

生物加工过程 2020年6期


木质纤维素资源化主要途径及半纤维素优先资源化利用策略 任俊莉,刘慧莹,王孝辉,林琦璇,刘昕昕,孔维庆,李 蕊(1)

人工智能时代的智能生物制造 夏建业,田锡炜,刘 娟,庄英萍(13)

鞘糖脂的人工合成体系研究进展 陈晓辉,张 雪,杨广宇(21)

沼泽红假单胞菌作为微生物细胞工厂的应用 李美洁,夏青青,HARWOOD C S,杨建明(27)

微生物合成丙二酰辅酶A衍生物的代谢工程 王凯峰,丁 颖,纪晓俊(35)

甲羟戊酸途径的代谢支路调控策略的研究进展 徐镇祥,李美洁,门 潇,陈国强,王纪明,咸 漠,张海波(44)

植物激素调控微藻储能物质积累研究进展 项 琦,姚长洪,谢成林,焦荟璇,冉雯仪,张永奎,李德富(52)

细胞工厂氧化还原状态的荧光探针检测与调控 俞 杰,秦 磊,许 可,冯旭东,李 春(60)

胺脱氢酶催化合成手性胺的机遇与挑战 陈飞飞,汪东浩,许建和,郑高伟(70)

基于细菌裂解酶的功能性生物材料及其应用 吴 瑕,龚国利,查 健(80)

固定化酶:从策略到材料设计 陈海欣,张赛男,赵力民,陈 瑶(87)

人工光合作用介导的辅酶再生研究进展 黄子煜,王培仑,刘 旭,吕茂翠,黄晓文(95)

基于表达和反应耦联的羟基化酶催化合成反式-4-羟基-L-脯氨酸 景晓冉,聂 尧,徐 岩(106)

多形汉逊酵母提高生长性能的培养基优化 刘 爽,高教琪,薛 闯,周雍进(116)

大肠杆菌合成生物基塑料单体5-氨基戊酸的代谢工程 罗若诗,杨锡智,程 杰,徐彦芹,周 桢,王 丹,王钦宏(126)



群感效应在金黄色葡萄球菌与铜绿假单胞菌群体增殖中的作用 徐振波,刘子奇,谢金红,刘君彦(133)

乳酸菌群体感应系统研究进展 逄晓阳,朱 青,芦 晶,张书文,刘 浏,杨 兰,李伟勋,吕加平(141)

水产品中微生物相互作用机制研究进展 钱韻芳,林 婷(150)

海洋污损的微生物学过程与机制研究进展 李清钞,王 嵘,曾艳华,蔡中华,周 进(158)

基于微生物群体感应的固定化研究进展 陈天鹏,朱家庆,柳 东,陈 勇,应汉杰(170)

群体感应系统介导细菌生物膜形成的研究进展 张天震,刘伶普,李文超,贾士儒,钟 成(177)

微生物群体感应系统与食品防腐保鲜 周 幸,阿热爱·巴合提,李平兰(184)

肠杆菌科细菌群体感应系统的研究进展 李 点,董明盛,张秋勤(193)

希瓦氏菌群体感应的研究进展 阎 俊,赵 勇,谢 晶(200)

真菌的群体感应现象及群体感应分子(QSMs)研究进展 魏天予,牛永武,陈启和(206)

真菌群体感应信号分子及群体感应猝灭的研究进展 高 婧,彭梦雪,梁志宏(214)

藻际菌胶团的特征、调节机制与生态功能 王昭艺,蔡中华,曾艳华,朱建明,周 进(224)


米曲霉来源的环二肽对荧光假单胞菌群体感应的抑制及其机制 丁 婷,李 勇(234)

醋杆菌中群体感应分布与遗传进化分析 夏 凯,钱成巩,梁新乐(245)

基于群体感应的海鲈鱼源杀鲑气单胞菌CS12与水产特定腐败菌的共培养 杨亚茹,李婷婷,励建荣(256)

花椒提取物对嗜水气单胞菌群体感应的抑制作用 李 晴,许腾腾,张佳慧,赵慧娟,刘尊英(263)



腈水合酶的稳定性改造研究进展 沈瑞华,郭军玲,周哲敏(269)

酸性功能性离子液体催化合成二甘醇二苯甲酸酯 王 莹,曹 震,薛 誉,胡 燚(277)

优化绿色木霉发酵培养基提升真菌几丁质含量 李晓鹏,叶金鹏,李振星,钱建瑛,丁振中,龚劲松,李 恒,许正宏,史劲松(283)

响应面法优化水溶性淀粉可食膜的制备及性能 郦丹妮,吴依莎,戚湖涛,陈梦飞,陈银滢,余作龙,饶桂维,丁 炎(289)


纳米硫铁的生物合成及其强化电子传递和污染物去除的研究进展 陈雪茹,吴夏芫,陈子璇,崔 衍,潘正勇,白佳莹,周 俊,雍晓雨,谢欣欣,贾红华,韦 萍(295)

外加电压对污泥厌氧消化产甲烷同步降解菲的影响 林超霸,李 莲,祝佩茹,费吉东,谢欣欣,贾红华,雍晓雨,吴夏芫,周 俊(303)


霍山铁皮石斛糖蛋白的制备及抗氧化活性 何晓梅,徐海军,邓 辉,张珍林,孙传伯,谷仿丽,余茂耘(312)

姬松茸凝集素的分离纯化及性质 王文君,王璐瑶,周 华,韦 萍(318)

蜗牛黏液多糖的提取、表征及抗氧化性和免疫活性 王慧阳,秦 靖,庄 丹,刘春尧,张 艺,张立慧,吕广萍(324)

氧化直链淀粉对姜黄素的增溶作用 解晓芬,吕永博,葛黎明,李德富,穆畅道(332)

新疆沙枣叶提取物对春尺蠖多酚氧化酶的抑制作用 徐 彤,郑旭东,崔羽歆,王 俊,朱慧玲,付建红,姚雪丹(340)


基于树状大分子的纳米抗癌药物研究进展 朱静怡,杨军星,武明豪,黄 和(346)

纳米铜簇合成与应用在生物医药领域的研究进展 单莲云,任佳姝,王炳熙,陈金龙(354)

右布洛芬脂肪乳注射液的分析方法及处方筛选 钱一忖,曹青日(363)

紫云英苷对雷公藤甲素所致小鼠睾丸损伤的保护作用 张 杰,赵 昂,鲍晓文,张铭雅,马 博(369)

核磁共振定量法测定盐酸莫西沙星的含量 秦玲萍,王新仙,卢定强(375)


肉类微生物多样性分析方法的研究进展 甄宗圆,胡雪洁,徐留艳,王艺霖,牛玺程(381)

我国熟肉制品中金黄色葡萄球菌污染状况Meta分析 方太松,王 军,王晔茹,吴瑜凡,刘阳泰,王 翔,董庆利(386)

上海市售肉制品中单核细胞增生李斯特氏菌污染监测和定量分析 田明胜,王 颖,陈 波,厉曙光(392)

包装饮用水中铜绿假单胞菌4种鉴定方法的比较 王 萍,朱 渊,乔勇升,张占林(397)

由肠炎沙门氏菌引起的交叉污染半定量风险评估工具参数确定 孙琳珺,胡丽丽,田世红,王 翔,刘 弘,罗宝章,宋 夏,杨京津,董庆利(403)



食品中环境激素的检测方法研究进展 於明珠,卫 伟,刘安然,刘松琴(409)

分子印迹技术用于食品中真菌毒素样品前处理的研究进展 徐 武,付 含,陈贵堂(417)

食品快速检测产品认证和检测服务能力认可需求分析 孙姗姗,罗娇依,刘彤彤,李 刚,梁瑞强,曹 进(425)


2种罗丹明-多环芳烃聚苯乙烯固相传感器检测Hg2+的荧光差异 李 爽,熊金恩,文湘郡,李 壹,卢一辰,熊 雄,刘元建,熊晓辉(431)

基于石墨烯和金纳米棒的电化学核酸适配体传感器同时检测赭曲霉毒素A和伏马菌素B1 梁秀俊,冯 硕,卫 敏,卫 伟(440)

有序金纳米柱SERS基底制备及苏丹Ⅱ的拉曼光谱 孙维鑫,王家正,金 磊,张 维,周剑章,杨防祖,周勇亮,吴德印(446)

睾酮人工抗原的合成及酶联免疫方法的建立 高 璐,孙嘉笛,王利平,纪 剑,孙秀兰(452)

饮料中合成色素赤藓红的快速检测 陈宏炬,郭 平,林惠真,张 威,叶少清,陈启振,曾勇明,刘国坤,吴德印(457)

常压电离源-飞行时间质谱仪在快速检测农药残留方面的应用 范荣荣,汪开银,朱 辉,黄 晓,黄正旭,汤 梅(462)

新型磁性分子印迹电化学传感器对食品中敌草隆的检测 肖维玮,卢一辰,熊晓辉(471)

一种快速测定植物油中的草铵膦、草甘膦及其代谢物氨甲基膦酸残留的方法 诸骏杰,孙文闪,周婷婷,董叶箐,钟寒辉,黄荣博,吴丹虹,徐子健,章 虎(478)

茉莉酸对莱茵衣藻代谢降解杀菌剂三氯生的影响机制 张晨怡,毛佳昊,苗馨文,刘 汀,熊晓辉,卢一辰(484)

低场核磁共振检测食品中总无机硫 王 睿,辛家祥,杨仲丽,王艳玲,胡凯瑞,黄海龙,徐 敏(492)

电子鼻在餐厨废弃油脂掺假判别中的应用 殷志康,笪丹丹,赵 迪,李春保(497)

核磁共振指纹谱技术在掺杂食用油检测上的应用 李 毅,辛家祥,朱 晶,王嘉琛,姚叶锋(505)

基于过氧化物模拟酶的电化学传感器的制备及其在食品检测中的应用 徐生盼,戴子捷,张芝琳,江 凌,黄 和(512)

离子色谱法同时测定包装饮用水中的6种阴离子 李婷婷,周 丽,曾文锦,彭 波,孙姗姗(520)

蒸馏-电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法测定葡萄酒中的SO2陈清凯,郝桂娟,郭利攀,徐 晓,邢丽丽,段晓婷,章 路,章 虎(527)

饮用水中硫化物的表面增强拉曼光谱检测方法 张文涛,周 丽,邹晓兰,任水英,李 林(532)

高效液相色谱法测定乳清蛋白中的α-乳白蛋白和β-乳球蛋白及其改性降敏 赵倩如,朱丽英,赵权宇,江 凌(536)

采样拭子材质与洗脱方式对表面微生物收集效果的影响 吴岳琴,王 珍,彭醒醒,章 虎,陆 雯(544)



酿酒酵母NST1基因敲除菌的构建及其对抗氧化的影响 朱 红,王梦飞,焦宏亮,王金鹏,周 华,蔡 恒(549)

固定化天冬氨酸酶制备(R)-3-氨基丁酸 张飞龙,杨卫华,陈明亮,严燕兵,唐云平,肖延铭(556)

γ-聚谷氨酸的抗氧化及对UV辐射致皮肤细胞光老化的修复作用 王薛雪,李 莎,任战坤,王 瑞,詹伊婧,符 婵,徐 虹(561)

利用具有过水解活性的乙酰基木聚糖酯酶催化制备过氧乙酸 袁 琪,陶惟一,羊亚平,李 霜(567)

静置的固定化荧光假单胞菌脂肪酶(PFL)生物反应器中催化合成乙酸香茅酯 张 蒙,丛方地,任德忠,王晓红,王鑫鑫,张树林,罗 巍(572)

鲫鱼籽唾液酸糖蛋白的N-糖链结构及生物活性 王 宁,杨泽林,吴剑荣,詹晓北(577)

生物法制备丁二酸的研究及产业化进展 万屹东,高有军,马江锋(583)

褐藻胶裂解酶的结构及催化机制研究进展 李 谦,胡 富,宁利敏,朱本伟,倪 芳,姚 忠(592)


以四甲基氢氧化铵为溶剂的磁性纤维素微球制备、表征及应用 朱瀛奎,万丽君,曹 飞,周 华,韦 萍,贾红华(599)

微生物转化在秸秆还田中的应用进展 董祥洲,陈亚奎,任立伟,黄魏魏,朱启法(604)

木质素/无机填料复合补强橡胶的研究进展 朱时祥,徐新建,李 明,唐成伦,庄 伟,朱晨杰,应汉杰(612)


灵芝发酵菌丝提取物组成成分与急性毒性分析 王英燕,贾存江,张 羽,徐国华,袁 峰,耿 燕(619)

星点设计效应面法优化姜黄素微球的制备工艺 王梦范,张丹丹(625)

甘草酸调控AMPK/ACC/SREBP信号通路改善胰岛素抵抗的机制 栾 超,邵 蕾,石 惠,陈雪梅(631)


食品中四环素残留检测方法比较分析 曹丁丁,陆利霞,熊晓辉(636)

碳酸氢钠对酵母细胞活性及冷冻面团品质的影响 李 娜,缪冶炼,邢 丽,卢 发,张燕萍(642)

新型功能性低聚糖海藻糖的制备和应用开发进展 刘 念,曾添翼,江 凌,黄 和,朱丽英(650)

动物源性食品中氯霉素残留检测方法进展 缪宇腾,郁宏燕,陆利霞,熊晓辉(658)


“真实情境”下人才培养模式的探索——以南京工业大学创新型生物工程人才培养模式为例 雍晓雨,周 俊,胡 南,贾红华,韦 萍(665)

非农林院校生物技术专业“生物防治技术”课程教学内容的改革实践 王 兵,韦鹏威,钟乃凤,邱 炜,黄世祥,胡祖权,刘红美(670)

生物工程专业核心工程基础课线上线下混合式教学的研究与实践——以“化工原理”课程为例 涂志英,田毅红,刘呈雄,杨 潇,龚大春(675)



重组大肠杆菌分泌表达鼠源羧肽酶B及其培养基优化 於瑞梅,辛 瑜,顾正华,吴 松,李由然,丁重阳,石贵阳,张 梁(681)

利用溶氧调控型启动子Pvgb构建产surfactin的重组枯草芽孢杆菌 周大袁,林佳辉,李 霜(690)

一株抗氧化酵母的分离、鉴定及抗氧化转录谱分析 王梦飞,朱 红,焦宏亮,周 华,蔡 恒(696)

构建fks1基因缺陷型酿酒酵母基因工程菌改良成膜能力 王利乐,刘庆国,陈 勇(704)

糖基转移酶GTBM的克隆、表达及其在芹菜素糖基化修饰中的应用 秦盼盼,周雨朦,何冰芳(712)

高效换热器在生物反应器中的应用 李干禄,李 辉,韦 策,陈可泉(719)

用于小分子生产的人工合成微生物菌群研究进展 娄行行,芦红云,魏天予,陈志元,李昌瑜,马 闯,陈启和(724)

产油酵母合成微生物油脂的研究现状及展望 陈 琳,钱秀娟,章晓宇,章文明,信丰学,姜 岷(732)

燃料丁醇研究进展及市场前景分析 张 全,查孝胜,高慧鹏,李澜鹏,关 浩,刘自勇,乔 凯,李福利(741)

稻壳木质素及其衍生物对铜阳极泥浸出液中金的吸附 张保平,师沛然,肖煜坤(749)


银杏果食药物质基础及其加工利用现状 陈柏林,邹敏敏,苏二正,汪贵斌,郭起荣,王佳宏,曹福亮(758)


耐热植酸酶的实验室评估方法 刘胜利,刘示杰,刘文龙,马传兴,王克芬,陆利霞(766)

检测食品中汞、镉、铅、砷等重金属离子的固相荧光传感器 王 洋,熊金恩,李 壹,熊晓晖(775)


Compritol®888 ATO 对双氯芬酸钠的缓释作用 常 梅,平其能,孙敏捷(782)

提高肿瘤光动力疗效的新策略 陶 佩,王 聪,胡学超,缪文俊,黄 和(790)

基于肿瘤微环境构建纳米药物的研究进展 吕程亮,张 帆,魏 炜,谢海燕(799)

刺激响应型水凝胶用于药物控释的研究进展 吴立煌,李炜镧,蔡晓军(806)


Total Contents of Vol.18,2020


Various approaches of lignocellulose utilization and strategies for hemicellulose-preferred lignocellulose biorefinery REN Junli,LIU Huiying,WANG Xiaohui,LIN Qixuan,LIU Xinxin,KONG Weiqing,LI Rui(1)

Intelligent biological manufacturing in the age of artificial intelligence XIA Jianye,TIAN Xiwei,LIU Juan,ZHUANG Yingping(13)

Advances in artificial biosynthesis of glycosphingolipids CHEN Xiaohui,ZHANG Xue,YANG Guangyu(21)

Application ofRhodopseudomonaspalustrisas microbial cell factories LI Meijie,XIA Qingqing,HARWOOD C S,YANG Jianming(27)

Metabolic engineering for microbial synthesis of malonyl-CoA derivatives WANG Kaifeng,DING Ying,JI Xiaojun(35)

Progress in metabolic pathway bypass regulation strategies of the mevalonate pathway XU Zhenxiang,LI Meijie,MEN Xiao,CHEN Guoqiang,WANG Jiming,XIAN Mo,ZHANG Haibo(44)

Research progress in the regulation of energy-storage compounds accumulation in microalgae by phytohormones XIANG Qi,YAO Changhong,XIE Chenglin,JIAO Huixuan,RAN Wenyi,ZHANG Yongkui,LI Defu(52)

Detection and regulation of the redox state in cell factories by fluorescent probes YU Jie,QIN Lei,XU Ke,FENG Xudong,LI Chun(60)

Opportunities and challenges of amine dehydrogenases for chiral amine synthesis CHEN Feifei,WANG Donghao,XU Jianhe,ZHENG Gaowei(70)

Bacteriolytic enzyme-based functional biomaterials and their applications WU Xia,GONG Guoli,ZHA Jian(80)

Enzyme immobilization:from strategies to materials design CHEN Haixin,ZHANG Sainan,ZHAO Limin,CHEN Yao(87)

Advances in photosynthesis for coenzyme regeneration HUANG Ziyu,WANG Peilun,LIU Xu,LÜ Maocui,HUANG Xiaowen(95)

Synthesis oftrans-4-hydroxy-L-proline by hydroxylase via coupling enzyme expression and catalytic reaction JING Xiaoran,NIE Yao,XU Yan(106)

Medium optimization for growth ofOgataeapolymorphaLIU Shuang,GAO Jiaoqi,XUE Chuang,ZHOU Yongjin(116)

Production of 5-aminovaleric acid,a bio-based plastic monomer by metabolic engineering ofEscherichiacoliLUO Ruoshi,YANG Xizhi,CHENG Jie,XU Yanqin,ZHOU Zhen,WANG Dan,WANG Qinhong(126)


Role of quorum sensing in polymicrobial interaction betweenStaphylococcusaureusandPseudomonasaeruginosaXU Zhenbo,LIU Ziqi,XIE Jinhong,LIU Junyan(133)

Progress in quorum sensing system of lactic acid bacteria PANG Xiaoyang,ZHU Qing,LU Jing,ZHANG Shuwen,LIU Liu,YANG Lan,LI Weixun,LÜ Jiaping(141)

Advances in microbial community interactions in aquatic products QIAN Yunfang,LIN Ting(150)

Progress in studying microbiological mechanisms in marine fouling LI Qingchao,WANG Rong,ZENG Yanhua,CAI Zhonghua,ZHOU Jin(158)

Research progress in immobilized fermentation based on quorum sensing CHEN Tianpeng,ZHU Jiaqing,LIU Dong,CHEN Yong,YING Hanjie(170)

Advances in quorum sensing regulating formation of biofilm ZHANG Tianzhen,LIU Lingpu,LI Wenchao,JIA Shiru,ZHONG Cheng(177)

Quorum sensing system and food preservation ZHOU Xing,AREAI Bahati,LI Pinglan(184)

Research progress in quorum sensing system in Enterobacteriaceae LI Dian,DONG Mingsheng,ZHANG Qiuqin(193)

Advances in quorum sensing inShewanellaspp YAN Jun,ZHAO Yong,XIE Jing(200)

Advances in quorum sensing and quorum sensing molecules of fungi WEI Tianyu,NIU Yongwu,CHEN Qihe(206)

Research progress of quorum sensing signal molecules and quorum sensing quenching in fungi GAO Jing,PENG Mengxue,LIANG Zhihong(214)

Characteristics,regulatory mechanisms and ecological functions of zoogloea consortium in phycosphere environment WANG Zhaoyi,CAI Zhonghua,ZENG Yanhua,ZHU Jianming,Zhou Jin(224)

Inhibition on quorum sensing ofPseudomonasfluorescensby cyclic dipeptide isolated fromAspergillusoryzaeand its mechanism DING Ting,LI Yong(234)

Phylogenetic and distributional analysis of quorum sensing inAcetobacterXIA Kai,QIAN Chenggong,LIANG Xinle(245)

Co-culture ofAeromonassalmonicidaCS12 in sea bass and specific spoilage organism of aquatic products based on quorum sensing YANG Yaru,LI Tingting,LI Jianrong(256)

Inhibition ofAeromonashydrophilaquorum sensing by extract fromZanthoxylumbungeanumLI Qing,XU Tengteng,ZHANG Jiahui,ZHAO Huijuan,LIU Zunying(263)


Recent advances in stability reconstruction of nitrile hydratase SHEN Ruihua,GUO Junling,ZHOU Zhemin(269)

Acidic functional ionic liquid catalyzed synthesis of diethylene glycol dibenzoate WANG Ying,CAO Zhen,XUE Yu,HU Yi(277)

Enhancing chitin content inTrichodermavirideby medium optimization LI Xiaopeng,YE Jinpeng,LI Zhenxing,QIAN Jianying,DING Zhenzhong,GONG Jinsong,LI Heng,XU Zhenghong,SHI Jinsong(283)

Preparation and properties of cold-water-soluble starch edible film by response surface method LI Danni,WU Yisha,QI Hutao,CHEN Mengfei,CHEN Yinying,YU Zuolong,RAO Guiwei,DING Yan(289)

Progress in biosynthetic iron sulfide nanoparticles for enhancing electron transfer and pollutant degradation CHEN Xueru,WU Xiayuan, CHEN Zixuan,CUI Yan,PAN Zhengyong,BAI Jiaying,ZHOU Jun,YONG Xiaoyu,XIE Xinxin,JIA Honghua,WEI Ping(295)

Effects of different voltages on methane production and phenanthrene degradation in sludge anaerobic digestion LIN Chaoba,LI Lian,ZHU Peiru,FEI Jidong,XIE Xinxin,JIA Honghua,YONG Xiaoyu,WU Xiayuan,ZHOU Jun(303)

Purification and antioxidant activity of glycoprotein from HuoshanDendrobiumofficinaleHE Xiaomei,XU Haijun,DENG Hui,ZHANG Zhenlin,SUN Chuanbo,GU Fangli,YU Maoyun(312)

Purification and characterization of lectin fromAgaricusblazeiMurrill WANG Wenjun,WANG Luyao,ZHOU Hua,WEI Ping(318)

Isolation,characterization,antioxidant and immunomodulating activity of polysaccharides fromAchatinafulicamucus WANG Huiyang,QIN Jing,ZHUANG Dan,LIU Chunyao,ZHANG Yi,ZHANG Lihui,LÜ Guangping(324)

The solubilization of curcumin by oxidized amylose XIE Xiaofen,LÜ Yongbo,GE Liming,LI Defu,MU Changdao(332)

Inhibitory effects of two compounds extracted from leaves ofElaeagnusoxycarpaSchlechtend in Xinjiang on polyphenol oxidase of larvaApochemiacinerariusErsch XU Tong,ZHENG Xudong,CUI Yuxin,WANG Jun,ZHU Huiling,FU Jianhong,YAO Xuedan(340)

Progress in dendrimer-based anticancer nanomedicine ZHU Jingyi,YANG Junxing,WU Minghao,HUANG He(346)

Advances in the synthesis and applications of copper nanoclusters in biomedicine SHAN Lianyun,REN Jiashu,WANG Bingxi,CHEN Jinlong(354)

Analytical method and formulation screening of dexibuprofen fat emulsion injection QIAN Yicun,CAO Qingri(363)

Protective effect of astragalin on testicular injury induced by triptolide in mice ZHANG Jie,ZHAO Ang,BAO Xiaowen,ZHANG Mingya,Ma Bo(369)

Determination of moxifloxacin hydrochloride by quantitative nuclear magnetic resonance QIN Lingping,WANG Xinxian,LU Dingqiang(375)

Research progress on analytical methods used in meat microbial diversity ZHEN Zongyuan,HU Xuejie,XU Liuyan,WANG Yilin,NIU Xicheng(381)

Cooked meat products contamination withStaphylococcusaureusin China:a Meta-analysis FANG Taisong,WANG Jun,WANG Yeru,WU Yufan,LIU Yangtai,WANG Xiang,DONG Qingli(386)

Contaminant monitoring and quantitative analysis ofLiteriamonocytogenesin retail meat products in Shanghai municipality TIAN Mingsheng,WANG Ying,CHEN Bo,LI Shuguang(392)

Comparison of four identification methods ofPseudomonasaeruginosain packaged drinking water WANG Ping,ZHU Yuan,QIAO Yongsheng,ZHANG Zhanlin(397)

Determination of parameters for semi-quantitative risk assessment software of cross contamination caused bySalmonellaenteritidis SUN Linjun,HU Lili,TIAN Shihong,WANG Xiang,LIU Hong,LUO Baozhang,SONG Xia,YANG Jingjin,DONG Qingli(403)


Progress in the detection of environmental hormones in food YU Mingzhu,WEI Wei,LIU Anran,LIU Songqin(409)

Progress in molecular imprinting technique for pretreatment of mycotoxins in food XU Wu,FU Han,CHEN Guitang(417)

Certification and accreditation for rapid food detection assays and their detection service capacity SUN Shanshan,LUO Jiaoyi,LIU Tongtong,LI Gang,LIANG Ruiqiang,CAO Jin(425)

Fluorescent difference between two rhodamine-polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons polystyrene solid-phase sensors for Hg2+detection LI Shuang,XIONG Jinen,WEN Xiangjun,LI Yi,LU Yichen,XIONG Xiong,LIU Yuanjian,XIONG Xiaohui (431)

Electrochemical aptasensor based on graphene and gold nanorods for simultaneous detection of ochratoxin A and fumonisin B1 LIANG Xiujun,FENG Shuo,WEI Min,WEI Wei(440)

Preparation of order gold nanopillar array and SERS spectra of Sudan Ⅱ SUN Weixin,WANG Jiazheng, JIN Lei,ZHANG Wei,ZHOU Jianzhang,YANG Fangzu,ZHOU Yongliang,WU Deyin(446)

Synthesis of testosterone artificial antigen for developing an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay GAO Lu,SUN Jiadi,WANG Liping,JI Jian,SUN Xiulan(452)

Rapid detection of synthetic pigment erythrosine in beverages CHEN Hongju,GUO Ping,LIN Huizhen, ZHANG Wei,YE Shaoqing,CHEN Qizhen,ZENG Yongming,LIU Guokun,WU Deyin(457)

Rapid detection of pesticide residue by atmospheric pressure ion source with time-of-flight mass spectrometry FAN Rongrong,WANG Kaiyin,ZHU Hui,HUANG Xiao,HUANG Zhengxu,TANG Mei(462)

A novel electromical seneor couple with magnetic molecularly imprinted polymers for the determination of diuron in food matries XIAO Weiwei,LU Yichen,XIONG Xiaohui(471)

A method for the rapid determination of glyphosate,glyphosate and its metabolite aminomethylphosphonic acid residues in vegetable oil ZHU Junjie,SUN Wenshan,ZHOU Tingting,DONG Yeqing,ZHONG Hanhui,HUANG Rongbo,WU Danhong,XU Zijian,ZHANG Hu(478)

Effect of jasmonic acid on the metabolism and degradation of triclosan inChlamydomonasreinhardtiiZHANG Chenyi,MAO Jiahao,MIAO Xinwen,LIU Ting,XIONG Xiaohui,LU Yichen(484)

Detecting total inorganic sulfur in food by low-field nuclear magnetic resonance WANG Rui,XIN Jiaxiang,YANG Zhongli,WANG Yanling,HU Kairui,HUANG Hailong,XU Min (492)

Application of electronic nose in the fast discrimination of kitchen waste oil YIN Zhikang,DA Dandan,ZHAO Di,LI Chunbao(497)

Detection of adulterated edible oil by NMR fingerprint spectroscopy LI Yi,XIN Jiaxiang,ZHU Jing,WANG Jiachen,YAO YeFeng(505)

Preparation of peroxidase mimic nanoenzyme and its electrochemical detection of hydrogen peroxide in foods XU Shengpan,DAI Zijie,ZHANG Zhilin,JIANG Ling,HUANG He(512)

Determination of six kinds of anions in bottled drinking water by ion chromatography LI Tingting,ZHOU Li,ZENG Wenjin,PENG Bo,SUN Shanshan(520)

Distillation inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry for the determination of sulfur dioxide in grape wine CHEN Qingkai,HAO Guijuan,GUO Lipan,XU Xiao,XING Lili,DUAN Xiaoting,ZHANG Lu,ZHANG Hu(527)

Rapid screening of sulfides in drinking water with surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy ZHANG Wentao,ZHOU Li,ZOU Xiaolan,REN Shuiying,LI Lin(532)

Detection ofα-lactalbumin andβ-lactoglobulin using HPLC and optimization of enzymatic degradation ZHAO Qianru,ZHU Liying,ZHAO Quanyu,JIANG Ling(536)

Effect of swab materials and elution methods on surface microbial samples WU Yueqin,WANG Zhen,PENG Xingxing,ZHANG Hu,LU Wen(544)


Effects ofNST1 gene knockout inSaccharomycescerevisiaeon oxidation resistance ZHU Hong,WANG Mengfei,JIAO Hongliang,WANG Jinpeng,ZHOU Hua,CAI Heng(549)

Preparation of (R)-3-aminobutyric acid by immobilized aspartase ZHANG Feilong,YANG Weihua,CHEN Mingliang,YAN Yanbing,TANG Yunping,XIAO Yanming(556)

Antioxidation of poly-(γ-glutamic acid) and repair of photoaging fibroblasts induced by UV radiation WANG Xuexue,LI Sha,REN Zhankun,WANG Rui,ZHAN Yijing,FU Chan,XU Hong(561)

Production of peracetic acid by acetyl xylan esterase with perhydrolysis activity YUAN Qi,TAO Weiyi,YANG Yaping,LI Shuang(567)

Synthesis of citronellyl acetate in a staticPseudomonasfluorescenslipase(PFL) bioreactor ZHANG Meng,CONG Fangdi,REN Dezhong,WANG Xiaohong,WANG Xinxin,ZHANG Shulin,LUO Wei(572)

N-Glycan structure and bioactivity of sialoglycoprotein from crucian carp eggs WANG Ning,YANG Zelin,WU Jianrong,ZHAN Xiaobei(577)

Progress in industrialization on succinic acid production by fermentation WAN Yidong,GAO Youjun,MA Jiangfeng(583)

Insight into the structure and catalytic mechanism of alginate lyases LI Qian,HU Fu,NING Limin,ZHU Benwei,NI Fang,YAO Zhong(592)

Preparation,characterization and application of magnetic cellulose microspheres by using tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide ZHU Yingkui,WAN Lijun,CAO Fei,ZHOU Hua,WEI Ping,JIA Honghua(599)

Advances in the application of biotransformation in straw returning to field DONG Xiangzhou,CHEN Yakui,REN Liwei,HUANG Weiwei,ZHU Qifa(604)

Advance in reinforcing rubber with lignin/inorganic fillers ZHU Shixiang,XU Xinjian,LI Ming,TANG Chenglun,ZHUANG Wei,ZHU Chenjie,YING Hanjie(612)

Composition and acute toxicity ofGanodermalingzhimycelium extract WANG Yingyan,JIA Cunjiang,ZHANG Yu,XU Guohua,YUAN Feng,GENG Yan(619)

Optimized preparation of curcumin microspheres by central composite design-response surface method WANG Mengfan,ZHANG Dandan(625)

Effect of glycyrrhizic acid on insulin resistance by regulating AMPK/ACC/SREBP signaling pathway LUAN Chao,SHAO Lei,SHI Hui,CHEN Xuemei(631)

Comparison of detection methods for tetracycline residue in foods CAO Dingding,LU Lixia,YU Hongyan,XIONG Xiaohui(636)

Effects of sodium bicarbonate on yeast cell activity and frozen dough quality LI Na,MIAO Yelian,XING Li,LU Fa,ZHANG Yanping(642)

Research progress and application prospect of a novel functional oligosaccharide trehalose LIU Nian,ZENG Tianyi,JIANG Ling,HUANG He,ZHU Liying(650)

Residual detection of chloramphenicol in animal derived food MIAO Yuteng,YU Hongyan,LU Lixia,XIONG Xiaohui(658)

Exploration of talents training mode under "real situation"—take the innovative bioengineering talents training mode of NJTech as an example YONG Xiaoyu,ZHOU Jun,HU Nan,JIA Honghua,WEI Ping (665)

Reform and practice of the teaching content of the course "Biological Control Technology" of biotechnology major in non-agricultural and forestry university WANG Bing,WEI Pengwei,ZHONG Naifeng,QIU Wei,HUANG Shixiang,HU Zuquan,LIU Hongmei(670)

Research and practice of online and offline hybrid teaching mode on bioengineering core engineering basic course-taking "Principles of Chemical Engineering" as an example TU Zhiying,TIAN Yihong,LIU Chengxiong,YANG Xiao,GONG Dachun(675)


Extracellular expression and fermentation optimization of rat carboxypeptidase B inEscherichiacoliYU Ruimei,XIN Yu,GU Zhenghua,WU Song,LI Youran,DING Zhongyang,SHI Guiyang,ZHANG Liang(681)

Constructing recombinantBacillussubtilisproducing surfactin using aeration-inducible promoterPvgbZHOU Dayuan,LIN Jiahui,LI Shuang(690)

Isolation,identification and transcriptome analysis of an antioxidant yeast WANG Mengfei,ZHU Hong,JIAO Hongliang,ZHOU Hua,CAI Heng(696)

Improvement ofSaccharomycescerevisiaebiofilm forming ability by genetically constructingfks1 mutant WANG Lile,LIU Qingguo,CHEN Yong(704)

Cloning and expression of glycosyltransferase GTBMand its application for glycosylation of apigenin QIN Panpan,ZHOU Yumeng,HE Bingfang(712)

Application of high efficiency heat exchanger in bioreactor LI Ganlu,LI Hui,WEI Ce,CHEN Kequan(719)

Synthetic microbial consortium for small molecule production LOU Hanghang,LU Hongyun,WEI Tianyu,CHEN Zhiyuan,LI Changyu,MA Chuang,CHEN Qihe(724)

Microbial lipid production by oleaginous yeasts:a review CHEN Lin,QIAN Xiujuan,ZHANG Xiaoyu,ZHANG Wenming,XIN Fengxue,JIANG Min (732)

Research progress and commercialization prospect of fuel butanol ZHANG Quan,ZHA Xiaosheng,GAO Huipeng,LI Lanpeng,GUAN Hao,LIU Ziyong,QIAO Kai,LI Fuli(741)

Adsorption of gold from leachate of copper anode slime by rice husk lignin and its derivatives ZHANG Baoping,SHI Peiran,XIAO Yukun(749)

Processing and utilization of edible and medicinal components ofGinkgobilobaseeds:a review CHEN Bolin,ZOU Minmin,SU Erzheng,WANG Guibin,GUO Qirong,WANG Jiahong,CAO Fuliang(758)

Laboratory evaluation of thermostable phytase LIU Shengli,LIU Shijie,LIU Wenlong,MA Chuanxing,WANG Kefen, LU Lixia(766)

A solid fluorescence sensor for detection of mercury,cadmium,lead and arsenic in food WANG Yang,XIONG Jinen,LI Yi,XIONG Xiaohui(775)

The sustained release of diclofenac sodium by Compritol®888 ATO CHANG Mei,PING Qineng,SUN Minjie(782)

Novel strategies of enhanced antitumor photodynamic therapy TAO Pei,WANG Cong,HU Xuechao,MIAO Wenjun,HUANG He(790)

Tumor microenvironment mediated nanodrug:a review LÜ Chengliang,ZHANG Fan,WEI Wei,XIE Haiyan(799)

Research progress of stimulus-responsive hydrogels for controlled drug delivery WU Lihuang,LI Weilan,CAI Xiaojun(806)



