北京航空航天大学学报2019 年 笫45 卷 总目次(总笫311 期~总笫322 期)


北京航空航天大学学报 2019年12期

北京航空航天大学学报2019 年第45 卷第1 期(总第311 期)

7403 基于航路点布局的多目标网络结构优化方法 …………郑煜坤, 王瑛, 李超, 亓尧, 李正欣 (1)

7404 航空发动机承力结构隔振设计方法及试验 ………………洪杰, 杨振川, 王永锋, 马艳红 (10)

7405 高速转子连接结构刚度损失及振动特性 …………………洪杰, 徐翕如, 苏志敏, 马艳红 (18)

7406 基于双层K近邻算法航站楼短时客流量预测…………………………………………………………………………………………………………邢志伟, 何川, 罗谦, 蒋祥枫, 刘畅, 丛婉 (26)

7407 人机协作中人的动作终点预测 ……………………………………陈友东, 刘嘉蕾, 胡澜晓 (35)

7408 氢氧发动机真空羽流干扰试验研究 …………………………………吴靖, 蔡国飙, 贺碧蛟 (44)

7409 能量有效的无线传感器网络分簇路由协议 ………………刘伟, 杜佳鸿, 贾素玲, 蒲菊华 (50)

7410 临近空间风切变特性及其对飞行器的影响 …………………杨钧烽, 肖存英, 胡雄, 程旋 (57)

7411 一种平均矩独立重要性指标及其拒绝抽样方法 ……程蕾, 张磊刚, 雷豹, 梁祖典, 刘鹏 (66)

7412 面向气热耦合的涡轮叶片计算域模型建模方法 …王添, 席平, 胡毕富, 李吉星, 石晓飞 (74)

7413 开关磁阻电机矩角特性模型非线性拟合方法 ………………叶威, 马齐爽, 徐萍, 张珀铭 (83)

7414 成分数据的空间自回归模型 …………………………黄婷婷, 王惠文, SAPORTA Gilbert(93)

7415 水平井多裂纹同步扩展的偏折分析 …………………………………陈旻炜, 李敏, 陈伟民 (99)

7416 高超声速飞行器平稳滑翔弹道扰动运动伴随分析 ………………赫泰龙, 陈万春, 刘芳 (109)

7417 不同热解温度下酚醛树脂复合材料渗透率测试……………………………………………………………………………………………王丽燕, 崔占中, 陈伟华, 王开石, 周启超, 王振峰 (123)

7418 一种面向工业互联网的云存储方法…………………………………………………………………………………………………孟祥曦, 张凌, 郭皓明, 郭黎敏, 夏乾臣, 吕江花, 马世龙 (130)

7419 低黏度环氧树脂硼胺-酸酐复合固化体系研究 ………邢志鹏, 乔英杰, 张晓红, 王晓东 (141)

7420 基于Adaboost的填充式防护结构超高速撞击损伤预测 …………丁文哲, 李新洪, 杨虹 (149)

7421 遥感图像飞机目标高效搜检深度学习优化算法 ……………………………郭琳, 秦世引 (159)

7422 基于多轴同步控制的微尺度双向加载实验系统……………………………………………………………………………………………………………熊晶洲, 万敏, 孟宝, 赵越超, 吴向东 (174)

7423 频率分集阵列对干涉仪的角度欺骗效果 ………葛佳昂, 谢军伟, 张浩为, 冯晓宇, 张晶 (183)

7424 二维编织C/SiC复合材料板疲劳损伤分析 ……………陈天雄, 张铮, 王奇志, 林彗星 (192)

7425 空气域与流体域耦合作用下双层电池包散热特性………………………………………………………………………………………………………赵磊, 朱茂桃, 徐晓明, 胡东海, 李仁政 (200)

7426 S 波自旋单态底夸克偶素衰变到粲夸克对 ………………………孙佳佳, 张玉洁, 熊畅 (212)

7427 基于全局稀疏地图的AGV视觉定位技术 ………………张浩悦, 程晓琦, 刘畅, 孙军华 (218)

北京航空航天大学学报2019 年第45 卷第2 期 (总第312 期)

7428 具有初始热变形的转子系统振动响应分析 ………马艳红, 刘海舟, 邓旺群, 杨海, 洪杰 (227)

7429 小视场星敏感器量测延时滤波算法 ……………………钱华明, 王迪, 吴永慧, 黄智开 (234)

7430 航天刚-弹-液耦合系统的弹-液耦合研究 …………………………………梁立孚, 郭庆勇 (243)

7431 高速运载器燃油热管理系统优化 …………………庞丽萍, 邹凌宇, 阿嵘, 杨晓东, 范俊 (252)

7432 基于混沌粒子群优化的北斗/GPS 组合导航选星算法…………………………………………………………………………………王尔申, 贾超颖, 曲萍萍, 黄煜峰, 庞涛, 别玉霞, 姜毅 (259)

7433 航空发动机转子结构布局优化设计方法 …………………………李超, 金福艺, 张卫浩 (266)

7434 一种考虑过滤的短纤维增强复合材料RVE建模方法………………………………………………………………………………………………………………刘丰睿, 骈瑢, 赵丽滨, 张建宇 (277)

7435 一种新的矩独立重要性测度分析方法及高效算法………………………………………………………………………………………………………巩祥瑞, 吕震宙, 孙天宇, 张雷雷, 封雷 (283)

7436 弹性高速飞行器的状态/参数滚动时域估计 ……………………陈尔康, 荆武兴, 高长生 (291)

7437 数字锁相解调器的优化设计 …………………………李勇, 刘泽, 赵鹏飞, 霍继伟, 林阳 (299)

7438 基于改进型Retinex算法的雾天图像增强技术 …张驰, 谭南林, 李响, 李国正, 苏树强 (309)

7439 触地关机模式下的着陆器软着陆稳定性研究……………………………………………………………………………………………………………董洋, 王春洁, 吴宏宇, 丁宗茂, 满剑锋 (317)

7440 蜂群无人机自组网多优先级自适应退避算法 …………刘炜伦, 张衡阳, 郑博, 高维廷 (325)

7441 一种图像缩放算法的SoC协同加速设计方法………………………………………………………………………………………………………王鹏, 曹云峰, 许蕾, 丁萌, 张洲宇, 曲金秋 (333)

7442 基于地形匹配的直升机低空飞行前视告警方法 ……………………………张硕俨, 陆洋 (340)

7443 未知环境下无人机集群协同区域搜索算法 ……………侯岳奇, 梁晓龙, 何吕龙, 刘流 (347)

7444 基于空间两点的视觉自主着陆导引算法设计 ……………………魏祥灰, 唐超颖, 王彪 (357)

7445 一种新的非高斯随机振动信号的模拟方法 ………………………夏静, 袁宏杰, 徐如远 (366)

7446 基于改进的动态Kriging模型的结构可靠度算法 ……………………魏娟, 张建国, 邱涛 (373)

7447 芯片互联结构断裂失效的试验研究与统计分析…………………………………………………………………………………………………………陈垚君, 景博, 胡家兴, 盛增津, 张钰林 (381)

7448 电磁航天器编队悬停鲁棒协同控制方法 …………………张亚博, 师鹏, 张皓, 赵育善 (388)

7449 基于半无码的P(Y) 码自相关GNSS-R海面测高方法 ……………樊梦文, 张波, 王峰 (398)

7450 基于缓解HoL堵塞的单组播混合调度算法 …………………………袁龙, 熊庆旭, 萧翰 (405)

7451 基于AVSIMM算法的高超声速再入滑翔目标跟踪 ……肖楚晗, 李炯, 雷虎民, 王华吉 (413)

7452 考虑临近车道行人对交通流影响的改进跟驰模型……………………………………………………………………………………………李宏刚, 高哈尔·达吾力, 王帅, 余贵珍, 王朋成 (422)

北京航空航天大学学报2019 年第45 卷第3 期 (总第313 期)

7453 基于改进共生生物搜索算法的空战机动决策 ………高阳阳, 余敏建, 韩其松, 董肖杰 (429)

7454 动力涡轮转子结构系统力学特性稳健设计方法 ………洪杰, 沈玉芃, 王永锋, 马艳红 (437)

7455 激光焊接带口盖加筋壁板剪切性能分析 ……………回丽, 陈晓伟, 周松, 杨文军, 王磊 (446)

7456 一种含闭环支链的新型并联机构设计与分析 ……………房海蓉, 王立, 张海强, 杨会 (454)

7457 基于ℓp的DTV图像去噪模型 …………………………………庞志峰, 张慧丽, 史宝丽 (464)

7458 激发跃迁速率对热力学非平衡氮气紫外辐射的影响…………………………………………………………………………………………………吴杰, 余西龙, 段然, 朱希娟, 李霞, 马静 (472)

7459 循环电载荷下大功率LED金引线疲劳断裂寿命预测……………………………………………………………………………………………樊嘉杰, 李磊, 钱诚, 胡爱华, 樊学军, 张国旗 (478)

7460 基于GA-SVM的GNSS-IR土壤湿度反演方法 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………孙波, 梁勇, 汉牟田, 杨磊, 荆丽丽, 俞永庆 (486)

7461 颈动脉内血流动力学特征受向前加速度影响的数值模拟 …………………刘岩, 孙安强 (493)

7462 阻拦着舰过程中飞行员颈部的损伤分析与预测……………………………………………………………………………………………包佳仪, 王兴伟, 周前祥, 谌玉红, 李晨明, 刘华蔚 (499)

7463 基于代理模型的制导火箭炮发射诸元计算方法……………………………………………………………………………………………………………赵强, 汤祁忠, 韩珺礼, 杨明, 陈志华 (508)

7464 六相永磁容错轮毂电机多物理场综合设计方法 ……………………郭嗣, 郭宏, 徐金全 (520)

7465 卫星姿态控制系统执行器微小故障检测方法 …………李磊, 高永明, 吴止锾, 张学波 (529)

7466 基于切换系统的变体飞行器鲁棒自适应控制 ……………………梁小辉, 王青, 董朝阳 (538)

7467 悬停状态下小型无人直升机飞行动力学模型辨识 ………………武梅丽文, 陈铭, 王放 (546)

7468 基于分段常值推力的水滴悬停构型控制策略 …………白晟州, 王慧疆, 韩潮, 张斯航 (560)

7469 大型机场滑行道航空器交通流特性仿真 ……………………………薛清文, 陆键, 姜雨 (567)

7470 基于相干度优化的极化顺轨干涉SAR慢小目标CFAR检测 ………张鹏, 张嘉峰, 刘涛 (575)

7471 窄线宽半导体激光器的热设计及优化 ……………………………刘思喆, 全伟, 翟跃阳 (588)

7472 基于近似动态规划的目标追踪控制算法 ………………………李惠峰, 易文峰, 程晓明 (597)

7473 结冰条件下的飞行控制律重构设计方法 ………………王良禹, 徐浩军, 李颖晖, 李哲 (606)

7474 带落角约束的新型二阶滑模三维制导律 …………史绍琨, 赵久奋, 崇阳, 杨奇松, 尤浩 (614)

7475 类X-51A飞行器非定常湍流精细模拟 …………………余华峰, 刘宏康, 陈树生, 阎超 (624)

7476 带衬套沉头螺栓复合材料/金属接头拉伸性能……………………………………………………………………………………………………陈坤, 舒茂盛, 胡仁伟, 郭鑫, 程羽佳, 程小全 (633)

北京航空航天大学学报2019 年第45 卷第4 期 (总第314 期)

7477 基于自适应迭代的机器人曲面恒力跟踪 ……………………李琳, 肖佳栋, 张铁, 肖蒙 (641)

7478 高超声速飞行器预设性能反演控制方法设计 ………李小兵, 赵思源, 卜祥伟, 何阳光 (650)

7479 舰载机弹射起飞影响因素分析及侧向控制律设计……………………………………………………………………………………………………………吴文海, 宋立廷, 张杨, 汪节, 高丽 (662)

7480 低动能来流下背负式进气道非定常流动特性分析………………………………………………………………………………………………………刘志敏, 闫盼盼, 张群峰, 黎星佐, 孙超 (672)

7481 基于卷积曲面的动态实时星图模拟 ………………………闫劲云, 刘慧, 赵伟强, 江洁 (681)

7482 基于运动模型的低空非合作无人机目标识别 ……………陈唯实, 刘佳, 陈小龙, 李敬 (687)

7483 金属材料微裂纹取向与超声波和频非线性效应……………………………………………………………………………………………………杨斌, 史开元, 袁廷璧, 肖德铭, 王侃, 李振海 (695)

7484 结冰飞机非线性稳定域确定及安全操纵方法……………………………………………………………………………………………………………周驰, 李颖晖, 郑无计, 武朋玮, 董泽洪 (705)

7485 模糊-随机混合参数的机构运动可靠度计算方法 …………游令非, 张建国, 翟浩, 李桥 (714)

7486 基于目标逃逸机动预估的空空导弹可发射区 …………王杰, 丁达理, 许明, 韩博, 雷磊 (722)

7487 质子交换炉温度场均匀性分析与优化 …………………………………………伏娜, 张晞 (735)

7488 考虑几何非线性的气动弹性模型缩比方法 ………………………柴睿, 谭申刚, 黄国宁 (743)

7489 一种起落架载荷谱相似性判别方法 ……………………………颜灿林, 贺小帆, 李玉海 (752)

7490 基于键合图模型的SHA/EMA余度系统的故障诊断……………………………………………………………………………………………………刘宏飞, 于黎明, 张柱, 阎旭栋, 韩旭东 (760)

7491 基于频控阵的稳健Capon 波束形成 ………………冯晓宇, 谢军伟, 葛佳昂, 张晶, 王博 (769)

7492 飞机滑行下道基动静模量相关分析模型 …………………………刘小兰, 张献民, 董倩 (778)

7492 火星再入飞行器风洞试验与真实飞行之间相关性的探讨 ………………刘方彬, 袁军娅 (787)

7494 基于程序建模的网络程序漏洞检测技术 …………邓兆琨, 陆余良, 黄钊, 黄晖, 朱凯龙 (796)

7495 基于FPGA的低复杂度快速SIFT特征提取 …………………………………姜晓明, 刘强 (804)

7496 飞机框肋类零件基础特征自动识别与提取算法 ………………汤志鸿, 郑国磊, 郑艺玮 (811)

7497 一种混合粒度奇偶校验故障注入检测方法 …………………………………王沛晶, 刘强 (821)

7498 光电二极管的地球反照光校正及卫星姿态估计 …………………………褚理想, 樊巧云 (827)

7499 考虑多因素的可修系统任务可靠性分配方法……………………………………………………………………………………………………………刘朝霞, 孙宇锋, 轩杰, 许智宏, 赵广燕 (834)

7500 基于F-P腔的激光频率稳定传递方法 ……………………………李欣怡, 李秀飞, 全伟 (841)

北京航空航天大学学报2019 年第45 卷第5 期 (总第315 期)

7501 复杂转子系统支点动载荷模型及其优化设计……………………………………………………………………………………………………………洪杰, 果天壤, 倪耀宇, 吕春光, 马艳红 (847)

7502 高速柔性转子系统动力特性稳健设计方法 ……………洪杰, 杨哲夫, 吕春光, 马艳红 (855)

7503 军航飞机流穿越民航航线冲突探测与解脱问题 ………吴明功, 蒋旭瑞, 温祥西, 陈彬 (863)

7504 一种高效的油液磨粒图像自适应分割方法 ……………任松, 徐雪茹, 赵云峰, 王小书 (873)

7505 端部带质量和弹簧约束悬臂梁振动响应的解析解………………………………………………………………………………………………………马斌捷, 周书涛, 贾亮, 侯传涛, 荣克林 (883)

7506 CCD器件用机械泵驱动两相流体回路仿真与试验 ……赵振明, 孟庆亮, 张焕冬, 赵慧 (893)

7507 基于矩阵分解的空间系绳系统不完全反馈控制…………………………………………………………………………………………………王长青, 付立春, 扎波罗特诺夫·尤里, 李爱军 (902)

7508 基于状态量扩维的旋转式捷联惯导系统精对准方法 …叶文, 翟风光, 蔡晨光, 李建利 (912)

7509 基于无关变量分离的EFSM测试数据进化生成 …………潘雄, 郝帅, 苑政国, 宋凝芳 (919)

7510 一种面向模块化可重构机翼的分步补偿优化方法 ……………罗利龙, 王立凯, 聂小华 (930)

7511 高空太阳能无人机三维航迹优化 ………………………王少奇, 马东立, 杨穆清, 张良 (936)

7512 基于多子块协同单尺度Retinex的浓雾图像增强 …………………………高原原, 胡海苗 (944)

7513 基于FFS 故障行为模型的等效故障注入方法 ………邱文昊, 黄考利, 连光耀, 张西山 (952)

7514 LPV模型的动态压缩测量辨识算法 ……………邱棚, 李鸣谦, 姚旭日, 翟光杰, 王雪艳 (961)

7515 基于硬脂酸复合相变材料的被动热沉性能 ………赵亮, 邢玉明, 刘鑫, 罗叶刚, 芮州峰 (970)

7516 基于智能优化算法和有限元法的多线圈均匀磁场优化设计………………………………………………………………………………………………吕志峰, 张金生, 王仕成, 赵欣, 李婷 (980)

7517 进气道结构对固体冲压发动机补燃室燃烧及内壁流场的影响……………………………………………………………………………………王金金, 查柏林, 张炜, 惠哲, 苏庆东, 何齐 (989)

7518 卫星微振动液阻隔振器建模与试验研究…………………………………………………………………………………………………………刘巧斌, 史文库, 柯俊, 陈志勇, 曹飞, 闵海涛 (999)

7519 基于平流层风场预测的浮空器轨迹控制 ………………李魁, 邓小龙, 杨希祥, 侯中喜 (1008)

7520 航空替代燃料低温点火关键物质研究 …………………………臧雪静, 周冠宇, 杨晓奕 (1019)

7521 圆弧翼型跨声速流动的动态模态分析 ……………………胡万林, 于剑, 刘宏康, 阎超 (1026)

7522 基于降阶模型的翼型结冰冰形预测方法 …………………刘藤, 李栋, 黄冉冉, 张振辉 (1033)

7523 基于MBSE的民用飞机功能架构设计方法 ……………………………梅芊, 黄丹, 卢艺 (1042)

7524 基于切比雪夫混沌映射和生物识别的身份认证方案……………………………………………………………………………………………………………董晓露, 黎妹红, 杜晔, 吴倩倩 (1052)

北京航空航天大学学报2019 年第45 卷第6 期 (总第316 期)

7525 自适应非奇异快速终端滑模固定时间收敛制导律 ………赵国荣, 李晓宝, 刘帅, 韩旭 (1059)

7526 航空活塞发动机涡轮增压器失效关键影响因素分级 ……………鲍梦瑶, 丁水汀, 李果 (1071)

7527 融合高斯过程回归的UKF估计方法 ………………………叶文, 蔡晨光, 杨平, 李建利 (1081)

7528 机翼前缘积冰对大飞机操稳特性的影响 …………魏扬, 徐浩军, 薛源, 李哲, 张久星 (1088)

7529 环面蜗轮滚刀刃带宽受周向定位误差影响分析………………………………………………………………………………………………芮成杰, 李海涛, 杨杰, 龙新佳妮, 太健健, 丁宁 (1096)

7530 多源数据融合的民航发动机修后性能预测 ………………………谭治学, 钟诗胜, 林琳 (1106)

7531 基于FEM研究含孔隙介质中裂纹矩张量反演精度 ………………孔岳, 李敏, 陈伟民 (1114)

7532 三维点阵结构等效热分析与优化方法 ……………………………………邓昊宇, 王春洁 (1122)

7533 高速开关阀的复合PWM控制策略分析与优化 …………高强, 朱玉川, 罗樟, 陈晓明 (1129)

7534 130 nm体硅反相器链的单粒子瞬态脉宽特性研究 …………………李赛, 陈睿, 韩建伟 (1137)

7535 2UPR-RRU并联机构及其运动学分析 …………陈淼, 张氢, 葛韵斐, 秦仙蓉, 孙远韬 (1145)

7536 基于UGF-GO法的EWIS 退化系统可靠性分析 …………………曹慧, 段富海, 江秀红 (1153)

7537 基于能量观点的混合层流优化设计 ……史亚云, 郭斌, 刘倩, 白俊强, 杨体浩, 卢磊 (1162)

7538 双剪连接件及双耳连接耳片疲劳寿命估算的逐次累计求和算法…………………………………………………………………………………………陈迪, 李钰, 张亦波, 宋颖刚, 熊峻江 (1175)

7539 隐身飞机敏感性影响因素组合分析 ………韩欣珉, 尚柏林, 徐浩军, 刘松彬, 杨梓鑫 (1185)

7540 基于双向拉伸的热环境铝合金性能获取和分析 …………………房涛涛, 李晓星, 肖瑞 (1195)

7541 垂直旋转圆盘边缘液体形态 …………………覃文隆, 樊未军, 石强, 徐汉卿, 张荣春 (1203)

7542 液氮温区平板蒸发器环路热管实验研究…………………………………………………………………………………………………………张畅, 谢荣建, 张添, 鲁得浦, 吴亦农, 洪芳军 (1211)

7543 城市中心区非机动车系统设计优化与探索 …………………………张骏, 郑楠, 黄崇轩 (1218)

7544 基于多传感器测量的航天器舱段自动对接位姿调整方法………………………………………………………………………………………………陈冠宇, 成群林, 张解语, 洪海波, 何军 (1232)

7545 基于ADMM算法的航空发动机模型预测控制…………………………………………………………………………………………………………单睿斌, 李秋红, 何凤林, 冯海龙, 管庭筠 (1240)

7546 GNSS-IR双频数据融合的土壤湿度反演方法…………………………………………………………………………………………………………荆丽丽, 杨磊, 汉牟田, 洪学宝, 孙波, 梁勇 (1248)

7547 基于凯恩方程的无人机伞降回收动力学建模与仿真 ………吴翰, 王正平, 周洲, 王睿 (1256)

7548 一种新型路径共享真时延波束合成架构的设计 ……………………党艳杰, 梁煜, 张为 (1266)

北京航空航天大学学报2019 年第45 卷第7 期 (总第317 期)

7549 动量轮微振动机理及仿真 …………………………………马艳红, 刘珊珊, 王虹, 洪杰 (1273)

7550 基于挂钩力模型的拖挂式房车同步制动控制…………………………………………………………………………………………………………徐兴, 糜杰, 文楚玥, 王峰, 马世典, 陶涛 (1283)

7551 基于速度障碍法的飞行冲突解脱与恢复策略…………………………………………………………………………………………………………王泽坤, 吴明功, 温祥西, 蒋旭瑞, 高阳阳 (1294)

7552 面向复杂系统的三维Bayes网络测试性验证模型 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………史贤俊, 王康, 肖支才, 龙玉峰, 陈垚 (1303)

7553 航空柱塞泵缸体疲劳分析及寿命预测方法 ……王岩, 王晓睛, 郭生荣, 卢岳良, 刘胜 (1314)

7554 基于CUDA的超声二维声场EFIT仿真 ……………………………宋波, 李威, 廉国选 (1322)

7555 基于生成对抗网络的航天异常事件检测方法 ……………………张克明, 蔡远文, 任元 (1329)

7556 基于非线性模态的复杂系统动力学特性分析方法 ………………黄行蓉, 刘久周, 李琳 (1337)

7557 车路协同系统下区域路径实时决策方法 ………王庞伟, 邓辉, 于洪斌, 李振华, 王力 (1349)

7558 六相永磁同步电机驱动控制方式 ……………匡晓霖, 徐金全, 黄春蓉, 李嘉科, 郭宏 (1361)

7559 一种基于改进KELM的在线状态预测方法 ……………朱敏, 许爱强, 陈强强, 李睿峰 (1370)

7560 裂纹矩张量反演的传感器排布形式 …………………………………孔岳, 李敏, 陈伟民 (1380)

7561 基于快速自适应超螺旋算法的制导律 …………………刘畅, 杨锁昌, 汪连栋, 张宽桥 (1388)

7562 一种多层次制造服务建模和组合优选方法 ………………丁涛, 闫光荣, 雷毅, 徐翔宇 (1398)

7563 基于信道复用方法的GNSS 共视信号模拟 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………李博闻, 蔚保国, 张波, 韩华, 宋伟, 吴迪 (1406)

7564 地外天体起飞羽流导流气动力效应仿真……………………………………………………………………………………………………………苏杨, 蔡国飙, 舒燕, 叶青, 张明星, 贺碧蛟 (1415)

7565 混合式惯导系统姿态四元数连续自标定模型 ……………王琪, 汪立新, 周小刚, 沈强 (1424)

7566 自适应关联波门机动群目标跟踪算法 ………………杜明洋, 毕大平, 潘继飞, 王渊博 (1435)

7567 一类反馈型非线性系统的跟踪控制 ………………………………虞江航, 徐军, 黄雨可 (1444)

7568 随机误差对容腔瞬态换热试验影响分析及抑制………………………………………………………………………………………………丁水汀, 邓长春, 邱天, 李江涵, 单晓明, 贺宜红 (1451)

7569 进动弹道目标平动补偿与分离 …………………………韩立珣, 田波, 冯存前, 贺思三 (1459)

7570 一种低轨遥感卫星按需数据传输机制 …………………………毕梦格, 徐伟琳, 侯蓉晖 (1467)

7571 含初始裂缝水泥混凝土路面对冲击荷载响应分析 ……陈扬, 童朝霞, 冯锦艳, 高政国 (1474)

7572 中国CNG/汽油两用燃料汽车全生命周期评价 …………………………胡守信, 李兴虎 (1481)

北京航空航天大学学报2019 年第45 卷第8 期 (总第318 期)

7573 电容成像双共轭梯度图像重建改进算法 ……………………………马敏, 范广永, 孙颖 (1489)

7574 小通道并联管干涸热动力学特性实验 …………………李洪伟, 王亚成, 洪文鹏, 孙斌 (1495)

7575 304 不锈钢两相流冲蚀腐蚀的实验研究 …………………………赵彦琳, 杨少帅, 姚军 (1504)

7576 喷水推进泵临界空化工况空化流态试验…………………………………………………………………………………………………………龙云, 冯超, 王路逸, 王德忠, 蔡佑林, 朱荣生 (1512)

7577 微型探头-传感系统高频响应特性模型适应性 …………丁红兵, 李一鸣, 李金霞, 王超 (1519)

7578 水介质中降落球形塑料颗粒与静止气泡的黏附行为 ……………………陈露阳, 孙志强 (1529)

7579 基于超声多普勒与电导环的油水两相流流速测量 …………………刘伟玲, 谭超, 董峰 (1536)

7580 空间光学遥感器真空热试验工装模块化设计 ……………周泽鑫, 孙志强, 徐冰, 洪扬 (1544)

7581 基于波动光学的显微光场成像点扩散函数 …顾梦涛, 宋祥磊, 张彪, 唐志永, 许传龙 (1552)

7582 直连式甩油盘非均匀流动特性 ………………………叶宇隆, 金捷, 刘睿, 高翔, 王方 (1560)

7583 上升气泡与塑料平板在纯水中的碰撞黏附行为 ………………聂东强, 黄学章, 孙志强 (1569)

7584 静电传感器测量固体颗粒质量流量实验研究 ……………………吴诗形, 闫勇, 钱相臣 (1575)

7585 超声激励薄液膜Faraday波形成机理 ……………高国富, 李康, 李瑜, 向道辉, 赵波 (1582)

7586 附件化超声振动工作台设计及有限元优化分析………………………………………………………………………………………………王岩, 林彬, 东野广恒, 董颖怀, 赵静楠, 张晓峰 (1589)

7587 钛合金超声振动钻削工艺特性仿真及试验研究 ………………赵甘霖, 冯平法, 张建富 (1597)

7588 钛合金薄壁件高速超声椭圆振动铣削机理和试验………………………………………………………………………………………………………张明亮, 张德远, 刘佳佳, 高泽, 韩雄 (1606)

7589 CFRP旋转超声辅助钻削的缺陷抑制机理及实验研究 ……………………………………………………………………………………邵振宇, 姜兴刚, 张德远, 耿大喜, 李少敏, 刘大鹏 (1613)

7590 10 kN超声辅助塑性成形压力机设计与试验 ………雷玉兰, 韩光超, 盛超杰, 张召臣 (1622)

7591 大端接圆柱杆的复合圆锥形变幅杆设计及应用 …………………靳涛, 胡小平, 于保华 (1630)

7592 超磁致伸缩超声换能器的磁路优化设计 ……刘强, 李鹏阳, 许光耀, 王权岱, 杨明顺 (1639)

7593 基于快速模拟退火的组合聚类算法 …………………………………………李红, 张志宾 (1646)

7594 大角速度条件下星像运动轨迹建模及误差评估………………………………………………………………………………………………………何贻洋, 王宏力, 冯磊, 由四海, 陈志侃 (1653)

7595 桁架拓扑优化几何稳定性判定法和约束方案比较……………………………………………………………………………………………………………郝宝新, 周志成, 曲广吉, 李东泽 (1663)

7596 多传感器协同识别跟踪多目标管理方法 …………………………庞策, 单甘霖, 段修生 (1674)

7597 沉积环境下气膜冷却效率的实验 ……………………杨晓军, 于天浩, 崔莫含, 刘智刚 (1681)

北京航空航天大学学报2019 年第45 卷第9 期 (总第319 期)

7598 基于铱星机会信号的定位技术 ……………………………秦红磊, 谭滋中, 丛丽, 赵超 (1691)

7599 含内热源的多孔方腔流热耦合非正交MRT-LBM数值模拟 ………………………………………………………………………………………张莹, 黄逸宸, 陈岳, 马明, 李培生, 王昭太 (1700)

7600 机动发射条件下空间飞行器上升段弹道设计 …鲜勇, 任乐亮, 郭玮林, 张大巧, 李冰 (1713)

7601 TC4 喷丸强化仿真与试验 ……………王延忠, 李菲, 陈燕燕, 张亚萍, 吴泽刚, 王成 (1723)

7602 基于出行链的电动汽车充电行为影响因素分析 …………………于海洋, 张路, 任毅龙 (1732)

7603 基于有限状态机的交会对接飞行任务规划方法 ……………………杨胜, 王鑫哲, 李蒙 (1741)

7604 不确定容量下时隙分配问题两阶段规划模型 …………………亓尧, 王瑛, 梁颖, 姚頔 (1747)

7605 基于可变阶变分模型的医用低剂量CT图像去噪 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………王娜, 张权, 刘祎, 贾丽娜, 桂志国 (1757)

7606 空间目标的ISAR成像及轮廓特征提取 …………………………杨虹, 张雅声, 尹灿斌 (1765)

7607 舰载机安全逃逸复飞的参数适配包线 ………林佳铭, 吴光辉, 王立新, 刘海良, 王云 (1777)

7608 主动防御飞行器的范数型微分对策制导律 ……………郭志强, 孙启龙, 周绍磊, 闫实 (1787)

7609 贮箱爆炸碎片初始速度及影响因素 …………赵蓓蕾, 赵继广, 崔村燕, 王岩, 孙武华 (1797)

7610 Dirichlet混合样本的EM算法与动态聚类算法比较 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………夏棒, EMILIONRichard, 王惠文 (1805)

7611 基于高阶LADRC的V/STOL飞机悬停/平移模式鲁棒协调解耦控制……………………………………………………………………………………………高阳, 吴文海, 嵇绍康, 郑毅 (1812)

7612 基于相位条纹的高精度GPS 码相位测量方法 ………傅圣友, 王兆瑞, 金声震, 艾国祥 (1824)

7613 基于DWNN的机电作动器渐变性故障诊断 ………王剑, 王新民, 谢蓉, 曹宇燕, 李婷 (1831)

7614 冲突证据决策新方法及应用 …………………………………………赵静, 关欣, 刘海桥 (1838)

7615 基于小波域清晰度评价的光场全聚焦图像融合……………………………………………………………………………………………………谢颖贤, 武迎春, 王玉梅, 赵贤凌, 王安红 (1848)

7616 基于深度学习的无人机数据链信噪比估计算法 ……孙宇航, 曾国奇, 刘春辉, 张多纳 (1855)

7617 基于深度卷积的残差三生网络研究与应用 …………厉铮泽, 杨小远, 朱日东, 王敬凯 (1864)

7618 一种考虑GPS 信号中断的导航滤波算法 …………………………何康辉, 董朝阳, 王青 (1874)

7619 多向气动驱动器软体仿生舌弯曲状态的研究 ………董虎, 林苗, 顾苏程, 曹毅, 李巍 (1882)

7620 基于强化学习的时间触发通信调度方法 ………李浩若, 何锋, 郑重, 李二帅, 熊华钢 (1894)

7621 共用支承-转子结构系统振动耦合特性分析 ……章健, 张大义, 王永锋, 马艳红, 洪杰 (1902)

北京航空航天大学学报2019 年第45 卷第10 期 (总第320 期)

7622 吸气式高超声速飞行器热气动弹性研究进展 ……………………杨超, 赵黄达, 吴志刚 (1911)

7623 民机客舱中太阳辐射对热舒适性的影响 ………庞丽萍, 李恒, 王天博, 范俊, 邹凌宇 (1924)

7624 基于SLM的模拟月壤原位成形技术………………………………………………………………………………………………………………李雯, 徐可宁, 黄勇, 胡文颖, 王道宽, 姚思齐 (1931)

7625 面向战斗机云作战的构造型仿真平台架构 ……田永亮, 王永庆, 熊培森, 郭宇, 武哲 (1938)

7626 调频引信粗糙面目标与干扰信号识别 …………………………郝新红, 杜涵宇, 陈齐乐 (1946)

7627 一种电磁定位系统工作空间拓展方法 ……郑莉芳, 万元宇, 关少亚, 孙凯, 孟偲, 贾佳 (1956)

7628 基于编解码双路卷积神经网络的视觉自定位方法…………………………………………………………………………………………………贾瑞明, 刘圣杰, 李锦涛, 王赟豪, 潘海侠 (1965)

7629 基于原始对偶内点法的EST图像重建 ………………………薛倩, 刘婧, 马敏, 王化祥 (1973)

7630 基于自适应遗传算法的MEMS 加速度计快速标定方法 …………………高爽, 张若愚 (1982)

7631 含函数型自变量回归模型中的变量选择 …………………………………刘科生, 王思洋 (1990)

7632 液体火箭发动机故障诊断器设计及其HIL验证…………………………………………………………………………………………………………赵万里, 郭迎清, 杨菁, 薛薇, 武小平 (1995)

7633 基于Gram-Schmidt变换的有监督变量聚类 ……………………刘瑞平, 王惠文, 王珊珊 (2003)

7634 PMMWI与VI优势互补的人体隐蔽违禁物检测与定位 ……………………赵国, 秦世引 (2011)

7635 非结构重叠网格显式装配算法 ……………………………………………宣传伟, 韩景龙 (2026)

7636 阵列射流冲击复合不同肋化表面的沸腾特性 ……………张添, 张畅, 谢荣建, 董德平 (2035)

7637 一种基于HXDSP的移位器查找表技术 …………叶鸿, 顾乃杰, 林传文, 张孝慈, 陈瑞 (2044)

7638 基于地面基站的定位系统构建和方案 …耿珂, 黄智刚, 苏雨, 石培辰, 高强, 熊华钢 (2051)

7639 边条/鸭翼对前掠翼和后掠翼气动特性的影响 …………张冬, 陈勇, 胡孟权, 付向恒 (2058)

7640 超低信噪比调频连续波引信信号小周期态Duffing振子检测……………………………………………………………………………………………朱志强, 侯健, 闫晓鹏, 果苹, 郝新红 (2069)

7641 一种区域参考大气密度的建模与应用方法 ……………………刘一博, 沈作军, 张向宇 (2079)

7642 基于异步卷积分解与分流结构的单阶段检测器 ………………赵蓬辉, 孟春宁, 常胜江 (2089)

7643 自研激光雷达三维点云配准技术 ……………………………呼延嘉玥, 徐立军, 李小路 (2099)

7644 基于飞行数据的无人机平飞动作质量评价模型 …滕怀亮, 李本威, 高永, 杨栋, 张赟 (2108)

7645 基于非等维状态的IMM混合估计方法 …………………………欧能杰, 汪圣利, 张直 (2115)

北京航空航天大学学报2019 年第45 卷第11 期 (总第321 期)

7646 车用锂离子电池直冷热管理系统用冷媒研究进展 ……杨世春, 周思达, 张玉龙, 华旸 (2123)

7647 PSO选星算法参数分析与改进 ………王尔申, 杨迪, 王传云, 曲萍萍, 庞涛, 蓝晓宇 (2133)

7648 热力耦合问题数学均匀化方法的物理意义 ………………朱晓鹏, 黄俊, 陈磊, 邢誉峰 (2139)

7649 基于最优角度自适应TSF的SRM直接瞬时转矩控制 …………刘勇智, 李杰, 鄯成龙 (2152)

7650 两相控温型储液器进出流量的瞬态数值模拟…………………………………………………………………………………………………………孟庆亮, 张焕冬, 赵振明, 赵石磊, 杨涛 (2160)

7651 基于CNN的多尺寸航拍图像定位方法的研究与实现………………………………………………………………………………………………潘海侠, 徐嘉璐, 李锦涛, 王赟豪, 王华锋 (2170)

7652 基于电阻抗层析成像的CFRP结构损伤检测 ……………范文茹, 王勃, 李靓瑶, 周琛 (2177)

7653 倾转旋翼机低速回避区研究 ……………………………………陈金鹤, 汪正中, 马玉杰 (2184)

7654 0.13 μm部分耗尽SOI工艺反相器链SET脉宽传播…………………………………………………………………………………………上官士鹏, 朱翔, 陈睿, 马英起, 李赛, 韩建伟 (2193)

7655 低速修正的可压缩求解器对湍流模拟精度的影响 ………李彦苏, 张坤, 何承军, 阎超 (2199)

7656 CFRP平-折-平连接接头试验研究与数值模拟 ……………………………许昶, 刘志明 (2207)

7657 几何不确定性区间分析及鲁棒气动优化设计 ……………宋鑫, 郑冠男, 杨国伟, 姜倩 (2217)

7658 空间站在轨维修操作复杂度评价及试验验证 …………葛祥雨, 黄杰, 周前祥, 柳忠起 (2228)

7659 基于随机相关的电子部件二元加速退化可靠性评估…………………………………………………………………………………………盖炳良, 滕克难, 王浩伟, 王文双, 陈健, 宦婧 (2237)

7660 基于SD-LCMV算法的FDA平台外干扰抑制 ……………王博, 谢军伟, 张晶, 葛佳昂 (2247)

7661 基于自适应伪谱法的高超声速飞行器再入轨迹优化 …………任鹏飞, 王洪波, 周国峰 (2257)

7662 多粒度概率语言环境下基于PROMETHEE的改进FMEA方法………………………………………………………………………………………………………鞠萍华, 陈资, 冉琰, 胡晓波 (2266)

7663 倾转旋翼无人机最优过渡倾转角曲线 …………………………………………周玙, 刘莉 (2277)

7664 发动机短舱泄压过程瞬态仿真 …………………王晨臣, 冯诗愚, 彭孝天, 邓阳, 陈俊 (2284)

7665 基于半监督迁移学习的轴承故障诊断方法 ………………张振良, 刘君强, 黄亮, 张曦 (2291)

7666 基于多场耦合建模与Bootstrap 方法的滑环可靠性评估…………………………………………………………………………………刘贤军, 孙远航, 王永松, 施英莹, 孙习武, 余建波 (2301)

7667 耗氧型惰化系统反应器性能理论 ……………谢辉辉, 冯诗愚, 彭孝天, 潘俊, 王洋洋 (2312)

7668 高峰时段下离港航空器绿色滑行策略设计与评价 ……郑丽君, 胡荣, 张军峰, 朱佳琳 (2320)

7669 基于度中心性的AFDX网络拓扑生成 ……………………………王智宇, 何锋, 谷晓燕 (2327)

7670 无人驾驶矿用运输车辆感知及控制方法 ……李宏刚, 王云鹏, 廖亚萍, 周彬, 余贵珍 (2335)

北京航空航天大学学报2019 年第45 卷第12 期 (总第322 期)

7671 基于生成对抗网络的零样本图像分类 ………………………………………魏宏喜, 张越 (2345)

7672 基于自适应注入模型的遥感图像融合方法 ……杨勇, 卢航远, 黄淑英, 涂伟, 李露奕 (2351)

7673 基于DCNN和全连接CRF的舌图像分割算法 …………张新峰, 郭宇桐, 蔡轶珩, 孙萌 (2364)

7674 基于多源图像弱监督学习的3D人体姿态估计 ……蔡轶珩, 王雪艳, 胡绍斌, 刘嘉琦 (2375)

7675 QoE驱动的VR视频自适应采集与传输 ………黎洁, 冯燃生, 杨阳朝, 孙伟, 李奇越 (2385)

7676 基于水下机器人的海产品智能检测与自主抓取系统………………………………………………………………………………………………………………徐凤强, 董鹏, 王辉兵, 付先平 (2393)

7677 基于图像纹理的自适应水印算法 …………………………黄樱, 牛保宁, 关虎, 张树武 (2403)

7678 一种基于曼哈顿距离的帧间加权预测算法 ………………郭红伟, 朱策, 李帅, 王永华 (2415)

7679 基于社团结构节点重要性的网络可视化压缩布局 ……………吴玲达, 张喜涛, 孟祥利 (2423)

7680 基于蒙特卡罗频率法的葡萄籽总酚含量高光谱测量变量选择 …………成云玲, 杨蜀秦 (2431)

7681 基于美学评判的文本生成图像优化 …………………………………………徐天宇, 王智 (2438)

7682 基于边缘和结构的无参考屏幕内容图像质量评估 ……………魏乐松, 陈俊豪, 牛玉贞 (2449)

7683 基于HTTP自适应流媒体传输的3D视频质量评价…………………………………………………………………………………………翟宇轩, 刘怡桑, 徐艺文, 陈忠辉, 房颖, 赵铁松 (2456)

7684 基于视频的三维人体姿态估计 ………………………………………杨彬, 李和平, 曾慧 (2463)

7685 一种低成本的机器人室内可通行区域建模方法 …………张釜恺, 芮挺, 何雷, 杨成松 (2470)

7686 基于深度视觉语义嵌入的视频缩略图推荐 ……………………张梦琴, 孟权令, 张维刚 (2479)

7687 基于多尺度失真感知特征的重定向图像质量评估 ………………吴志山, 张帅, 牛玉贞 (2487)

7688 面向行为识别的人体空间协同运动结构特征表示与融合……………………………………………………………………………………莫宇剑, 侯振杰, 常兴治, 梁久祯, 陈宸, 宦娟 (2495)

7689 时空域上下文学习的视频多帧质量增强方法 …………………佟骏超, 吴熙林, 丁丹丹 (2506)

7690 中国国画艺术美感特征分析与分类 …………………………………湛颖, 高妍, 谢凌云 (2514)

7691 结合轮廓及骨架序列编码的二维形状识别…………………………………………………………………………………………………………卢勇强, 果志扬, 陈祎楠, 刘朝斌, 黄一鸣 (2523)

7692 基于粒子群优化LSTM的股票预测模型 …………………宋刚, 张云峰, 包芳勋, 秦超 (2533)


Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics 2019 Vol.45 No.1 (Sum 311)

7403 Multi-objective network structure optimization method based on waypoint layout ……………………………………………………ZHENG Yukun, WANG Ying, LIChao, QIYao, LIZhengxin (1)

7404 Vibration isolation design method and experiment of aero-engine supporting structure …………………………………………………HONG Jie, YANG Zhenchuan, WANG Yongfeng, MA Yanhong(10)

7405 Joint stiffness loss and vibration characteristics of high-speed rotor …………………………………………………………………HONG Jie, XU Xiru, SU Zhimin, MA Yanhong(18)

7406 Terminal building short-term passenger flow forecast based on two-tier K-nearest neighbor algorithm ……………………………XING Zhiwei, HE Chuan, LUO Qian, JIANG Xiangfeng, LIU Chang, CONGWan (26)

7407 Human motion end point prediction in human-robot collaboration …………………………………………………………………………CHEN Youdong, LIU Jialei, HU Lanxiao(35)

7408 Experimental investigation on vacuum plume interaction of hydrogen/oxygen engines ………………………………………………………………………………WU Jing, CAIGuobiao, HE Bijiao(44)

7409 Energy efficient clustering routing protocol for wireless sensor networks ……………………………………………………………………LIUWei, DU Jiahong, JIA Suling, PU Juhua(50)

7410 Wind shear characteristics in near space and their impacts on air vehicle ………………………………………………………YANG Junfeng, XIAO Cunying, HU Xiong, CHENG Xuan (57)

7411 An average moment-independent importance index and its rejection sampling method ……………………………………………CHENG Lei, ZHANG Leigang, LEIBao, LIANG Zudian, LIU Peng(66)

7412 A conjugated heat transfer oriented modeling method of turbine blade computational domain model …………………………………………………………WANG Tian, XIPing, HU Bifu, LI Jixing, SHIXiaofei(74)

7413 Nonlinear fitting method for torque-angle characteristic model of switched reluctance motor ………………………………………………………………YEWei, MA Qishuang, XU Ping, ZHANG Poming(83)

7414 Spatial autoregressivemodel for compositional data ……………………………………………………………HUANG Tingting, WANG Huiwen, SAPORTA Gilbert(93)

7415 Deflection ofmulti-crack synchronous propagation in horizontal well …………………………………………………………………………CHEN Minwei, LIMin, CHEN Weimin (99)

7416 Adjoint analysis of steady glide trajectory with disturbance motion for hypersonic vehicle ………………………………………………………………………HE Tailong, CHEN Wanchun, LIU Fang(109)

7417 Test on permeability of phenolic composites under different pyrolysis temperatures ……………WANG Liyan, CUIZhanzhong, CHEN Weihua, WANG Kaishi, ZHOU Qichao, WANG Zhenfeng(123)

7418 A new approach of cloud storage for industrial Internet …………MENG Xiangxi, ZHANG Ling, GUO Haoming, GUO Limin, XIA Qianchen, LYU Jianghua, MA Shilong(130)

7419 Low-viscosity epoxy resin boramine-anhydride composite curing system …………………………………………XING Zhipeng, QIAO Yingjie, ZHANG Xiaohong, WANG Xiaodong(141)

7420 Hypervelocity impact damage prediction of stuffed Whipple shield based on Adaboost ………………………………………………………………………DINGWenzhe, LIXinhong, YANG Hong(149)

7421 Deep learning and optimization algorithm for high efficient searching and detection of aircraft targets in remote sensing images ……………………………………………………………………………………………GUO Lin, QIN Shiyin (159)

7422 Micro-scaled biaxial loading test system based on multi-axis synchronous control …………………………………XIONG Jingzhou, WAN Min, MENG Bao, ZHAO Yuechao, WU Xiangdong(174)

7423 Angle deception effect of frequency diversity array on interferometer ………………………………………GE Jiaang, XIE Junwei, ZHANG Haowei, FENG Xiaoyu, ZHANG Jing(183)

7424 Fatigue damage analysis of 2D braided C/SiC composite p late …………………………………………………CHEN Tianxiong, ZHANG Zheng, WANG Qizhi, LIN Huixing(192)

7425 Heat dissipation characteristics of double-layer battery pack under coupling of air and fluid domains …………………………………………ZHAO Lei, ZHU Maotao, XU Xiaoming, HU Donghai, LIRenzheng(200)

7426 S-wave spin singlet bottomonium decay to charm quark pair ………………………………………………………………………SUN Jiajia, ZHANG Yujie, XIONG Chang(212)

7427 Visual localization technology of AGV based on global sparse map ……………………………………………………ZHANG Haoyue, CHENG Xiaoqi, LIU Chang, SUN Junhua(218)

Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics 2019 Vol.45 No.2 (Sum 312)

7428 Vibration response analysis of rotor system with initial thermal deformation ………………………………………MA Yanhong, LIU Haizhou, DENG Wangqun, YANG Hai, HONG Jie(227)

7429 Filtering algorithm of NFOV star sensormeasurement delay ……………………………………………………QIAN Huaming, WANG Di, WU Yonghui, HUANG Zhikai(234)

7430 Elastic-liquid coupling in aerospace rigid-elastic-liquid coupling system ………………………………………………………………………………………LIANG Lifu, GUO Qingyong(243)

7431 Optim ization of fuel heatmanagement system for high-speed aircraft ……………………………………………PANG Liping, ZOU Lingyu, A Rong, YANG Xiaodong, FAN Jun (252)

7432 BDS/GPS integrated navigation satellite selection algorithm based on chaos particle swarm optimization ……………WANG Ershen, JIA Chaoying, QU Pingping, HUANG Yufeng, PANG Tao, BIE Yuxia, Jiang Yi(259)

7433 Optimized design method of aero-engine rotor structure layout ……………………………………………………………………………LIChao, JIN Fuyi, ZHANGWeihao(266)

7434 A filter based modeling method of RVE for short fiber reinforced composite ………………………………………………………LIU Fengrui, PIAN Rong, ZHAO Libin, ZHANG Jianyu (277)

7435 A new moment-independent importance measure analysismethod and its efficient algorithm ……………………………………GONG Xiangrui, LYU Zhenzhou, SUN Tianyu, ZHANG Leilei, FENG Lei(283)

7436 State/parameter moving horizon estimation for elastic hypersonic vehicles ………………………………………………………………CHEN Erkang, JINGWuxing, GAO Changsheng(291)

7437 Optimal design for digital phase-locked demodulator ………………………………………………………LIYong, LIU Ze, ZHAO Pengfei, HUO Jiwei, LIN Yang(299)

7438 Foggy image enhancement technology based on improved Retinex algorithm ……………………………………………ZHANG Chi, TAN Nanlin, LIXiang, LIGuozheng, SU Shuqiang(309)

7439 Soft landing stability of lander in mode of shutdown at touchdown …………………………………DONG Yang, WANG Chunjie, WU Hongyu, DING Zongmao, MAN Jianfeng(317)

7440 An adaptive backoff algorithm for FANETs based on multiple priority ……………………………………………………LIU Weilun, ZHANG Hengyang, ZHENG Bo, GAO Weiting(325)

7441 SoC collaborative acceleration design method for image scaling algorithm ……………………………WANG Peng, CAO Yunfeng, XU Lei, DING Meng, ZHANG Zhouyu, QU Jinqiu (333)

7442 Helicopter forward looking alertmethod for low-altitude flight based on terrain matching ………………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Shuoyan, LU Yang(340)

7443 Cooperative area search algorithm for UAV swarm in unknown environment …………………………………………………………HOU Yueqi, LIANG Xiaolong, HE Lyulong, LIU Liu (347)

7444 Visual guidance algorithm design for autonomous landing based on two points in space …………………………………………………………………WEIXianghui, TANG Chaoying, WANG Biao(357)

7445 A new simulation method of non-Gaussian random vibration signal …………………………………………………………………………XIA Jing, YUAN Hongjie, XU Ruyuan (366)

7446 Structural reliability algorithm based on improved dynam ic Kriging model …………………………………………………………………………WEI Juan, ZHANG Jianguo, QIU Tao(373)

7447 Experimental research and statistical analysis of fracture failure for interconnected structures in electronic chips ………………………………………CHEN Yaojun, JING Bo, HU Jiaxing, SHENG Zengjin, ZHANG Yulin (381)

7448 A robust coordinated controlmethod for hovering of electromagnetic spacecraft formation ………………………………………………………ZHANG Yabo, SHIPeng, ZHANG Hao, ZHAO Yushan (388)

7449 Semi-codeless based P(Y) code autocorrelation GNSS-R sea surface altimetry method ………………………………………………………………………FAN Mengwen, ZHANG Bo, WANG Feng(398)

7450 Packet scheduling algorithm for integrated unicast and multicast traffic based on reducing HoL blocking ………………………………………………………………………YUAN Long, XIONG Qingxu, XIAO Han (405)

7451 Hypersonic reentry gliding target tracking based on AVSIMM algorithm ……………………………………………………………XIAO Chuhan, LI Jiong, LEIHumin, WANG Huaji(413)

7452 An improved car-following model considering effect of pedestrians of adjacent lane on traffic flow …………………………LIHonggang, Gaohaer·DAWULI, WANG Shuai, YU Guizhen, WANG Pengcheng(422)

Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics 2019 Vol.45 No.3 (Sum 313)

7453 Air combatmaneuver decision-making based on improved symbiotic organisms search algorithm ……………………………………………………GAO Yangyang, YU Minjian, HAN Qisong, DONG Xiaojie(429)

7454 Robust design method for mechanical characteristics of power turbine rotor structural system ……………………………………………………HONG Jie, SHEN Yupeng, WANG Yongfeng, MA Yanhong(437)

7455 Shear property analysis of laser welding stiffened panel with cover ……………………………………………HUI Li, CHEN Xiaowei, ZHOU Song, YANG Wenjun, WANG Lei(446)

7456 Design and analysis of a novel parallelmechanism with closed-loop limbs ……………………………………………………FANG Hairong, WANG Li, ZHANG Haiqiang, YANG Hui(454)

7457 Image denoising model based on ℓpdirectional total variation ………………………………………………………………………PANG Zhifeng, ZHANG Huili, SHIBaoli(464)

7458 Influence of excitation and transition rates on ultraviolet radiation of thermal nonequilibrium nitrogen ……………………………………………WU Jie, YU Xilong, DUAN Ran, ZHU Xijuan, LIXia, MA Jing(472)

7459 Fatigue fracture lifetime prediction for gold bonding wires of high-power LED under cyclically electrical loading …………………………………FAN Jiajie, LILei, QIAN Cheng, HU Aihua, FAN Xuejun, ZHANG Guoqi(478)

7460 GNSS-IR soilmoisture inversion method based on GA-SVM …………………………………SUN Bo, LIANG Yong, HAN Mutian, YANG Lei, JING Lili, YU Yongqing(486)

7461 Influence of forward acceleration on hemodynamic characteristics of carotid arteries: A numerical simulation …………………………………………………………………………………………LIU Yan, SUN Anqiang(493)

7462 Analysis and prediction of neck injury of pilots during carrier aircraft arrest deck-landing …………………BAO Jiayi, WANG Xingwei, ZHOU Qianxiang, SHEN Yuhong, LIChenming, LIU Huawei(499)

7463 Method for calculating firing data of guided rocket launcher based on surrogatemodel ………………………………………ZHAO Qiang, TANG Qizhong, HAN Junli, YANG M ing, CHEN Zhihua(508)

7464 Integrated design method of six-phase fault-tolerant permanentmagnet in-wheelmotor based on multi-physics fields ………………………………………………………………………………GUO Si, GUO Hong, XU Jinquan (520)

7465 Small fault detection method for actuator of satellite attitude control system …………………………………………………………LILei, GAO Yongming, WU Zhihuan, ZHANG Xuebo(529)

7466 Robust adaptive control for morphing aircraft based on switching system ………………………………………………………………LIANG Xiaohui, WANG Qing, DONG Chaoyang(538)

7467 Identification of flight dynam icsmodels of a small-scale unmanned helicopter in hover condition ………………………………………………………………………WU Meiliwen, CHEN Ming, WANG Fang(546)

7468 Teardrop hovering configuration control strategy based on piecewise constant thrust …………………………………………………BAIShengzhou, WANG Huijiang, HAN Chao, ZHANG Sihang(560)

7469 Aircraft taxiway traffic flow characteristic simulation at large airport ……………………………………………………………………………XUE Qingwen, LU Jian, JIANG Yu (567)

7470 Slow and small target CFAR detection of polarimetric along-track interferometric SAR using coherence optimization ………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Peng, ZHANG Jiafeng, LIU Tao(575)

7471 Thermal design and optimization of narrow linewidth semiconductor lasers …………………………………………………………………………LIU Sizhe, QUAN Wei, ZHAIYueyang(588)

7472 Target tracking control algorithm based on approximate dynamic programming ……………………………………………………………………LIHuifeng, YIWenfeng, CHENG Xiaoming(597)

7473 Reconfigurable design method of flight control law under icing conditions ………………………………………………………………WANG Liangyu, XU Haojun, LIYinghui, LIZhe(606)

7474 Novel second-order sliding mode control based 3D guidance law with impact angle constraints ………………………………………SHIShaokun, ZHAO Jiufen, CHONG Yang, YANG Qisong, YOU Hao(614)

7475 High-resolution unsteady turbulence simulation of an X-51A-like aircraft ……………………………………………………YU Huafeng, LIU Hongkang, CHEN Shusheng, YAN Chao(624)

7476 Tensile performance of countersunk bolted composite/metal joints with sleeve ……………………CHEN Kun, SHU Maosheng, HU Renwei, GUO Xin, CHENG Yujia, CHENG Xiaoquan (633)

Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics 2019 Vol.45 No.4 (Sum 314)

7477 Constant-force curved-surface-tracking with robotic manipulator based on adaptive iterative algorithm ………………………………………………………………LI Lin, XIAO Jiadong, ZHANG Tie, XIAO Meng(641)

7478 Design of prescribed performance backstepping controlmethod for hypersonic flight vehicles ……………………………………………………LIXiaobing, ZHAO Siyuan, BU Xiangwei, HE Yangguang(650)

7479 Analysis of factors affecting catapult take-off of carrier aircraft and design of lateral control law ………………………………………………WU Wenhai, SONG Liting, ZHANG Yang, WANG Jie, GAO Li(662)

7480 Unsteady flow characteristics of dorsal inlet under low-energy inflow …………………………………………LIU Zhimin, YAN Panpan, ZHANG Qunfeng, LIXingzuo, SUN Chao(672)

7481 Dynam ic real-time starmap simulation based on convolution surface ……………………………………………………………YAN Jinyun, LIU Hui, ZHAOWeiqiang, JIANG Jie(681)

7482 Non-cooperative UAV target recognition in low-altitude airspace based on motion model ………………………………………………………………CHEN Weishi, LIU Jia, CHEN Xiaolong, LI Jing(687)

7483 Sum frequency nonlinear effects ofmicro-crack orientation and ultrasound in metallic materials …………………………YANG Bin, SHIKaiyuan, YUAN Tingbi, XIAO Dem ing, WANG Kan, LI Zhenhai(695)

7484 Nonlinear stability region determination and safety manipulation strategies for icing aircraft …………………………………………ZHOU Chi, LIYinghui, ZHENGWuji, WU Pengwei, DONG Zehong(705)

7485 Computation method on motional reliability ofmechanism underm ixed parameters with fuzziness and randomness ……………………………………………………………YOU Lingfei, ZHANG Jianguo, ZHAIHao, LIQiao(714)

7486 Air-to-air missile launchable area based on target escape maneuver estimation …………………………………………………………WANG Jie, DING Dali, XU M ing, HAN Bo, LEI Lei(722)

7487 Analysis and optimization of temperature field uniformity of proton exchange furnace ………………………………………………………………………………………………FU Na, ZHANG Xi(735)

7488 Scaling method of aeroelastic model considering geometric nonlinearity ……………………………………………………………………CHAIRui, TAN Shengang, HUANG Guoning(743)

7489 An approach for similarity discrim ination on landing gear load spectrum ……………………………………………………………………………YAN Canlin, HE Xiaofan, LIYuhai(752)

7490 Fault diagnosis for SHA/EMA redundant system based on bond graph model …………………………………………LIU Hongfei, YU Liming, ZHANG Zhu, YAN Xudong, HAN Xudong(760)

7491 Robust Capon beam forming based on frequency diverse array ……………………………………………FENG Xiaoyu, XIE Junwei, GE Jiaang, ZHANG Jing, WANG Bo(769)

7492 Correlation analysismodel of dynamic and static modulus for subgrade with taxiing aircraft ……………………………………………………………………LIU Xiaolan, ZHANG Xianm in, DONG Qian (778)

7493 Discussion on correlation between wind tunnel test and flight of Mars reentry vehicle ………………………………………………………………………………………LIU Fangbin, YUAN Junya(787)

7494 Network program vulnerability detection technology based on program modeling ……………………………………DENG Zhaokun, LU Yuliang, HUANG Zhao, HUANG Hui, ZHU Kailong(796)

7495 Low-complexity fast SIFT feature extraction based on FPGA ……………………………………………………………………………………JIANG Xiaom ing, LIU Qiang(804)

7496 Automatic recognition and extraction algorithm for basic features of aircraft sheetmetal parts …………………………………………………………………TANG Zhihong, ZHENG Guolei, ZHENG Yiwei(811)

7497 Mixed-grain parity-code-based fault detection method against fault injection ………………………………………………………………………………………WANG Peijing, LIU Qiang(821)

7498 The earth's albedo correction of photodiodes and satellite attitude estimation ………………………………………………………………………………………CHU Lixiang, FAN Qiaoyun (827)

7499 Mission reliability allocation method considering multiple factors for repairable systems ………………………………………LIU Zhaoxia, SUN Yufeng, XUAN Jie, XU Zhihong, ZHAO Guangyan (834)

7500 Laser frequency stabilization transmission method based on an F-P cavity …………………………………………………………………………………LIXinyi, LIXiufei, QUAN Wei(841)

Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics 2019 Vol.45 No.5 (Sum 315)

7501 Bearing dynamic load model and optimal design of complex rotor system ……………………………………………HONG Jie, LI Tianrang, NIYaoyu, LYU Chunguang, MA Yanhong(847)

7502 Robust design method for dynam ic properties of high-speed flexible rotor systems ………………………………………………………HONG Jie, YANG Zhefu, LYU Chunguang, MA Yanhong(855)

7503 Conflict detection and resolution in scenario ofmilitary aircraft flow passing through civil aviation route ………………………………………………………WU Minggong, JIANG Xurui, WEN Xiangxi, CHEN Bin (863)

7504 An efficientmethod for adaptive segmentation of oil wear debris image ………………………………………………………REN Song, XU Xueru, ZHAO Yunfeng, WANG Xiaoshu (873)

7505 Vibration response analytical solutions of cantilever beam with tip mass and spring constraints …………………………………………MA Binjie, ZHOU Shutao, JIA Liang, HOU Chuantao, RONG Kelin (883)

7506 Simulation and experimental study ofmechanically pumped two-phase loop for CCD …………………………………………ZHAO Zhenming, MENG Qingliang, ZHANG Huandong, ZHAO Hui(893)

7507 Matrix decomposition based control for space tether system with incomplete state feedback ………………………………………………WANG Changqing, FU Lichun, ZABOLOTNOV Yuriy, LIAijun (902)

7508 Fine alignmentmethod for rotary strapdown inertial navigation system based on augmented state …………………………………………………………YEWen, ZHAIFengguang, CAIChenguang, LI Jianli(912)

7509 Evolutionary generation of test data for EFSM based on irrelevant variable separation ……………………………………………………PAN Xiong, HAO Shuai, YUAN Zhengguo, SONG Ningfang(919)

7510 A step-compensation optimization method formodular reconfigurable airfoil ………………………………………………………………………LUO Lilong, WANG Likai, NIE Xiaohua(930)

7511 Three-dimensional optimal path planning for high-altitude solar-powered UAV ……………………………………………………WANG Shaoqi, MA Dongli, YANG Muqing, ZHANG Liang(936)

7512 Foggy image enhancement based on multi-block coordinated single-scale Retinex ……………………………………………………………………………………GAO Yuanyuan, HU Haim iao(944)

7513 Equivalent fault injection method based on FFS failure behaviormodel ………………………………………………QIU Wenhao, HUANG Kaoli, LIAN Guangyao, ZHANG Xishan (952)

7514 Dynamic compression measurement identification algorithm of LPV model …………………………………………QIU Peng, LIM ingqian, YAO Xuri, ZHAIGuangjie, WANG Xueyan (961)

7515 Performance of a passive heat sink using stearic acid based composite as phase change material …………………………………………ZHAO Liang, XING Yum ing, LIU Xin, LUO Yegang, RUI Zhoufeng(970)

7516 Optimal design ofmulti-coil system for generating uniform magnetic field based on intelligent optimization algorithm and finite elementmethod ………………………………………LYU Zhifeng, ZHANG Jinsheng, WANG Shicheng, ZHAO Xin, LITing(980)

7517 Effect of air-inlet structures on combustion and flow field of inner wall in secondary combustion chamber of solid rocket ram jet ……………………………………WANG Jinjin, ZHA Bailin, ZHANGWei, HUIZhe, SU Qingdong, HE Qi(989)

7518 Modeling and experimental study of hydraulic damping isolator for satellite micro-vibration isolating …………………………………LIU Qiaobin, SHIWenku, KE Jun, CHEN Zhiyong, CAO Fei, MIN Haitao(999)

7519 Trajectory control of aerostat based on prediction of stratospheric wind field ………………………………………………………LIKui, DENG Xiaolong, YANG Xixiang, HOU Zhongxi(1008)

7520 Key composition of aviation alternative fuel on ignition performance at low temperature …………………………………………………………………ZANG Xuejing, ZHOU Guanyu, YANG Xiaoyi(1019)

7521 Dynam ic modal analysis of circular-arc airfoil transonic flow ……………………………………………………………HU Wanlin, YU Jian, LIU Hongkang, YAN Chao(1026)

7522 Ice shape prediction method of aero-icing based on reduced ordermodel ………………………………………………………LIU Teng, LIDong, HUANG Ranran, ZHANG Zhenhui(1033)

7523 Design method of civil aircraft functional architecture based on MBSE ………………………………………………………………………………MEIQian, HUANG Dan, LU Yi(1042)

7524 A biometric verification based authentication scheme using Chebyshev chaotic mapping ……………………………………………………………DONG Xiaolu, LIMeihong, DU Ye, WU Qianqian (1052)

Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics 2019 Vol.45 No.6 (Sum 316)

7525 Adaptive nonsingular fast terminal sliding mode guidance law with fixed-time convergence ……………………………………………………………ZHAO Guorong, LIXiaobao, LIU Shuai, HAN Xu (1059)

7526 Classification of key influence factors for failure of turbo supercharged piston aeroengine …………………………………………………………………………BAO Mengyao, DING Shuiting, LIGuo(1071)

7527 UKF estimation method incorporating Gaussian process regression ……………………………………………………………YE Wen, CAIChenguang, YANG Ping, LI Jianli(1081)

7528 Influence of ice accretion on leading edge of wings on stability and controllability of large aircraft ………………………………………………WEIYang, XU Haojun, XUE Yuan, LI Zhe, ZHANG Jiuxing(1088)

7529 Influence of circum ferential positioning error of an hourglass worm wheel hob on land width ……………………………RUIChengjie, LIHaitao, YANG Jie, LONG Xinjiani, TAI Jianjian, DING Ning(1096)

7530 Commercial aircraft engine post-repairing performance prediction based on fusion ofmultisource data ………………………………………………………………………TAN Zhixue, ZHONG Shisheng, LIN Lin (1106)

7531 Precision of crack moment-tensor inversion in porous media using finite elementmethod ……………………………………………………………………………KONG Yue, LIM in, CHEN Weim in (1114)

7532 Equivalent thermal analysis and optimization method for three-dimensional lattice structure …………………………………………………………………………………DENG Haoyu, WANG Chunjie(1122)

7533 Analysis and optimization on compound PWM control strategy of high-speed on/off valve ……………………………………………………GAO Qiang, ZHU Yuchuan, LUO Zhang, CHEN Xiaoming(1129)

7534 Single-event-transient pulse width characteristics of 130 nm bulk silicon inverter chain ………………………………………………………………………………LISai, CHEN Rui, HAN Jianwei(1137)

7535 2UPR-RRU parallelmechanism and its kinematic analysis ………………………………………CHEN M iao, ZHANG Qing, GE Yunfei, QIN Xianrong, SUN Yuantao(1145)

7536 Degradation system reliability analysis of EW IS based on UGF-GO methodology ………………………………………………………………………CAO Hui, DUAN Fuhai, JIANG Xiuhong(1153)

7537 Hybrid laminar flow optimization design from energy view ……………………………………SHIYayun, GUO Bin, LIU Qian, BAI Junqiang, YANG Tihao, LU Lei(1162)

7538 Cycle-by-cycle accumulation algorithm for predicting fatigue lives of double-lap and double-lug joints …………………………………………CHEN Di, LIYu, ZHANG Yibo, SONG Yinggang, XIONG Junjiang(1175)

7539 Combination analysis of susceptibility influencing factors of stealth aircraft ………………………………………HAN Xinmin, SHANG Bolin, XU Haojun, LIU Songbin, YANG Zixin (1185)

7540 Acquisition and analysis of aluminum alloy property in thermal environment based on biaxial tension …………………………………………………………………………FANG Taotao, LIXiaoxing, XIAO Rui(1195)

7541 Liquid morphology at edge of vertical rotating disc …………………………………TAN Wenlong, FAN Weijun, SHIQiang, XU Hanqing, ZHANG Rongchun (1203)

7542 Experimental study on a liquid nitrogen temperature region loop heat pipe with flat evaporator ……………………ZHANG Chang, XIE Rongjian, ZHANG Tian, LU Depu, WU Yinong, HONG Fangjun (1211)

7543 Optimal-design and exploration for non-motor vehicle system in urban center ………………………………………………………………ZHANG Jun, ZHENG Nan, HUANG Chongxuan (1218)

7544 Multi-sensormeasurement based position and pose adjustmentmethod for automatic docking of spacecraft cabins ……………………………………CHEN Guanyu, CHENG Qunlin, ZHANG Jieyu, HONG Haibo, HE Jun (1232)

7545 Model predictive control based on ADMM for aero-engine ……………………………………SHAN Ruibin, LIQiuhong, HE Fenglin, FENG Hailong, GUAN Tingjun (1240)

7546 Soilmoisture inversion method based on GNSS-IR dual frequency data fusion ………………………………JING Lili, YANG Lei, HAN Moutian, HONG Xuebao, SUN Bo, LIANG Yong(1248)

7547 Dynam icsmodeling and simulation of UAV parachute recovery based on Kane equation ………………………………………………………WU Han, WANG Zhengping, ZHOU Zhou, WANG Rui(1256)

7548 Design of a new path-sharing true-time-delay beam former architecture ………………………………………………………………………DANG Yanjie, LIANG Yu, ZHANGWei(1266)

Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics 2019 Vol.45 No.7 (Sum 317)

7549 Micro-vibration mechanism and simulation ofmomentum wheel ………………………………………………………MA Yanhong, LIU Shanshan, WANG Hong, HONG Jie(1273)

7550 Synchronous braking control of travel trailer based on hook force model ………………………………………XU Xing, MI Jie, WEN Chuyue, WANG Feng, MA Shidian, TAO Tao(1283)

7551 Flight collision resolution and recovery strategy based on velocity obstaclemethod ………………………………WANG Zekun, WU M inggong, WEN Xiangxi, JIANG Xurui, GAO Yangyang(1294)

7552 Three-dimensional Bayes network testability verification model for comp lex systems ………………………………………SHIXianjun, WANG Kang, XIAO Zhicai, LONG Yufeng, CHEN Yao(1303)

7553 Fatigue analysis and life prediction method for cylinder block of aviation piston pump …………………………………WANG Yan, WANG Xiaoqing, GUO Shengrong, LU Yueliang, LIU Sheng(1314)

7554 EFIT simulation of 2D ultrasonic sound field based on CUDA ……………………………………………………………………………SONG Bo, LIWei, LIAN Guoxuan (1322)

7555 Space anomaly events detection approach based on generative adversarial nets ……………………………………………………………………ZHANG Keming, CAIYuanwen, REN Yuan (1329)

7556 Dynam ic characteristics analysismethod of complex systems based on nonlinearmode ………………………………………………………………………HUANG Xingrong, LIU Jiuzhou, LILin (1337)

7557 Real-time regional path decision method in cooperative vehicle infrastructure system …………………………………………WANG Pangwei, DENG Hui, YU Hongbin, LIZhenhua, WANG Li(1349)

7558 Drive-controlmodes of six-phase PMSM ……………………………………KUANG Xiaolin, XU Jinquan, HUANG Chunrong, LI Jiake, GUO Hong(1361)

7559 An improved KELM based online condition prediction method ………………………………………………………ZHU M in, XU Aiqiang, CHEN Qiangqiang, LIRuifeng(1370)

7560 Sensor arrangement in moment-tensor inversion for cracks ……………………………………………………………………………KONG Yue, LIM in, CHEN Weim in (1380)

7561 Guidance law based on fast adaptive super-twisting algorithm …………………………………………LIU Chang, YANG Suochang, WANG Liandong, ZHANG Kuanqiao(1388)

7562 A method ofmulti-levelmanufacturing service modeling and combinatorial optimal-selection ……………………………………………………………DING Tao, YAN Guangrong, LEIYi, XU Xiangyu (1398)

7563 Simulation of GNSS CV signal based on channelmultiplexing method ………………………………………LIBowen, YU Baoguo, ZHANG Bo, HAN Hua, SONG Wei, WU Di(1406)

7564 Simulation of plume diversion aerodynamic effect for take-off from celestial bodies outside the Earth …………………………………SU Yang, CAIGuobiao, SHU Yan, YE Qing, ZHANG Mingxing, HE Bijiao(1415)

7565 Attitude quaternion continuous self-calibration model of hybrid inertial navigation system ……………………………………………………WANG Qi, WANG Lixin, ZHOU Xiaogang, SHEN Qiang(1424)

7566 Maneuvering group target tracking algorithm with adaptive correlation gate …………………………………………………………DU M ingyang, BIDaping, PAN Jifei, WANG Yuanbo(1435)

7567 Tracking control for a class of nonlinear systems in feedback form …………………………………………………………………………YU Jianghang, XU Jun, HUANG Yuke(1444)

7568 Influence analysis and suppression of random error on cavity transient heat transfer test …………………DING Shuiting, DENG Changchun, QIU Tian, LI Jianghan, SHAN Xiaoming, HE Yihong(1451)

7569 Translation compensation and resolution of ballistic target with precession ……………………………………………………………HAN Lixun, TIAN Bo, FENG Cunqian, HE Sisan (1459)

7570 An on-demand data transm ission mechanism for LEO remote sensing satellite …………………………………………………………………………BIMengge, XU Weilin, HOU Ronghui(1467)

7571 Dynam ic analysis on cement concrete pavement with initial cracks under impact loading …………………………………………………CHEN Yang, TONG Zhaoxia, FENG Jinyan, GAO Zhengguo(1474)

7572 Full life cycle assessment of CNG/gasoline bi-fuel vehicle in China …………………………………………………………………………………………HU Shouxin, LIXinghu (1481)

Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics 2019 Vol.45 No.8 (Sum 318)

7573 Improved capacitance imaging biconjugate gradient image reconstruction algorithm …………………………………………………………………………MA M in, FAN Guangyong, SUN Ying(1489)

7574 Experiment on thermodynamic characteristics of parallelmini-channel tube' dryout ……………………………………………………LIHongwei, WANG Yacheng, HONG Wenpeng, SUN Bin (1495)

7575 Experimental study on erosion-corrosion of 304 stainless steel under two-phase flow condition ……………………………………………………………………ZHAO Yanlin, YANG Shaoshuai, YAO Jun (1504)

7576 Experiment on cavitation flow in critical cavitation condition of water-jet propulsion pump ……………………LONG Yun, FENG Chao, WANG Luyi, WANG Dezhong, CAIYoulin, ZHU Rongsheng(1512)

7577 Adaptability of high-frequency response characteristic model form icro probe-transducer system …………………………………………………………DING Hongbing, LIYim ing, LI Jinxia, WANG Chao(1519)

7578 Attachment behavior of falling spherical plastic particle on static bubbles in watermedium …………………………………………………………………………………CHEN Luyang, SUN Zhiqiang(1529)

7579 Oil-water two-phase flow velocity measurement based on ultrasonic Doppler and conductance ring …………………………………………………………………………LIU Weiling, TAN Chao, DONG Feng(1536)

7580 Modularization design of vacuum thermal test frock for space optical remote sensor …………………………………………………………ZHOU Zexin, SUN Zhiqiang, XU Bing, HONG Yang(1544)

7581 Point spread function ofm icroscopic light field imaging based on wave optics ………………………………GU Mengtao, SONG Xianglei, ZHANG Biao, TANG Zhiyong, XU Chuanlong(1552)

7582 Non-uniform flow characteristics of direct-connected fuel slinger ……………………………………………………YE Yulong, JIN Jie, LIU Rui, GAO Xiang, WANG Fang(1560)

7583 Collision and attachment behavior between rising bubble and plastic plate in pure water ……………………………………………………………NIE Dongqiang, HUANG Xuezhang, SUN Zhiqiang(1569)

7584 Experimental study on mass flow measurement of solid particles using electrostatic sensors ……………………………………………………………………WU Shitong, YAN Yong, QIAN Xiangchen (1575)

7585 Formation mechanism of Faraday wave on thin liquid film excited by ultrasonic vibration ……………………………………………………GAO Guofu, LIKang, LIYu, XIANG Daohui, ZHAO Bo(1582)

7586 Design and finite element optimization analyses of accessory ultrasonic vibration working table …………WANG Yan, LIN Bin, DONGYE Guangheng, DONG Yinghuai, ZHAO Jingnan, ZHANG Xiaofeng(1589)

7587 Simulation and experimental study on ultrasonic vibration drilling process characteristics of titanium alloy …………………………………………………………………ZHAO Ganlin, FENG Pingfa, ZHANG Jianfu (1597)

7588 Mechanism and experiment of high-speed ultrasonic elliptical vibration milling of thin-walled titanium alloy parts ………………………………………ZHANG Mingliang, ZHANG Deyuan, LIU Jiajia, GAO Ze, HAN Xiong(1606)

7589 Defect suppression mechanism and experimental study on rotary ultrasonic-assisted drilling of CFRP …………………SHAO Zhenyu, JIANG Xinggang, ZHANG Deyuan, GENG Daxi, LIShaomin, LIU Dapeng(1613)

7590 Design of 10 kN ultrasonic-assisted plastic forming pressmachine and experiment ……………………………………………LEIYulan, HAN Guangchao, SHENG Chaojie, ZHANG Zhaochen (1622)

7591 Design and application of compound conical horn with cylinder at big end ……………………………………………………………………………JIN Tao, HU Xiaoping, YU Baohua(1630)

7592 Optimal design formagnetic circuit in giantmagnetostrictive ultrasonic transducer …………………………………LIU Qiang, LIPengyang, XU Guangyao, WANG Quandai, YANG Mingshun (1639)

7593 Ensemble clustering algorithm based on rapid simulated annealing ………………………………………………………………………………………LIHong, ZHANG Zhibin (1646)

7594 Star spotmotion trajectory modeling and error evaluation under large angular velocity …………………………………………HE Yiyang, WANG Hongli, FENG Lei, YOU Sihai, CHEN Zhikan (1653)

7595 Comparison of determining methods and constraint schemes for geometric stability in truss topology optimization ………………………………………………………HAO Baoxin, ZHOU Zhicheng, QU Guangji, LIDongze(1663)

7596 Managementmethod formultiple sensors' recognizing and tracking multiple targets cooperatively ……………………………………………………………………PANG Ce, SHAN Ganlin, DUAN Xiusheng(1674)

7597 Experiment on gas film cooling efficiency in environment of deposition ………………………………………………………YANG Xiaojun, YU Tianhao, CUIMohan, LIU Zhigang(1681)

Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics 2019 Vol.45 No.9 (Sum 319)

7598 Positioning technology based on IRIDIUM signals of opportunity …………………………………………………………QIN Honglei, TAN Zizhong, CONG Li, ZHAO Chao(1691)

7599 Non-orthogonalmultiple-relaxation-time lattice Boltzmann method for numerical simulation of thermal coupling with porous square cavity flow containing internal heat source ………………………ZHANG Ying, HUANG Yichen, CHEN Yue, MA Ming, LIPeisheng, WANG Zhaotai(1700)

7600 Design of ascent trajectory of space vehicle in mobile launch condition …………………………………………XIAN Yong, REN Leliang, GUO Weilin, ZHANG Daqiao, LIBing(1713)

7601 TC4 shot peening simulation and experiment ……………………WANG Yanzhong, LIFei, CHEN Yanyan, ZHANG Yaping, WU Zegang, WANG Cheng(1723)

7602 Influential factors analysis of electric vehicle charging behavior based on trip chain …………………………………………………………………………YU Haiyang, ZHANG Lu, REN Yilong(1732)

7603 RVD flightmission p lanning and scheduling method based on finite state machine ………………………………………………………………………YANG Sheng, WANG Xinzhe, LIMeng(1741)

7604 Two-stage programming model for time slot allocation problem under uncertain capacity …………………………………………………………………QIYao, WANG Ying, LIANG Ying, YAO Di(1747)

7605 Medical low-dose CT image denoising based on variable order variationalmodel …………………………………………………WANG Na, ZHANG Quan, LIU Yi, JIA Lina, GUI Zhiguo(1757)

7606 ISAR imaging and contour feature extraction of space targets …………………………………………………………………YANG Hong, ZHANG Yasheng, YIN Canbin (1765)

7607 Parameter suitability envelope for safety bolter of a carrier-based aircraft ………………………………………LIN Jiaming, WU Guanghui, WANG Lixin, LIU Hailiang, WANG Yun (1777)

7608 Norm differential game guidance law for active defense aircraft ………………………………………………………GUO Zhiqiang, SUN Qilong, ZHOU Shaolei, YAN Shi(1787)

7609 Initial velocity and influence factors of tank exp losion fragments ………………………………………ZHAO Beilei, ZHAO Jiguang, CUICunyan, WANG Yan, SUN Wuhua(1797)

7610 Comparison between EM algorithm and dynamical clustering algorithm for Dirichletmixture samples …………………………………………………………………XIA Bang, EMILION Richard, WANG Huiwen (1805)

7611 High-order LADRC based robust coordinated decoupling control for V/STOL aircraft in hover/translation mode ……………………………………………………………GAO Yang, WU Wenhai, JIShaokang, ZHENG Yi(1812)

7612 High-precision GPS code phase measurementmethod based on phase stripe …………………………………………………FU Shengyou, WANG Zhaorui, JIN Shengzhen, AIGuoxiang(1824)

7613 Gradual fault diagnosis for electromechanical actuator based on DWNN ………………………………………………WANG Jian, WANG Xinmin, XIE Rong, CAO Yuyan, LITing(1831)

7614 A new conflict evidence decision method and its app lication …………………………………………………………………………ZHAO Jing, GUAN Xin, LIU Haiqiao(1838)

7615 Light field all-in-focus image fusion based on wavelet domain sharpness evaluation ……………………………XIE Yingxian, WU Yingchun, WANG Yumei, ZHAO Xianling, WANG Anhong(1848)

7616 SNR estimation algorithm for UAV data link based on deep learning ……………………………………………………SUN Yuhang, ZENG Guoqi, LIU Chunhui, ZHANG Duona(1855)

7617 Research and application of residual triplet network based on deep convolution …………………………………………………LIZhengze, YANG Xiaoyuan, ZHU Ridong, WANG Jingkai(1864)

7618 A navigation filtering algorithm considering GPS signal interruption …………………………………………………………………HE Kanghui, DONG Chaoyang, WANG Qing(1874)

7619 Motion characteristics of soft bionic tongue based on multi-directional pneumatic actuator ………………………………………………………DONG Hu, LIN M iao, GU Sucheng, CAO Yi, LIWei(1882)

7620 Time-triggered communication scheduling method based on reinforcement learning …………………………………………LIHaoruo, HE Feng, ZHENG Zhong, LIErshuai, XIONG Huagang(1894)

7621 Coupling vibration characteristics analysis of shared support-rotors system ……………………………………ZHANG Jian, ZHANG Dayi, WANG Yongfeng, MA Yanhong, HONG Jie(1902)

Journal of Beijing University of Aeronau tics and Astronautics 2019 Vol.45 No.10 (Sum 320)

7622 Research progress of aerothermoelasticity of air-breathing hypersonic vehicles ……………………………………………………………………YANG Chao, ZHAO Huangda, WU Zhigang(1911)

7623 Effect of solar radiation on thermal com fort in civil aircraft cabin ……………………………………………PANG Liping, LIHeng, WANG Tianbo, FAN Jun, ZOU Lingyu (1924)

7624 In-situ forming of lunar regolith simulant via selective lasermelting ……………………………LIWen, XU Kening, HUANG Yong, HU Wenying, WANG Daokuan, YAO Siqi(1931)

7625 Structured simulation p latform architecture for fighter cloud operations ……………………………………TIAN Yongliang, WANG Yongqing, XIONG Peisen, GUO Yu, WU Zhe(1938)

7626 Rough surface target and jamming signal recognition of FM fuze …………………………………………………………………………HAO Xinhong, DU Hanyu, CHEN Qile(1946)

7627 A method for expanding workspace of electromagnetic tracking system ………………………………ZHENG Lifang, WAN Yuanyu, GUAN Shaoya, SUN Kai, MENG Cai, JIA Jia(1956)

7628 A visual localization method based on encoder-decoder dual-stream CNN …………………………………………JIA Ruiming, LIU Shengjie, LI Jintao, WANG Yunhao, PAN Haixia(1965)

7629 EST image reconstruction based on primal dual interior point algorithm ……………………………………………………………XUE Qian, LIU Jing, MA M in, WANG Huaxiang(1973)

7630 Rapid calibration method of MEMS accelerometer based on adaptive GA ……………………………………………………………………………………GAO Shuang, ZHANG Ruoyu (1982)

7631 Variable selection in regression models including functional data predictors ……………………………………………………………………………………LIU Kesheng, WANG Siyang(1990)

7632 Design of liquid rocket engine fault diagnosis device and its HIL verification …………………………………………ZHAO Wanli, GUO Yingqing, YANG Jing, XUE Wei, WU Xiaoping(1995)

7633 Supervised clustering of variables based on Gram-Schm idt transformation ………………………………………………………………LIU Ruiping, WANG Huiwen, WANG Shanshan (2003)

7634 Detection and localization of concealed forbidden objects on human body based on complementary advantages of PMMWIand VI …………………………………………………………………………………………ZHAO Guo, QIN Shiyin (2011)

7635 Explicit assembly algorithm of unstructured overset grid ………………………………………………………………………………XUAN Chuanwei, HAN Jinglong(2026)

7636 Boiling characteristics of array jet impingement with various pin-finned surfaces …………………………………………………ZHANG Tian, ZHANG Chang, XIE Rongjian, DONG Deping(2035)

7637 A shifter look-up table technique based on HXDSP …………………………………………YE Hong, GU Naijie, LIN Chuanwen, ZHANG Xiaoci, CHEN Rui(2044)

7638 Positioning system construction and scheme based on ground base station …………………………GENG Ke, HUANG Zhigang, SU Yu, SHIPeichen, GAO Qiang, XIONG Huagang(2051)

7639 Effect of strake and canard on aerodynamic characteristics of forward-swept wing and back-swept wing …………………………………………………ZHANG Dong, CHEN Yong, HU Mengquan, FU Xiangheng(2058)

7640 Small-scale periodic state Duffing oscillator FMCW fuze signal detection at ultra-low SNR …………………………………………ZHU Zhiqiang, HOU Jian, YAN Xiaopeng, LIPing, HAO Xinhong(2069)

7641 A method for range reference atmospheric density modeling and application ……………………………………………………………………LIU Yibo, SHEN Zuojun, ZHANG Xiangyu (2079)

7642 Single shotmultibox detector based on asynchronous convolution factorization and shunt structure ………………………………………………………ZHAO Penghui, MENG Chunning, CHANG Shengjiang(2089)

7643 Three-dimensional point cloud registration technique for self-designed LiDAR …………………………………………………………………………HUYAN Jiayue, XU Lijun, LIXiaolu (2099)

7644 Quality evaluation model of unmanned aerial vehicle's horizontal flightmaneuver based on flight data ………………………………………TENG Huailiang, LIBenwei, GAO Yong, YANG Dong, ZHANG Yun (2108)

7645 IMM m ixing estimation method based on unequal dimension states ……………………………………………………………………OU Nengjie, WANG Shengli, ZHANG Zhi(2115)

Journal of Beijing University of Aeronau tics and Astronautics 2019 Vol.45 No.11 (Sum 321)

7646 Review on refrigerant for direct-cooling thermalmanagement system of lithium-ion battery for electric vehicles ……………………………………………………YANG Shichun, ZHOU Sida, ZHANG Yulong, HUA Yang(2123)

7647 Parameter analysis and improvement of PSO satellite selection algorithm ……………………WANG Ershen, YANG Di, WANG Chuanyun, QU Pingping, PANG Tao, LAN Xiaoyu (2133)

7648 Physical interpretation ofmathematical homogenization method for thermomechanical problem ………………………………………………………ZHU Xiaopeng, HUANG Jun, CHEN Lei, XING Yufeng(2139)

7649 Direct instantaneous torque control of switched reluctance motor based on optimal angle adaptive TSF …………………………………………………………………………LIU Yongzhi, LI Jie, SHAN Chenglong(2152)

7650 Transient numerical simulations of flow rate into and out of two-phase temperature control accumulator …………………………MENG Qingliang, ZHANG Huandong, ZHAO Zhenming, ZHAO Shilei, YANG Tao(2160)

7651 Research and implementation ofmulti-size aerial image positioningmethod based on CNN …………………………………………PAN Haixia, XU Jialu, LI Jintao, WANG Yunhao, WANG Huafeng(2170)

7652 Damage detection of CFRP structure based on electrical impedance tomography ……………………………………………………………FAN Wenru, WANG Bo, LI Jingyao, ZHOU Chen (2177)

7653 Research on low-speed avoidance zone of tiltrotor …………………………………………………………………CHEN Jinhe, WANG Zhengzhong, MA Yujie(2184)

7654 Single event transient pulse width transmission of 0.13 μm partial depleted SOI process DFF ………………………SHANGGUAN Shipeng, ZHU Xiang, CHEN Rui, MA Yingqi, LISai, HAN Jianwei(2193)

7655 Effect of low-speed modification of compressible solver on turbulence simulation accuracy ……………………………………………………………LIYansu, ZHANG Kun, HE Chengjun, YAN Chao(2199)

7656 Experimental study and numerical simulation on CFRP flat-joggle-flat joints …………………………………………………………………………………………XU Chang, LIU Zhiming(2207)

7657 Interval analysis for geometric uncertainty and robust aerodynamic optimization design …………………………………………………SONG Xin, ZHENG Guannan, YANG Guowei, JIANG Qian (2217)

7658 Evaluation of space station on-orbitmaintenance operation complexity and its experimental validation ……………………………………………………GE Xiangyu, HUANG Jie, ZHOU Qianxiang, LIU Zhongqi(2228)

7659 Reliability assessment for electronic components with bivariate accelerated degradation based on random correlation ………………GAIBingliang, TENG Kenan, WANG Haowei, WANGWenshuang, CHEN Jian, HUAN Jing(2237)

7660 FDA platform external interference suppression based on SD-LCMV algorithm ……………………………………………………………WANG Bo, XIE Junwei, ZHANG Jing, GE Jiaang(2247)

7661 Reentry trajectory optim ization for hypersonic vehicle based on adaptive pseudospectralmethod …………………………………………………………………REN Pengfei, WANG Hongbo, ZHOU Guofeng(2257)

7662 Improved FMEA method based on PROMETHEE in multi-granular probabilistic linguistic environment …………………………………………………………………JU Pinghua, CHEN Zi, RAN Yan, HU Xiaobo(2266)

7663 Optimal transition tilt angle curve of tiltrotor UAV ………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHOU Yu, LIU Li(2277)

7664 Transient simulation on pressure relief process of engine nacelle …………………………………WANG Chenchen, FENG Shiyu, PENG Xiaotian, DENG Yang, CHEN Jun (2284)

7665 A bearing fault diagnosismethod based on semi-supervised and transfer learning ………………………………………………ZHANG Zhenliang, LIU Junqiang, HUANG Liang, ZHANG Xi(2291)

7666 Reliability evaluation of slip ring based on multi-field coupling modeling and Bootstrap method ……………………LIU Xianjun, SUN Yuanhang, WANG Yongsong, SHIYingying, SUN Xiwu, YU Jianbo(2301)

7667 Theoretical of reactor performance in oxygen consumption based inerting system ……………………………………XIE Huihui, FENG Shiyu, PENG Xiaotian, PAN Jun, WANG Yangyang(2312)

7668 Design and evaluation of green taxiing strategy for departure aircraft during peak hours ……………………………………………………ZHENG Lijun, HU Rong, ZHANG Junfeng, ZHU Jialin (2320)

7669 AFDX network topology generation based on degree centrality …………………………………………………………………………WANG Zhiyu, HE Feng, GU Xiaoyan (2327)

7670 Perception and controlmethod of driverlessmining vehicle ……………………………………LIHonggang, WANG Yunpeng, LIAO Yaping, ZHOU Bin, YU Guizhen (2335)

Journal of Beijing University of Aeronau tics and Astronautics 2019 Vol.45 No.12 (Sum 322)

7671 Zero-shot image classification based on generative adversarial network ………………………………………………………………………………………WEIHongxi, ZHANG Yue(2345)

7672 Remote sensing image fusion method based on adaptive injection model ……………………………………………YANG Yong, LU Hangyuan, HUANG Shuying, TU Wei, LILuyi(2351)

7673 Tongue image segmentation algorithm based on deep convolutional neural network and fully conditional random fields ……………………………………………………ZHANG Xinfeng, GUO Yutong, CAIYiheng, SUN Meng(2364)

7674 Three-dimensional human pose estimation based on multi-source image weakly-supervised learning …………………………………………………………CAIYiheng, WANG Xueyan, HU Shaobin, LIU Jiaqi(2375)

7675 QoE driven adaptation for VR video capturing and transmission ……………………………………………LI Jie, FENG Ransheng, YANG Yangzhao, SUN Wei, LIQiyue(2385)

7676 Intelligent detection and autonomous capture system of seafood based on underwater robot …………………………………………………XU Fengqiang, DONG Peng, WANG Huibing, FU Xianping(2393)

7677 Image texture based adaptive watermarking algorithm ……………………………………………………HUANG Ying, NIU Baoning, GUAN Hu, ZHANG Shuwu (2403)

7678 Manhattan distance based inter-frame weighted prediction algorithm …………………………………………………………GUO Hongwei, ZHU Ce, LIShuai, WANG Yonghua(2415)

7679 Compression layout for network visualization based on node importance for community structure ……………………………………………………………………WU Lingda, ZHANG Xitao, MENG Xiangli(2423)

7680 Selection ofmeasurement variables for hyperspectra of total phenol content in grape seeds based on Monte Carlo frequency method ………………………………………………………………………………CHENG Yunling, YANG Shuqin (2431)

7681 Text-to-image synthesis optimization based on aesthetic assessment …………………………………………………………………………………………XU Tianyu, WANG Zhi(2438)

7682 Blind quality assessment for screen content images based on edge and structure ………………………………………………………………………WEI Lesong, CHEN Junhao, NIU Yuzhen (2449)

7683 3D video quality evaluation based on adaptive streaming over HTTP ……………………ZHAIYuxuan, LIU Yisang, XU Yiwen, CHEN Zhonghui, FANG Ying, ZHAO Tiesong(2456)

7684 Three-dimensional human pose estimation based on video ……………………………………………………………………………YANG Bin, LIHeping, ZENG Hui(2463)

7685 A low-cost indoor passable area modeling method for robots …………………………………………………………ZHANG Fukai, RUI Ting, HE Lei, YANG Chengsong(2470)

7686 Video thumbnail recommendation based on deep visual-semantic embedding …………………………………………………………ZHANG Mengqin, MENG Quanling, ZHANGWeigang(2479)

7687 Retargeted image quality assessment based on multi-scale distortion-aware feature ……………………………………………………………………WU Zhishan, ZHANG Shuai, NIU Yuzhen (2487)

7688 Structural feature representation and fusion of behavior recognition oriented human spatial cooperativemotion …………………MO Yujian, HOU Zhenjie, CHANG Xingzhi, LIANG Jiuzhen, CHEN Chen, HUAN Juan (2495)

7689 Video multi-frame quality enhancementmethod via spatial-temporal context learning ……………………………………………………………………TONG Junchao, WU Xilin, DING Dandan (2506)

7690 Aesthetic feature analysis and classification of Chinese traditional painting …………………………………………………………………………ZHAN Ying, GAO Yan, XIE Lingyun (2514)

7691 Two-dimensional shape recognition based on contour and skeleton sequence coding ……………………………………LU Yongqiang, LI Zhiyang, CHEN Yinan, LIU Zhaobin, HUANG Yiming(2523)

7692 Stock prediction model based on particle swarm optimization LSTM ……………………………………………………SONG Gang, ZHANG Yunfeng, BAO Fangxun, QIN Chao(2533)


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