王云超,魏 彬,杨岳霖
王云超,魏 彬,杨岳霖
(集美大学机械与能源工程学院,厦门 361021)
0 引 言
根据能量守恒定律,在BWR(Benedict-Webb-Rubin)真实气体模型的基础上[17],Otis等[18]建立了一个热对流模型来描述气体热动力学过程,并建立了一个热时间常数模型。Els等[19]在此基础上,分析了油气悬架系统对时间和温度的依赖性。Pourmovahed等[20]提出了一种基于试验数据的热时间常数关联模型,并准确预测蓄能器的热力学损失和压缩或膨胀过程中的气体压力和温度历史。Els等[21]进一步建立了一个气体与油液、环境的热传递模型,并发现油气悬架系统内存在显著的固有阻尼,这主要根源于热传递不是单纯的温度变化或能量积累。吴宏涛等[22]通过热平衡试验研究了激励振幅、激励频率和温度变化等对油气悬架动态特性的影响规律。Westhuizen等[1]对比分析了3种理想气体模型和2种实际气体模型的实用性,认为应该根据实际需要选择合适的模型。陈轶杰等[23]建立了油气悬架的自然对流热力学模型。黄夏旭等[24]利用热学理论、气体状态方程,建立包含缸筒、活塞杆热容的非公路自卸车油气悬架系统的集中参数热力学模型。但是研究发现针对具体的蓄能器及其工作范围,热时间常数必须通过试验测量获得。最近,Victor等[25]的研究发现:当压缩比变化时,对于采用恒定热时间常数的模型,预测精度会降低。范基等[26]经过试验研究阐释了热时间常数并不是一个常数,即使同一个蓄能器,也会随工况和蓄能器容量的变化而不同。总之,热时间常数确定问题是以上研究的主要困难,另外,模型验证方面还缺乏高频振动的试验验证,而且以上研究主要针对活塞式蓄能器(piston-type hydraulic accumulator)。
1 蓄能器的氮气正弦激励试验和分析
1.1 试验仪器及原理
表1 试验台主要参数
根据试验台的工作范围,确定如下试验内容:1)振幅20 mm,频率为0.1~0.4 Hz的4种正弦激励试验;2)频率为0.4 Hz,振幅为5~20 mm的4种正弦激励试验。
1.2 试验结果及分析
式中0蓄能器的体积,L;Δ为蓄能器内的氮气体积变化量(L),Δ,,分别为被动油缸的无杆腔面积(100 cm2)和位移量(10 cm),等于激励油缸的位移(被动油缸被压缩为正,即气囊被压缩时,位移为正);Δ为Δ的变化率,Δ;为被压缩油缸的运动速度(10 cm/s)。试验结果如图2所示。
图2 正弦激励下气体压力与体积压缩率的关系
由图2a可知,对应于体积压缩率最小和最大值的各频率下的气体压力曲线分别交于(−0.06,3.07)和(0.06,4.99),说明激振频率对气体压力变化斜率(刚度)没有明显影响。但是随着振动频率的提高,蓄能器内气体的迟滞环越来越大,说明蓄能器内的气体内阻尼不断增大。主要是由于真实气体内部分子间的相互作用加剧导致阻尼力增大以及散热时间减少所致,另外,油液从被动油缸无杆腔到蓄能器的管路和接口也会有部分阻尼的影响,但管路阻尼专项试验结果表明该阻尼影响小于0.015 MPa。由于试验条件限制,尚缺乏较高频率振动试验数据,而相同振幅下较高频振动时的体积压缩率极值对应的气体压力点是否仍然汇交于一点仍需进一步的试验验证。
由图2b可知,随着正弦激励的振幅从5 mm增大到20 mm,各振幅压力曲线的最小和最大体积压缩率对应的气体压力基本位于(−0.065,3.074)和(0.065,4.105)两点的连线上,即气体压力与体积压缩率成线性关系。同样由于试验条件限制,未进一步探讨更大振幅、更高频率激励作用的试验研究,因此,体积压缩率的极值点对应的气体压力点是否依然存在线性关系仍需进一步验证。
2 真实气体多变指数模型
2.1 体积压缩率和体积压缩速率对多变指数的影响
00=PV (3)
=lg(0/)/lg(/0) (4)
图3 正弦激励下气体多变指数与体积压缩率的关系
图4 正弦激励下气体多变指数与体积缩速率的关系
2.2 真实气体多变指数模型
2.3 真实气体多变指数模型的验证
图5 正弦激励下气体模型预测压力与试验数据对比(蓄能器充气压力2 MPa,充油压力3.5 MPa)
由图5可知,正弦激励下气体模型预测压力与试验结果的整体平均误差为4.05%。图5 d图的误差最大,为10%,该误差是测量值出现了明显波动造成的,相同工况的测试结果(图5h)的最大误差只有2.25%。
为了进一步验证模型,多变指数模型中的1和2保持不变,将蓄能器的充气压力降为1.5 MPa,充油后平衡位置的压力为3.5 MPa,振幅0.02 m,不同频率的仿真和测试结果对比如图6所示,由图可知,正弦激励下气体模型预测压力与试验结果的最大误差为9.06%,整体平均偏差为2.01%。
图6 正弦激励下气体模型预测压力与试验数据对比(振幅20 mm,蓄能器充气压力1.5 MPa,充油压力3.5 MPa)
3 整车油气悬架系统性能验证试验
3.1 试验仪器设备
根据试验台的工作范围,确定以下试验内容:1)振幅20 mm,频率为0.1~0.4 Hz的4种正弦激励试验;2)频率为0.4 Hz,振幅为5~20 mm的4种正弦激励试验。
图7 整车油气悬架系统测试平台
表2 测试平台主要参数
3.2 测试和仿真对比验证
图8 振幅20 mm下不同频率正弦激励的侧倾力矩预测与试验数据对比
图9 不同振幅正弦激励的侧倾力矩预测值与试验数据对比(频率0.4 Hz)
4 结 论
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Establishment and verification of real gas multivariate index model for hydro-pneumatic suspension system
Wang Yunchao, Wei Bin, Yang Yuelin
One of the problems in the analysis of the dynamics performance of off-road vehicles is the effect of the accuracy of the hydro-pneumatic suspension model. However, the accuracy of the model for the polytropic process of nitrogen in the gas-charged hydraulic accumulator is one of the key factors, which affects the accuracy of the model for the hydro-pneumatic suspension systems. The traditional approach based on the energy equation and the Benedict-Webb-Rubin equations deduces the well-known thermal time constant model. However, researchers indicate that the thermal time constant varies with the change in the accumulator size and operating cases. Other researchers attempt to modify the multivariate index to model the real gas behavior, but the hysteresis loop representing the energy losses in a cycle can’t be described because the multivariate index is treated as a constant value. In this paper, an attempt was made to describe the hysteresis loop by adopting a variable multivariate index. On the accumulator rig, some tests excited by the sinusoidal displacement with four different amplitudes and frequencies respectively were carried out. The plots of the gas pressures versus the gas volume ratio and the gas volume rate respectively were made according to the experimental data from the accumulator test by using the Matlab software. A comprehensive analysis of experimental data showed that the relationship between the gas pressure and both the volume compression ratio and the volume compression rate were very close. To analyze the relationship between the multivariate index and the two parameters respectively, the formula of the multivariate index was deduced based on the ideal gas approach and multivariate index. By substituting the experimental data from the accumulator test into the formula, the plots of the multivariate index versus the two parameters respectively were also made. The plots illustrated that the multivariate index was closely proportional to the two parameters, respectively. Based on the analysis, a novel method was proposed to build a multivariate index model with the two parameters to describe the real gas behavior. In order to verify the correctness and the accuracy of the proposed multivariate index model, the two coefficients in the model were identified by using the experimental data from the previous accumulators test, and the coefficient of the volume compression ratio in the model was 2.4 for the test accumulator, and the coefficient of the volume compression rate was 1.5. Moreover, substituting the values of the two parameters, which were determined by the different operating cases, into the proposed multivariate index model with the two identified coefficients gave a comparison with these experimental data. Furthermore, a co-simulation model, which was based on the multivariate index model, for six hydro-pneumatic suspension systems was built to check the application of the multivariate index model in the hydro-pneumatic suspension systems of the overall vehicle. And a platform for the hydro-pneumatic suspension systems of the overall vehicle invented and designed by our laboratory, which was the first platform with the capability to test the comprehensive characteristics of multiple suspension systems, was used to test the rolling characteristics of the six hydro-pneumatic suspension systems. Several tests were carried out under the sinusoidal displacements with four different amplitudes and frequencies, respectively. The comparison of the co-simulation results and experimental data showed that the average discrepancy was equal to 5.12% and the maximum discrepancy was less than 10.9%. Therefore, a good correlation was achieved. It further demonstrated that the proposed multivariate index model can describe the behavior of the real nitrogen in the accumulator. But the proposed model should be further verified by using more experimental data from much higher frequency tests, and the influence of dissipated energy on the two coefficients in the proposed model should be explored.
vehicle; experiments; models; suspensions; hydraulic accumulator; hysteresis loops
王云超,魏 彬,杨岳霖. 油气悬架囊式蓄能器真实气体多变指数模型建立及验证[J]. 农业工程学报,2019,35(20):10-16.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.20.002 http://www.tcsae.org
Wang Yunchao, Wei Bin, Yang Yuelin. Establishment and verification of real gas multivariate index model for hydro-pneumatic suspension system[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(20): 10-16. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.20.002 http://www.tcsae.org