
中南财经政法大学学报 2020年1期

Controlling Shareholder’s Share Pledge and Accounting Conservatism of Listed CompaniesWANGLei(3)

Institutional Investors’ Corporate Site Visits and the Effectiveness of Internal ControlYANGXiaMAZhong(13)

Management Meanings and Stock Price Crash Risk: The Mediating Role of Investors SentimentsYANGQizhongZHANGGuiqiaoMABeili(26)

Impacts of Internal Control Deficiencies and its Rectification on Stock Price Crash RiskGONGYifei(37)

How Does Active Employment Policy Affect Employment Confidence? An Empirical Analysis Based on World Bank Survey DataLIRuiXIONGXiaohan(46)

Input Servitization of Manufacturing and the Employment of WomenLIUBinZHAOXiaofei(58)

Housing Price Rising, Household Debt and Urban ConsumptionZHOULiZHANGJieYIXingjian(68)

Transport Infrastructure, Producer Services and Economic Agglomeration: An Empirical Analysis Based on the Spatial Durbin ModelAIXiaoqingZHANGXuewei(77)

Integrity, Infrastructure Investment and Inclusive Growth of China’s EconomyPANYaruLUOLiangwen(86)

The Operation Path of a New Round of Larger Tax and Fee CutZHANGNianming(98)

The Impact of Local Government Debt on Regional Financial Development: A Heterogeneity Analysis Based on Panel Quantile ModelSHIYarongZHAOAiqing(105)

Cross-correlation of Carbon Trading Markets in European Union Allowance and Hubei Allowance: An Empirical Analysis Based on MF-X-DMA ModelLIKelongXIEChi(114)

Labor Migration Experience and Rural Household Financial Portfolio ChoiceLUShuli(127)

Imported Variety and Enterprise ProductivityXUTongshengFANGYuxia(136)

Foreign Demand and Firms’ Export Product QualityZHONGTenglong(147)