Journal of Hydrodynamics,Vol.31 Annual Classified Catalog (2019)


水动力学研究与进展 B辑 2020年1期

Theoretical Hydrodynamics

Collapsing characteristics of gas-bearing cavitation bubble

Ya-lei Zhang,Wei-lin Xu,Fa-xing Zhang,Qi Zhang ············································· 2019,31(1): 66-75

The total flow control equations and the characteristics of unsteady gradually varied flow in open channels

Shi-he Liu,Qian-yi Zhao,Qiu-shi Luo··························································· 2019,31(1): 177-185

Third generation of vortex identification methods: Omega and Liutex/Rortex based systems

Chaoqun Liu,Yi-sheng Gao,Xiang-rui Dong,Yi-qian Wang,Jian-ming Liu,Yu-ning Zhang,Xiao-shu Cai,Nan Gui ············································································· 2019,31(2): 205-223

Comparisons and analyses of vortex identification between Omega method andQcriterion

Yu-ning Zhang,Xiao-yu Wang,Yu-ning Zhang,Chaoqun Liu ······························· 2019,31(2): 224-230

A study of boundary vorticity dynamics and identification of large-scale structures in flow field based on two-dimensional flow around a bluff body

Da-peng Zhang,Yu-zhu Chen,Xi-lin Xie ······················································· 2019,31(2): 231-248

Galilean invariance of Omega vortex identification method

Jian-ming Liu,Yi-qian Wang,Yi-sheng Gao,Chaoqun Liu ··································· 2019,31(2): 249-255

Hidden flow structures in compressible mixing layer and a quantitative analysis of entrainment based on Lagrangian method

Geng Liang,Bin Yu,Bin Zhang,Hui Xu,Hong Liu ··········································· 2019,31(2): 256-265

The visualization of turbulent coherent structure in open channel flow

Xiao-dong Bai,Wei Zhang,Qing-he Fang,Yong Wang,Jin-hai Zheng,An-xin Guo ····· 2019,31(2): 266-273

Investigation of the stability and hydrodynamics of Tetrosomus gibbosus carapace in different pitch angles

Mahyar Malekidelarestaqi,Alireza Riasi,Hadi Moradi,Mohammad Samadpour ········· 2019,31(2): 368-378

Effectiveness of radiative heat flux in MHD flow of Jeffrey-nanofluid subject to Brownian and thermophoresis diffusions

Muhammad Ijaz Khan,Tasawar Hayat,Muhammad Waqas,Ahmed Alsaedi,Muhammad Imran Khan ················································································································· 2019,31(2): 421-427

A review of transient flow structure and unsteady mechanism of cavitating flow

Biao Huang,Si-cong Qiu,Xiang-bin Li,Qin Wu,Guo-yu Wang ···························· 2019,31(3): 429-444

A Liutex based definition and identification of vortex core center lines

Yi-sheng Gao,Jian-ming Liu,Yi-fei Yu,Chaoqun Liu ········································ 2019,31(3): 445-454

Objective Omega vortex identification method

Jian-ming Liu,Yi-sheng Gao,Yi-qian Wang,Chaoqun Liu ··································· 2019,31(3): 455-463

Explicit formula for the Liutex vector and physical meaning of vorticity based on the Liutex-Shear decomposition

Yi-qian Wang,Yi-sheng Gao,Jian-ming Liu,Chaoqun Liu ··································· 2019,31(3): 464-474

Cavitation vortex dynamics of unsteady sheet/cloud cavitating flows with shock wave using different vortex identification methods

Chang-chang Wang,Ying Liu,Jie Chen,Fu-yi Zhang,Biao Huang,Guo-yu Wang ······ 2019,31(3): 475-494

Comparative assessment and analysis of Rortex vortex in swirling jets

Nan Gui,Liang Ge,Peng-xin Cheng,Xing-tuan Yang,Ji-yuan Tu,Sheng-yao Jiang····· 2019,31(3): 495-503

A time domain three-dimensional sono-elastic method for ships’ vibration and acoustic radiation analysis in water

Ming-song Zou,You-sheng Wu,Can Sima,Shu-xiao Liu ···································· 2019,31(3): 542-551

Mathematical foundation of turbulence generation-From symmetric to asymmetric Liutex

Jian-ming Liu,Yue Deng,Yi-sheng Gao,Sita Charkrit ,Chaoqun Liu ······················ 2019,31(3): 632-636

Interior non-uniformity of acoustically excited oscillating gas bubbles

Yu-ning Zhang,Xiao-fei Li,Zhong-yu Guo,Yu-ning Zhang ································· 2019,31(4): 725-732

Liutex (vortex) core definition and automatic identification for turbulence vortex structures

Hongyi Xu,Xiao-shu Cai,Chaoqun Liu ························································· 2019,31(5): 857-863

Analysis and correlation of fluid acceleration with vorticity and Liutex (Rortex) in swirling jets

Nan Gui,Hou-bo Qi,Liang Ge,Peng-xin Cheng,Hao Wu,Xing-tuan Yang,Ji-yuan Tu,Sheng-yao Jiang ····················································································· 2019,31(5): 864-872

Extension Omega and Omega-Liutex methods applied to identify vortex structures in viscoelastic turbulent flow

Lu Wang,Zhi-ying Zheng,Wei-hua Cai,Wan-you Li ········································· 2019,31(5): 911-921

Asymptotic analysis of dispersive tsunami from a slender fault

Yile Li,Chiang C.Mei,I-Chi Chan ··························································· 2019,31(6): 1073-1084

With the wizard of the unit circle-An appreciation of T.Y.Wu

Christopher Earls Brennen ······································································ 2019,31(6): 1085-1088

What have I discovered from ocean phenomena

Norden E.Huang ················································································· 2019,31(6): 1089-1098

A fully nonlinear and weakly dispersive water wave model for simulating the propagation,interaction,and transformation of solitary waves

Zhengyong Zhong,Keh-Han Wang ···························································· 2019,31(6): 1099-1114

On Rayleigh expansion for nonlinear long water waves

Wooyoung Choi ··················································································· 2019,31(6): 1115-1126

Analytical solutions for the interfacial viscous capillary-gravity waves due to an oscillating Stokeslet

Dong-qiang Lu ···················································································· 2019,31(6): 1139-1147

Recent progress in augmenting turbulence models with physics-informed machine learning

Xinlei Zhang,Jinlong Wu,Olivier Coutier-Delgosha,Heng Xiao ························ 2019,31(6): 1153-1158

Study of tip vortex cavitation inception and vortex singing

Xiao-xing Peng,Ling-xin Zhang,Ben-long Wang,Liang-hao Xu,Ming-tai Song,Yan-tao Cao,Yu-wen Liu,Fang-wen Hong,Kai Yan ······································································· 2019,31(6): 1170-1177

Liutex (vorex) cores in transitional boundary layer with spanwise-wall oscillation

Yi-qian Wang,Chaoqun Liu ···································································· 2019,31(6): 1178-1189

Liutex similarity in turbulent boundary layer

Wen-qian Xu,Yi-qian Wang,Yi-sheng Gao,Jian-ming Liu,Hua-shu Dou,Chaoqun Liu······································································································ 2019,31(6): 1259-1262

Computational Fluid Dynamics

Development of naoe-FOAM-SJTU solver based on OpenFOAM for marine hydrodynamics

Jian-hua Wang,Wei-wen Zhao,De-cheng Wan ···················································· 2019,31(1): 1-20

CFD simulation of tidal current farm by using AL model

Cheng Liu,Changhong Hu ············································································ 2019,31(1): 34-40

Application of deep learning method to Reynolds stress models of channel flow based on reduced-order modeling of DNS data

Zhen Zhang,Xu-dong Song,Shu-ran Ye,Yi-wei Wang,Chen-guang Huang,Yi-ran An,Yao-song Chen ·························································································· 2019,31(1): 58-65

A meshless method by using radial basis function for numerical solutions of wave shoaling equation

Lin-jian Wu,Yuan-zhan Wang,Yi Li,Chun-ning Ji ··············································· 2019,31(1): 83-92

Numerical simulation of bubble detachment at submerged orifice and analysis of interface stability

Xian-xian Yu,Yi-wei Wang,Chen-guang Huang,Te-zhuan Du ······························ 2019,31(2): 293-302

Study of pollutant transport in depth-averaged flows using random walk method

Xue-fei Wu,Dongfang Liang ······································································ 2019,31(2): 303-316

Direct numerical simulation of the viscoelastic channel flow using Giesekus model with variable parameters

Wei-guo Gu,Yu Li,De-zhong Wang ····························································· 2019,31(2): 326-332

Multi-objective optimization of the kinematic parameters of fish-like swimming using a genetic algorithm method

Mahdi Abolfazli Esfahani,Hamid Reza Karbasian,Kyung Chun Kim ····················· 2019,31(2): 333-344

RANS feasibility study of using roughness to mimic transition strip effect on the crossflow separation over a 6:1 prolate-spheroid

Mojtaba M.Amiri,Marcelo A.Vitola,Sergio H.Sphaier,Paulo T.Esperança ············· 2019,31(3): 570-581

An improved predictive-corrective incompressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics method for fluid flow modelling

Chong Peng,Christoph Bauinger,Kamil Szewc,Wei Wu,Hui Cao ························· 2019,31(4): 654-668

A numerical piston-type wave-maker toolbox for the open-source library OpenFOAM

Dong-xu Wang,Jia-wen Sun,Jin-song Gui,Zhe Ma,De-zhi Ning,Ke-zhao Fang ······ 2019,31(4): 800-813

A compact stream function-velocity scheme for the 2-D unsteady incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in arbitrary curvilinear coordinates

Jian-xin Qiu,Bo Peng,Zhen-fu Tian ····························································· 2019,31(4): 827-839

Numerical simulation of micro-bubble drag reduction of an axisymmetric body using OpenFOAM

Xiao-jie Zhao,Zhi Zong,Yi-chen Jiang,Yu Pan ··············································· 2019,31(5): 900-910

Numerical simulation of flow past a square cylinder with a circular bar upstream and a splitter plate downstream

Yuan Ma,M.M.Rashidi,Zhi-gang Yang ························································ 2019,31(5): 949-964

Development and application of moment method on nanoparticles evolution due to coagulation and deposition

Guang-ping Xu,Jia-song Wang ································································ 2019,31(5): 1011-1020

Computational study of bubbly jets in stagnant water

Yan-xu Wang,Ze-gao Yin,Wenming Zhang,David Z.Zhu ······························· 2019,31(5): 1021-1033

Simulation-based study of wind-wave interactions under various sea conditions

Xuanting Hao,Tianyi Li,Tao Cao,Lian Shen ··············································· 2019,31(6): 1148-1152

An efficient parallel algorithm for DNS of buoyancy-driven turbulent flows

Yi-zhao Zhang,Shu-ning Xia,Yu-hong Dong,Bo-fu Wang,Quan Zhou ················ 2019,31(6): 1159-1169

Flow structure and unsteady fluctuation with separation over a two-dimensional backward-facing step

Fang-fang Wang,Shi-qiang Wu,Biao Huang ················································ 2019,31(6): 1204-1217

Applying extended intrinsic mean spin tensor in evolution algorithm for RANS modelling of turbulent rotating channel flow

Wei Zhang,Bing Zhu,Hui Xu,Yong Wang ·················································· 2019,31(6): 1255-1258

Experiments and Measurements in Hydrodynamics

Experimental study on the flow pattern and pressure gradient of air-water two-phase flow in a horizontal circular mini-channel

Sudarja,Aqli Haq,Deendarlianto,Indarto,Adhika Widyaparaga ···························· 2019,31(1): 102-116

Initiation of ice jam in front of bridge piers-An experimental study

Jun Wang,Jian Hua,Pang-pang Chen,Jueyi Sui,Peng Wu,Todd Whitcombe ············ 2019,31(1): 117-123

Experimental study of drag reduction characteristics related to the multifactor coupling of a bionic jet surface

Yun-qing Gu,Song-wei Yu,Jie-gang Mou,Tian-xing Fan,Shui-hua Zheng,Gang Zhao········································································································· 2019,31(1): 186-194

Experimental investigation of combined vibrations for a hydrofoil-rod system at low Reynold numbers

Ren-feng Wang,Ke Chen,Francis Nobelesse,Yun-xiang You,Wei Li ····················· 2019,31(3): 512-521

Experimental and numerical study of regular waves past a submerged breakwater

Bi-jin Liu,Du Cheng,Zhao-chen Sun,Xi-zeng Zhao,Yong Chen,Wei-dong Lin ········ 2019,31(4): 641-653

Experimental and numerical studies on the cavitation over flat hydrofoils with and without obstacle

Ling-xin Zhang,Ming Chen,Jian Deng,Xue-ming Shao ····································· 2019,31(4): 708-716

Experimental study of the dissipation of supersaturated TDG during the jet breakup process

Hong-cheng Xue,Qian Ma,Ran Li,Ming-jun Diao,David Z.Zhu,Jing-ying Lu ········ 2019,31(4): 760-766

Degradation of refractory pollutants by hydrodynamic cavitation: Key parameters to degradation rates

Zhi-yong Dong,Kai Zhang,Rui-hao Yao ························································ 2019,31(4): 848-856

Experimental study of the impact of the floating-vegetation island on mean and turbulence structures

Wang-yang Yu,Chun-bo Jiang,Ying Shi,Qi Zhou,Jian Liu,Qi Zhang ···················· 2019,31(5): 922-930

Experimental study of air-water interface properties in self-aerated flows

Wang-ru Wei,Wei-lin Xu,Jun Deng,Zhong Tian,Fa-xing Zhang··························· 2019,31(5): 940-948

Multi-lens stereo reconstruction of wave surface in a wave basin

Qian Wang,Yong-liu Fang,Hua Liu ·························································· 2019,31(5): 1069-1072

Naval Hydrodynamics,Ocean Engineering,and Coastal Engineering

Development of a fully coupled aero-hydro-mooring-elastic tool for floating offshore wind turbines

Yuanchuan Liu,Qing Xiao ············································································ 2019,31(1): 21-33

Scalar transport by propagation of an internal solitary wave over a slope-shelf

Jin Xu,Ling-ling Wang,Hong-wu Tang,Zhu Hai,John James Reginald Williams ········ 2019,31(2): 317-325

Response of a slender cylindrical member under breaking wave impact

R.Manjula,S.A.Sannasiraj ······································································· 2019,31(2): 345-357

Numerical study on variation characteristics of the unsteady bearing forces of a propeller with an external transverse excitation

Min-hua Shu,Ke Chen,Yun-xiang You,Tian-qun Hu,Ren-feng Wang ···················· 2019,31(2): 400-412

An investigation on HOBEM in evaluating ship wave of high speed displacement ship

Xi Chen,Ren-chuan Zhu,Ya-lan Song,Ju Fan ················································· 2019,31(3): 531-541

Moving of a submarine under an ice cover in fluid of finite depth

Alexandra V.Pogorelova,Vitali L.Zemlyak,Victor M.Kozin ······························· 2019,31(3): 562-569

A direct coupling analysis method of hydroelastic responses of VLFS in complicated ocean geographical environment

Jun Ding,You-sheng Wu,Ye Zhou,Zhi-wei Li,Chao Tian,Xue-feng Wang,Zheng-wei Zhang,Xiao-long Liu ························································································ 2019,31(3): 582-593

Effects of air relief openings on the mitigation of solitary wave forces on bridge decks

Sheng-chao Xiao,An-xin Guo ···································································· 2019,31(3): 594-602

Suppression of vortex-induced vibrations of a flexible riser by adding helical strakes

Dong-yang Chen,Laith K.Abbas,Guo-ping Wang,Xiao-ting Rui,Wei-jie Lu ··········· 2019,31(3): 622-632

The surge-heave-pitch coupling motions of theΦ-type vertical axis wind turbine supported by the truss Spar floating foundation

Ying Guo,Li-qin Liu,Yan Li,Chang-shui Xiao,You-gang Tang ···························· 2019,31(4): 669-681

Numerical investigation of edge configurations on piston-modal resonance in a moonpool induced by heaving excitations

Sheng-chao Jiang,Pei-wen Cong,Lei Sun,Chang-feng Liu ································· 2019,31(4): 682-699

Hull forms of small high-speed wave-piercing monohull crafts and hydrodynamics study

Cheng-zhu Wei,Ying-hui Li,Xiao-feng Liang,Hong Yi ······································ 2019,31(4): 814-826

Negative refraction of deep water waves through water channel network

Takahito Iida,Masashi Kashiwagi ································································ 2019,31(4): 840-847

Viscous numerical examination of hydrodynamic forces on a submerged horizontal circular cylinder undergoing forced oscillation

Bin Teng,Hong-fei Mao,De-zhi Ning,Chong-wei Zhang ···································· 2019,31(5): 887-899

Numerical modeling of nonlinear sloshing of liquid in a container coupled with barge subjected to regular excitation

J.J.Stephen,S.A.Sannasiraj,V.Sundar ······················································· 2019,31(5): 999-1010

Extreme storm surge induced coastal inundation in Yangtze Estuary regions

Zhen-hua Pan,Hua Liu ·········································································· 2019,31(6): 1127-1138

Integrated lifting line/surface panel method for optimal propeller design with consideration of hub effect

Wen-yu Sun,Guo-fu Huang ···································································· 2019,31(6): 1218-1230

Prediction of added resistance of a ship in waves at low speed

Feng Diao,Ji-kang Chen,Wen-yang Duan,Wei-xin Zhou,Jing-pu Chen,Jin-fang Wei······································································································ 2019,31(6): 1231-1239

Feasible study on full-scale delivered power prediction using CFD/EFD combination method

Jin-bao Wang,Hai Yu,Yi Feng ································································· 2019,31(6): 1250-1254

Industrial Hydrodynamics

A CFD simulation of wave loads on a pile-type oscillating-water-column device

Zhenhua Huang,Conghao Xu,Shijie Huang ······················································· 2019,31(1): 41-49

Influences of bubble size distribution on propagation of acoustic waves in dilute polydisperse bubbly liquids

Yu-ning Zhang,Zi-biao Jiang,Jin Yuan,Ting Chen,Yu-ning Zhang,Ning-ning Tang,Xiao-ze Du ·························································································································· 2019,31(1): 50-57

Cavitation performance of high-speed centrifugal pump with annular jet and inducer at different temperatures and void fractions

Jin Jiang,Yan-hui Li,Chong-yan Pei,Lin-lin Li,You Fu,Hong-gui Cheng,Qiang-qiang Sun ······························································································································ 2019,31(1): 93-101

Design and motion testing of a Multiple SMA fin driven BIUV

Yong-hua Zhang,Jian-hui He,Kinhuat Low ···················································· 2019,31(1): 124-136

Multi-objective optimization of a flow straightener in a large capacity firefighting water cannon

Qing-jiang Xiang,Lin Xue,Kwang-Yong Kim,Zhe-fu Shi ·································· 2019,31(1): 137-144

Numerical investigation of filling transients in small-scale pipelines with submerged outlet

Ling Wang,Fu-jun Wang,Jing Huang ··························································· 2019,31(1): 145-151

Pitch control strategy before the rated power for variable speed wind turbines at high altitudes

Ming-wei Ge,Wei-ming Ke,Hong-xia Chen ··················································· 2019,31(2): 379-388

Analysis of the flow characteristics of the high-pressure supercritical carbon dioxide jet

Man Huang,Yong Kang,Xiao-chuan Wang,Yi Hu,Can Cai································· 2019,31(2): 389-399

Three-dimensional flow field simulation of steady flow in the serrated diffusers and nozzles of valveless micro-pumps

Ying-hua Xu,Wei-ping Yan,Kai-rong Qin,Tun Cao ·········································· 2019,31(2): 413-420

Numerical study of a guide-vane-augmented vertical darrieus tidal-current- turbine

Zhen Liu,Zhi-meng Wang,Hong-da Shi,Heng-liang Qu ····································· 2019,31(3): 522-530

Productivity analysis of a fractured horizontal well in a shale gas reservoir based on discrete fracture network model

Yu-long Zhao,Nan-ying Li,Lie-hui Zhang,Rui-han Zhang ·································· 2019,31(3): 552-561

Application of the hybrid RANS/LES method on the hydraulic dynamic performance of centrifugal pumps

Zheng-chuan Zhang,Hong-xun Chen,Zheng Ma,Qun Wei,Jian-wu He,Hui Liu,Chao Liu ······························································································································ 2019,31(3): 637-640

The applicability of vortex identification methods for complex vortex structures in axial turbine rotor passages

Yu-fan Wang,Wei-hao Zhang,Xia Cao,Hong-kai Yang ······································ 2019,31(4): 700-707

The effect of impeller slot jet on centrifugal pump performance

Ren-hui Zhang,Li-chen Yun,Jing Li ····························································· 2019,31(4): 733-739

Research of cavitation characteristics of RCP based on section-constrained blades

Rong-sheng Zhu,Jun-jun Kang,Qiang Fu,Xiu-li Wang,Zong-liang Chen,Yong-gang Lu,Yong Liu ··················································································································· 2019,31(4): 750-759

Pressure dynamics of asymmetrically fractured wells in an arbitrarily shaped reservoir

Yu-long Zhao,Bao-chao Shan,Lie-hui Zhang ·················································· 2019,31(4): 767-777

Study of the internal characteristics of the stall in a centrifugal pump with a cubic non-linear SGS model

Xian-bei Huang,Zhu-qing Liu,Yao-jun Li,Wei Yang,Qiang Guo ·························· 2019,31(4): 788-799

Numerical investigation of the cavitation dynamic parameters in a Francis turbine draft tube with columnar vortex rope

Jing Yang,Ling-jiu Zhou,Zheng-wei Wang····················································· 2019,31(5): 931-939

Evaluation of the hemolysis and fluid dynamics of a ventricular assist device under the pulsatile flow condition

Huan Li,Zhe Gou,Feng Huang,Xiao-dong Ruan,Wen-wei Qian,Xin Fu ················ 2019,31(5): 965-975

A new method of dynamic mesh used in continuous guide vane closure of a reversible pump-turbine in generating mode

Xiu-li Mao,Yuan Zheng,Giorgio Pavesi,Zhan-shan Xie ····································· 2019,31(5): 976-985

Influences of the diameter of the balance hole on the flow characteristics in the hub cavity of the centrifugal pump

Wei Dong ,Wu-li Chu,Zai-lun Liu ···························································· 2019,31(5): 1060-1068

CFD-DEM modelling of mixing and segregation of binary mixtures of ellipsoidal particles in liquid fluidizations

Esmaeil Abbaszadeh Molaei,Aibing Yu,Zongyan Zhou ··································· 2019,31(6): 1190-1203

Numerical and experimental studies of hydrodynamic performance of bionic leading-edge tubercle airfoil

Chun-yu Guo,Zuo-tian Zhang,Xu-xiang Cao,Tie-cheng Wu,Yu-min Su ·············· 2019,31(6): 1240-1249

Hydraulic Engineering and Environment Hydrodynamics

Air entrainment and detrainment downstream a chute aerator

Rui-di Bai,Fa-xing Zhang,Wei Wang,Shan-jun Liu ············································· 2019,31(1): 76-82

Hydrodynamic pressure on concrete face rockfill dams subjected to earthquakes

Zhong-zhi Fu,Sheng-shui Chen,Guo-ying Li ·················································· 2019,31(1): 152-168

Hydraulics and swimming behavior of schizothorax prenanti in vertical slot fishways

Rui-dong An,Jia Li,Wen-min Yi,Xi Mao ······················································ 2019,31(1): 169-176

The structure of turbulent flow through submerged flexible vegetation

Wen-xin Huai,Jiao Zhang,Gabriel G.Katul,Yong-guang Cheng,Xue Tang,Wei-jie Wang········································································································ 2019,31(2): 274-292

Study of flow characteristics within randomly distributed submerged rigid vegetation

Paromita Chakraborty,Arindam Sarkar ·························································· 2019,31(2): 358-367

Hydraulic resistance of river ice jams

Lin Fan,Ze-yu Mao,Hung Tao Shen····························································· 2019,31(3): 504-511

Numerical simulation of hydrodynamic environment effects of the reclamation project of Nanhui tidal flat in Yangtze Estuary

Di-fan Cao,Yong-ming Shen,Mei-rong Su,Chun-xue Yu ···································· 2019,31(3): 603-613

Hydrodynamic improvement of a goose-head pattern braided reach in lower Yangtze River

Wen-hong Dai,Wei Ding··········································································· 2019,31(3): 614-621

Lattice Boltzmann method for simulating flows in open-channel with partial emergent rigid vegetation cover

Zhong-hua Yang,Feng-peng Bai,Wen-xin Huai,Cheng-guang Li ·························· 2019,31(4): 717-724

Longitudinal dispersion coefficients of pollutants in compound channels with vegetated floodplains

Li Gu,Xin-xin Zhao,Ling-hang Xing,Zi-nan Jiao,Zu-lin Hua,Xiao-dong Liu ·········· 2019,31(4): 740-749

Numerical investigation of the effects of aquatic plants on wind-induced currents in Taihu Lake in China

Tian-ping Xu,Ming-liang Zhang,Heng-zhi Jiang,Jun Tang,Hong-xing Zhang,Hui-ting Qiao ···························································································································· 2019,31(4): 778-787

Inflows/outflows driven particle dynamics in an idealised lake

Cheng-hua Dang,Jingchun Wang,Qiuhua Liang ·············································· 2019,31(5): 873-886

Impacts of vegetation over bedforms on flow characteristics in gravel-bed rivers

Hossein Afzalimehr,Mohammad Reza Maddahi,Jueyi Sui,Majid Rahimpour ·········· 2019,31(5): 986-998

General explicit solutions of most economic sections and applications for trapezoidal and parabolic channels

Yan-cheng Han,Said M.Easa,Xue-ping Gao ··············································· 2019,31(5): 1034-1042

Emergent vegetation flow with varying vertical porosity

Ming-deng Zhao,Zi-long Fan ·································································· 2019,31(5): 1043-1051

Effects of vegetation patch density on flow velocity characteristics in an open channel

Wen-qi Li,Dan Wang,Jun-li Jiao,Ke-jun Yang ············································· 2019,31(5): 1052-1059