葛伟凤 蔡宝平4(171)
欧阳敏 吴 涛 李 列 李 林 邱 宇 朱 其4(179)
谢 彬 赵晶瑞 喻西崇5(152)
李 英 单良娥 韩 宇5(159)
张春迎 余建星 余 杨 韩梦雪 李牧之 颜铠阳 成司元 徐立新5(168)
曹 杨 王红红 林 超 吕松松 王魁涛 李忠涛5(174)
朱敬宇 陈国明 孟祥坤 杨玉婷5(182)
许晓丽 李艳华 蒋 薇 赵紫浩 毛伟志5(188)
尤学刚 陈邦敏 刘孔忠 刘新宇 吴尧增 曾 冬6(141)
侯 静 刘孔忠 熊 刚6(150)
刘军鹏 于 波 张嘉毓 张博文 邱中梁 段梦兰6(158)
周 军 周柳玲 梁光川 陈 川 李泽龙 黄薪宇 周 轩6(165)
张在孝 黄启玉 张 汛 单锦旭 朱祥瑞 张 雨6(172)
陈海宏 李清平 姚海元6(179)
兰志刚 于 汀 焦 婷 孙洋洲6(185)
海上油田开发与开采专家 易 飞
海洋工程专家 陈荣旗
液化天然气专家 单彤文
(卷 终)
Practices and thoughts of CNOOC offshore oil and gas exploration
XIE Yuhong2(1)
Geological understanding and innovation in Xihu sag and breakthroughs in oil and gas exploration
ZHOU Xinhuai1(1)
Petroleum geological characteristics and main controlling factors of the Yangjiang sag in Pearl River Mouth Basin
TIAN Lixin ZHANG Xiangtao PENG Guangrong DU Xiaodong WU Jing CAI Guofu ZHU Dingwei1(13)
New progress and key technologies for high temperature and overpressure natural gas exploration in the northern
part of South China Sea:Taking the Ledong slope belt of Yinggehai Basin as an example
LI Xushen YANG Jihai FAN Caiwei DENG Yong LI Hui TAN Jiancai LI Hu LIU Aiqun1(23)
Sedimentary facies and evolution analysis of the Middle Devonian Guanwushan Formation in the
Longmenshan area
LI Fengjie LI Zuoqiang SHEN Fan LAI Xuelian1(32)
Simulation of heat flow evolution history in Xihu sag and its significance for hydrocarbon accumulation
SHEN Weifeng YU Zhongkun DIAO Hui ZHANG Tao1(42)
Study on the genetic sources and accumulation processes of oil and gas in the north uplift structural belt of
Enping sag
XIONG Wanlin ZHU Junzhang YANG Xingye LONG Zulie ZHAI Puqiang ZHENG Yangdi QIN Chenggang1(54)
Application of comprehensive seismic attributes analysis technology in fine channel characterization
LI Nan LIU Zhifeng YANG Dongsheng ZHU Shilei CHEN Shaoping ZHANG Ying1(66)
Technological and theoretical innovations in the shallow hydrocarbon migration and accumulation of the Bohai sea
and the exploration breakthroughs
XUE Yongan YANG Haifeng HUANG Jiangbo YANG Chuanchao LIU Yongjun WANG Liliang2(14)
Forming conditions and distribution controlling factors of oil shale in Liu 2 Member of Beibuwan basin
YU Shui DENG Yunhua LI Hongyi XIAO Lingli WU Aijun LI Fanyi ZHANG Zhenyu2(24)
Genesis analysis of Paleogene heavy oil and asphaltene in sandstone reservoir in Kaiping sag
ZHU Junzhang SHI Yang XIONG Wanlin SHI Yuling YANG Xingye HUANG Yuping2(34)
Tectonic characteristics of Lufeng North area and the exploration direction of the Enping Formation
ZHU Dingwei ZHANG Xiangtao LEI Yongchang QIU Xinwei YANG Yajuan2(44)
Comprehensive multi-parameter seismic oil and gas detection in the southwestern Bohai sea
CHEN Wenxiong GAO Lei GAO Wenbo ZUO Zhonghang LI Fang2(54)
A new method for sealed coring saturation correction of high shaly content reservoirs
LIANG Yunan HU Xiangyang YANG Dong LUO Yuhu ZHONG Huaming TAN Wei2(63)
Development characteristics and formation mechanism of Mesozoic buried hill fractures in the deep water area of
Qiongdongnan basin: Taking Y8 area in Songnan low uplift as an example
ZHOU Jie YANG Xibing YANG Jinhai WU Hao HE Xiaohu SONG Aixue3(1)
Mineralization conditions and accumulation pattern of the gas hydrate in Qiongdongnan basin floor plain
ZHU Jitian DENG Yong GUO Minggang
SONG Peng XIONG Xiaofeng MAO Xuelian LI Fang HUANG Shizhuo HE Yi REN Ting3(10)
Characteristics of Dongsha movement in Qiongdongnan basin and its petroleum geological significance
HU Wenyan LUO Wei HUANG Can DENG Guangjun FU Dawei LEI Xin3(20)
Study on the target search technical system in mature deep water exploration area of Qiongdongnan basin and
application effect
CHEN Kui YANG Xibing HU Lin LI Ming LI Anqi WANG Zhenzhen LI Fengxia LI Xialu3(33)
Genetic mechanism and seismic response characteristics of acoustic turbidites in the northern margin of the
South China Sea
SONG Ruiyou3(43)
Shear wave noise suppression method on OBC vertical component based on multi-component threshold control in
Curvelet domain
ZHOU Jiaxiong MA Guangke SUI Bo XU Wei ZHAO Changlei LI Rong3(51)
Analysis on genesis and imaging countermeasures on the diapir fuzzy area in Yinggehai basin
DENG Yong PAN Guangchao LI Hui ZHANG Yi REN Ting3(59)
Genetic analysis on low resistivity oil layers in the pebbled sandstone of the third Member of Liushagang
Formation in Wushi oilfield
ZHANG Hengrong HE Shenglin DING Lei TAN Wei YANG Yi3(69)
Discovery and accumulation pattern of HZ26-6 large-medium sized pan-buried hill oil and gas field in Pearl River
Mouth basin
TIAN Lixin LIU Jie ZHANG Xiangtao LIU Jun DAI Yiding4(1)
Biomarker characteristics and oil-source discrimination of source rocks in Wenchang Formation of Panyu 4 sag
ZHANG Xiangtao ZHU Junzhang XIONG Wanlin QIN Chenggang DU Jiayuan KONG Xiangxing ZHANG Linye4(12)
Structural patterns and controlling factors of differential detachment in the northern continental margin of the
South China Sea:Taking Baiyun-Liwan deep water area in the Pearl River Mouth basin as an example
LI Hongbo ZHENG Jinyun PANG Xiong REN Jianye LI Ruibiao4(24)
Geneses and accumulation characteristics of hydrocarbons in Baiyun sag, deep water area of Pearl River
Mouth basin
LONG Zulie CHEN Cong MA Ning ZHAI Puqiang HUANG Yuping SHI Chuang4(36)
Detrital zircon U-Pb age characteristics of Wenchang Formation in Lufeng 13 eastern sag and its significance for
provenance tracing
ZHOU Fengjuan DING Lin MA Yongkun LI Xiaoyan ZHANG Yuexia ZHAO Meng QUE Xiaoming4(46)
Pre-stack seismic solid-liquid decoupling identification for oil-gas reservoirs in southwestern Huizhou area
ZONG Zhaoyun SUN Qianhao CHEN Weitao LUO Ming JIA Peimeng HE Ye WEI Zhe4(56)
Application of offshore high-density 3D seismic acquisition technology in lithologic trap exploration: A case
study of Huizhou A block in Pearl River Mouth basin
LIU Daoli4(65)
Joint inversion method of nuclear magnetic resonance and conventional logging for the rock components of
low-contrast sandstone reservoirs
GUAN Yao FENG Jin LIU Junyi GAO Chuqiao WANG Qinghui LI Zhaoping SHI Lei PAN Weiguo4(71)
Oil and gas differences and their controlling factors of the main sags in the Beibuwan basin
LI Youchuan WANG Ke LAN Lei5(1)
Further discussion on the age assignment of Enping Formation in the Pearl River Mouth basin
ZHANG Lili SHU Liangfeng FENG Xuan YU Sa WU Tingting5(9)
Organic geochemical characteristics and hydrocarbon source conditions analysis of Eocene-Oligocene at IODP
Site U1501 in the South China Sea
LIU Chuanlian CHEN Ying GONG Ruixue SUN Rui MA Ruigang ZHANG Gongcheng5(19)
Statistics on the main geological factors controlling hydrocarbon accumulation of near and distal sources in
Zhu I depression and the physical simulation experiment of hydrocarbons migration
SHI Yuling ZHANG Xiangtao ZHU Junzhang LONG Zulie JIA Zhaoyang ZHANG Xiaolong5(26)
Deep-water fine-grained fan sedimentary model of SQ13.8 sequence in the Baiyun sag, Pearl River
Mouth basin
CHEN Liang FENG Xuan HAN Jinyang WANG Jiahao5(36)
Study of source-sink system of transfer zone type of Palaeogene in southwestern area of the Huizhou sag and its
exploration significance
WANG Xucheng DU Jiayuan ZHANG Qin LUO Ming LIU Hanqing YAO Jiali5(44)
Shinan slope zone of Bohai sea
LI Hong ZHANG Xintao GUO Tao ZHANG Li WANG Jun5(54)
Lithofacies characteristics and distribution prediction of Paleogene volcanic rocks in BZ34-9 oilfield
YIN Zhijun LI Chao LYU Wenjie ZHAO Haifeng5(63)
AVO type discrimination based on random forest algorithm
LIU Haonan WEN Xiaotao HE Jian CHEN Qianshu ZHANG Xiaoqi5(73)
Characteristics of overpressure development in the mid-deep strata of Baiyun sag and its new enlightenment in
exploration activity
TIAN Lixin ZHANG Zhongtao PANG Xiong
WU Zhe WANG Zhuochao HE Min CHEN Honghan SHU Liangfeng FENG Xuan6(1)
Cenozoic sedimentary fillings and development characteristics of source rocks in main basins in central-southern
South China Sea
WANG Yibo ZHAO Zhigang XIE Xiaojun GUO Jia TANG Wu LAN Lei6(12)
Comparison on the efficiency of hydrocarbon generation & expulsion and the contribution to hydrocarbon
accumulation of different source rocks in Liu 2 Member, Beibuwan basin
LI Hongyi XU Jianyong LI Youchuan WU Aijun XIAO Lingli ZHANG Zhenyu SHEN Jiao6(22)
Physical properties and geochemical characteristics of crude oil in Fushan sag, Beibuwan basin
SHI Yang GUO Hao LIAO Feiyan CHENG Gang LI Xiaohan6(31)
Forward simulation on seismic response of channel sand body architecture in central canyon of Lingshui sag and
favorable zone prediction
LIU Wei HU Lin LIAO Yi WANG Lingling HE Zhaoyong JIA Shuguang6(43)
Zoning characteristics of buried hill reservoir and prediction of favorable reservoir in the western deep water area
of South China Sea
SONG Aixue YANG Jihai YANG Jinhai HU Bin WANG Lijun LU Xin6(54)
A method for calculating S-wave porosity based on Pride rock frame model
LI Zhiyuan6(64)
Application of cuttings composition analysis in identification on BZ19-6 burial hill surface
HU Yun TAN Zhongjian ZHANG Jianbin DAI Heng ZHANG Xiangqian6(70)
Improvement of the generalized exponential decline and its application on the development evaluation of oil
and gas fields
CHEN Yuanqian SONG Heng XU Jiaqian SUN Yinhang CHEN Song1(74)
A reservoir numerical simulation method that takes dynamic relative permeability curve into account
FU Qiang DU Zhimin WANG Shuoliang1(79)
Fractal characteristics comparison and genetic analysis of low permeability reservoirs with different lithologies
ZHAO Nan WANG Lei HUANG Jun ZHANG Hui PENG Xiaodong1(87)
Prediction method of thin mudstone-conglomerate interlayer in braided river with sparse well pattern in
offshore oilfield
FENG Xin MENG Peng GUO Jingmin LI Bo ZHAO Chengsheng XIONG Cong1(95)
Configuration characterization of distributary channel-type shallow water delta reservoirs in Bohai sea:Taking the
lower Minghuazhen Formaiton of QK oilfield as an example
LI Zhenpeng1(103)
A new model for predicting the Z-factor of high-temperature and high-pressure CO2-bearing gas reservoir
CHEN Jian LEI Xiao WANG Wenjuan HAN Xin LIU Xianyu2(70)
Types and distribution patterns of shallow water delta front sand bodies in Weixinan sag
YUAN Binglong ZHANG Hui ZHANG Lianzhi YE Qing CHAO Caixia CHEN Zhihe WANG Meng2(78)
Discussion on the change laws of gas-water relative permeability in the depletion development of HTHP
gas reservoirs
LU Ruibin WANG Wenjuan HU Lin ZHANG Fengbo HAN Xin2(88)
Architecture analysis of fan delta thick reservoir and its application in potential tapping of remaining oil at high
water cut stage:Taking the Wenchang B oilfield in Pearl River Mouth Basin as an example
SHANG Jianxia ZHANG Hui YE Qing LI Hua WANG Mingwei RUAN Hongjiang2(96)
Optimal method of fracture parameters for horizontal well fracturing in tight oil reservoir
JIANG Hanqiao ZHAO Yuyun CHEN Qiang LI Junjian CHENG Baoyang FAN Zhen3(77)
Core differential strain test of tight glutinite reservoir in Mahu oilfield
HE Xiaodong MA Junxiu SHI Shanzhi LIU Gang TAN Qiang3(86)
Correlation coefficients controlled random characterization and generation methods of fractures in tight reservoirs
ZHAO Yuyun JIANG Hanqiao LI Junjian CHENG Baoyang FAN Zhen3(94)
Evaluation study on the stress sensitivity of tight glutenite reservoir
ZHANG Jing WANG Ying FAN Xibin HU Haisheng YANG Xin LI Min3(105)
Technical limits for the overall infilling and adjustment of well pattern in low permeability reservoirs
CHEN Minfeng YANG Ziyou YANG Jinxin4(78)
Delta progradational fine sequence correlation method for the slope belts of fault basin: A case study of
the lower second Member of the Palaeogene Dongying Formation in Bohai SZ oilfield
LI Quanquan MA Shizhong HU Guangyi
LIANG Xu ZHANG Yuqing ZHANG Binchi SHAO Shiguo WANG Kedong4(85)
Study on configuration unit spatial distribution of braided river reservoirs based on horizontal well information
QUAN Bo HOU Dongmei MOU Songru YANG Jianmin ZHANG Wentong HUANG Qi4(96)
ANN method based on novel technology for production prediction of shale oil and gas: A case study in
Eagle Ford
LI Yanzun BAI Yuhu CHEN Guihua XU Bingxiang CHEN Ling DONG Zhiqiang4(104)
Influences of elastic expansion and stress sensitivity on recovery of gas reservoirs with ultra-high pressure and
low permeability
YANG Liu LEI Xiao WANG Wenjuan LIU Shuangqi HAN Xin4(111)
“V-C” sequence stratigraphic analysis method and its application in the middle-late stages of oilfield development
HENG Liqun ZHANG Qingqing WANG Jian DAI Zong SUN Runping5(82)
Fine reservoir description and its application in offshore ultra-high water-cut oilfields:Taking the marine-continent
transitional facies A reservoir of Lufeng oilfield as an example
ZHU Yidong LI Wei WANG Yaosen WEN Xing JU Zilong ZHOU Kaijin5(91)
Research on miscible flooding with rich gas in reef limestone heavy oil reservoir in the South China Sea
WANG Yahui YAN Zhenghe TU Yi TANG Xiaolong ZHANG Xiaolin XU Wei WANG Yi5(100)
Velocity modeling combining full waveform inversion with fault controlled tomographic inversion: A case study
of A oilfield in the eastern South China Sea
LI Li SHEN Shuirong WU Yiming ZHANG Yongjiang WANG Yaosen DONG Zheng LIU Zhen LIU Nan5(107)
Numerical simulation study on mechanism and development effect of impure CO2near-miscible flooding
ZHANG Xiansong LI Baozhen WANG Xudong YANG Guang6(77)
Geological modeling and quality control methods of metamorphic buried hill dual medium reservoir:A case study of
Oilfield A, Bohai bay
XIAO Dakun FAN Tingen FAN Hongjun NIU Tao FAN Pengjun MA Shufang LUO Jianghua6(82)
Quantitative characterization method of movable fluid percentage in low permeability reservoirs of Weixinan sag
WANG Xinguang ZHANG Chong ZHANG Hui
QIN Lijuan ZHAO Nan PENG Xiaodong WANG Lei XIANG Yaoquan6(90)
Responding characteristics and influencing factors of nitrogen drive in fracture-vug reservoirs of Tahe oilfield
ZHANG Hui JU Binshan SU Yingjie6(99)
Method in predicting the returned cuttings accumulation parameters of LH16-2 oilfield
ZHANG Weiguo JIN Hao LI Bo WANG Zhiyuan WANG Ze ZHANG Zhi1(111)
Study and application of a low hydration heat cement slurry system for the cementing of deepwater hydrate layer
ZHANG Junbin LI Bin JIN Hao CHEN Yu LU Yongwei WANG Lei1(119)
Design of a new jet oscillation friction reducing tool and the numerical simulation analysis and experimental
testing on its internal flow field characteristics
TIAN Jialin HE Hongzhi YANG Lin YANG Yinglin GONG Xuecheng HU Zhichao LI Jurui1(125)
Analysis on wellbore instability mechanisms and drilling fluid system optimization for the Paleogene strata
in Xijiang block
DI Mingli ZHAO Yuanyuan YOU Fuchang WU Yu HOU Shanshan1(134)
Orthogonal comprehensive balance analysis of deflagration fracturing gunpowder parameters
YI Fei SUN Lin GAO Jianchong XIONG Peiqi LI Xuguang2(106)
Correlation between the imbibition and salt ion diffusion of shale gas reservoirs
YANG Liu LENG Runxi CHANG Tianquan LU Zhiyuan LIU Yifan GE Hongkui2(112)
Development and application of environmental-friendly degradable lubricant
CHEN Qiang HOU Shanshan WU Yu YOU Fuchang2(120)
Research on the rock drillability prediction methods of deep strata in the East China Sea
LI Qian ZHANG Haishan QIU Kang WANG Xiaoshan HUANG Zhao DU Peng SU Zhibo LEI Lei2(126)
Status and prospect of comprehensive treatment technologies for low production and low efficiency wells in
Bohai oilfield
DENG Jianming3(111)
Design of casing perforation parameters for offshore heavy oil thermal recovery wells
XU Jie JIA Lixin CHEN Yi ZHANG Qilong LIU Peng3(118)
Application of TAML-4 drilling and completion technology in CFD11-1 oilfield
MA Yingwen WANG Kunjian3(124)
Reservoir protection techniques during workover in KL10-1 oilfield
SI Nianting FENG Shuo FANG Peilin LIU Yingjie ZHANG Guanjie3(130)
Study on the water control technology in horizontal openhole wells of Bohai oilfield
GONG Ning MA Yingwen LI Jin ZHANG Qilong XIAO Wenfeng3(136)
Full oil-based strong sealing drilling fluid technology in Weizhou W oilfield
GUO Yongbin GUAN Shen LIU Zhiqin PENG Wei XU Yilong4(117)
Research progresses on subsea wellhead stability of deep water drilling
YANG Jin LI Wenlong HU Zhiqiang YIN Qishuai LI Shuzhan4(124)
Optimal design method for dynamic killing parameters of deep water rescue well
SUN Changli MIAO Dianyuan LI Yunzhi WANG Fuxue ZHANG Shuai4(131)
Research and application of ROP improvement technology in deep buried hill hard formations of BZ19-6 large
gas field
XUE Yiwei CHEN Liqiang XU Kun YANG Baojian4(140)
Application of pressure-monitoring technology while drilling in non-undercompaction overpressure formation in
Ledong area of Yingqiong basin
LIANG Hao GUO Shusheng LIAO Gaolong4(147)
Balance analysis for landing of subsea capping stacks to a depth of 3 000 m
DONG Xingliang ZHANG Chong GU Chunwei YANG Jin WANG Maogang WANG Yingying5(114)
Risk assessment of wellbore integrity failure in deep water exploration wells based on Bayesian network
LI Zhong WU Jianshu YAN Wei LI Lei DENG Jingen YANG Hao CHEN Jiyu HUANG Xin WANG Luyao5(120)
Adaptability analysis of offshore managed pressure drilling technologies in China
LIU Shujie REN Meipeng LI Jun ZHANG Xingquan WU Yi YANG Hongwei5(129)
First application of multi-lateral ultra-short radius drilling in China offshore oilfields
GUO Yongbin GUAN Shen LIU Zhiqin GUO Hao LIU Xianyu5(137)
Research progresses and development suggestions of CNOOC cementing technology during the “13th Five-Year Plan”
LUO Yuwei XIAO Wei ZHAO Jun5(145)
Status and prospect of perforating technology in China offshore oilfields
MA Yingwen HAN Yaotu6(108)
Research on the coupling response between fractures injection pressure and stress field during multi-fractures
propagation in tight reservoir
FU Suotang ZHANG Kuangsheng TANG Meirong DU Xianfei GUO Chao SUN Feng6(116)
Prediction of gas production of Shenhu hydrate reservoir by depressurization and its stimulation treatment
LI Shuxia YU Xiao LI Shuang LI Qingping PANG Weixin6(122)
Design and performance evaluation of a novel downhole gas-liquid separator for offshore high gas bearing wells
ZHENG Chunfeng YANG Wanyou MENG Xiran LI Ang SHEN Qiong ZHAO Jinghui XUE Dedong6(128)
Application of HWR new chemical sand control material to western South China Sea oilfield
PENG Jianfeng LIAO Yunhu ZHENG Huaan GONG Yunlei YUAN Hui YU Zhigang JIA Hui6(136)
Experimental research and field verification of submarine pipeline erosion suppression model
CHEN Rongqi LEI Zhenming1(142)
Experimental study on the coupled motion responses of the topside structure while lifting it with large scale crane
vessel in the swell environment
LUO Hanbing LIU Yuting XIE Peng BAI Xiaodong1(149)
Analysis on the general performance of SJ350 jack-up drilling unit
ZHU Guohua MA Wangkou1(157)
ANSYS Workbench-based multi-objective optimization design for offshore MDR base
YANG Xiaolong1(165)
Numerical simulation of local cutting process and improvement of supporting scheme during the construction
of semi-submersible platform
WU Zhuowei LIU Jun KOU Yufeng XU Shengwen1(171)
Progress and outlook of equipment engineering technologies for subsea oil and gas production system in China
LI Zhigang AN Weizheng2(134)
Pretreatment of glycol regeneration and recovery system as well as the parameters optimization of dehydration
regeneration process
TANG Wenxian ZHAO Lei LI Hua CHEN Chen WANG Wentao HE Jiawei2(142)
Study on the structural safety assessment and repair plan of HZ32-3 jacket with intensive cracks
WANG Huoping2(150)
Hydrodynamic analysis of underwater suspension cluster manifold under different buoyancy
XU Ning ZHAO Honglin ZHOU Xuejun WANG Yingying GUO Xin LI Nan2(156)
Numerical simulation analysis method of deepwater mooring system replacement and its engineering application:
A case of LH11-1 NHSL FPSO mooring system
GAO Yuan SUN Kun ZHANG Rengong YANG Sheng FANG Lin2(163)
Static behavior analysis of using carbon fiber reinforced polymer to enhance the YY-type tubular joints with
corrosion defects
SONG Jigui SHAO Yongbo YANG Dongping2(171)
Engineering plans study on the development of Liuhua deep water oilfields in the South China Sea
WANG Chunsheng CHEN Guolong SHI Yun PING Chaochun3(143)
Study on HYSY 119 FPSO seawater intake schemes
WANG Wenxiang BAI Xueping LI Da CHEN Zijing YU Bangting3(152)
Review on the state of art on subsea high power and long distance power supply technology for
deep water oil and gas fields development
QIU Yinfeng LI Qiang WAN Guangfen WEI Che3(157)
Study and effect analysis on smoke elimination process scheme for FPSO flares in Liuhua oilfields
LIU Renwei ZHOU Xiaohong LIU Xiangdong GUO Xin ZHANG Qian3(164)
Analysis on operation effect of PID control based on deep water double-pipeline system
ZHOU Liangsheng YAN Xiaohan ZHOU Xiaohong LU Hong ZHANG Wenxin3(170)
Experimental study on the wax deposition law in subsea crude oil pipeline of LH16-2 oilfield
JIANG Junda HUANG Qiyu GAO Xuedong ZHU Xiangrui ZHANG Yu3(175)
Current development status and prospects of the intelligent manufacturing of offshore oil and gas
production equipment
CHEN Rongqi4(152)
Field monitoring and numerical simulation analysis on the effect of drilling fluid discharge on marine environment
JIANG Meirong GUO Liangbo REN Xuhe CAO Jing LI Jiagang4(158)
Application state and prospect of steels for jacket platform
LIU Huaxiang YUAN Yujie ZENG Jingbo CHEN Zaisheng DENG Linqing4(164)
Bayesian network-based prediction on remaining life of subsea Christmas tree system
YUAN Xiaobing CHEN Guoming FAN Hongyan SHAO Xiaoyan YANG Chao GE Weifeng CAI Baoping4(171)
Seabed stability evaluation of deep water well site with complex topography in Qiongdongnan continental slope area
OUYANG Min WU Tao LI Lie LI Lin QIU Yu ZHU Qi4(179)
Core technology development status and key technology development trends of LNG industry chain in China
SHAN Tongwen4(190)
Applicability analysis and localization thoughts of FLNG offloading system in the South China Sea
XIE Bin ZHAO Jingrui YU Xichong5(152)
Analogue simulation of axial movement of submarine short straight pipelines and the analysis of anchoring measures
LI Ying SHAN Liang’e HAN Yu5(159)
Analysis of buckling failure simulation of bi-metal lined pipe under complex loading
ZHANG Chunying YU Jianxing YU Yang HAN Mengxue LI Muzhi YAN Kaiyang CHENG Siyuan XU Lixin5(168)
Casualty accident model of pig receiving and the safety level fuzzy comprehensive assessment
CAO Yang WANG Honghong LIN Chao LYU Songsong WANG Kuitao LI Zhongtao5(174)
N-Kmodel-based coupling risk analysis of deep water blowout accidents
ZHU Jingyu CHEN Guoming MENG Xiangkun YANG Yuting5(182)
Risk analysis of dropped objects on LS17-2 semi-submersible production and storage platform
XU Xiaoli LI Yanhua JIANG Wei ZHAO Zihao MAO Weizhi5(188)
Study on the closure scheme of semi-submersible production and storage platform in LS17-2 gas field
YOU Xuegang CHEN Bangmin LIU Kongzhong LIU Xinyu WU Yaozeng ZENG Dong6(141)
Feasibility analysis of “HYSY201” for deep water steel catenary riser laying in LS17-2 gas field
HOU Jing LIU Kongzhong XIONG Gang6(150)
Simulation analysis of ultimate bearing capacity of large spherical-cylindrical combined pressure shell structure
LIU Junpeng YU Bo ZHANG Jiayu ZHANG Bowen QIU Zhongliang DUAN Menglan6(158)
Research on the overall optimization of star-tree type oil and gas pipeline network layout based on mixed integer
programming mode
ZHOU Jun ZHOU Liuling LIANG Guangchuan CHEN Chuan LI Zelong HUANG Xinyu ZHOU Xuan6(165)
Simulation study on wax deposition rate in subsea crude oil pipeline of LH16-2 oilfield
ZHANG Zaixiao HUANG Qiyu ZHANG Xun SHAN Jinxu ZHU Xiangrui ZHANG Yu6(172)
Numerical simulation on the flow maldistribution degree of horizontal branched gathering manifolds
CHEN Haihong LI Qingping YAO Haiyuan6(179)
Maturity prediction and key fields analysis of ocean thermal energy conversion technology based on patent information
LAN Zhigang YU Ting JIAO Ting SUN Yangzhou6(185)
Offshore oil and gas development and production expert YI Fei
Ocean Engineering Expert CHEN Rongqi
Liquified Natural Gas Expert SHAN Tongwen