林业工程学报 2020年第5卷 总目次


林业工程学报 2020年6期



孙德林,计晓琴,王张恒,孙振宇,朱志红 1(1)


吴慧,李文焰,赵梦婵,卢生昌,黄六莲,陈礼辉 11(1)


冯国东,马艳,贾普友,胡云,胡立红,周永红 18(1)


高强,刘峥,李建章 1(2)


何盛,陈玉和,吴再兴,胡玉安 12(2)


徐蕊,司传领,孔凡功,李晓云 20(2)


陈志俊,高鹤,李伟,李淑君,刘守新,李坚 1(3)


王小青,孟军旺,程志泳,管浩 13(3)


危卫华,李元同,李迎丽,杨光,计恺豪,陈增涛,梅长彤 21(3)


汪钟凯,周江骏,穆世玲,刘伟 1(4)


金永灿,陈慧,吴文娟,尉慰奇 12(4)


李利芬,吴志刚,梁坚坤,余丽萍 20(4)


武国芳,孙竞成,黄成建,任海青,赵荣军 29(4)


潘明珠,丁春香,张帅,黄燕萍 1(5)


杨蕊,曹清华,洪枢,彭俊懿,杜竞韬,徐真,张洋 13(5)


杨佳鑫,司传领,刘坤,刘华玉,李晓云,梁敏 21(5)


李海涛,宣一伟,许斌,李淑恒 1(6)


蒋建新,唐蒙,韩明会 11(6)


桑瑞娟 20(6)



李伟光,许亚东,冒旭东,张占宽 29(1)


袁弟亮,刘玉,王巍聪,高力娇,程进 34(1)


于培静,张伟,陈敏智,周晓燕 41(1)


张镭,张爱红,王伟宏 48(1)


李威,高颖,孟鑫淼,胡祺斌,邱雅琴 53(1)


娄志超,袁成龙,李延军,沈道海,杨淋添,刘杰,张爱文 29(2)


吴雨生,张伟,杨增帅,王勇 36(2)


王文丽,彭晋达,赵子元,周晓剑,张俊,杜官本 42(2)


魏鑫,陈复明,王戈 48(2)


吴丹妮,孙萍,郑妮华,刘红光,李黎,牛耕芜 54(2)


白舒扬,韩晨阳,倪忠进,倪益华,吕艳,叶晓平 62(2)


孙丽惟,卞玉玲,周爱萍,朱彦 69(2)


张隐,魏留洋,卢利明,甘露,潘明珠 29(3)


郝丞艺,张凯强,宋伟,尹宏年,张双保 36(3)


伍希志,史金桥,李贤军,黄雪优,张庆东 41(3)


鹿相戎,滕启城,李哲瑞,张晓兰,王昕萌,小松幸平,阙泽利 48(3)


朱玉慧,闻靓,张耀丽,王新洲 54(3)


毕俊杰,王庆国,吴世谦,宋孝周 59(3)


娄志超,杨林添,张爱文,沈道海,刘杰,袁成龙,李延军 38(4)


彭晓瑞,张占宽,赵丽媛 45(4)


张帅,张隐,张蕤,潘明珠 52(4)


吴江源,崔立东,张晶,张长武,曾春雷,于文吉 60(4)


张敬婷,王志强,赵涛,刘艺肖,董惟群 67(4)


周亚琴,薛紫荞,黄琼涛,姚斌,王雪花 73(4)


徐富成,张海洋,李延军,邬建国 79(4)


卢金汉,姜鹏,陈志林,李路明 28(5)


黄睿,韦双颖,王成毓,王砥,李坚 35(5)


胡涛平,喻孜,郭露,徐长妍 40(5)


李方方,徐志伟,张晓媛,秦磊,罗蓓,夏炎 45(5)


段明泽,刘志刚,李国良,裴承慧,张少勇,冀振 52(5)


石传喜,于英良,朱莹琦,刘亚梅,余敏,涂道伍,刘盛全 57(5)


唐启恒,卢希珍,郭文静,方露 29(6)


周吓星,袁峰,王嘉辉,刘子江,秦兴发 36(6)


王蕊,徐德良,杨勇,闫文雯,詹先旭,徐信武 43(6)


刘明凯,周爱萍,刘燕燕,盛宝璐 49(6)


李萍,张源,左迎峰,吕建雄,王向军,吴义强 57(6)



童欣怡,李琦,陈文倩,赵林果 61(1)


陆丽晨,董梦琪,杨涛,顾钰,韩书广 69(1)


曹惠敏,王文斌,孙伟圣,孙芳利,贾世芳,刘静怡 75(1)


秦香,刘玉,许艺馨,吴淋,黄克俭,黄佳琪,王巍聪 81(1)


任利彤,黎博文,赵思,冯年捷,吴茜 103(2)


曹钰,王新洲,李延军,沈道海,戴月萍,张水珍,章卫钢 109(2)


邱竑韫,龙玲,刘如,徐建峰 116(2)


许锦,徐佳慧,张小濛,卢昌宁,赵林果 122(2)


王侨,万福绪,毛萍,罗金岳,朱凯 96(3)


蒋珊,周淼,邓稳,戴红旗,房桂干,吴伟兵 101(3)


许蕊,张昕怡,潘悦,张瑜,李迅,王飞 108(3)


李琦,童欣怡,蒋玉洁,裴建军,赵林果 114(4)


陈婷婷,王晨,程金兰,朱文远,陈务平 121(4)


于晓锐,刘云,罗旭璐,李丽萍,张加研,赵平 127(4)


樊壬水,何贤蓉,叶伟,蔡政良,胡松青 84(5)


黄聪,张永健,冯君锋,潘晖 90(5)


王姿轮,胡传双,涂登云,章伟伟,关丽涛 96(5)


谭静,卢郁静,顾培玲,黄晶,丁延伟,陈彪 103(5)


夏海岸,安佳欢,张维梓,葛超奇,左宋林 88(6)


程志泳,孟军旺,王小青 94(6)


房仙颖,周江莲,王靖秋,汤锋,赵林果 99(6)


郭刚军,马尚玄,胡小静,付镓榕,许文龙,黄克昌,邹建云 106(6)



小可,薛昊,程万里,韩广萍,王戈,程海涛 88(1)


谭伟,郝笑龙,王清文,欧荣贤 97(1)


钟金环,刘文芳,赵磊,张文标,李文珠 104(1)


韦冬芳,韦仲华,金城凤鹤,王义安,林华,PEN Sytharith 109(1)


张辉,江健平,李静,李由,周亮,高慧,刘盛全 76(2)


童聪聪,陈宁,茹静,单鹏嘉,刘宏治,杜春贵 82(2)


崔晓晓,何林韩,安珍,张明辉,韩望 90(2)


朱留通,顾云风,伍根生 97(2)


何怡丹,赖鹏英,肖志红,李昌珠,黎继烈,张爱华 66(3)


张金源,雷华健,周世萍,李惠娟,邓志华,史正军 72(3)


李学敏,刘一楠,郝建秀,顿梦媛,王伟宏 80(3)


蔡兆宇,朱昊鑫,王鹏,吴晨阳,高炜城,穆镜宇,韦双颖 89(3)


唐启恒,方露,郭文静 87(4)


郑春晓,朱赛玲,陆亚,梅长彤,徐信武,岳一莹,韩景泉 93(4)


申婷文,孙亚楠,刘一楠,王伟宏,单伟东 101(4)


王智辉,徐开蒙,张钰禄,吴佳喜,林旭,刘灿,华江 108(4)


杨玉山,沈华杰,秦磊,邱坚 63(5)


阚雨菲,阚浩峰,姜也,葛婧,朱梦琪,吴栋,高振华 69(5)


韩尊强,钟伟婷,王堃 76(5)


张镜元,达妮娅,张宝元,战剑锋 64(6)


许嘉琍,姚姝凤,高宏,张海波,商士斌 76(6)


程生媛,殷豪,陈麦全,赵建良,赵丹丹,陈奶荣 82(6)



汪东,周博 114(1)


李震,王鹏,刘彭,高雨航,王宏强 122(1)


王杰,茹煜,周宏平,王水金,倪佳胜,张超 129(1)


束义平,李秋洁,周宏平,陶冉,许林云 139(1)


成亮,王立杰,张国庆 130(2)

桉树人工林中433 MHz信道LoRa信号的传播特性

谭星,于新文,张旭,李凡,刘燕,欧阳萱,文永志 137(2)


朱林峰,梅淼,杨家富,王殷辉,许畅 115(3)


林欢,许林云,宣言,周杰,刘冠华,陈青 121(3)


卢志刚,王启繁,夏可瑜,侯建军 130(3)


李晓崧,邓婷婷,王明华,鞠双,李新慈,李明 138 (3)


徐风,苗哲,业巧林 133(4)


刘阳,丁奉龙,刘英,沈鹭翔,董瑞文 139(4)


刘方舟,刘浩,云挺 109(5)


李秋洁,袁鹏成,刘旭,周宏平 117(5)


南玉龙,张慧春,朱鹏,郑加强,周宏平 125(5)


陈青,张健,施明宏,周宏平,沈文荣,刘光新,刘栋 114(6)


杨雅琦,汪生莹,张亦鸣,张健,罗斌 121(6)


李杨先,张慧春,杨旸 128(6)


徐风,孙万砚 137(6)



林欢,许林云,宣言,周杰,刘冠华,陈青 148(1)


苏迪,高心丹 156(1)


李强,张卓宇,罗桑,关永胜 164(1)


邵光辉,陈相宇,崔小相 171(1)


顾少华,张文福,丁力,程海涛,王戈 144(2)


何诚,舒立福,刘超,王越,张元昊,张运生 151(2)


李中义,邵光辉,马志刚 158(2)


王小龙,顾圣东,任亚群,龚维明 164(2)


方舟,赵志峰,马青 144(3)


涂郡成,赵东,赵健 149(3)


王越,何诚,张思玉,刘迪 155(3)


方中明,谢发祥,张峰,张川龙,陈幼亮 145(4)


王升福,樊文虎,戴道文,薛凯喜,李栋伟 154(4)


伊伯乐,康平,史浩楠,张恒 161(4)


肖宇豪,刘成,黄琳,刘磊 168(4)


杨茹元,张晓凤,袁权,孙友富,吴岳虹 131(5)


耿巍,郑冬,钱振东,赵尘 139(5)


陶勇,杨平,贾红征,秦辉 145(5)


嵇晓雷,杨平 152(5)


熊妮娜,王佳 143(6)


聂永江,邵光辉 149(6)


严红霞,韩文君,吕伟华 155(6)



闫小星,常意娟,钱星雨 178(1)


奚茜,杨洋,张仲凤 182(1)


朱晓冬,保碧娇,李阳,王巍聪,刘玉 171(2)


郭园,郭晨旭,时新,申黎明 179(2)


古今,侯威,刘文浩,云虹,刘忠会,胡传双 161(3)


闫小星,钱星雨,包文斯 169(3)


李霞霞,申黎明,高婧淑 175(3)


熊先青,马清如,袁莹莹,潘雨婷,牛怡婷 174(4)


孙英纯,王超,吴燕,左娟,詹先旭 181(4)


闫小星,钱星雨,包文斯 157(5)


毛菁菁,吴智慧,冯鑫浩 164(5)

基于Unity 3D的手势感应自动开关门衣柜设计及功能模拟

唐梦菲,陈瑶,高建民 172(5)


熊先青,袁莹莹,潘雨婷,吴智慧 162(6)


周橙旻,冷超霞,吴智慧,张玉荣,贾焕亮 168(6)


胡文刚,关惠元 174(6)


陈哲,尚凯,张青,常能 179(6)




Special Contribution

Research progress and development trends of woodceramics

SUN Delin, JI Xiaoqin, WANG Zhanghen, SUN Zhenyu, ZHU Zhihong 1(1)

Progress in cellulose-based self-healing gels

WU Hui, LI Wenyan, ZHAO Mengchan, LU Shengchang, HUANG Liulian, CHEN Lihui 11(1)

Chemical synthesis and application of vegetable oil-based plasticizers

FENG Guodong, MA Yan, JIA Puyou, HU Yun, HU Lihong, ZHOU Yonghong 18(1)

Research progress of soy protein adhesive for wood-based composites

GAO Qiang, LIU Zheng, LI Jianzhang 1(2)

Research progress on wood/bamboo microscopic fluid transportation

HE Sheng, CHEN Yuhe, WU Zaixing, HU Yu'an 12(2)

Synthesis ofγ-valerolactone and its application in biomass conversion

XU Rui, SI Chuanling, KONG Fangong, LI Xiaoyun 20(2)

Research progress of biomass-based optical materials

CHEN Zhijun, GAO He, LI Wei, LI Shujun, LIU Shouxin, LI Jian 1(3)

Research progress of durable superhydrophobic wood surface

WANG Xiaoqing, MENG Junwang, CHENG Zhiyong, GUAN Hao 13(3)

Research progress on tool wear for cutting wood-based composites

WEI Weihua, LI Yuantong, LI Yingli, YANG Guang, JI Kaihao, CHEN Zengtao, MEI Changtong 21(3)

Progress in synthesis and application of plant oil-based thermoplastic polymers

WANG Zhongkai, ZHOU Jiangjun, MU Shilin, LIU Wei 1(4)

Investigations of the effect of water-soluble lignin on enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulose

JIN Yongcan, CHEN Hui, WU Wenjuan, WEI Weiqi 12(4)

Application of deep eutectic solvents in lignocellulosic biomass processing

LI Lifen, WU Zhigang, LIANG Jiankun, YU Liping 20(4)

Research progress on mechanical properties of tenon-mortise joints in traditional Chinese wood structures

WU Guofang, SUN Jingcheng, HUANG Chengjian, REN Haiqing, ZHAO Rongjun 29(4)

Progress on flame retardancy of wood plastic composites

PAN Mingzhu, DING Chunxiang, ZHANG Shuai, HUANG Yanping 1(5)

Review of oil-water separation materials based on cellulose

YANG Rui, CAO Qinghua, HONG Shu, PENG Junyi, DU Jingtao, XU Zhen, ZHANG Yang 13(5)

Production of levulinic acid from lignocellulosic biomass and application

YANG Jiaxin, SI Chuanling, LIU Kun, LIU Huayu, LI Xiaoyun, LIANG Min 21(5)

Bamboo application in civil engineering field

LI Haitao, XUAN Yiwei, XU Bin, LI Shuheng 1(6)

Research progress of the structure, gel property and application of tamarind xyloglucan

JIANG Jianxin,TANG Meng, HAN Minghui 11(6)

Development and prospects of 3D wood texture manufactured by UV inkjet printing

SANG Ruijuan 20(6)

Wood Science and Technology

Study on friction performance between wood radial section and cemented carbide surface with different micro-textures

LI Weiguang, XU Yadong, MAO Xudong, ZHANG Zhankuan 29(1)

Preparation of titanium dioxide based on poplar template and its application on formaldehyde degradation

YUAN Diliang, LIU Yu, WANG Weicong, GAO Lijiao, CHENG Jin 34(1)

Plasma-treated thermoplastic resin film as adhesive for preparing environmentally-friendlyplywood

YU Peijing, ZHANG Wei, CHEN Minzhi, ZHOU Xiaoyan 41(1)

Study on the properties of veneer-laminated jute fiber/PF composites

ZHANG Lei, ZHANG Aihong, WANG Weihong 48(1)

Study on compressive performance of angel steel-glued laminated timber L-shaped composite column

LI Wei, GAO Ying, MENG Xinmiao, HU Qibin, QIU Yaqin 53(1)

Effect of saturated steam treatment on the chemical composition and crystallinity properties of bamboo bundles

LOU Zhichao, YUAN Chenglong, LI Yanjun, SHEN Daohai, YANG Lintian, LIU Jie, ZHANG Aiwen 29(2)

Influence factors of drilling power of wood structural component

WU Yusheng, ZHANG Wei, YANG Zengshuai, WANG Yong 36(2)

Modification of melamine-formaldehyde resin for decoration board

WANG Wenli, PENG Jinda, ZHAO Ziyuan, ZHOU Xiaojian, ZHANG Jun, DU Guanben 42(2)

Flexibility characterization of bamboo slivers through winding-based bending stiffenss method

WEI Xin, CHEN Fuming, WANG Ge 48(2)

Preparation and performance characterization of magnesium adhesive for plywood

WU Danni, SUN Ping, ZHENG Nihua, LIU Hongguang, LI Li, NIU Gengwu 54(2)

Effect of polyethylene glycol(PEG) on properties of the surface modified cellulose nanofiber (CNF)/polylactic acid (PLA) composite

BAI Shuyang, HAN Chenyang, NI Zhongjin, NI Yihua, LYU Yan, YE Xiaoping 62(2)

Study on short-term creep property of bamboo scrimber

SUN Liwei, BIAN Yuling, ZHOU Aiping, ZHU Yan 69(2)

Adsorption-photocatalytic properties of cellulose nanocrystal supported ZnO nanocomposites

ZHANG Yin, WEI Liuyang, LU Liming, GAN Lu, PAN Mingzhu 29(3)

Influence of xylanase treatment on properties of bamboo powder/polylactic acid composites

HAO Chengyi, ZHANG Kaiqiang, SONG Wei, YIN Hongnian, ZHANG Shuangbao 36(3)

Flexural mechanical properties of carbon fiber reinforced polymer-bamboo scrimber composite

WU Xizhi, SHI Jinqiao, LI Xianjun, HUANG Xueyou, ZHANG Qingdong 41(3)

Study on shear property of spruce glulam and steel plate connected with inclined screw

LU Xiangrong, TENG Qicheng, LI Zherui, ZHANG Xiaolan, WANG Xinmeng, KOMATSU Kohei, QUE Zeli 48(3)

Visualization of micro-structure and chemical composition of poplar tension wood

ZHU Yuhui, WEN Liang, ZHANG Yaoli, WANG Xinzhou 54(3)

Study on dynamic viscoelasticity of cork fromQuercusvariabilis

BI Junjie, WANG Qingguo, WU Shiqian, SONG Xiaozhou 59(3)

Influence of saturated steam heat treatment on the bamboo color

LOU Zhichao, YANG Lintian, ZHANG Aiwen, SHEN Daohai, LIU Jie, YUAN Chenglong, LI Yanjun 38(4)

Analysis of Raman spectroscopy and XPS of plasma modified polypropylene decorative film

PENG Xiaorui, ZHANG Zhankuan, ZHAO Liyuan 45(4)

Effect of polyelectrolyte ammonium polyphosphate on the flame retardancy and mechanical properties of wood fiber-polyethylene composites

ZHANG Shuai, ZHANG Yin, ZHANG Rui, PAN Mingzhu 52(4)

Research on high frequency hot-pressing process of bamboo and poplar composites

WU Jiangyuan, CUI Lidong, ZHANG Jing, ZHANG Changwu, ZENG Chunlei, YU Wenji 60(4)

Study on shear performance of 3-layer CLT T&G joints under monotonic loading

ZHANG Jingting, WANG Zhiqiang, ZHAO Tao, LIU Yixiao, DONG Weiqun 67(4)

Physical and mechanical properties ofAucoumeaklaineanawood after vacuum heat treatment for furniture components

ZHOU Yaqin, XUE Ziqiao, HUANG Qiongtao, YAO Bin, WANG Xuehua 73(4)

Synergistic flame retardancy of wood treated with zirconium phosphate/ammonium polyphosphate

XU Fucheng, ZHANG Haiyang, LI Yanjun, WU Jianguo 79(4)

Characteristic analysis of flame retardant particleboard using three methods of combustion performance evaluation

LU Jinhan, JIANG Peng, CHEN Zhilin, LI Luming 28(5)

Investigation on aging properties of wood-based materials synthesized by silcane-modified Terbium(Ⅲ) complex

HUANG Rui, WEI Shuangying, WANG Chengyu, WANG Di, LI Jian 35(5)

Modification of the prediction model of the maximum explosion pressure of wood powder

HU Taoping, YU Zi, GUO Lu, XU Changyan 40(5)

Enhancement of properties of wood plastic composites by modifying lignin

LI Fangfang, XU Zhiwei, ZHANG Xiaoyuan, QIN Lei, LUO Bei, XIA Yan 45(5)

Dynamic mechanical properties analysis ofSalixpsammophilawood parallel to grain using Hopkinson test

DUAN Mingze, LIU Zhigang, LI Guoliang, PEI Chenghui, ZHANG Shaoyong, JI Zhen 52(5)

The difference of density and shrinkage properties of six cloned poplar trees

SHI Chuanxi, YU Yingliang, ZHU Yingqi, LIU Yamei, YU Min, TU Daowu, LIU Shengquan 57(5)

Research on the combustion characteristics of high density fiberboard treated with MPP and AP

TANG Qiheng, LU Xizhen, GUO Wenjing, FANG Lu 29(6)

Synergistic flame retardant of APP/ADP on bamboo powder/polypropylene composites

ZHOU Xiaxing, YUAN Feng, WANG Jiahui, LIU Zijiang, QIN Xingfa 36(6)

Industrial resin-impregnation and overlaying application of reconstituted decorative veneers

WANG Rui, XU Deliang, YANG Yong, YAN Wenwen, ZHAN Xianxu,XU Xinwu 43(6)

Numerical simulation analysis of parallel strand bamboo type Ⅰ fracture using extended finite element method

LIU Mingkai, ZHOU Aiping, LIU Yanyan, SHENG Baolu 49(6)

Properties of Chinese fir modified by impregnating silicate biomimetic respiration

LI Ping, ZHANG Yuan, ZUO Yingfeng, LYU Jianxiong, WANG Xiangjun, WU Yiqiang 57(6)

Chemical Processing of Forest Products

Alkali extraction of xylan from poplar sawdust and preparation of xylooligosaccharide by enzymatic hydrolysis

TONG Xinyi, LI Qi, CHEN Wenqian, ZHAO Linguo 61(1)

Improvement of reaction ability of mimosa tannin with formaldehyde by photocatalysis

LU Lichen, DONG Mengqi, YANG Tao, GU Yu, HAN Shuguang 69(1)

Technology and mechanism of chemical discoloration of oak (Quercusacutissima) using FeCl2solution

CAO Huimin, WANG Wenbin, SUN Weisheng, SUN Fangli, JIA Shifang, LIU Jingyi 75(1)

Effect of microencapsulation of formaldehyde capture agents on formaldehyde emission from veneered panels… QIN Xiang, LIU Yu, XU Yixin, WU Lin, HUANG Kejian, HUANG Jiaqi, WANG Weicong 81(1)

Effect ofPfactor on degradation of poplar chemistry composition during prehydrolysis process

REN Litong, LI Bowen, ZHAO Si, FENG Nianjie, WU Qian 103(2)

Effect of high temperature oil heat treatment on the starch content and mold-resistant property of bamboo

CAO Yu, WANG Xinzhou, LI Yanjun, SHEN Daohai, DAI Yueping, ZHANG Shuizhen, ZHANG Weigang 109(2)

Petroleum ether extractive components of Chinese teak and the effect on the color difference between heartwood and sapwood

QIU Hongyun, LONG Ling, LIU Ru, XU Jianfeng 116(2)

Preparation and application ofα-L-rhamnosidase cross-linked aggregates fromThermotogapetrophilaDSM 13995

XU Jin, XU Jiahui, ZHANG Xiaomeng, LU Changning, ZHAO Linguo 122(2)

Composition of essential oil fromCupressuslusitaniceand its screened chemical characteristics

WANG Qiao,WAN Fuxu, MAO Ping, LUO Jinyue, ZHU Kai 96(3)

High-wet-strength paper-based lignocellulosic adsorbents and its heavy metal ion adsorption properties

JIANG Shan, ZHOU Miao, DENG Wen, DAI Hongqi, FANG Guigan, WU Weibing 101(3)

Expression, purification and characterization of lipase fromThermosyntrophalipolytica

XU Rui, ZHANG Xinyi, PAN Yue, ZHANG Yu, LI Xun, WANG Fei 108(3)

Construction of whole cell catalyst pelB-Xln-DT and its application in biotransformation ofPanaxnotoginsenoside R1

LI Qi, TONG Xinyi, JIANG Yujie, PEI Jianjun, ZHAO Linguo 114(4)

Flow characteristics and mechanism of fiber suspension with the same crowding number

CHEN Tingting, WANG Chen, CHENG Jinlan, ZHU Wenyuan, CHEN Wuping 121(4)

Comparative analysis of volatile components extracted from the leaves of four Chinese fir clones

YU Xiaorui, LIU Yun, LUO Xulu, LI Liping, ZHANG Jiayan, ZHAO Ping 127(4)

Isolation, identification and growth inhibition of microorganisms mildew of fiberboard

FAN Renshui, HE Xianrong, YE Wei, CAI Zhengliang, HU Songqing 84(5)

Microwave assisted whole component separation ofPhyllostachyspubescens

HUANG Cong, ZHANG Yongjian, FENG Junfeng, PAN Hui 90(5)

Preparation and adsorption property of activated carbon made fromCamelliaolereashells

WANG Zilun, HU Chuanshuang, TU Dengyun, ZHANG Weiwei, GUAN Litao 96(5)

The influences of raw material and papermaking technology on the properties of Fuyang bamboo paper

TAN Jing, LU Yujing, GU Peiling, HUANG Jing, DING Yanwei, CHEN Biao 103(5)

Effect of the metal-support interaction on catalytic oxidation performances of HMF on Ag nanoparticles

XIA Haian, AN Jiahuan, ZHANG Weizi, GE Chaoqi, ZUO Songlin 88(6)

Preparation of wood-based filter loaded with Ag nanoparticles and its catalytic degradation performance on organic dye

CHENG Zhiyong, MENG Junwang, WANG Xiaoqing 94(6)

Preparation of flavonoids fromOsmanthusdregs and enzymatic modification

FANG Xianying, ZHOU Jianglian, WANG Jingqiu, TANG Feng, ZHAO Linguo 99(6)

Preparation of the activated carbon fromMacadamiashell by zinc chloride activation

GUO Gangjun, MA Shangxuan, HU Xiaojing, FU Jiarong, XU Wenlong, HUANG Kechang, ZOU Jianyun 106(6)

Biomass Energy and Material

Preparation and mechanical properties of vinyl ester composites reinforced with jute woven fabric

DUVIOL T Tadondzo, XUE Hao, CHENG Wanli, HAN Guangping, WANG Ge, CHENG Haitao 88(1)

Mechanical and thermal properties of bamboo plastic composites reinforced by thermotropic liquid crystal copolyesters

TAN Wei, HAO Xiaolong, WANG Qingwen, OU Rongxian 97(1)

Effect of heat treatment on bamboo charcoal far-infrared emissivity

ZHONG Jinhuan, LIU Wenfang, ZHAO Lei, ZHANG Wenbiao, LI Wenzhu 104(1)

Preparation of bamboo charcoal pottery and its gas adsorption and humidity regulation performance

WEI Dongfang, WEI Zhonghua, KANESHIRO Hokaku, WANG Yian, LIN Hua, PEN Sytharith 109(1)

Preparation and properties of TiO2/chitosan/acrylic acidinsitucross-linked composite hydrogel

ZHANG Hui, JIANG Jianping, LI Jing, LI You, ZHOU Liang, GAO Hui, LIU Shengquan 76(2)

The influence of PFI pretreatment on physicochemical characteristics of cationic nanofibrillated cellulose prepared from once-dried and

never-dried bamboo pulps

TONG Congcong, CHEN Ning, RU Jing, SHAN Pengjia, LIU Hongzhi, DU Chungui 82(2)

The research of rheological properties of salix polyol liquefied products

CUI Xiaoxiao, HE Linhan, AN Zhen, ZHANG Minghui, HAN Wang 90(2)

Biomass thermal conductivity measurement system design

ZHU Liutong, GU Yunfeng, WU Gensheng 97(2)

Study on Ni/HZSM-5 catalytic cracking ofCornuswisonianaoil for bio-hydrocarbon fuel

HE Yidan, LAI Pengying, XIAO Zhihong, LI Changzhu, LI Jilie, ZHANG Aihua 66(3)

Synthesis of TiO2/walnut shell carbon photocatalyst and its activity for phenol degradation

ZHANG Jinyuan, LEI Huajian, ZHOU Shiping, LI Huijuan, DENG Zhihua, SHI Zhengjun 72(3)

Flame retardancy of almond shell/high density polyethylene composites

LI Xuemin, LIU Yinan, HAO Jianxiu, DUN Mengyuan, WANG Weihong 80(3)

Performance optimization of UV curable waterborne polyurethane acrylate wood coatings modified by castor oil

CAI Zhaoyu, ZHU Haoxin, WANG Peng, WU Chenyang, GAO Weicheng, MU Jingyu, WEI Shuangying 89(3)

Effect of the mixture ratio of MPP/ADP composites flame retardant on the properties of bamboo/polypropylene composites

TANG Qiheng, FANG Lu, GUO Wenjing 87(4)

Synthesis and characterization of cellulose nanofibers/polyacrylic acid-polyacrylamide double network electroconductive hydrogel

ZHENG Chunxiao, ZHU Sailing, LU Ya, MEI Changtong, XU Xinwu, YUE Yiying, HAN Jingquan 93(4)

Study on preparation and adhesion property of veneer overlaid wood flour/high density polyethylene composites

SHEN Tingwen, SUN Yanan, LIU Yinan, WANG Weihong, SHAN Weidong 101(4)

Study on electro-spin performance of different types of cellulose by activation in the solvent of LiCl/DMAc

WANG Zhihui, XU Kaimeng, ZHANG Yulu, WU Jiaxi, LIN Xu, LIU Can, HUA Jiang 108(4)

Biomimetic fabrication of lotus-leaf-like self-cleaning superhydrophobic wood surface with micro/nanobiomimetic structures using

morph-genetic method

YANG Yushan, SHEN Huajie, QIN Lei, QIU Jian 63(5)

Optimal synthesis of urea-glyoxal resin and its crosslinking modification on soybean-based wood adhesive

KAN Yufei, KAN Haofeng, JIANG Ye, GE Jing, ZHU Mengqi, WU Dong, GAO Zhenhua 69(5)

Preparation and examination of nitrogen-doped bamboo porous carbon for supercapacitor materials

HAN Zunqiang, ZHONG Weiting, WANG Kun 76(5)

Chromatic variability of larch wood impacted by high-temperature thermal treatment and oil-wax coating

ZHANG Jingyuan, CHESNOKOVA Tatiana, ZHANG Baoyuan, ZHAN Jianfeng 64(6)

Study on property fresh-keeping of rosin-based preservatives for ponkan

XU Jiali, YAO Shufeng, GAO Hong, ZHANG Haibo, SHANG Shibin 76(6)

Preparation of waste newspaper reinforced soy-based adhesive and its boiling water resistance performance

CHENG Shengyuan, YIN Hao, CHEN Maiquan, ZHAO Jianliang, ZHAO Dandan, CHEN Nairong 82(6)

Forestry Equipment and Information

Simulation and analysis of internal flow field of variable volume multi-chamber forest fire pump

WANG Dong, ZHOU Bo 114(1)

Fatigue life analysis of key components of ring molding machine based on fluid-solid coupling

LI Zhen, WANG Peng, LIU Peng, GAO Yuhang, WANG Hongqiang 122(1)

Optimal design and airflow field test of seedling sprayer air-assisted system

WANG Jie, RU Yu, ZHOU Hongping, WANG Shuijin, NI Jiasheng, ZHANG Chao 129(1)

Design of variable rate spray control system based on LiDAR detection

SHU Yiping, LI Qiujie, ZHOU Hongping, TAO Ran, XU Linyun 139(1)

Self-adaptive and multi-functional fruit picking device

CHENG Liang, WANG Lijie, ZHANG Guoqing 130(2)

Propagation characteristics of LoRa signal at 433 MHz channel in eucalyptus plantation environment

TAN Xing, YU Xinwen, ZHANG Xu, LI Fan, LIU Yan, OUYANG Xuan, WEN Yongzhi 137(2)

Design of wheel hub bounce detection system based on PLC for wheel type cutting combined machine

ZHU Linfeng, MEI Miao, YANG Jiafu, WANG Yinhui, XU Chang 115(3)

Kinetic modeling and experiment of multistage Y-shaped ginkgo tree based on physical rod

LIN Huan, XU Linyun, XUAN Yan, ZHOU Jie, LIU Guanhua, CHEN Qing 121(3)

Development of a simulated indoor environment release cabin equipment

LU Zhigang, WANG Qifan, XIA Keyu, HOU Jianjun 130(3)

Linear positioning algorithm improvement of wood acoustic emission source based on wavelet and signal correlation analysis methods

LI Xiaosong, DENG Tingting, WANG Minghua, JU Shuang, LI Xinci, LI Ming 138(3)

End-to-end remote sensing image classification framework based on convolutional block attention module

XU Feng, MIAO Zhe, YE Qiaolin 133(4)

Detection and recognition technology of green plum surface defects based on Gaussian mixture model

LIU Yang, DING Fenglong, LIU Ying, SHEN Luxiang, DONG Ruiwen 139(4)

Individual tree crown separation using the improved watershed method

LIU Fangzhou, LIU Hao, YUN Ting 109(5)

Trunk extraction of street tree using mobile laser scanning

LI Qiujie, YUAN Pengcheng, LIU Xu, ZHOU Hongping 117(5)

Study on the effect of mobile spray application on weed control by wind tunnel test

NAN Yulong, ZHANG Huichun, ZHU Peng, ZHENG Jiaqiang, ZHOU Hongping 125(5)

Influence of box geometry structure on flow field characteristics of particleboard airflow forming machine

CHEN Qing, ZHANG Jian, SHI Minghong, ZHOU Hongping, SHEN Wenrong, LIU Guangxin, LIU Dong 114(6)

Wear mechanism and life of brown corundum abrasive belt in wood sanding process

YANG Yaqi, WANG Shengying, ZHANG Yiming, ZHANG Jian, LUO Bin 121(6)

A method for obtaining plant morphological phenotypic parameters using image processing technology

LI Yangxian, ZHANG Huichun, YANG Yang 128(6)

Remote sensing scene recognition using unsymmetrical non-local convolutional neural network

XU Feng, SUN Wanyan 137(6)

Forest Engineering and Civil Engineering

Modal analysis and experimental study of the multistage Y-type ginkgo tree using the finite element method

LIN Huan, XU Linyun, XUAN Yan, ZHOU Jie, LIU Guanhua, CHEN Qing 148(1)

Estimation of forest canopy density and stock volume based on UAV aerial survey Data

SU Di, GAO Xindan 156(1)

Virtual splitting test of asphalt mixture based on computer tomography scanning technology

LI Qiang, ZHANG Zhuoyu, LUO Sang, GUAN Yongsheng 164(1)

Strength properties of biocemented municipal solid waste incineration ash and slag

SHAO Guanghui, CHEN Xiangyu, CUI Xiaoxiang 171(1)

Effect of utilization of fiberglass cloth in laminated bamboo sliver lumber on its strength and toughness

GU Shaohua, ZHANG Wenfu, DING Li, CHENG Haitao, WANG Ge 144(2)

Research on variation of temperature of underground fire in south China plantation

HE Cheng, SHU Lifu, LIU Chao, WANG Yue, ZHANG Yuanhao, ZHANG Yunsheng 151(2)

Plant adaptability of silty soil slope protected by microbial solidification

LI Zhongyi, SHAO Guanghui, MA Zhigang 158(2)

Small-scale model tests of lateral bearing capacity of steel pipe in sand

WANG Xiaolong, GU Shengdong, REN Yaqun, GONG Weiming 164(2)

The undrained bearing capacity of skirted strip footing on soft clay

FANG Zhou, ZHAO Zhifeng, MA Qing 144(3)

Experimental study for determining method of cracking load of wooden beams with LT crack

TU Juncheng, ZHAO Dong, ZHAO Jian 149(3)

Pyrolysis characteristics and smoke composition of humus ofLarixgmeliniiin Da Hinggan Mountains

WANG Yue, HE Cheng, ZHANG Siyu, LIU Di 155(3)

Theoretical and model experiment study on biting force for detecting prestress using lift-off method

FANG Zhongming, XIE Faxiang, ZHANG Feng, ZHANG Chuanlong, CHEN Youliang 145(4)

Experimental study on freeze-thaw characteristics of undisturbed soft clay under artificial freezing

WANG Shengfu, FAN Wenhu, DAI Daowen, XUE Kaixi, LI Dongwei 154(4)

Spatial heterogeneity of moisture content in litter layer ofLarixgmeliniiforest

YI Bole, KANG Ping, SHI Haonan, ZHANG Heng 161(4)

Laboratory tests on adhesion reduction of clay soil by electro-osmosis method

XIAO Yuhao, LIU Cheng, HUANG Lin, LIU Lei 168(4)

Research of pin slot embedding yield strength parallel to grain ofLarixgmelinii

YANG Ruyuan, ZHANG Xiaofeng, YUAN Quan, SUN Youfu, WU Yuehong 131(5)

Improvement test method of ASU cylindrical specimen for the thermal conductivity of pavement materials

GENG Wei, ZHENG Dong, QIAN Zhendong, ZHAO Chen 139(5)

Deformation law and support optimization of narrow and long foundation pit excavation

TAO Yong, YANG Ping, JIA Hongzheng, QIN Hui 145(5)

The exploration of the slope displacement with vegetation protection under different rainfall intensity

JI Xiaolei, YANG Ping 152(5)

Extraction algorithm for stand volume using ground-based laser scanner

XIONG Nina, WANG Jia 143(6)

Analysis of bearing capacity of the bottom uplift pile based on pile-soil shearing characteristics

NIE Yongjiang, SHAO Guanghui 149(6)

Consolidation analysis of soft soil with thin permeable layer by vacuum preloading

YAN Hongxia, HAN Wenjun, LYU Weihua 155(6)

Furniture Design and Manufacturing

Influence of color-changing ink on properties of waterborne primer coating on Chinese fir surface

YAN Xiaoxing, CHANG Yijuan, QIAN Xingyu 178(1)

Pull-out force and finite element analysis of T-type components ofVitexnegundoL. scrimber with different node forms

XI Xi, YANG Yang, ZHANG Zhongfeng 182(1)

Effect of thermochromic materials on finishing properties of wood furniture

ZHU Xiaodong, BAO Bijiao, LI Yang, WANG Weicong, LIU Yu 171(2)

Adaptability of study desks and chairs based on analysis of sitting posture using OpenPose

GUO Yuan, GUO Chenxu, SHI Xin, SHEN Liming 179(2)

Effects of sawn timber species and surface on the coating performance of UV-curing inkjet printing

GU Jin, HOU Wei, LIU Wenhao, YUN Hong, LIU Zhonghui, HU Chuanshuang 161(3)

Effect of glass fiber powder on the properties of the waterborne coatings with color-changing ink on the Chinese fir surface

YAN Xiaoxing, QIAN Xingyu, BAO Wensi 169(3)

Investigation of influence mechanism of temperature-controlled mattress on human thermal comfort in winter

LI Xiaxia, SHEN Liming, GAO Jingshu 175(3)

Digital design and manufacturing of furniture enterprises oriented to intelligent manufacturing

XIONG Xianqing, MA Qingru, YUAN Yingying, PAN Yuting, NIU Yiting 174(4)

Effect of nano-boron carbide on the properties of waterborne polyurethane wood coatings

SUN Yingchun, WANG Chao, WU Yan, ZUO Juan, ZHAN Xianxu 181(4)

Effect of volume concentration of glass fiber powder on properties of waterborne coatings with color-changing powder on Chinese fir surface

YAN Xiaoxing, QIAN Xingyu, BAO Wensi 157(5)

The adjustment and evaluation of the digital 3D printing wood grain image sharpness

MAO Jingjing, WU Zhihui, FENG Xinhao 164(5)

Design and function simulation of opening and closing wardrobe automatic door with gesture sensing using Unity 3D software

TANG Mengfei, CHEN Yao, GAO Jianmin 172(5)

Automatic identification and intelligent sorting technology of customized home furnishing based on mixed production

XIONG Xianqing, YUAN Yingying, PAN Yuting, WU Zhihui 162(6)

Quantitative evaluation and analysis of color matching for customized wardrobes based on color harmony theory

ZHOU Chengmin, LENG Chaoxia, WU Zhihui, ZHANG Yurong, JIA Huanliang 168(6)

The sit-to-stand transformation model for elders based on biomechanics

HU Wengang, GUAN Huiyuan 174(6)

Evaluation of office chair design using TOPSIS-PSI method

CHEN Zhe, SHANG Kai, ZHANG Qing, CHANG Neng 179(6)


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