1 医学观察期
2 临床治疗期(确诊病例)
2.1 清肺排毒汤
基础方剂:麻黄9 g、炙甘草6 g、杏仁9 g、生石膏15~30 g(先煎)、桂枝9 g、泽泻9 g、猪苓9 g、白术9 g、茯苓15 g、柴胡16 g、黄芩6 g、姜半夏9 g、生姜9 g、紫菀9 g、冬花9 g、射干9 g、细辛6 g、山药12 g、枳实6 g、陈皮6 g、藿香9 g。
处方来源:国家卫生健康委办公厅 国家中医药管理局办公室《关于推荐在中西医结合救治新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎中使用“清肺排毒汤”的通知》(国中医药办医政函〔2020〕22号)。
2.2 轻型
2.2.1 寒湿郁肺证
推荐处方:生麻黄6 g、生石膏15 g、杏仁9 g、羌活15 g、葶苈子15 g、贯众9 g、地龙15 g、徐长卿15 g、藿香15 g、佩兰9 g、苍术15 g、云苓45 g、生白术30 g、焦三仙各9 g、厚朴15 g、焦槟榔9 g、煨草果9 g、生姜15 g。
服法:每日1剂,水煎600 mL,分3次服用,早中晚各1次,饭前服用。
2.2.2 湿热蕴肺证
推荐处方:槟榔10 g、草果10 g、厚朴10 g、知母10 g、黄芩10 g、柴胡10 g、赤芍10 g、连翘15 g、青蒿10 g(后下)、苍术10 g、大青叶10 g、生甘草5 g。
服法:每日1剂,水煎400 mL,分2次服用,早晚各1次。
2.3 普通型
2.3.1 湿毒郁肺证
推荐处方:生麻黄6 g、苦杏仁15 g、生石膏30 g、生薏苡仁30 g、茅苍术10 g、广藿香15 g、青蒿草12 g、虎杖20 g、马鞭草30 g、干芦根30 g、葶苈子15 g、化橘红15 g、生甘草10 g。
服法:每日1剂,水煎400 mL,分2次服用,早晚各1次。
2.3.2 寒湿阻肺证
推荐处方:苍术15 g、陈皮10 g、厚朴10 g、藿香10 g、草果6 g、生麻黄6 g、羌活10 g、生姜10 g、槟榔10 g。
服法:每日1剂,水煎400 mL,分2次服用,早晚各1次。
2.4 重型
2.4.1 疫毒闭肺证
基础方剂:生麻黄6 g、杏仁9 g、生石膏15 g、甘草3 g、藿香10 g(后下)、厚朴10 g、苍术15 g、草果10 g、法半夏9 g、茯苓15 g、生大黄5 g(后下)、生黄芪10 g、葶苈子10 g、赤芍10 g。
服法:每日1~2剂,水煎服,每次100 mL~200 mL,一日2~4次,口服或鼻饲。
2.4.2 气营两燔证
推荐处方:生石膏30~60 g(先煎)、知母30 g、生地30~60 g、水牛角30 g(先煎)、赤芍30 g、玄参30 g、连翘15 g、丹皮15 g、黄连6 g、竹叶12 g、葶苈子15 g、生甘草6 g。
服法:每日1剂,水煎服,先煎石膏、水牛角后下诸药,每次100 mL~200 mL,每日2~4次,口服或鼻饲。
2.5 危重型
2.5.1 内闭外脱证
推荐处方:人参15 g、黑顺片10 g(先煎)、山茱萸15 g,送服苏合香丸或安宫牛黄丸。
出现机械通气伴腹胀便秘或大便不畅者,可用生大黄5~10 g。出现人机不同步情况,在镇静和肌松剂使用的情况下,可用生大黄5~10 g和芒硝5~10 g。
病毒感染或合并轻度细菌感染:0.9%氯化钠注射液250 mL加喜炎平注射液100 mg bid,或0.9% 氯化钠注射液250 mL加热毒宁注射液20 mL,或0.9%氯化钠注射液250 mL加痰热清注射液40 mL bid。
高热伴意识障碍:0.9%氯化钠注射液250 mL加醒脑静注射液20 mL bid。
全身炎症反应综合征或/和多脏器功能衰竭:0.9%氯化钠注射液250 mL加血必净注射液100 mL bid。
免疫抑制:葡萄糖注射液250 mL加参麦注射液100 mL或生脉注射液20~60 mL, 2次/d。
2.6 恢复期
2.6.1 肺脾气虚证
推荐处方:法半夏9 g、陈皮10 g、党参15 g、炙黄芪30 g、炒白术10 g、茯苓15 g、藿香10 g、砂仁6 g(后下)、甘草6 g。
服法:每日1剂,水煎400 mL,分2次服用,早晚各1次。
2.6.2 气阴两虚证
推荐处方:南北沙参各10 g、麦冬15 g、西洋参6 g,五味子6 g、生石膏15 g、淡竹叶10 g、桑叶10 g、芦根15 g、丹参15 g、 生甘草6 g。
服法:每日1剂,水煎400 mL,分2次服用,早晚各1次。
本文转载自: 国家中医药管理局网站,
Diagnosis and Treatment Protocol for COVID-19(Trial Version 7)Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) treatment
The COVID-19 belongs to plague in TCM with the etiology of epidemic factor exposure. Different regions can refer to the following plans for syndrome differentiation and treatment, according to the disease, local climate characteristics and different constitutions. Prescriptions which exceed maximum dose according to pharmacopoeia should be used under the guidance of a physician.
1 Medical observation period
1.1 Clinical manifestation: fatigue with gastrointestinal discomfort
Recommended Chinese patent medicine: Huoxiang Zhengqi Capsule (Pill, Liquid, Oral liquid)
1.2 Clinical manifestation: fatigue with fever
Recommended Chinese patent medicines: Jinhua Qinggan Granule, Lianhua Qingwen Capsule (Granule), Shufeng Jiedu Capsule (Granule)
2 Clinical treatment period (confirmed cases)
2.1 Qingfei Paidu Decoction
Scope of application: in accordance with the clinical observations of doctors in various locations, it is suitable for mild, moderate and severe cases, and can be used reasonably with the consideration of the actual conditions of critically ill patients.
The basic formula: Ma Huang (Ephedrae Herba) 9 g, Zhi Gan Cao (Glycyrrhizae Radix) 6g, Xing Ren (Armeniacae Semen) 9 g, Sheng Shi Gao (Gypsum fibrosum) (decocted first) 15-30 g, Gui Zhi (Cinnamomi Ramulus) 9 g, Ze Xie (Alismatis Rhizoma) 9 g, Zhu Ling (Polyporus) 9 g, Bai Zhu (Atractylodis macrocephalae Rhizoma) 9 g, Fu Ling (Poria) 15 g, Chai Hu (Bupleuri Radix) 16 g, Huang Qin (Scutellariae Radix) 6 g, Jiang Ban Xia (Pinellinae Rhizoma Praeparatum) 9 g, Sheng Jiang (Zingiberis Rhizoma recens) 9 g, Zi Wan (Asteris Radix) 9 g, Kuan Dong Hua (Farfarae Flos) 9 g, She Gan (Belamcandae Rhizoma) 9 g, Xi Xin (Asari Radix et Rhizoma) 6 g, Shan Yao (Dioscoreae Rhizoma) 12 g, Zhi Shi (Aurantii Fructus immaturus) 6 g, Chen Pi (Citri reticulatae Pericarpium) 6 g, Huo Xiang (Pogostemonis Herba) 9 g.
Administration: traditional Chinese herbal pieces in decoction. One package per day. Take warm twice (40 minutes after meal in the morning and evening). One course of treatment is for three packages.
If possible, half bowl of rice soup after taking the decoction is advised. For the patients with dry tongue due to fluid depletion, one bowl of rice soup is suggested. (Note: If no fever, the dosage of gypsum should be reduced. In case with fever or high fever, the amount of gypsum can be increased. If the symptoms improve but not toally recovered, continue the second course of treatment. If the patient has a special condition or other underlying diseases, the formula can be modified according to the actual situation in the second course. If the symptoms disappear, the drug should be discontinued.
Reference: The General Office of the National Health Commission of the people’s Republic of China The Office of the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine “Notice on Recommending the Use of Qingfei Paidu Decoction in Pneumonia Treated with Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine for the COVID-19 Infection” (National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine Office Medical Letter [2020] No.22)
2.2 Mild case
2.2.1 Cold-damp constraint in the lung pattern
Clinical manifestation: fever, fatigue, generalized body aches, cough, expectoration, chest tightness and labored breathing, poor appetite, nausea, vomiting and sticky stool, pale enlarged tongue with tooth marks or light red tongue and coating which is white, thick, curd-like, and greasy or white and greasy, and soggy of slippery pulse.
Recommended formula: Sheng Ma Huang (Ephedrae Herba) 6 g, Sheng Shi Gao (Gypsum fibrosum) 15 g, Xing Ren (Armeniacae Semen) 9 g, Qiang Huo (Notopterygii Rhizoma seu Radix) 15 g, Ting Li Zi (Lepidii/Descurainiae Semen) 15 g, Guan Zhong (Cyrtomii Rhizoma) 9 g, Di Long (Pheretima) 15 g, Xu Chang Qing (Cynanchi paniculati Radix) 15 g, Huo Xiang (Pogostemonis Herba) 15 g, Pei Lan (Eupatorii Herba) 9 g, Cang Zhu (Atractylodis Rhizoma) 15 g, Yun Ling (Poria) 45 g, Sheng Bai Zhu (Atractylodis macrocephalae Rhizoma) 30 g, Jiao San Xian (Jiao Shan Zha (Crataegi Fructus), Jiao Shen Qu (Massa medicate fermentata), and Jiao Mai Ya (Hordei Fructus germinatus)) 9 g each, Hou Po (Magnoliae officinalis Cortex) 15 g, Jiao Bing Lang (Arecae Semen) 9 g, Wei Cao Guo (Tsaoko Fructus) 9 g, Sheng Jiang (Zingiberis Rhizoma recens) 15 g.
Administration: one package daily, 600 mL after decocting, divide into three times, equally in the morning, afternoon and evening, take before meal.
2.2.2 Damp-heat accumulation in the lung pattern
Clinical manifestation: low-grade fever or absence of fever, slight aversion to cold, fatigue, heavy sensation in the head and body, muscle soreness, dry cough with little sputum, sore throat, thirst without desire to drink, or accompanied with chest tightness and epigastric fullness, absence of sweating or disturbed hidrosis, or vomiting with anorexia, loose stool or sticky stool. The tongue is light red and coating is white, thick and greasy or thin and yellow. The pulse is slippery and rapid or soggy.
Recommended formula: Bing Lang (Arecae Semen) 10 g, Cao Guo (Tsaoko Fructus) 10 g, Hou Po (Magnoliae officinalis Cortex) 10 g, Zhi Mu (Anemarrhenae Rhizoma) 10 g, Huang Qin (Scutellariae Radix) 10 g, Chai Hu (Bupleuri Radix) 10 g, Chi Shao (Paeoniae Radix rubra) 10 g, Lian Qiao (Forsythiae Fructus) 15 g, Qing Hao (Artemisiae annuae Herba) (added later) 10 g, Cang Zhu (Atractylodis Rhizoma) 10 g, Da Qjng Ye (Isatidis Folium) 10 g, Sheng Gan Cao (Glycyrrhizae Radix) 5 g.
Administration: one pack daily, 400 mL after decocting, divide into twice, and half in the morning and half in the evening.
2.3 Moderate case
2.3.1 Damp-toxin constraint in the lung pattern
Clinical manifestation: fever, cough with little sputum or yellow sputum, chest tightness and shortness of breath, abdominal distension, and constipation with difficult defecation. The tongue body is dark-red, and tongue shape is enlarged. The cotaing is yellow greasy or yellow dry. The pulse is slippery and rapid or wiry and slippery.
Recommended formula: Sheng Ma Huang (Ephedrae Herba) 6 g, Ku Xing Ren (Armeniacae Semen) 15 g, Sheng Shi Gao (Gypsum fibrosum) 30 g, Sheng Yi Yi Ren (Coicis Semen) 30 g, Mao Cang Zhu (Atractylodis Rhizoma) 10 g, Guang Huo Xiang (Pogostemonis Herba) 15 g, Qing Hao Cao (Artemisiae annuae Herba) 12 g, Hu Zhang (Polygoni cuspidati Rhizoma) 20g, Ma Bian Cao (Verbenae Herba) 30 g, Gan Lu Gen (Phragmitis Rhizoma) 30 g, Ting Li Zi (Lepidii/Descurainiae Semen) 15 g, Hua Ju Hong (Citri grandis Exocarpium rubrum) 15 g, Sheng Gan Cao (Glycyrrhizae Radix) 10 g.
Administration: one package daily, 400 mL after decocting, and equally divide into twice, in the morning and evening.
2.3.2 Cold-damp obstructing the lung pattern
Clinical manifestation: low-grade fever, unsurfaced fever or no fever, dry cough with little sputum, lassitude and fatigue, chest tightness, stomach discomfort, or nausea, and loose stool. The tongue is pale or light red and coating is white or white greasy. The pulse is soggy.
Recommended formula: Cang Zhu (Atractylodis Rhizoma) 15 g, Chen Pi (Citri reticulatae Pericarpium) 10 g, Hou Po (Magnoliae officinalis Cortex) 10 g, Huo Xiang (Pogostemonis Herba) 10 g, Cao Guo (Tsaoko Fructus) 6 g, ShengMa Huang (Ephedrae Herba) 6g, Qiang Huo (Notopterygii Rhizoma seu Radix) 10 g, Sheng Jiang (Zingiberis Rhizoma recens) 10 g, Bing Lang (Arecae Semen) 10 g.
Administration: one package daily, 400 mL after decocting, and equally divide into twice, in the morning and evening.
2.4 Severe case
2.4.1 Epidemic toxin blocking the lung pattern
Clinical manifestation: fever with red face, cough with little yellow and sticky sputum, or blood-stained sputum, chest tightness and short of breath, lassitude, dryness, bitterness and stickiness in the mouth, nausea and loss of appetite, difficult defecation, and scanty dark urine. The tongue is red with yellow greasy coating. The pulse is slippery and rapid.
Recommended formula: Huashi Baidu Formula
The basic formula: Sheng Ma Huang (Ephedrae Herba) 6 g, Xing Ren (Armeniacae Semen) 9 g, Sheng Shi Gao (Gypsum fibrosum) 15 g, Gan Cao (Glycyrrhizae Radix) 3 g, Huo Xiang (Pogostemonis Herba) (added later) 10 g, Hou Po (Magnoliae officinalis Cortex) 10 g, Cang Zhu (Atractylodis Rhizoma) 15 g, Cao Guo (Tsaoko Fructus) 10 g, Fa Ban Xia (Pinellinae Rhizoma Praeparatum) 9 g, Fu Ling (Poria) 15 g, Sheng Da Huang (Rhei Radix et Rhizoma) (added later) 5 g, Sheng Huang Qi (Astragali Radix) 10 g, Ting Li Zi (Lepidii/Descurainiae Semen) 10 g, Chi Shao (Paeoniae Radix rubra) 10 g.
Administration: 1-2 packages daily, decoction, 100-200 mL each time, 2-4 times per day, oral administration or nasal feeding.
2.4.2 Blazing of both qi and ying pattern
Clinical manifestation: high fever with polydipsia, tachypnoea and shortness of breath, delirium and unconsciousness, blurred vision or accompanied with macules and papules, or hematemesis, epistaxis or convulsion of the four limbs. The tongue is crimson with little or no coating. The pulse is deep, thready and rapid, or floating, large and rapid pulse.
Recommended formula: Sheng Shi Gao (Gypsum fibrosum) (decocted first) 30-60 g, Zhi Mu (Anemarrhenae Rhizoma) 30 g, Sheng Di (Rehmanniae Radix) 30-60 g, Shui Niu Jiao (Bubali Cornu) (decocted first) 30 g, Chi Shao (Paeoniae Radix rubra) 30 g, Xuan Shen (Scrophulariae Radix) 30 g, Lian Qiao (Forsythiae Fructus) 15 g, Dan Pi (Moutan Cortex) 15 g, Huang Lian (Coptidis Rhizoma) 6 g, Zhu Ye (Phyllostachys nigrae Folium) 12 g, Ting Li Zi (Lepidii/Descurainiae Semen) 15 g, Sheng Gan Cao (Glycyrrhizae Radix) 6 g.
Administration: one pack daily, decoction, Shi Gao and Shui Niu Jiao should be decocted first, 100-200 mL each time, 2-4 times per day, oral administration or nasal feeding.
Recommended Chinese patent medicines: Xiyanping injection, Xuebijing injection, Reduning injection, Tanreqing injection, and Xingnaojing injection. Drugs with similar effects can be selected according to individual conditions, or can be used in combination according to clinical symptoms. Traditional Chinese medicine injection can be used together with TCM decoction.
2.5 Critical case
2.5.1 Internal blockage and external desertion pattern
Clinical manifestation: Dyspnea, panting on exertion or mechanical ventilation required, accompanied with unconsciousness and dysphoria, sweating, cold extremities. The tongue is dark and purple with thick greasy or dry coating. The pulse is floating and large without root.
Recommended formula: Take Su He Xiang Wan or Angong Niuhuang Wan with the following decoction composed of Ren Shen (Ginseng Radix) 15 g, Hei Shun Pian (Aconiti Radix lateralis praeparata) (decocted first) 10 g, Shan Zhu Yu (Corni Fructus) 15 g.
If there is mechanical ventilation with abdominal distension, constipation or difficult defecation, 5-10 g of Sheng Da Huang (Rhei Radix et Rhizoma) can be considered. If patient-ventilator asynchrony occurs, 5-10 g of Sheng Da Huang and 5-10g of Mang Xiao (Natrii Sulfas) can be used together with sedation and muscle relaxant.
Recommended Chinese patent medicines: Xuebijing injection, Reduning injection, Tanreqing injection, Xingnaojing injection, Shenfu injection, Shengmai injection, and Shenmai injection. Drugs with similar effects can be selected according to individual conditions, or can be used in combination according to clinical symptoms. Traditional Chinese medicine injection can be used together with TCM decoction.
Note: Recommended usage of TCM injections for severe and critical cases
The use of TCM injections follows the principle of starting from a small dosage and modifying based on pattern identification in the instructions. The recommended usage is as follows:
Viral infection or combined with mild bacterial infection: 0.9% sodium chloride injection 250 mL with Xiyanping injection 100 mg (bid), or 0.9% sodium chloride injection 250 mL with Reduning injection 20 mL, or 0.9% sodium chloride injection 250 mL with Tanreqing injection 40 mL (bid).
High fever with disturbance of consciousness: 0.9% sodium chloride injection 250 mL with Xingnaojing injection 20 mL (bid).
Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) or / and multiple organ failure (MOF): 0.9% sodium chloride injection 250 mL with Xuebijing injection 100 mL (bid).
Immunosuppression: glucose injection 250 mL with Shenmai injection 100 mL or Shengmai injection 20-60 mL (bid).
2.6 Convalescence
2.6.1 Lung-spleen qi deficiency pattern
Clinical manifestation: shortness of breath, lassitude and fatigue, poor appetite with nausea and vomiting, abdominal fullness, a sense of incomplete evacuation, and sticky loose stool. The tongue is pale and enlarged with white greasy coating.
Recommended formula: Fa Ban Xia (Pinellinae Rhizoma Praeparatum) 9 g, Chen Pi (Citri reticulatae Pericarpium) 10 g, Dang Shen (Codonopsis Radix) 15 g, Zhi Huang Qi (Astragali Radix) 30 g, Chao Bai Zhu (Atractylodis macrocephalae Rhizoma) 10 g, Fu Ling (Poria) 15 g, Huo Xiang (Pogostemonis Herba) 10g, Sha Ren (AmomiFructus) (added later) 6 g, Gan Cao (Glycyrrhizae Radix) 6 g.
Administration: one package daily, 400 mL after decocting, and equally divide into twice in the morning and evening.
2.6.2 Deficiency of both qi and yin pattern
Clinical manifestation: fatigue, shortness of breath, dry mouth, thirst, heart palpitation, profuse sweating, poor appetite, low-grade fever or no fever, dry cough with little sputum. The tongue is dry tongue with scanty fluid. The pulse is thready or weak and forceless.
Recommended formula: Nan Sha Shen (Adenophorae Radix) 10 g, Bei Sha Shen (Glehniae Radix) 10 g, Mai Dong (Ophiopogonis Radix) 15 g, Xi Yang Shen (Panacis quinquefolii Radix) 6 g, Wu Wei Zi (Schisandrae Fructus) 6 g, Sheng Shi Gao (Gypsum fibrosum) 15 g, Dan Zhu Ye (Lophatheri Herba) 10 g, Sang Ye (Mori Folium) 10 g, Lu Gen (Phragmitis Rhizoma) 15 g, Dan Shen (Salviae miltiorrhizae Radix) 15 g, Sheng Gan Cao (Glycyrrhizae Radix) 6 g.
Administration: one package daily, 400 mL after decocting, and equally divide into twice in the morning and evening.