
Beijing Review 2020年7期

With the worlds eye on the havoc caused by the novel coronavirus, there can never be too much space given to the ordinary men and women who have shown extraordinary courage and dedication to duty to keep life going for others. They range from people working in supermarkets and drugstores to security guards and transport workers who always turn up for work during the worst weather and crisis.

Doctors and other medical workers, who are at the forefront of the ongoing battle against the virus, have once again shown the exemplary mettle that has made China re-emerge from being one of the poorest nations in the world. They willingly gave up their Spring Festival holiday to rush back to work, many of them going to Wuhan, the epicenter of the outbreak.

The public has acknowledged the selflessness of the community. Programs paying tribute to them and showing solidarity with the people of Wuhan have gone viral on both traditional and new media platforms in China.