

极地研究 2020年4期


南北极海冰变化及其影响因素的对比分析................................. 柯长青, 金鑫, 沈校熠, 李萌萌 1

南极苔原沼泽温室气体通量变化特征及其对气候变化的响应..................................... 王培, 叶文娟, 朱仁斌, 徐华 13

南极普里兹湾沉积物中生物硅对粒度测量结果的影响............................................... 王丽艳, 李广雪 25

北极王湾夏季海水中DMSP降解基因的丰度及分布调查.................................... 刘会军, 曾胤新, 陆志波, 俞勇 37

南极半岛邻近海域夏季POC分布特征及其影响因素............................................................. 张一成, 韩正兵, 杨洋, 潘建明, 张海峰, 李栋, 赵军, 朱秋红, 范高晶, 张海生 47

两株南极枝孢霉属真菌spNJF4和NJF6的次级代谢产物研究................................. 常俊男, 田晓清, 樊成奇, 黄金昌, 陆亚男, 韩清华 60

南极罗斯海沉积物中可培养菌株的分离及胞外水解酶活性检测........................................... 王飞, 丛柏林, 张朝晖, 杨黄浩 68

2016年夏秋季南极布兰斯菲尔德海峡威氏棘冰鱼脂肪酸组成及其食性指示研究......................... 吴睿婕, 杨清源, 朱国平 82

2013年夏季南极南设得兰群岛周边海域透光层水团结构.......................................... 周梦潇, 朱国平 90

北极水域船舶事故特征及关联规则分析................................................................................. 付姗姗, 刘燕平, 席永涛, 万辉 102

基于TDD的科考船航迹分段方法研究.................... 王建, 史景聪, 黄冬梅, 郑小罗, 何盛琪, 张北辰 112

利用高支链类异戊二烯(HBIs)重建极地海冰的研究进展.............................................. 吴嘉琪, 赵军, 韩正兵, 李栋, 张海峰, 范高晶, 郭晓泽, 金海燕, 潘建明, 张海生 121

“中国极地科学考察研究三十年进展”系列专著介绍.............................................. 刘瑞源 132

极地微生物基因组挖掘现状与展望.......................................... 廖丽, 陈波 133

北极区域构造对沉积盆地演化的控制作用....................................................... 王哲, 李学杰, 汪俊, 杨楚鹏, 姚永坚, 鞠东 140

白令海峡区域太平洋入流水主要特征及其影响因素研究进展.......................................... 张瑜, 邓永飞, 陈长胜 151

基于Landsat-8的东南极达尔克冰川季节性表面消融信息提取............................................ 璩榆桐, 程晓, 刘岩 164

基于Fluent和FENSAP-ICE的极区海洋平台甲板结构结冰数值模拟.................................................................. 沈杰, 白旭 177

南极泰山站多能互补微电网系统研究及实证..................... 吕冬翔, 李钏, 王哲超, 姚旭, 魏福海, 李钊, 韩安军, 卞建涛 184

Ewing型热流计的原位地温梯度与甲板热导率的精确匹配................... 许明珠, 张涛, 沈中延, 杨春国, 管清胜, 高金耀 195

基于航空高程的玛丽伯德地西部地区表面粗糙度的研究....................... 董洪伟, 杨树瑚, 徐佳鑫, 张云, 韩彦岭, 洪中华 202

南极GRV 090196普通球粒陨石熔壳特征及其成因探讨................................... 孙云龙, 缪秉魁, 黄丽霖, 张川统, 夏志鹏 212

博氏南冰䲢耳石外型特征参数及其对体长变化预测的研究........................................... 尉晓英, 段咪, 朱国平 226

基于遥感数据的北极西北航道海冰变化以及通航情况研究...................................... 汪楚涯, 杨元德, 张建, 田彪, 丁明虎 236

西伯利亚极地海域第四纪以来古海洋环境研究进展..................................... 贾福福, 沙龙滨, 李冬玲, 刘焱光 250

极地微生物酶资源开发研究进展......................................................... 王伟, 姚从禹, 孙晶晶, 郝建华 264

中国第36次南极科学考察简报................................................ 何剑锋 276

北极海洋环境保护工作组(PAME)北极航运状况报告介绍............................................. 闵超, 杨清华 279

南极菲尔德斯半岛潮间带小型底栖动物初步研究.................................... 刘晓收, 王晓晓, 王璐, 张志南 281

太阳活动11年周期与南极海冰的可能联系....................................... 周群, 陈文 290

北极海冰密集度遥感数据产品对比及航道关键区验证研究.................... 王剑, 邱玉宝, 熊振华, 袁希平, 周静恬, 黄琳, 石利娟 301

西北格陵兰冰盖英格尔菲尔德地区冰面-冰前流域水系遥感监测.................................... 李雅, 陆瑶, 陆欣, 李满春, 杨康 314

气候变化对南极冰面湖的影响研究:以埃默里和拉森A冰架为例.......................... 王辉, 卢善龙, 丁俊, 邱玉宝, 唐海龙, 闫强 322

基于宽幅SAR的格陵兰岛冰盖冻融强度提取方法研究................................................... 赵梦雪, 傅文学, 孙燕武, 李新武 336

基于Polar WRF模拟结果估算南极泰山站近地面大气折射率结构常数............................. 杨期科, 吴晓庆, 韩亚娟, 青春 343

“雪龙2”号极地科考破冰船实验室的特殊设计..................................................... 陈清满, 王硕仁, 袁东方 352

北极西北航道风能资源调查分析............................................... 钱恒, 张韧 362

权益诉求视角下的罗斯海保护区设立过程分析及其启示................................................... 邹磊磊 373

中国深度参与北极治理问题研究: 以缔结《预防中北冰洋不管制公海渔业协定》为视角........................................... 唐尧 383

芬兰对华北极政策的最新变化、原因与前景................................................ 刘涵 394

加拿大北极群岛区域海冰变化情况及其影响因素研究进展..................................................... 沈心仪, 张瑜, 陈长胜, 胡松 402

2020年:首个北极臭氧洞............................................. 陆龙骅 415

南极格罗夫山陨石收集、研究进展和富集机制........................................ 陈宏毅, 缪秉魁, 夏志鹏, 谢兰芳, 赵斯哲 417

1947—2020年西南极派恩岛冰川前缘变化特征分析................................... 钱懿德, 周春霞, 陈一鸣, 曾韬, 刘建强 435

四套高分辨率再分析海洋-海冰资料在罗斯海和阿蒙森海的评估............................................. 黄佳, 张召儒, 王小乔 452

西南太平洋海洋锋面位置分布研究..................................................... 杨威, 李丙瑞, 高立宝, 李锐祥, 刘长建, 马磊 469

介电剖面法对于冰芯电学性质影响因素分析................ 徐思佳, 李院生, 安春雷, 史贵涛, 姜苏, 马天鸣, 鲁思宇, 王丹赫 483

极区电离层在磁坐标系下的世界时变化特征研究................... 武业文, 刘瑞源, 张北辰, 胡红桥, 慈颖, 姜明波, 吕建永 494

南极大型海藻表面可培养琼胶降解菌多样性分析........................................................ 桂媛媛, 谷晓倩, 李江, 张培玉 504

南极菲尔德斯半岛潮间带沉积物细菌群落结构分析及产酶菌株初步筛选........... 吴蕾蕾, 商丽, 孙浩, 史晓翀, 张晓华 512

极区冰下温盐剖面实时观测系统设计与应用................................ 王德亮, 张素伟 523

北冰洋200海里外大陆架划界主张之比较分析............................................................................ 尹洁, 李家彪, 方银霞 533

北极西北航道海洋风能选址建模与评估.................................. 钱恒, 张韧 544

北极地区活跃火的时空分布格局分析............................................. 薛乃婷, 张震, 杜志恒, 胡克宏, 张莎莎, 黄丹妮 555

航姿系统航向精度高纬度评价方法与试验................................................................................ 郭正东, 奔粤阳, 崔文婷 565

南极和格陵兰冰盖物质平衡研究进展..................................... 叶玥, 程晓, 刘岩, 杨元德, 赵励耘, 林依静, 璩榆桐 571

eDNA技术在极地水环境中的应用进展....................................... 刘梦月, 赵文玉 586

我国参与MOSAiC气候多学科漂流冰站计划的概况................................................. 雷瑞波 596


Comparison of Antarctic and Arctic sea ice variations and their impact factors........................................................ Ke Changqing, Jin Xin, Shen Xiaoyi, Li Mengmeng 1

Variation of summertime greenhouse gas fluxes from tundra marshes and their response to climate change in maritime Antarctica.......................................... Wang Pei, Ye Wenjuan, Zhu Renbin, Xu Hua 13

Influence of biogenic silica on measurements of sediment grain size in Prydz Bay, Antarctica.......................................................... Wang Liyan, Li Guangxue 25

Abundance and distribution of dimethylsulfoniopro­pionate-degrading genes in Kongsfjorden in the Arctic in summer......................................... Liu Huijun, Zeng Yinxin, Lu Zhibo, Yu Yong 37

Distribution of summer particulate organic carbon and factors influencing it in the ocean adjacent to the Antarctic Peninsula................ Zhang Yicheng, Han Zhengbing, Yang Yang, Pan Jianmin, Zhang Haifeng, Li Dong, Zhao Jun, Zhu Qiuhong,Fan Gaojing, Zhang Haisheng 47

Secondary metabolites from the Antarctic fungisp. NJF4 and NJF6.................................................. Chang Junnan, Tian Xiaoqing, Fan Chengqi, Huang Jinchang, Lu Yanan, Han Qinghua 60

Isolation of culturable strains from Antarctic Ross Sea sediments and study of extracellular hydrolase activity................................................. Wang Fei, Cong Bailin, Zhang Zhaohui, Yang Huanghao 68

Fatty acid composition of Spiny Icefish () in the Bransfield Strait, Antarctic during summer-autumn 2016 and its implication to diet....................................................................................... Wu Ruijie, Yang Qingyuan, Zhu Guoping 82

Water mass structure in the euphotic zone around South Shetland Islands, Antarctic during summer 2013..................................................................... Zhou Mengxiao, Zhu Guoping 90

Feature analysis and association rule mining of ship accidents in Arctic waters..................................................... Fu Shanshan, Liu Yanping, Xi Yongtao, Wan Hui 102

Track segmentation method of polar research vessel based on time-domain difference................................................... Wang Jian, Shi Jingcong, Huang Dongmei, Zheng Xiaoluo, He Shengqi, Zhang Beichen 112

Advances of using highly branched isoprenoids (HBIs) as a polar sea ice proxy................................... Wu Jiaqi, Zhao Jun, Han Zhengbing, Li Dong, Zhang Haifeng, Fan Gaojing, Guo Xiaoze, Jin Haiyan, Pan Jianming, Zhang Haisheng 121

Monograph series of Progress in Chinese Polar Scientific Research for 30 Years.............................. Liu Ruiyuan 132


Current status and perspectives on genome mining of polar microorganisms............................................. Liao Li, Chen Bo 133

Tectonic control on the evolution of Arctic sedimentary basins................................................... Wang Zhe, Li Xuejie, Wang Jun, Yang Chupeng, Yao Yongjian, Ju Dong 140

Main characteristics and influence factors of the Pacific inflow in the region of Bering Strait: a review.................................... Zhang Yu, Deng Yongfei, Chen Changsheng 151

Extraction of seasonal surface ablation zones in the Dalk Glacier (Antarctica) based on Landsat-8 images................................................. Qu Yutong, Cheng Xiao, Liu Yan 164

Numerical simulations of deck structure icing on polar offshore platforms based on Fluent and FENSAP- ICE.......................................................... Shen Jie, Bai Xu 177

Design and implementation of a multi-energy complementary microgrid system at Taishan Station, Antarctica......................................... Lü Dongxiang, Li Chuan, Wang Zhechao, Yao Xu, Wei Fuhai, Li Zhao, Han Anjun, Bian Jiantao 184

Accurate matching of in-situ geothermal gradients from a Ewing-type heat flow meter with deck thermal conductivity....... ............................................. Xu Mingzhu, Zhang Tao , Shen Zhongyan , Yang Chunguo , Guan Qingsheng , Gao Jinyao 195

Surface roughness of the west of Marie Byrd Land(Antarctica) based on airborne elevation data............................................................ Dong Hongwei, Yang Shuhu,Xu Jiaxin, Zhang Yun, Han Yanling, Hong Zhonghua 202

Features and formation of fusion crusts on an ordinary chondrite(GRV 090196) from Antarctica.......................................... Sun Yunlong, Miao Bingkui, Huang Lilin, Zhang Chuantong, Xia Zhipeng 212

Otolith morphological feature of bald notothen () and its prediction for change in fish length........................................ Wei Xiaoying, Duan Mi, Zhu Guoping 226

Research on sea ice variability and navigation of the Arctic Northwest Passage from remote sensing data...................................... Wang Chuya, Yang Yuande, Zhang Jian, Tian Biao, Ding Minghu 236

Review of research on Quaternary paleoceanography of the Siberian Arctic seas................................................... Jia Fufu, Sha Longbin, Li Dongling, Liu Yanguang 250

A review of novel polar microbial enzymes for industrial applications.............................................. Wang Wei, Yao Congyu, Sun Jingjing, Hao Jianhua 264

Briefing of 36th Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition............................ He Jianfeng 276

Introduction to the Arctic shipping status report of the Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment Working Group (PAME)................................................ Min Chao, Yang Qinghua 279


A preliminary study of intertidal meiofauna in Fildes Peninsula, Antarctica........................................... Liu Xiaoshou, Wang Xiaoxiao, Wang Lu, Zhang Zhinan 281

Possible linkages between the 11-year solar cycle and Antarctic sea ice variability.................................... Zhou Qun, Chen Wen 290

Comparison and verification of remote sensing sea ice concentration products for Arctic shipping regions............................................ Wang Jian, Qiu Yubao, Xiong Zhenhua,Yuan Xiping, Zhou Jingtian, Huang Lin, Shi Lijuan 301

Remote sensing monitoring of river networks in the Inglefield Land of the northwest Greenland ice sheet................................................. Li Ya, Lu Yao, Lu Xin, Li Manchun, Yang Kang 314

Effects of climate change on Antarctic supraglacial lakes: Case study of the Amery and Larsen A ice shelves........................................... Wang Hui, Lu Shanlong, Ding Jun, Qiu Yubao, Tang Hailong, Yan Qiang 322

Extracting freeze/melt extent of Greenland ice sheet from Synthetic Aperture Radar images.............................................................................. Zhao Mengxue, Fu Wenxue, Sun Yanwu, Li Xinwu 336

Estimating near-surface atmospheric refractive index structure constants at Antarctic Taishan Station using simulated parameters from Polar WRF.................................................................. Yang Qike, Wu Xiaoqing, Han Yajuan, Qing Chun 343

Special design of the laboratory of polar research icebreaking vessel.................................... Chen Qingman, Wang Shuoren, Yuan Dongfang 352

Wind resource assessment for the Northwest Passage........................................ Qian Heng, Zhang Ren 362

Analysis on the process of Ross Sea Region MPA establishment under rights and interests claims and its implications.... ................................................................... Zou Leilei 373

A study of China’s deep engagement in Arctic governance: From the perspective of concluding the Agreement to Prevent

Unregulated High Seas Fisheries in the Central Arctic Ocean................................... Tang Yao 383

Latest change, driving force and future prospect of Finland's Arctic policy to China................................................ Liu Han 394

Review of sea ice variability in Canadian Arctic Archipelago and associated change factors................................ Shen Xinyi, Zhang Yu, Chen Changsheng, Hu Song 402

The first Arctic ozone hole in 2020...................... Lu Longhua 415


Recoveries, research progress, and concentration mechanism of meteorites in the Grove Mountains, Antarctica........................... Chen Hongyi, Miao Bingkui, Xia Zhipeng, Xie Lanfang, Zhao Sizhe 417

Monitoring ice front changes of the Pine Island Glacier, West Antarctica, during 1947–2020............................................ Chien Yide, Zhou Chunxia, Chen Yiming, Zeng Tao, Liu Jianqiang 435

Evaluation of four high-resolution sea ice reanalysis products in the Ross Sea and Amundsen Sea...................................... Huang Jia, Zhang Zhaoru, Wang Xiaoqiao 452

Ocean front locations in the Southwest Pacific............... Yang Wei, Li Bingrui, Gao Libao, Li Ruixiang, Liu Changjian, Ma Lei 469

Analysis of influencing factors of the electrical properties of ice cores using dielectric profiling....................................... Xu Sijia, Li Yuansheng, An Chunlei, Shi Guitao, Jiang Su, Ma Tianming, Lu Siyu, Wang Danhe 483

The characteristics of the polar ionosphere in the geomagnetic coordinates system............................................ Wu Yewen, Liu Ruiyuan, Zhang Beichen, Hu Hongqiao, Ci Ying, Jiang Mingbo, Lv Jianyong 494

Biodiversity analysis of cultured agar-degrading bacteria from surfaces of Antarctic macroalgae........................................... Gui Yuanyuan, Gu Xiaoqian, Li Jiang, Zhang Peiyu 504

Bacterial community structure of intertidal sediments in the Fildes Peninsula, Antarctica, and preliminary screening of enzyme-producing strains....................................................... Wu Leilei, Shang Li, Sun Hao, Shi Xiaochong, Zhang Xiaohua 512

Design and application of a real-time temperature and salinity profile observation system under ice for polar regions............................................. Wang Deliang, Zhang Suwei 523

Delimitation of the continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles in the Arctic Ocean................... Yin Jie, Li Jiabiao, Fang Yinxia 533

Modeling and evaluation of ocean wind energy locations in the Arctic Northwest Passage...................... Qian Heng, Zhang Ren 544

Spatiotemporal distribution patterns of active fire in the Arctic region.................................................. Xue Naiting, Zhang Zhen, Du Zhiheng, Hu Kehong, Zhang Shasha, Huang Danni 555

Accuracy evaluation and testing of an AHRS in high-latitude areas........................ Guo Zhengdong, Ben Yueyang, Cui Wenting 565

Research progress on ice sheet mass balance in Antarctica and Greenland..................... Ye Yue, Cheng Xiao, Liu Yan, Yang Yuande, Zhao Liyun, Lin Yijing, Qu Yutong 571

Progress of application of eDNA technology in polar water environments................................. Liu Mengyue, Zhao Wenyu 586

Contributions to the MOSAiC from China....................................................... Lei Ruibo 596

