Note from the co-editors in chief


科学文化(英文) 2020年1期

Cultures of Sciencewas launched in September 2018. The six published issues have included theoretical and empirical studies, and papers on research policy and practice in the field of science culture. All published articles are in open access on the journal’s website.

The journal will enter its third year of publication with its first quarterly issue of 2020. That issue will mark an important change behind the scenes. As of January 2020, SAGE Publishing will be the joint publisher ofCultures of Science, and will globally distribute the journal. Articles will continue to be in open access on the SAGE platform. The six previous issues of the journal will also be available on SAGE shortly.

Our cooperation with SAGE will not change the journal’s mission, which is to provide a platform for international exchange in the field of science culture and to abide by the standards that define an academic journal. We are only making some adjustments to the publishing process to foster the journal’s development. This will enhance the international character of the journal, allowing it to reach a greater audience.

The 2019 editorial board meeting held in November also marked both renewal of the editorial board and the admission of new members: Michel Claessens (European Commission), John Durant(MIT Museum), Tang Shukun (University of Science and Technology of China), Wang Xiaoming(Shanghai Science and Technology Museum) and Zhao Yandong (Renmin University of China). We welcome these researchers, whose expertise includes informal education, science communication and sociology. Along with collaboration with the other members of the board, the expertise brought by the new members will enrich the content ofCultures of Science. Science culture is an interdisciplinary field,and the contribution of board members from various disciplines will guarantee a rich diversity in the study of that culture.

The journal is published four times a year. Each issue includes a thematic dossier with contributions from specialists in the field and is introduced by a guest editor (in the near future, it will also publish individual papers). All contributions are double-blind peer-reviewed before being accepted and published.You are invited to suggest a theme and join a list of potential contributors or to submit individual articles.

Fujun Ren

National Academy of Innovation Strategy, China.

Bernard Schiele

Université du Québec, Canada.