柬埔寨国王西哈莫尼: 陆海新通道让我们联系得更加紧密


重庆与世界 2020年1期




On September 20, 2019, Norodom Sihamoni, King of Cambodia visited Chongqing. Chen Miner, member of the Political Bureau of CPC Central Committee and Secretary of CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee, Tang Liangzhi, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Chongqing Committee and Mayor of Chongqing, met with King Norodom sihamoni and his delegation.

Chen Miner said that the traditional friendship between China and Cambodia is well-known to all and the exchanges and cooperation between the two countries has kept pace with the times. In 2016, President Xi Jinping and His Majesty the King exchanged historical visits. Since this year, President Xi Jinping has held separate meetings with His Majesty the King and Prime Minister Hun Sen, and both sides have signed an action plan to build the community of common destiny between China-Cambodia, pushing Sino-Cambodian relations to a new level. Chongqing is willing to work closely with Cambodia to implement the consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries and contribute to the healthy and stable development of bilateral relations. Cambodia is an ancient civilization with a long history and rich cultural tourism resources. In recent years, economic and trade exchanges between Chongqing and Cambodia have been continuously strengthened, and people-to-people exchanges have continued to deepen. The future prospects are very bright. We look forward to taking His Majesty's visit as a new starting point to deepen practical cooperation in the fields of people-to-people, tourism, education, economy and trade to achieve win-win development.

King Norodom Sihamoni said that since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Cambodia and China, the traditional friendly relations between the two countries have been continuously developed. He is very glad to see that with the joint efforts of both sides, the two countries have further strengthened strategic linking and pushed forward pragmatic cooperation to a deeper level. The purpose of this visit is to further consolidate the traditional friendship between the two countries and their peoples and to promote mutually beneficial cooperation between Cambodia and China to achieve greater results. Cambodia and Chongqing have strong ties of friendship, and the new land-sea corridor has brought the two sides closer together. Cambodia will deepen the cooperation on co-constructing the Belt and Road, actively participate in the construction of new land-sea corridor, strengthen exchanges and cooperation between the two sides, and carry forward, consolidate and develop the traditional friendship.


重庆市政府 全力支持陈敏尔