《生态科学》2020年第39 卷总目次


生态科学 2020年6期

《生态科学》2020年第39 卷总目次

第 1 期(2020 年 1 月)

一株嗜盐杆菌对中肋骨条藻的溶藻作用机理研究……………………………………………………韩贝贝, 张书飞, 吴风霞, 史荣君, 黄洪辉 (1)

柳江流域不同水文季节水质对附生硅藻群落的影响研究……………………………………………………李佳静, 刘威, 邓培雁 (10)

背角无齿蚌对养殖池塘底泥释放重金属的净化效果……………………………………………………陈修报, 刘洪波, 戈贤平, 杨健 (20)

湖北兴山县种子植物区系特征与垂直分布格局研究…………………………………………………徐玉洋, 李亭亭, 李果, 汪正祥, 杨启池, 林邦俊, 张贺贺, 李玲 (27)

黄河三角洲潮沟形态特征对湿地植物群落演替的影响……………………………………………………武亚楠, 王宇, 张振明 (33)

湖北赛武当国家级自然保护区金钱槭()种群的数量动态……………………………………………………詹颖馨, 胡忠仁, 周赛霞, 张丽, 詹选怀, 彭焱松 (42)

黄河三角洲滨海湿地芦苇、碱蓬混生群落空间点格局分析……………………………………………………王宇, 武亚楠, 鄢郭馨, 张振明 (51)

京杭运河邵伯高邮段栖息地破碎化对狗獾种群数量分布的影响……………………………………………………崔超, 顾晨, 谢燕锦, 魏万红, 殷宝法 (60)

库布齐沙漠白沙蒿根际丛枝菌根及其球囊霉素的时空异质性……………………………………………………山宝琴, 李杉, 李珂, 马旭杰, 邓晨阳 (65)

封育对黄土高原草地深层土壤pH的影响……………………………………………………张茹, 李建平, 张翼, 井乐, 王婷 (72)

海南热带雨林土壤中胡敏酸对Pb2+、Cu2+的吸附解吸特性研究……………………………………………………邱勇, 兰天, 赵庆杰 (78)

东钱湖水体异养细菌的时空分布及其与环境影响因素和有机质的关系……………………………………………………王海丽, 刁俊睿, 钱文杰, 邢雅丽, 谢煜, 金茅, 沈钧亮 (85)

生态输水前后台特玛湖生态环境变化探究分析……………………………………………………王慧玲, 吐尔逊·哈斯木 (93)

基于景观尺度下的鄱阳湖湿地浅层土有机碳的空间特征……………………………………………………谢冬明, 温丽, 易青, 周国宏, 黄庆华, 陈家欣, 周杨明, 钱海燕 (101)

基于组合评价法的湖南省农业可持续发展区域分异……………………………………………………谭洁, 董俐, 周卫军, 谭雪兰, 刘沛 (110)

京津冀地区新型城镇化对土地生态效率影响的实证分析……………………………………………………卫晓庆, 王涛, 李嘉霖, 程贇, 刘晓艺 (118)

刺楸年轮中重金属含量动态变化及富集特性……………………………………………………刘政, 许中秋, 张鑫洁, 赵子荀, 冯凯, 吴秀萍, 张耀琴, 许晓岗 (128)

基于CA-Markov模型的呼图壁县土地利用景观格局预测研究……………………………………………………朱增云, 阿里木江·卡斯木 (136)

基于街景数据的绿视率模型构建及其影响因子研究……………………………………………………孟庆岩, 汪雪淼, 孙云晓, 张佳晖, 陈旭 (146)

盐池县土地利用自然生态位变化及其对景观格局的影响……………………………………………………张晓宁, 刘学录, 李晓丹, 王全喜, 徐亚男 (156)

暖温带乔木和灌木物候变化及对气候变化的响应……………………………………………………王明, 桑卫国 (164)

湖南省水稻生产水足迹及其影响因素研究……………………………………………………崔克蓉, 向平安 (176)

海南岛干旱地区昌化江径流变化及影响因素……………………………………………………朱丽蓉, 刘宇航, 叶长青 (183)

矿业废弃地复垦耕地多目标质量评价体系与应用……………………………………………………谌凯, 吴思聪, 张世文, 陈家乐, 兰鸿超, 缪伟伟, 葛畅, 沈强 (190)

生态压力视角下福建省区域经济协调发展研究……………………………………………………杨泓川, 陈松林 (198)

基于土地利用变化的粤港澳大湾区生态系统服务价值预测研究……………………………………………………许译方, 周永杰, 何煜然, 邝红艳, 杨大勇 (207)

森林生态系统凋落物多样性对分解过程和土壤微生物特性影响研究进展……………………………………………………佘婷, 田野 (213)

具休眠体淡水水生生物分布假说的研究进展……………………………………………………罗召君, 舒树森, 陈小勇 (224)

第 2 期(2020 年 3 月)

内蒙古希拉穆仁草原春季土壤水与水分平衡研究……………………………………………………陈志青, 赵景波, 罗小庆, 邵天杰, 胡倩 (1)

融合Kriging算法的河套灌区ET估算方法评价……………………………………………………王燕鑫, 李瑞平李夏子, 王思楠, 石玉芬 (8)

苔藓植物群落在重庆小寨天坑垂直梯度上的分布规律……………………………………………………李小芳, 张朝晖, 王智慧 (18)

横断山区凉山州耕地景观安全格局演变及驱动力分析……………………………………………………张丽芳, 冉丹阳, 杨存建, 廖雨, 祝聪, 张英 (25)

北京门头沟主城区及其城郊森林大气污染物时空变化特征……………………………………………………郭嘉, 辛学兵, 郭慧, 法蕾, 裴顺祥, 吴迪, 马淑敏 (32)

沈抚新城生态安全格局的构建……………………………………………………师鹏飞, 李爽, 姜虎生, 马会强 (41)

塔里木河上、中游极端干旱区淹灌对胡杨()长势的影响……………………………………………………高生峰, 叶茂 (50)

基于多模型集合预测尖萼红山茶物种分布……………………………………………………陈思斯, 刘想, 童鑫玥, 管毕财 (58)

橡胶种植对林下节肢动物群落结构的影响……………………………………………………马占霞, 甘建民, 张玲 (67)

两种绿藻辅助饲喂对克氏原螯虾生理活性的影响……………………………………………………宋庆洋, 李长江, 米武娟, 黄宇波, 程咸立, 马达文, 毕永红(75)

两种AM真菌对箭筈豌豆白粉病的防治效果……………………………………………………张伟珍, 段廷玉 (82)

环境因子对广西红锥幼林生长的影响……………………………………………………彭玉华, 谭长强, 郑威, 申文辉, 黄小荣, 黄德诚, 何峰, 莫杨旺 (90)

基于熵权TOPSIS模型的鄂尔多斯市资源环境承载力评价……………………………………………………郑欣, 程艳妹, 任彩凤, 周立志 (95)

淮河流域1990—2015年间土地利用时空变化特征及驱动机制研究……………………………………………………李煜东, 臧传富, 陈相龙 (104)

生物修复剂TF3对铅污染土壤的修复效果研究……………………………………………………郜雅静, 李建华, 卢晋晶, 靳东升, 郜春花(114)

基于变异系数法的马鞍山江心洲生态敏感性定量研究……………………………………………………严军, 王婷, 秦珏 (124)

乌鲁木齐市土地利用景观格局变化及生态安全分析……………………………………………………朱亚楠, 蒲春玲 (133)

叶尔羌河流域胡杨春尺蠖发生期遥感预测……………………………………………………陈孟禹, 贾翔, 陈蜀江, 侯博展, 刘逸豪, 黄铁成, 闫志明 (145)

基于ASTER GDEM的湘西北生态旅游资源发掘研究……………………………………………………陶前辉, 杨波, 李博, 左青 (157)

象山港海岸带高功能景观退化及环境效应研究……………………………………………………傅杰超, 李伟芳,赵柯,王奇,胡慧(166)

S2–和Na+胁迫下黄河三角洲高潮滩芦苇光合作用和抗氧化酶活性的响应……………………………………………………陈琳, 张俪文, 刘子亭, 路峰, 颜坤, 韩广轩(175)

长江中游城市群城市化与生态环境耦合协调分析及模拟预测……………………………………………………贺清云, 李慧平, 欧阳晓 (182)

基于CFD的建筑对城市湖泊湿度效应的影响模拟……………………………………………………梁胜, 陈存友, 胡希军, 胡颖炫, 赵荻 (191)

陆地森林植被植物细根对全球气候变化的响应研究进展……………………………………………………肖海龙, 盛茂银(199)

土壤线虫作为生态指示生物的研究进展……………………………………………………刘艳方, 刘攀, 王文颖, 毛旭峰, 董世魁, 杨冲, 高俊程 (207)

三峡库区面源污染研究进展……………………………………………………李乐, 刘常富 (215)

人体肠道细菌的培养组学研究进展……………………………………………………牛尚博, 蔡嘉裕, 韦金涛, 黄嘉伟, 方舒婷, 吴继国, 张国霞(227)

第 3 期(2020 年 5 月)

氮添加对昆仑山高山草地土壤、微生物和植物生态化学计量特征的影响……………………………………………………岳泽伟,李向义,李磊,林丽莎,刘波,曾凡江 (1)

南海海气CO2交换对两个热带气旋“风泵”的不同响应机理分析……………………………………………………孙庆杨, 林静柔, 唐丹玲, 潘刚, 姜兆玉 (9)

快速城市化地区昆明市“城—郊—乡”梯度土壤表层碳氮磷化学计量特征……………………………………………………何云玲, 张淑洁, 邓福英, 荣丽, 张林艳 (17)

珍稀濒危植物绣球茜(Tutcher)的生境特征和繁殖技术……………………………………………………任泽楷, 杨礼香(25)

菌根真菌对酸铝胁迫的响应……………………………………………………王艳阳, 常顺利, 王诗慧, 古丽哈娜提·波拉提别克, 张毓涛 (31)

泰山世界遗产地刺槐林地学信息图谱分析……………………………………………………高兰, 梁田, 韩芳, 李传荣, 申卫星, 张兴强, 吕卫东 (38)

模拟大气硫酸铵污染对香樟幼苗生长及光合特性的影响……………………………………………………罗佳, 田育新, 王育坚, 周小玲, 牛艳东, 刘红军, 丁小慧 (44)

基于MAXENT模型和Arc GIS预测蜡梅适生域在中国的潜在分布……………………………………………………秦思思, 颜玉娟, 欧阳晟 (49)

基于无人机的昆明海口林场宽地坝林区植物群落建群种格局研究……………………………………………………李富利, 彭晓昶, 王崇云, 彭明春, 谢映旭, 左艳洁 (57)

陕西典型麦田区土壤全氮的空间异质性及其影响因素……………………………………………………李庚飞, 兰素恋, 刘媛(64)

基于“三生空间”的福建省城市综合承载力研究……………………………………………………欧惠, 戴文远, 黄万里, 黄康, 徐乙文 (71)

基于NDVI的塔里木盆地北缘绿洲-荒漠过渡带时空演变分析……………………………………………………边慧芹, 王雪梅 (80)

基于遥感生态指数的阜新市生态质量评估……………………………………………………王东升, 王小磊, 雷泽勇(88)

广东惠州3类海洋经济物种体内重金属含量分析和健康风险评估……………………………………………………杨玉峰, 梁浩亮, 黄舜琴, 刘锦荣, 林彩容, 冯建祥 (95)

陕北小流域退耕农户剖面特征的土地利用决策响应……………………………………………………党小虎, 陶瑞, 夏紫顿, 魏学肖, 杨勤科(104)

贵州两处茶园溶磷青霉菌的筛选、鉴定及溶磷能力分析……………………………………………………彭艳, 孙鑫, 周培富, 杨成, 曾广能, 范百龄 (113)

基于3DLP指数的景观格局演变及预测分析……………………………………………………刘雨先, 王守梅, 龚熊波, 李博, 杨波 (122)

三种常见品牌护肤品暴露对鲮肝脏SOD和GST活性、GSH含量的影响……………………………………………………傅小娇, 何世兴, 郑超, 余琳, 李汉邯, 杨占彪, 徐小逊, 程章 (132)

光照强度对8种红树植物幼苗生长和生物量分配的影响……………………………………………………谭淑娟, 李婷, 余素睿, 蔡水花, 叶万辉, 沈浩 (139)

江西老虎脑省级自然保护区鸟类资源调查……………………………………………………刘鹏, 缪泸君, 贺磊, 孙志勇, 刘美娟, 张壹萱, 肖相元, 曾文昌, 王莉, 应钦 (147)

高复种指数区成都市郫都区农田土壤养分特征及其空间变异研究……………………………………………………王斌, 黄盛怡, 闵庆文, 袁正, 张碧天, 李禾尧 (151)

衰亡期黑藻与生长期菹草交替生长对水体磷迁移的影响……………………………………………………王立志, 董彬, 宋红丽, 李宝, 安娟(160)

1975—2018年南四湖流域景观生态风险时空变化及其驱动因素研究……………………………………………………张文静, 孙小银 , 单瑞峰, 刘飞 (172)

西北干旱地区气候变化及其对草地生产潜力的影响……………………………………………………张娟, 李剑萍, 王誉陶, 张翼, 井乐, 李建平 (182)

泰山保护地生态资产价值评估……………………………………………………邢一明, 马婷, 舒航, 赵金崎, 桑卫国 (193)

基于效率视角的浙江省2030年碳排放配额分析……………………………………………………李泽坤, 任丽燕, 马仁锋, 刘永强, 姚丹 (201)

CoupModel模拟与应用研究进展……………………………………………………李月, 万忠梅, 孙丽 (212)

旅游环境系统研究进展与展望……………………………………………………杨秀平, 贾云婷, 张大成, 翁钢民, 侯玉君 (221)

无人机技术在广州南沙区河涌景观特征生态调查中的应用研究进展……………………………………………………张晔, 裴男才, 何碧红,史欣, 孙冰, 于彬, 尹小阳, 王子研, 唐赛男, 金一博, 刘晓天, 唐艺家, 朱颖芳, 孙倩 (231)

第 4 期(2020 年 7 月)

珠江口自源有机颗粒物沉降对沉积物反硝化过程的影响……………………………………………………岳维忠, 孙翠慈, 施平, 洪义国, 何伟宏, 王友绍 (1)

Cu2+、Pb2+胁迫对秋茄幼苗可溶性蛋白和抗氧化酶活性的影响……………………………………………………王芳洲, 王友绍 (10)

EDDS对Cd胁迫下三叶鬼针草幼苗NO产生的影响……………………………………………………丁浚刚, 陈银萍, 杨波, 师小平, 颉海帆 (19)

奥奈达(Oneida)湖营养状态变化趋势及影响因素……………………………………………………高珊珊, 张曙光, 刘阳, Lars G. Rudstam, 梅雪英 (26)

滩涂禾草镶嵌群落植物斑块与土壤因子的对应分析……………………………………………………陈虹伊, 夏雯雯, 肖孟阳, 徐驰, 刘茂松 (33)

汕头南澳—东山海域营养盐季节分布特征及其对浮游植物生长的潜在性限制……………………………………………………陈丹婷, 柯志新, 谭烨辉, 刘甲星 (41)

尾矿中重金属对4种土著植物生理特性的影响……………………………………………………付靖雯, 高天鹏, 张松林, 万子栋, 王雪莹, 左明博, 刘圆, 李昌明 (51)

三种流速对卵形鲳鲹幼鱼耗氧率和排氨率的影响……………………………………………………苏家齐, 秦金华, 朱长波, 张博, 陈素文, 李俊伟 (60)

不同类型秸秆还田对稻田土壤氨氧化微生物群落结构的影响……………………………………………………高珍珍, 王蓉, 龚松玲, 朱容, 刘章勇, 金涛 (66)

典型热带森林生态系统林冠穿透雨特征及影响因素……………………………………………………赵赫, 文志, 刘艳秋, 郑华 (74)

水文连通强度对芦苇、碱蓬生态化学计量的影响……………………………………………………刘佳凯, 王宇, 张振明, 张明祥 (81)

柯西河流域森林覆盖度的空间分布及变化分析……………………………………………………赵佩, 陈琼, 刘林山, 刘峰贵, 周强 (89)

基于Landsat影像的西宁市不透水面时空演变及其增温效应分析……………………………………………………刘祖昱, 杨维芳,吕建伟,李德宴,李蓉蓉 (99)

苦草群落重建中吲哚乙酸(IAA)的使用效果及限制因素……………………………………………………陈敏, 林品镕, 何宇清, 肖林, 叶长鹏 (106)

氮添加对盐胁迫条件下芦苇和盐地碱蓬种子萌发竞争的影响……………………………………………………李梅, 张琳, 路峰, 吴梦迪, 于君宝, 张晓龙, 管博 (113)

基于MaxEnt模型的芬芳安息香潜在适生区预测……………………………………………………郭晓旭, 王璐, 许晓岗, 童丽丽 (119)

伊犁河谷景观生态风险时空变化及其地形梯度分析……………………………………………………颜瑜严, 杨辽, 王伟胜, 方晖, 庄庆威 (125)

湘西州山区土地利用类型的地形梯度效应与景观格局分析……………………………………………………龚熊波, 杨波, 刘雨先, 王守梅 (137)

1961—2017年广西北部湾海岸带太阳总辐射时空动态特征……………………………………………………张亚丽, 田义超, 林俊良, 张强, 陶进 (145)

青海湖流域植被碳利用效率时空动态研究……………………………………………………兰垚, 曹生奎, 曹广超, 李晓东, 杨羽帆, 雷义珍 (156)

麻风树规模化种植对土壤理化性质的影响……………………………………………………顾小凤, 刘鸿雁, 涂宇, 李政道, 张瑞瑞, 王旭莲 (166)

中国沿海地区镰刀菌属口岸截获时空分布格局分析……………………………………………………吴晓春, 肖桂荣 (175)

生态服务因子影响下的乐山地区生态敏感性研究……………………………………………………舒波, 何洲历, 王玲, 王家倩, 李雨哲 (184)

基于污染损失和逐级协商的生态补偿量化研究—以湘江流域为例……………………………………………………刘叶叶, 毛德华, 宋平, 廖小红, 刘春腊 (193)

贵阳花溪农贸市场食用鱼类重金属含量及健康风险评价……………………………………………………徐承香, 王登会, 张思强, 晏翰林 (200)

南水北调工程对湖泊湿地土壤呼吸速率及碳排放的影响研究……………………………………………………陈永金, 陶宝先, 刘加珍, 郭雯雯, 闫胜文, 贾一灿, 尚婉滢, 吴昊杰 (207)

基于条件价值法的广州海珠国家湿地公园开放区域的非使用价值初探……………………………………………………朱伟俊, 刘东煊, 黄羿, 常向阳, 佘年, 冯宝莹 (218)

不同方法评价深圳湾富营养化问题的研究……………………………………………………黄徐, 罗欢, 吴琼, 韩春阳, 黑亮(226)

广州快速城市化进程中近自然林的景观和活力演变……………………………………………………陈燕乔, 黄雪清, 杨龙, 温美丽, 孙中宇, 彭长连 (233)

基于生态系统服务功能评价的贵阳市生态安全格局维护研究……………………………………………………肖杨, 周旭, 蒋啸, 张继, 李洪广 (244)

贵阳市岩溶山区快速城市化地区生态脆弱性评价……………………………………………………任红玉, 赵宇鸾 (252)

基于物元模型的嘉峪关市生态安全评价……………………………………………………齐鹏, 王晓娇, 樊伟, 焦亚鹏, 王雅芝 (259)

杉木枝叶贮存特性及人工修枝效应研究进展……………………………………………………张子扬, 许静静, 林德城, 邹秉章, 吴鹏飞 (268)

第 5 期(2020 年 9 月)

AM真菌对盐胁迫下白芨生长和养分吸收的影响……………………………………………………张欣磊, 邱雅静, 王艳红, 宋垚彬, 吴爱平, 苏秀 (1)

风对枯季伶仃洋水体交换的影响……………………………………………………林若兰, 刘洋, 卓文珊, 高延康 (9)

基于InVEST模型的佛山市生态系统服务空间格局分析……………………………………………………钟亮, 林媚珍, 周汝波 (16)

山地丘陵区林州市的国土空间格局与生境演变分析……………………………………………………廖雨, 冉丹阳, 张丽芳, 李佳玉, 杨存建 (26)

香果树可培养内生真菌的群落结构及功能活性菌株的筛选……………………………………………………张红芳, 李小红, 何刚, 陈晔 (34)

不同时期水分调控对温室滴灌葡萄土壤温度、糖分积累及产量的影响……………………………………………………杨昌钰, 张芮, 高彦婷, 张小艳, 王引弟, 赵霞, 蔺宝军 (48)

祁连山南坡表层土壤有机质含量反演……………………………………………………杨荣荣, 曹广超, 曹生奎, 吴成永, 袁杰, 张卓, 兰垚, 刁二龙, 陈治荣, 陈真 (57)

Cd和Pb在水芹菜中的累积及其与营养元素的关系……………………………………………………方妍, 张萌萌, 孙瑞莲 (64)

基于土地利用变化的贵安新区景观生态风险评价……………………………………………………顾梦瑶, 李娟, 赵晓峰 (73)

运用稳定同位素技术分析三峡坝前水域的食物网结构……………………………………………………周正, 黄宇波, 王斌梁, 米武娟, 宋庆洋, 许元钊, 毕永红 (82)

污染过程和不同天气下PM2.5质量浓度变化特征……………………………………………………曹云生, 赵艳玲 (91)

连续筑坝湟水一级支流火烧沟对河流水-气界面温室气体通量的影响研究……………………………………………………张艳春, 张志法, 陶雅琴, 陈玉鹏, 毛旭锋 (100)

广西陆川不同树种人工林的薇甘菊入侵程度变化……………………………………………………黄小荣, 曹艳云, 何燚, 陆国导, 曹纪文, 刘庐 (109)

北京市山区小流域治理前后土壤侵蚀强度及空间格局分析……………………………………………………赵猛, 姚吉利, 王建, 胡信志, 王家晖, 张超, 李彩林 (115)

近30年祁连山南坡生长季植被降水利用效率时空变化……………………………………………………童珊, 曹广超, 陈真, 张卓, 刁二龙(124)

水淹胁迫对小蓬草()的形态结构与生理生化特性的影响……………………………………………………杨玲, 刘玲, 胡馨月, 甘丽萍 (134)

基于CA-Markov模型的漓江流域土地利用模拟研究……………………………………………………贺正思宇, 谢玲, 梁保平, 邓晓军, 严土强, 仝雁军, 李雪琼 (142)

日照岚山港邻近海域大型底栖动物群落结构及季节变化……………………………………………………纪莹璐, 王尽文, 张亮, 孙滨, 陶卉卉, 宿凯, 屈文 (151)

华南区域2000—2015年社会经济及环境污染重心空间演变对比分析……………………………………………………邝红艳, 周永杰, 何煜然, 杨大勇, 肖敏志 (161)

中国旅游生态效率的空间关联网络结构及其影响因素研究……………………………………………………程慧, 徐琼, 赵梦亚 (169)

玉米秸秆调节牛粪含水率对其腐熟进程及氨气释放量的影响……………………………………………………赵旭, 王文丽, 李娟 (179)

安徽城东湖浮游植物群落结构与水质评价……………………………………………………赵秀侠,卢文轩, 李静, 梁阳阳, 方婷, 杨坤 (187)

香菇草根部浸提液对伪鱼腥藻化感作用的研究……………………………………………………周利, 姚苗苗, 匡兵, 高静思, 朱佳 (197)

封闭式循环水养殖7月龄四指马鲅幼鱼形态性状对体质量的影响……………………………………………………蓝军南, 区又君, 李俊伟, 温久福, 牛莹月, 周慧, 李加儿, 李活 (204)

湖南省生态补偿地域差异及影响因素研究……………………………………………………龚娟, 刘春腊, 焦丽鹏, 吴丽平, 徐美 (211)

森林枯落物持水特性影响因素研究进展……………………………………………………耿琦, 王海燕, 张美娜, 郑永林 (220)

森林植被恢复与环境生态因子互作关系研究进展……………………………………………………郑姗姗, 蔡丽平, 邹秉章,吴鹏飞 (227)

土壤可溶性有机氮研究进展……………………………………………………陈仕友, 王祎, 白彦锋, 姜春前 (233)

影响沉水植物恢复的环境阈值研究进展……………………………………………………鄢文皓, 王会会, 李前正, 王川, 周巧红, 吴振斌 (240)

我国生态补偿依据及补偿标准关键问题综述……………………………………………………常兆丰, 乔娟, 赵建林, 董志洋, 汪杰 (248)

稳定同位素在干旱区水分传输过程的研究进展……………………………………………………赵春, 张勇勇, 赵文智, 周海, 贾昂元 (256)

第 6 期(2020 年 11 月)

功能微生物菌剂对泰来草生长的促生效应研究……………………………………………………林丽云, 王聪, 凌娟, 杨清松, 林显程, 张颖, 彭秋颖, 张燕英, 董俊德 (1)

北方农牧交错典型区土壤重金属空间分布及污染风险评价……………………………………………………师小平, 陈银萍, 李玉强, 王旭洋, 余沛东, 牛亚毅 (7)

茂兰喀斯特常绿落叶阔叶混交林粗木质残体数量特征及与地形的关系……………………………………………………王科, 戚玉娇 (16)

辛硫磷和甲苯咪唑对大鳞副泥鳅的急性毒性研究……………………………………………………管芳玲, 熊六凤, 方汉孙, 张玉婷, 蒋新杰, 刘为民, 梁惜梅 (25)

基于GIS的吕梁山区贫困县生态环境敏感性评价……………………………………………………张会霞, 刘丽荣 (30)

秋茄幼苗生长生理及形态对不同潮汐处理的响应……………………………………………………代捷, 程皓, 由文辉, 王友绍 (38)

长白山源头溪流底栖动物生活型及群落结构的时空特征……………………………………………………谭颖, 王璐, 宫雨薇, 陈鸽, 张振兴, 杨海军 (45)

毛竹-多花黄精复合经营模式对土壤理化特性的影响……………………………………………………王勤, 孙梦瑶, 遆建航, 曹小青, 徐小牛 (54)

1950—2015年吉林省西部地区湿地动态变化研究……………………………………………………李杰玲, 马琼芳, 燕红, 陈玲, 卞大伟, 李伟东, 张超凡 (60)

淹水胁迫对水库消落带五节芒()根际土壤酶活性的影响……………………………………………………陈海生, 梁国钱(69)

太湖水库蓄水前后浮游植物群落结构特征……………………………………………………陈倩, 吴琼, 罗欢 (75)

基于信息熵理论的汉江流域生态系统服务结构特征及时空演化……………………………………………………于海龙, 王宏志, 于长立 (83)

基于GIS的青藏高原人居环境自然适宜性评价……………………………………………………许长军, 金孙梅, 王英 (93)

基于遥感和无人机技术的湖南省益阳市城市山体监测……………………………………………………周松林, 杨楠 , 张曦, 李志学, 莫文波 (104)

深圳市马占相思过熟林群落组成及物种多样性分析……………………………………………………曾伟, 谭一凡, 曹华, 赵玉梅, 袁峰均, 余林 (112)

基于GWR模型的道路对景观破碎化影响研究……………………………………………………刘栩成, 尹小玲, 黄光庆, 陈彩霞 (120)

杨麦间作系统枯落物持水能力对地表径流氮流失的影响……………………………………………………褚军, 金梅娟, 佟思纯, 吴永波, 薛建辉 (127)

基于GIS平台的东山岛生态保护红线划定研究……………………………………………………张亚丽, 胡希军, 陈存友 (137)

典型资源型地区山西省经济-资源-环境系统承载力及协调发展研究……………………………………………………任娇, 尹诗杰, 曹源圆 (146)

长江经济带生态系统服务供需时空分异与平衡格局分析……………………………………………………张平,朱翔,贺清云, 欧阳晓(155)

深圳七娘山黄桐和乌檀所在风水林群落特征分析……………………………………………………陈志晖, 谷超, 关开朗, 陈京锐, 刘逸嵘, 凡强, 廖文波 (167)

环境因素对人类疾病调控作用机制研究……………………………………………………谢明仁, 卢建珍, 王贤贤, 谢刘阳, YU Xin, 俞发荣 (175)

本土和外来湿地植物土壤微生物生物量对水、盐胁迫的响应……………………………………………………解丽娜, 李亚雷, 李诗华, 谭立山, 葛振鸣 (181)

二球悬铃木凋落叶分解初期对水体总氮和总磷的影响研究……………………………………………………李艳晖, 王瑜, 李砧, 麻秋团 (191)

生态用地需求与配置研究进展……………………………………………………刘鹏举, 夏艳玲, 胡业翠 (199)

草原文化对喀斯特石漠化治理的启示及展望……………………………………………………郭涛, 熊康宁, 刘肇军, 杭红涛, 宋淑珍, 池永宽(205)

近20年来生态补偿绩效测评方法研究综述……………………………………………………焦丽鹏, 刘春腊, 徐美 (213)

稳定同位素技术在植物水分关系研究中的应用综述……………………………………………………刘飞, 刘攀, 曹铭, 杨冲, 陈婷婷, 周华坤, 王文颖 (224)

CONTENTS of Vol.39,2020

No.1 (Jan. 2020)

Study of algicidal mechanism onbybacteria……………………………………………………HAN Beibei, ZHANG Shufei, WU Fengxia, SHI Rongjun, HUANG Honghui (1)

The effects of water quality on epilithic diatom community in different hydrological seasons in Liujiang River Basin……………………………………………………LI Jiajing, LIU Wei, DENG Peiyan (10)

Purification capacity ofon heavy metals released from the aquaculture pond sediment……………………………………………………CHEN Xiubao, LIU Hongbo, GE Xianping, YANG Jian (20)

Floristic characteristics and altitudinal patterns of seed plants in Xingshan County……………………………………………………XU Yuyang, LI Tingting, LI Guo, WANG Zhengxiang, YANG Qichi, LIN Bangjun, ZHANG Hehe, LI Ling (27)

Effects of tidal creek morphology on succession of wetland plant communities in the Yellow River Delta……………………………………………………WU Yanan, WANG Yu, ZHANG Zhenming (33)

Quantitative dynamics ofpopulations in Saiwudang Nature Reserve……………………………………………………ZHAN Yingxin, HU Zhongren, ZHOU Saixia, ZHANG Li, ZHAN Xuanhuai, PENG Yansong (42)

Spatial point pattern analysis of mixed communities ofandin coastal wetland of the Yellow River Delta……………………………………………………WANG Yu, WU Yanan, YAN Guoxin, ZHANG Zhenming (51)

Effects of habitat fragmentation on the population distribution of the badger ()……………………………………………………CUI Chao, GU Chen, XIE Yanjin, WEI Wanhong, YIN Baofa (60)

Concentration and spatial-temporal distribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal and glomalin in the rhizosphere ofin Kubuqi Desert……………………………………………………SHAN Baoqin, LY Shan, LY Ke, MA Xujie, DEN Chenyang (65)

Effects of fencing on soilpH in deep Loess Plateau grassland……………………………………………………ZHANG Ru, LI Jianping, ZHANG Yi, JING Le, WANG Ting (72)

Characteristic of adsorption of Pb2+and Cu2+onto soil humic acids from tropical rainforest, hainan province……………………………………………………QIU Yong, LAN Tian, ZHAO Qingjie (78)

The spatial and temporal distribution of heterotrophic bacteria in Dongqian Lake and it’s relationship with the environmental factors and the organic Matter……………………………………………………WANG Haili, DIAO Junrui, QIAN Wenjie, XING Yali, XIE Yu, JIN Mao, SHEN Junliang (85)

Exploration and analysis of ecological environment change of Tetma lake before and after ecological water transfer ……………………………………………………WANG Huiling, Tursun KASIM (93)

Spatial characteristic of SOC in surface soil in different landscape of Poyang Lake wetlands……………………………………………………XIE Dongming,……………………………………………………WEN Li, YI Qing, ZHOU Guohong, HUANG Qinghua, CHEN Jiaxin,ZHOU Yangming, QIAN Haiyan (101)

Regional differences of Hunan sustainable agricultural development based on combination evaluation……………………………………………………TAN Jie, DONG li, ZHOU Weijun, TAN Xuelan, LIU Pei (110)

Positive analysis of the effect of new-type urbanization on land eco-efficiency in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region……………………………………………………WEI Xiaoqing, WANG Tao, LI Jialin, CHENG Yun, LIU Xiaoyi (118)

Dynamic changes and accumulation characteristics of heavy metals in tree rings of……………………………………………………LIU Zheng, XU Zhongqiu, ZHANG Xinjie, ZHAO Zixun, FENG Kai, WU Xiuping, ZHANG Yaoqin, XU Xiaogang (128)

Prediction of land use landscape pattern in Hutubi County based on CA- Markov model……………………………………………………ZHU Zengyun, Alimujiang KASIMU (136)

Construction of green view index model based on street view data and research on its influence factors……………………………………………………MENG Qingyan, WANG Xuemiao, SUN Yunxiao, ZHANG Jiahui, CHEN Xu (146)

The change of natural niche of land use and its influence on landscape pattern of Yanchi County……………………………………………………ZHANG Xiaoning, LIU Xuelu, WANG Quanxi, XU Yanan (156)

The change of phenology of tree and shrub in warm temperate zone and their relationships with climate change……………………………………………………WANG Ming, SANG Weiguo (164)

Water footprint and its influencing factors on rice production in Hunan……………………………………………………CUI Kerong, XIANG Ping’an (176)

Changes in runoff in Changhua River in the arid area of Hainan Island and their influencing factors……………………………………………………ZHU Lirong, LIU Yuhang, YE Changqing (183)

Multi-objective quality evaluation system for reclaimed cultivated land of mining waste land and its application……………………………………………………CHEN Kai, WU Sicong, ZHANG Shiwen, CHEN Jiale, Lan Hongchao, MIAO Weiwei, GE Chang, SHEN Qiang (190)

Study on regional economy coordination development in Fujian province from the perspective of eco-pressure……………………………………………………YANG Hongchuan, CHEN Songlin (198)

Study on the prediction of ecological system service values based on the changes of land use in Guangdong-Hongkong-Macau Greater Bay Area……………………………………………………XU Yifang, ZHOU Yongjie, HE Yuran, KUANG Hongyan, YANG Dayong (207)

Effects of litter diversity on decomposition process and soil microbial characteristics in forest ecosystems……………………………………………………SHE Ting, TIAN Ye (213)

Advances of distribution hypothesis of freshwater aquatic organisms with dormant bodies……………………………………………………LUO Zhaojun, SHU Shusen, CHEN Xiaoyong (224)

No.2(Mar. 2020)

Study on soil water and water balance in spring in Xilamuren grassland, Inner Mongolia……………………………………………………CHEN Zhiqing, ZHAO Jingbo, LUO Xiaoqing, SHAO Tianjie, HU Qian (1)

Evaluation of ET estimation method in Hetao irrigation district based on Kriging algorithm……………………………………………………WANG Yanxin, LI Ruiping, LI Xiazi, WANG Sinan, SHI Yufen (8)

Distribution of bryophyte communities along the vertical gradient of oversize sinkhole of Xiaozhai Tiankeng of Chongqing city, China……………………………………………………LI Xiaofang, ZHANG Zhaohui, WANG Zhihui (18)

Analysis on the evolution and dynamic degree of cultivated land landscape safety pattern in Hengduan Mountain area ofLiangshan Prefecture……………………………………………………ZHANG Lifang, RAN Danyang, YANG Cunjian, LIAO Yu, ZHU Cong, ZHANG Ying (25)

Temporal and spatial variation characteristics of atmospheric pollutants in main city area and its suburban forest of Mentougou, Beijing……………………………………………………GUO Jia, XIN Xuebing, GUO Hui, FA Lei, PEI Shunxiang, WU Di, MA Shumin (32)

Construction of regional ecological security pattern for Shenfu new town……………………………………………………shi Pengfei, LI Shuang, JIANG Husheng, MA Huiqiang (41)

Effect of flood on growth ofin extreme arid region in the upper and middle reaches of Tarim River for example……………………………………………………GAO Shengfeng, Ye Mao (50)

Prediction ofspecies distribution based on multi-model combination…………………………………………………CHEN Sisi, LIU Xiang, TONG Xinyue, GUAN Bicai (58)

A preliminary study on the effects of rubber plantation on understory arthropod community……………………………………………………Ma Zhanxia, Gan Jianmin, Zhang Ling (67)

Effects of feeding green algae on physiological activities of……………………………………………………SONG Qingyang, LI Changjiang, MI Wujuan, HUANG Yubo, CHENG Xianli, MA Dawen, BI Yonghong (75)

Effects of two kinds of AM fungi onpowdery mildew……………………………………………………ZHANG Weizhen, DUAN Tingyu (82)

Impact of environmental factors on growth ofyoung plantations in Guangxi……………………………………………………PENG Yuhua, TAN Changqiang, ZHENG Wei, SHEN Wenhui, HUANG Xiaorong, HUANG Decheng, HE Feng, MO Yangwang (90)

Evaluation of the resource and environmental carrying capacity of Ordos City based on the TOPSIS model of entropy weight……………………………………………………ZHENG Xin, CEHNG Yanmei, REN Caifeng, ZHOU Lizhi (95)

Research on temporal and spatial variation characteristics and driving mechanism of land use in Huaihe River Basin from 1990 to 2015……………………………………………………LI Yudong, ZANG Chuanfu, CHEN Xianglong (104)

Bioremediation agent reduces the stress of lead in polluted soil on rapeseed……………………………………………………Gao Yajing, Li Jianhua, Lu Jinjing, Jin Dongsheng, Gao Chunhua (114)

Research on ecological sensitivity analysis of Ma'anshan Jiangxinzhou based on the method of variation coefficient……………………………………………………YAN Jun, WANG Ting, QIN Jue (124)

Analysis on landscape pattern change and ecological security of land use in Urumqi……………………………………………………ZHU Yanan, PU Chunling (133)

The prediction of the occurrence period ofin the Yarkant River Basin based on remote sensing……………………………………………………Chen Mengyu, Jia Xiang, Chen Shujiang, Hou Bozhan, Liu Yihao, Huang Tiecheng, YAN Zhiming (145)

Exploration and research on ecological tourism resources in northwestern Hunan based on ASTER GDEM……………………………………………………Tao Qianhui, yang Bo, LI Bo, ZUO qing (157)

Study on high functional landscape degradation and environmental effects in coastal zone of Xiangshan Bay……………………………………………………FU Jiechao, LI Weifang, ZHAO Ke, WANG Qi, HU Hui (166)

The response of the photosynthesis and antioxidant enzyme activities into S2–and Na+stress……………………………………………………CHEN Lin, ZHANG Liwen, LIU Ziting, LU Feng, YAN Kun, HAN Guangxuan (175)

Analyzing and predicting the urbanization and eco-environment coupling and coordination of The middle reaches of Yangtze River urban Agglomerations……………………………………………………HE Qingyun, LI Huiping, OUYANG Xiao (182)

CFD simulating study on humidity effect of urban lakes influenced by buildings……………………………………………………LIANG Sheng, CHEN Cunyou,HU Xijun, HU Yingxuan, ZHAO Di (191)

Review on response of plant fine roots to global climate change in terrestrial forest vegetation……………………………………………………XIAO Hailong, SHENG Maoyin (199)

The research progress of soil nematodes as ecological indicator organisms……………………………………………………LIU Yanfang, LIU Pan, WANG Wenying, MAO Xufeng, DONG Shikui, YANG Chong, GAO Juncheng (207)

A review of non-point source pollution in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area (TGRA)……………………………………………………LI Le, LIU Changfu (215)

Research progress in human gut bacteria culturomics……………………………………………………NIU Shangbo, CAI Jiayu, WEI Jintao, HUANG Jiawei, FANG Shuting, WU Jiguo, ZHANG Guoxia (227)

No.3(May 2020)

Responses of soil, microbes and plant ecological stoichiometric characteristics to nitrogen addition in an alpine grassland of Kunlun Mountain……………………………………………………YUE Zewei, LI Xiangyi, LI Lei,LIN Lisha,LIU Bo,ZENG Fanjiang(1)

Different mechanisms of air-sea CO2exchange responding to “Wind Pump” effects of two tropical cyclones in South China Sea……………………………………………………SUN Qingyang, LIN Jingrou, TANG Danling , PAN Gang , JIANG Zhaoyu (9)

Stoichiometric characteristics of topsoil C, N and P along urban-suburb- rural gradient in a rapid urbanizing area of Kunming……………………………………………………HE Yunling, ZHANG Shujie, DENG Fuying, RONG Li, ZHANG Linyan (17)

The habitat and propagation techniques ofTutcher, a critically rare and endangered plant in southern China……………………………………………………REN Zekai, YANG Lixiang (25)

Response of mycorrhizal fungi to acid aluminum stress……………………………………………………WANG Yanyang, CHANG Shunli, WANG Shihui, Gulihanati Bolatibike, ZHANG Yutao (31)

Geo-informatic spectrum analysis offorests in Taishan World Heritage site……………………………………………………GAO Lan, LIANG Tian, HAN Fang, LI Chuanrong, SHEN Weixing, ZHANG Xingqiang, LV Weidong (38)

Effects of simulated atmospheric ammonium sulfate pollution on growth and photosynthetic characteristics ofseedlings……………………………………………………LUO Jia, TIAN Yuxin, WANG Yujian, ZHOU Xiaoling, NIU Yandong, LIU Hongjun, DING Xiaohui (44)

Prediction of the potential distribution ofin China based on MAXENT model and Arc GIS……………………………………………………Qin Sisi, Yan Yujuan, Ouyang Sheng (49)

Research on population pattern of dominate tree species in plant communitiesbased on UAV at the Kuandiba section of Haikou Forest Farm in Kunming……………………………………………………Li Fuli, Peng Xiaochang, WANG Chongyun, Peng Mingchun, Xie Yingxu, Zuo Yanjie (57)

Spatial heterogeneity and the influencing factors of soil total nitrogen in typical wheat fields of Shanxi province,China……………………………………………………LI Gengfei, LIU Yuan, ZHOU Shengbo (64)

Research on urban comprehensive bearing capacity of Fujian Province based on production-living-ecological space……………………………………………………OU Hui, DAI Wenyuan, HUANG Wanli, HUANG Kang, XU Yiwen (71)

Analysis on space-time evolution of oasis-desert transition zone at north margin of Tarim asin based on NDVI……………………………………………………BIAN Huiqin, WANG Xuemei (80)

Ecological change assessment of Fuxin based on remote sensing ecological index……………………………………………………WANG Dongsheng, WANG Xiaolei, LEI Zeyong (88)

Heavy metals concentrations of marine commercial species and health risk estimation in Huizhou, Guangdong……………………………………………………YANG Yufeng, LIANG Haoliang, HUANG Shunqin, LIU Jinrong, LIN Cairong, FENG Jianxiang (95)

Responses of land use choice to participants' profiles in the GGP in a small watershed of Northern Shaanxi Province……………………………………………………DAND Xiaohu, TAO rui, XIA Zidun, WEI Xuexiao, YANG Qinke (104)

Screening, identification and analysis of phosphate-solubilizingin tea soil……………………………………………………PENG Yan, SUN Xin, ZHOU Peifu, YANG Cheng, ZENG Guangneng, FAN Bailing (113)

Analysis of landscape pattern evolution and prediction based on 3DLP metrics……………………………………………………LIU Yuxian, WANG Shoumei, GONG Xiongbo, LI Bo, YANG Bo (122)

Effects of exposure to three common brand skin care products on SOD, GST activity and GSH content of……………………………………………………FU Xiaojiao, HE Shixing, ZHENG Chao, YU Ling, LI Hanhan, YANG Zhanbiao, XU Xiaoxun, CHEN Zhang (132)

Effects of light intensity on growth and biomass allocation of seedlings of the eight mangrove species……………………………………………………TAN Shujuan, LI Ting, YU Surui, CAI Shuihua, YE Wanhui, SHEN Hao (139)

Birds resources survey of Laohunao Nature Reserve in Jiangxi Province……………………………………………………LIU Peng, MIU Lujun, HE Lei, SUN Zhiyong, LIU Meijuan, ZHANG Yixuan, XIAO Xiangyuan, ZENG Wenchang, WANG Li, YING Qin (147)

Soil nutrient characteristics and spatial variability of farmland in high multiple cropping index area of Pidu District,Chengdu City.……………………………………………………WANG Bin, HUANG Shengyi, MIN Qingwen, YUAN Zheng, Zhang Bitian, LI Heyao (151)

Effects of alternating growth of decliningand growingon phosphorus migration in water……………………………………………………WANG Lizhi, DONG Bin, SONG Hongli, LI Bao, An Juan (160)

Spatio-temporal quantification of landscape ecological risk changes and its driving forces in the Nansihu Lake basin during 1975-2018……………………………………………………ZHANG Wenjing,SUN Xiaoyin, SHAN Ruifeng, LIU Fei (172)

Climate change in arid regions of Northwest China and its impact on potential grassland productivity ……………………………………………………ZHANG Juan, LI Jianping,WANG Yutao, ZHANG Yi, JING Le, LI Jianping (182)

Evaluation of the ecological asset of Taishan nature reserve……………………………………………………XING Yiming, MA Ting, SHU Hang, ZHAO Jinqi, SANG Weiguo (193)

Allocating carbon emission allowance from the perspective of efficiency at the city-level in Zhejiang Province……………………………………………………LI Zekun, REN Liyan, MA Renfeng, LIU Yongqiang, YAO Dan (201)

Advances in CoupModel simulation and application research……………………………………………………LI Yue, WAN Zhongmei, SUN Li (212)

Research Progress and Prospect of Tourism Environment System……………………………………………………YANG Xiuping, JIA Yunting,ZHANG Dacheng, WENG Gangmin,HOU Yujun (221)

Review on applications of unmanned aerial vehicles in landscape configurations of river channels in Nansha district,Guangzhou city……………………………………………………ZHANG Ye, PEI Nancai, HE Bihong, SHI Xin, SUN Bing, YU Bin, YING Xiaoyang,WANG Ziyan, TANG Sainan, JIN Yibo, LIU Xiaotian, TANG Yija, ZHU Yingfang, SUN Qian (231)

No.4(Jul. 2020)

Effect of autochthonous particulate organic matter on the nitrogen removal in the Pearl River Estuary sediment……………………………………………………YUE Weizhong, SUN Cuici, SHI Ping, HONG Yiguo, HE Weihong, WANG Youshao (1)

Effects of Cu2+and Pb2+stresses on soluble protein content and activities of antioxidant enzymes inseedlings……………………………………………………WANG Fangzhou, WANG Youshao (10)

Effects of EDDS on NO production in the seedlings ofLunder Cd stress……………………………………………………DING Jungang, CHEN Yinping, YANG Bo, SHI Xiaoping, XIE Haifan (19)

Dynamics of trophic state in Oneida Lake and their corresponding influencing factors……………………………………………………GAO Shanshan, ZHANG Shuguang, LIU Yang, Lars G. Rudstam, MEI Xueying (26)

Canonical correspondence analysis of plant mosaics and soil features in a tidal Gramineae mosaic community……………………………………………………CHEN Hongyi, XIA Wenwen, XIAO Mengyang, XU Chi, LIU Maosong (33)

Seasonal distribution of nutrients concentrations and the potential limitation for phytoplankton growth in the coastal region of Nan'ao-Dongshan……………………………………………………CHEN Danting, KE Zhixin, TAN Yehui, LIU Jiaxing (41)

Effects of heavy metals on physiological characteristics of four local plants in tailings……………………………………………………FU Jingwen, GAO Tianpeng, ZHANG Songlin, WAN Zidong, WANG Xueying, ZUO Mingbo, LIU Yuan, LI Changming (51)

Effects of the three current velocity on the oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion of……………………………………………………SU Jiaqi, QIN Jinhua,ZHU Changbo, ZHANG Bo, CHEN Suwen, LI Junwei (60)

Effects of different types of straw returning on microbial community structure of ammonia oxidizers in paddy soil……………………………………………………GAO Zhenzhen, WANG Rong, GONG Songling, ZHU Rong, LIU Zhangyong, JIN Tao (66)

Characteristics and influencing factors of canopy throughfall in typical tropical forest ecosystems……………………………………………………ZHAO He, WEN Zhi, LIU Yanqiu, ZHENG Hua (74)

The influence of hydrological connectivity on stoichiometry ofandLIU Jiakai, WANG Yu, ZHANG Zhenming, ZHANG Mingxiang (81)

Spatial distribution and change analysis of forest cover in Koshi River Basin……………………………………………………ZHAO Pei, CHEN Qiong, LIU Linshan, LIU Fenggui, ZHOU Qiang (89)

Spatial-temporal evolution of Impervious Surface in Xining based on Landsat imagery and analysis of its temperature increasing effect……………………………………………………LIU Zuyu, YANG Weifang, LV Jianwei, LI Deyan, LI Rongrong (99)

Effect and limitation of indoleacetic acid (IAA) in community reconstruction ofCHEN Min, LIN Pinrong, HE Yuqing, XIAO Lin, YE Changpeng (106)

Effect of nitrogen addition on seed germination competition ofandunder salt stress……………………………………………………LI Mei, ZHANG Lin, LU Feng, WU Mengdi, YU Junbao, ZHANG Xiaolong, GUAN Bo (113)

MaxEnt modeling for predicting potential suitable distribution areas ofGUO Xiaoxu, WANG Lu, XU Xiaogang, TONG Lili (119)

Analysis of spatial - temporal variation of landscape ecological risk and its terrain gradient in Ili valley……………………………………………………YAN Yuyan, YANG Liao, WANG Weisheng, FANG Hui, ZHUANG Qingwei (125)

Topographic gradient effect and landscape pattern analysis of land use types in mountainous areas of Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture……………………………………………………GONG Xiongbo, YANG Bo, LIU Yuxian, WANG Shoumei (137)

Temporal-spatial dynamic change characteristics of solar radiation incoastal zone during 1961—2017……………………………………………………ZHANG Yali, TIAN Yichao, LIN Junliang, ZHANG Qiang, TAO Jin (145)

Temporal and spatial dynamics of vegetation carbon use efficiency in Qinghai Lake Basin……………………………………………………LAN Yao, CAO Shengkui, CAO Guangchao, LI Xiaodong, YANG Yufan, LEI Yizhen (156)

Effects ofplantation on soil physic-chemical properties……………………………………………………GU Xiao feng, LIU Hong yan, TU Yu, LI Zheng dao, ZHUANG Rui rui, WANG Xu lian (166)

Spatio-temporal distribution patterns ofinterception in coastal areas of China……………………………………………………WU Xiaochun,XIAO Guirong (175)

Study onof Leshan area under the Influence ofSHU Bo, HE Zhouli, WANG Ling, Wang Jiaqian, LI Yuzhe (184)

Quantification of eco-compensation based on pollution loss and gradual negotiation: a case study of Xiangjiang River Basin……………………………………………………LIU Yeye, MAO Dehua, SONG Ping, LIAO Xiaohong, LIU Chunla (193)

Heavy metal contents and health risk assessment of edible fishes from Huaxi Farmer's Market in Guiyang……………………………………………………XU Chengxiang,WANG Denghui,ZHANG Siqiang,YAN Hanlin (200)

Analysis on effects of South-to-North Water Transfer Project on soil respiration rate and carbon emission in lacustrine wetlands……………………………………………………Chen Yongjin, TAO Baoxian, Liu Jiazhen, GUO Wenwen, YAN Shengwen, JIA Yican, SHANG Wanying, WU Haojie(207)

Evaluation of the non-use value of Haizhu National Wetland Park in Guangzhou based on the contingent valuation method……………………………………………………ZHUWeijun, LIU Dongxuan, HUANG Yi,CHANG Xiangyang, SHE Nian, FENG Baoying (218)

Study on the evaluation of eutrophication in Shenzhen Bay by different methods……………………………………………………HUANG Xu, LUO Huan, WU Qiong, HAN Chunyang, HEI Liang (226)

Landscape and dynamic evolution of near natural forest in the process of rapid urbanization in Guangzhou……………………………………………………CHEN Yanqiao, HUANG Xueqing, YANG Long, WEN Meili, SUN Zhongyu, PENG Changlian (233)

Research on ecological security maintenance of Guiyang City based on evaluation of ecosystem service function……………………………………………………XIAO Yang, ZHOU Xu, JIANG Xiao, ZHANG Ji, LI Hongguang (244)

Ecological vulnerability assessment in rapid urbanization areas of karst mountainous areas: take Guiyang as a case……………………………………………………REN Hongyu, ZHAO Yuluan (252)

Evaluation of ecological security in Jiayuguan city based on Matter Element Model……………………………………………………QI Peng, WANG Xiaojiao, FAN Wei, JIAO Yapeng, WANG Yazhi (259)

Research progress on pruning effects and characteristics of dead branches with needles remaining in the canopy of Chinese fir plantation……………………………………………………ZHANG Ziyang, XU Jingjing, LIN Decheng, ZOU Bingzhang, WU Pengfei (268)

No.5(Sep. 2020)

Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on growth and nutrient acquisition ofunder salt stress……………………………………………………ZHANG Xinlei, QIU Yajing, WANG Yanhong, SONG Yaobin, WU Aiping, SU Xiu (1)

Effect of wind on water exchange in Lindingyang Bay during dry sasons……………………………………………………LIN ruolan, LIU Yang, ZHUO Wenshan, GAO Yankang (9)

Analysis on the spatial pattern of ecosystem service in Foshan City based on InVEST Model……………………………………………………Zhong Liang, LIN Meizhen, ZHOU Rubo (16)

Analysis of land spatial pattern and habitat evolution in mountainous and hilly areas of Linzhou……………………………………………………LIAO Yu, RAN Danyang, ZhANG Lifang, LIN Jiayu, YANG Cunjian (26)

Community structure of culturable endophytic fungi isolated fromOlivand screening for functional activated strains……………………………………………………ZHANG Hongfang, LI Xiaohong, HE Gang, CHEN Ye (34)

Effects of water regulation in different periods on soil temperature, sugar accumulation and yield of grape under drip irrigation in greenhouse……………………………………………………YANG Changyu, ZHANG Rui, GAO Yanting, ZHANG Xiaoyan, WANG Yindi, ZHAO Xia, LIN Baojun (48)

The surface soil organic matter content inversion on the South Slope of Qilian Mountain……………………………………………………YANG Rongrong, CAO Guangchao, CAO Shengkui, WU Chengyong, YUAN Jie, ZHANG Zhuo, LAN Yao, DIAO Erlong,CHEN Zhirong , CHEN Zhen (57)

Accumulation of cadmium and lead in water celery and its relationships with nutrients……………………………………………………Fang Yan, ZhangMengmeng, Sun Ruilian (64)

Landscape ecological risk assessment of Gui'an New Area based on land use change.……………………………………………………GU Mengyao, LI Juan, ZHAO Xiaofeng (73)

The analysis of food web structure in the area in front of the Three Gorges Dam using the stable isotope technology ……………………………………………………ZHOU Zheng, HUANG Yubo, WANG Binliang, MI Wujuan, SONG Qingyang, XU Yuanzhao, BI Yonghong (82)

Variation characteristics of PM2.5 mass concentration under pollution process and different weather……………………………………………………Cao Yunsheng, Zhao Yanling (91)

Effects of cascade dams on greenhouse gases fluxes at water-air interface of the Huoshaogou River……………………………………………………ZHANG Yanchun, ZHANG Zhifa, TAO Yaqin, CHEN Yupeng, MAO Xufeng (100)

invasion varied in different plantations in Luchuan, Guangxi……………………………………………………HUANG Xiaorong, CAO Yanyun, HE Yi, LU Guodao, CAO Jiwen, LIU Lu (109)

Analysis of soil erosion intensity and spatial patterns before and after small watershed management in mountainous areas of Beijing……………………………………………………ZHAO Meng, YAOJili, WANG Jian, HU Xinzhi, WANG Jiahui, ZHANG Chao, LI Cailin (115)

Spatio-temporal variation of vegetation precipitation utilization efficiency in the growing season in the southern slope of Qilian Mountains from 1987 to 2017……………………………………………………TONG Shan, CAO Guangchao, CHEN Zhen, ZHANG Zhuo, DIAO Erlong (124)

Effects of flooding stress on morphological structure and physiological and biochemical characteristics of……………………………………………………YANG Ling, LIU Ling, HU Xinyue, GAN Liping (134)

Simulation of land use in Li River Basin based on CA-Markov model……………………………………………………HE Zhengsiyu, XIE Ling, LIANG Baoping, DENG Xiaojun, YAN Tuqiang, TONG Yanjun, LI Xueqiong (142)

Community structure and seasonal changes of macrobenthos in the adjacent waters of Lanshan Harbour……………………………………………………JI Yinglu, WANG Jinwen, ZHANG Liang, SUN Bin, TAO Huihui, SU Kai, QU Wen (151)

The variation contrastive analysis of economic gravity center and environ­mental pollution gravity center from 2000 to 2015 in south China region……………………………………………………KUANG Hongyan, ZHOU Yongjie, HE Yuran, YANG Dayong, XIAO Minzhi (161)

Research on spatial correlation network structure of China's tourism eco- efficiency and its influencing factors……………………………………………………CHENG Hui, XU Qiong, ZHAO Mengya (169)

Effect of corn stalk regulating moisture content on cow manure compost and ammonia release……………………………………………………ZHAO Xu, WANG Wenli, LI Juan (179)

Community structure of phytoplankton and bio-assessment of water quality in Chengdong Lake in Anhui, China……………………………………………………ZHAO Xiuxia, LU Wenxuan, LI Jing, LIANG Yangyang, FANG Ting, YANG Kun (187)

Allelopathic effects of water extract ofroot onsp……………………………………………………ZHOU Li, YAO Miaomiao, KUANG Bing, GAO Jingsi, ZHU Jia (197)

Effects of morphometric traits on body weight of 7-month-oldin enclosed recirculating aquaculture……………………………………………………LAN Junnan, OU Youjun, LI Junwei, WEN Jiufu, NIU Yingyue, ZHOU Hui, LI Jiaer, LI Huo (204)

Study on the regional difference and influential factors of eco-compensation in Hunan Province……………………………………………………GONG Juan, LIU Chunla, JIAO Lipeng, WU Liping, XU Mei (211)

Review on factors affecting water-holding characteristics of forest litter……………………………………………………GENG Qi, WANG Haiyan, ZHANG Meina, ZHENG Yonglin (220)

Research progress on interactions between vegetation restoration and environmental ecological factors……………………………………………………ZHENG Shanshan, CAI Liping, ZOU Bingzhang, WU Pengfei (227)

Review on soluble organic nitrogen in soil……………………………………………………CHEN Shiyou, WANG Yi, BAI Yanfeng, JIANG Chunqian (233)

Research progress on environmental thresholds affecting the restoration of submerged macrophytes……………………………………………………YAN Wenhao, WANG Huihui, LI Qianzheng, WANG Chuan, ZHOU Qiaohong, WU Zhenbin (240)

Review on the key issues of basis and criteria of ecological compensation in China……………………………………………………Chang Zhaofeng, Qiao Juan, Zhao Jianlin, Dong Zhiyang, Wang Jie (248)

Application of stable isotopes on water exchange in the arid region: a review.……………………………………………………ZHAO Chun, ZHANG Yongyong, ZHAO Wenzhi, zhou hai, JIA Angyuan (256)

No.6(Nov. 2020)

The growth-promoting effect of marine microbial agents inLIN Liyun, WANG Cong, Ling Juan, YANG Qingsong, LIN Xiancheng, ZHANG Ying, PENG Qiuying, ZHANG Yanying, DONG Junde (1)

Spatial distribution and pollution risk assessment of heavy metals in soil ofSHI Xiaoping, CHEN Yinping, LI Yuqiang, WANG Xuyang, YU Peidong, NIU Yayi (7)

Quantitative characteristics of coarse wood debris and response to topography in mixed evergreen and deciduous broadleaved forests in Maolan Karst……………………………………………………WANG Ke, QI Yujiao (16)

Acute toxicity ofhoximebendazole on……………………………………………………GUAN Fangling, XIONG Liufeng, FANG Hansun, ZHANG Yuting, JIANG Xinjie, LIU Weimin, LIANG Ximei (25)

Evaluating ecological environmental sensitivity in poor county of Lvliang mountain area based on GIS……………………………………………………ZHANG Huixia, LIU Lirong (30)

Responses of growth, physiology and morphology ofseedlings to different tidal treatments……………………………………………………DAI Jie, CHENG Hao, YOU Wenhui, WANG Youshao (38)

Life-forms based tempo-spatial distribution of macroinvertebrates in headstreams of Changbai Mountain……………………………………………………TAN Ying, Wang Lu, GONG Yuwei, CHEN Ge, ZHANG Zhenxing, YANG Haijun (45)

Effects of different–intercropping models on soil physicochemical properties……………………………………………………WANG Qin, SUN Mengyao, DI Jianhang, CAO Xiaoqing, XU Xiaoniu (54)

Study on the dynamic change of wetland in western Jilin Province from 1950 to 2015……………………………………………………LI jieling, MA Qiongfang, YAN Hong, CHEN Ling, BIAN Dawei, LI Weidong, ZHANG Chaofan (60)

Effect of submergence on rhizospheric soil enzyme activity ofgrowing in water-level-fluctuation zone of reservoir……………………………………………………CHEN Haisheng, LIANG Guoqian (69)

Phytoplankton community structure characteristics before and after the impoundment in Taihu Reservoir……………………………………………………CHEN Qian, WU Qiong, LUO Huan (75)

Characteristics and spatio-temporal evolution of ecosystem service structure based on information entropy theory in Hanjiang River Basin……………………………………………………YU Hailong, WANG Hongzhi, YU changli (83)

Natural suitability evaluation of human settlements in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau based on GIS……………………………………………………XU Changjun, JIN Sunmei, WANG Ying (93)

Urban mountain monitoring based on remote sensing and UAV technology in Yiyang City, Hunan Province……………………………………………………ZHOU Songlin, YANG Lan, ZHANG Xi, LI Zhixue, MO Wenbo (104)

Community composition and species diversity study ofover- mature forests in Shenzhen city ……………………………………………………ZENG Wei, TAN Yifan, CAO Hua, ZHAO Yumei, YUAN Fengjun, YU Lin (112)

Impacts of roads on landscape fragmentation base on GWR model……………………………………………………LIU Xucheng, Yin Xiaoling, HUANG Guangqin, CHEN Caixia (120)

Effects of litter water-holding capability on nitrogen loss with surface runoff in poplar-wheat intercropping system……………………………………………………CHU Jun, JIN Meijuan, TONG Sichun, WU Yongbo, XUE Jianhui (127)

Research on the red line delineation of ecological protection for Dongshan Island based on GIS……………………………………………………Zhang Yali, HU Xijun, CHEN Cunyou (137)

Carrying capacity and coordinated development of ERE system in the typical resource-based area of Shanxi Province……………………………………………………REN Jiao, YIN ShiJie, CAO Yuanyuan (146)

Analysis on the spatial-temporal differentiation and supply-demand balance pattern of ecosystem services in the Yangtze River Economic Zone……………………………………………………ZHANG Ping, ZHU Xiang, HE Qingyun, OUYANG Xiao (155)

Coenological characteristics ofandat the Fengshui woods of Qiniang Mountain, Shenzhen……………………………………………………CHEN Zhihui, GU Chao, GUAN Kailang, CHEN Jingrui, LIU Yirong, FAN Qiang, LIAO Wenbo (167)

The mechanism of environmental factors on the regulation of human diseases……………………………………………………XIE Mingren, LU Jianzhen,WANG Xianxian, XIE Liuyang, YU Xin, YU Farong (175)

Responses of soil microbial biomass in the soils of native and exotic wetland plants to waterlogging and salinity ……………………………………………………XIE Lina, LI Yalei, LI Shihua, TAN Lishan, GE Zhenming (181)

Effects of early decomposition ofleaf litters on water TN, TP……………………………………………………LI Yanhui, WANG Yu, LI Zhen, MA Qiutuan (191)

Research progress on demand and allocation of ecological land……………………………………………………LIUPengju, XIA Yanling, HU Yecui (199)

Enlightenment and prospect of grassland culture on karst rocky deserti­fication control……………………………………………………GUO Tao, XIONG Kangning, LIU Zhaojun, HANG Hongtao, SONG Shuzhen, CHI Yongkuan (205)

Review of the evaluation methods of eco-compensation performance in recent 20 years……………………………………………………JIAO Lipeng, LIU Chunla, XU Mei (213)

Review on applications of stable isotope technique in the study of plant and water relation……………………………………………………LIU Fei, LIU Pan, CAO Ming, YANG Chong, CHEN Tingting, ZHOU Huakun, WANG Wenying (224)

