摘 要:18世纪60年代人类开始了工业革命,极大地增强了生产力的进步,随着蒸汽机的发明与应用,人类进入了“蒸汽时代”。而在此之后的一百年里,人类致力于寻找更为简捷、高效的能源,于是“电”被发现了,电能比蒸气更为清洁,应用更为广泛。而电能的出现带动了一大批产品的诞生,电灯、电话、电视、空调、冰箱等等一系列产品。而电能的出现的最大的好处就是电灯的被发明,它使人类不再惧怕黑暗。而在当下的城市,路灯成为了人类夜间出行的好帮手。在一百多年前的欧洲,城市的夜晚照明已较为普及,而一百多年前的中国还处于清政府的统治之下,温饱都是问题,对于电,那就是见到没见到过的神奇东西,不过那都是故去式了,在中国共产党的领导下,我国在短短的七十多年时间里就达到了一些发达国家的生活水平,我们城市的夜晚照明也已经开始普及,纵使你身在偏远的农村,每到夜晚也可以看到点亮的路灯。而当我们对于夜晚的出行不再担忧之后,我们就有了更高一级的追求,我们晚上可不可以看到白天的景色呢?这就是夜景照明出现的原因,夜景照明说起容易,做起来难,简单点就点几盏灯,给他照明就行,可实际实施却不是如此,对于夜景照明的实现和维护,今天我们就结合实际研究一下夜景照明的建设与维护。
中图分类号:TU113.666 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2095-2945(2019)31-0087-02
Abstract: In the 1860s, mankind began the industrial revolution, which greatly enhanced the progress of productive forces. With the invention and application of steam engine, human beings entered the "Age of Steam". In the 100 years since then, human beings have been looking for a brief and efficient source of energy, so "electricity" has been discovered, which is cleaner and more widely used than steam. The emergence of electric energy has led to the birth of a large number of products, such as electric lights, telephones, televisions, air conditioners, refrigerators and so on. The greatest benefit of the emergence of electricity is the invention of the electric light, which makes human beings no longer afraid of the dark. In today's cities, street lights have become a good helper for human travel at night. In Europe for more than a hundred years, night lighting in cities was more popular. More than a hundred years ago, China was still under the rule of the Qing government. Food and clothing was a problem. As for electricity, that is something magical never seen before. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, China has reached the living standards of some developed countries in a short period of more than 70 years, and the night lighting in our cities has also begun to popularize. For the realization and maintenance of night scene lighting, Today, we will study the construction and maintenance of night scene lighting in combination with practice.
Keywords: significance of construction; scope and content of construction; realization measures