

风景园林 2019年4期


国宝大熊猫作为中国特有的生态保护和文化符号,是国际交流的友好使者,是仅栖息于中国西南的珍稀濒危野生动物。熊猫是世界各地动物园的镇园之宝,当今世界上仅存大约1 800只野生大熊猫。而成都作为世界上离大熊猫核心栖息地最近的城市,可谓名副其实的“熊猫之乡”,同时也是迅速扩张的大型城市。城市发展与生态保护往往相互冲突,但本项目通过规划69km2的3个熊猫片区,建构可持续发展框架来协调成都的城市化进程和大熊猫保护工作,带领成都打造永续的“熊猫之都”。


未来“熊猫之都”预计每年接待逾2 000万名访客,超过当今迪士尼乐园的庞大游客量。成都必须在平衡合理有序的城市发展的同时,确保对熊猫栖息地保护的重大任务。

1 大熊猫之都Panda Capital

2 北湖熊猫公园游览总图Beihu Panda Park Tourist Map

3 大熊猫基地动物场馆Panda Base Animal Facilities

4 规划新增西入口效果图Proposed West Entrance



5 都江堰大熊猫谷游览图Dujiangyan Panda Wilderness Tourist Map

6 大熊猫谷山麓入口Wilderness Foothill Gateway

7 大熊猫科教中心效果图Panda Valley Research Center








8 山顶熊猫野训图效果图Uphill Panda Pre-release Training Area

9 金丝猴体验区效果图Snub-nosed-monkey Exhibit

10 田园体验谷效果图Wellness Village and Farm

11 龙泉山熊猫之窗游览总图Longquanshan Panda Village Tourist Map

The giant panda is an icon of Chinese culture and a symbol for wildlife preservation efforts around the world. With only about 1,800 left in the wild, it is one of the most vulnerable species on Earth. Although a staple at many zoos around the world, giant pandas are native to only one region in western China near Chengdu, which is also one of the fastest growing cities in the world.Although urbanization and conservation are often in conflict with each other, the Chengdu Panda Reserve provides a framework for the protection of the giant panda and its native habitat, and strategies which will lead Chengdu into a more resilient future. The master plan for the Chengdu Panda Reserve represents the launch of China’s increasing communication, collaboration, and awareness of its pioneering strategies to protect the species and its native habitat. Conservation efforts have multiple benefits, as pandas serve as an‘umbrella species’ for other wildlife which indirectly benefit from the protection of their shared habitat.Sasaki’s plan for the reserve provides a framework for the protection of the species through a robust expansion plan focused on conservation, education,and research—with the ultimate objective of improving their ability to thrive in the wild.With over 20 million people expected to visit the Chengdu Panda Reserve each year—a figure that surpasses current annual visitors to Disneyland—the city has a tremendous responsibility to advance its development in a manner that is mindful of protecting the panda’s habitat.

12 幼年熊猫展示及科研人员培训区Juvenile Panda and Staff Training Area

13 龙泉山熊猫之窗艺术村效果图Longquanshan Art Village

14 展区类型:浸入式体验Exhibit Typology: Intergrated Experiences

The three disparate sites which comprise the Chengdu Panda Reserve are organized by their primary functions, as well as the amount of human interaction and disturbance. The first site, Beihu Panda Park, builds upon the existing “Panda Base”visitor experience by providing an urban education center to accommodate those seeking a more immersive experience. This urban destination, close to downtown and linked to the city by public transit,introduces the panda to the millions of people who come to Chengdu each year to experience them up close. Here, visitors can learn about the daily lives of pandas and their companion species, their shared habitat, and get a glimpse into ongoing research and other efforts to protect them.

The second and most remote of the three sites that comprise the Chengdu Panda Reserve is the Dujiangyan Panda Wilderness. Primarily focusing on research, including breeding techniques and assimilation into the wild, this more isolated area of the reserve is located at foothills of the Tibetan plateau. As one of the gateways into the Giant Panda National Park,researchers here focus on pre-release training to acclimate juvenile pandas born in captivity prior to final release into the wild. The third site, Longquanshan Panda Village, is located near Chengdu’s new airport and provides an abbreviated glimpse into conservation efforts and highlights Chengdu’s distinctive culture.This gateway into the city will provide an educational overview of the region’s history, food, and wildlife,including the prized native panda.

It is difficult to name an animal more beloved than the giant panda. The near-universal adoration of this endangered species was never far from mind as Sasaki collaborated with city leaders to thoughtfully grow the city while building a resilient future for the species. Throughout 2019, Sasaki is continuing design work with the Reserve to prepare for its implementation in the near future.

Project location:Chengdu, China

Client name:Chengdu Tianfu Greenway Construction Investment Co., Ltd.

Completion date:Conceptual Master Plan completed in October 2018

Size:69 km2(approximately 27 square miles)

Services:Planning, Urban Design, Landscape Architecture,and Ecology

