China covers all villages with postal services
China has achieved the goal of covering all administrative villages with direct postal services in August ahead of schedule, according to the countrys postal service regulator. China has also realized the target of establishing postal service outlets in every township across the country.
China held 6th World Internet Conference in October
China held the sixth World Internet Conference from Oct. 20 to 22 in the river town of Wuzhen in eastern Chinas Zhejiang Province, with the theme of “Smart, connectivity, openness and cooperation: Jointly build a community of shared future in cyberspace”. Focusing on science and technology, industries and economy, humanity and society, and cooperation and governance, the conference set 20 subforums, covering popular and cutting-edge topics such as artificial intelligence, 5G and industrial digitalization.
Thai visitors fascinated by exhibition of Chinas Terracotta Warriors
More than 1,000 visitors flocked to see the exhibition of Chinas Terracotta Warriors at the national museum in Bangkok in only three hours after it was opened to the public in Thailand in September. Thai Cultural Minister said the exhibition of Terracotta Warriors would deepen cultural and economic cooperation between China and Thailand.
Maglev trains bring new possibilities for Chinas future transportation
A total of 37 cities on the Chinese mainland had rail transit systems in operation as of June 30, with a total length of 6,126.82 km. Chinas urban rail transit has not only achieved rapid growth in scale but also achieved high-quality development.
French scientists warn more severe global warming by 2100
Global warming would be more severe than expected by 2100 unless governments take concrete moves to cut greenhouse gas emissions, French scientists warned. By 2100, global mercury rise would reach 6 to 7 degrees Celsius due to“rapid economic growth driven by fossil fuels”.