blow your own horn
Xiao Zhang just graduated from university and was hunting for a job.One day he was driving a car to go on an outing with several friends.They were caught in a traffic jam downtown,so they had to wait patiently in their car.They began to talk one after another about their experiences in looking for a job and exchange ideas on how to write a curriculum vitae.
One of his friends patted Xiao Zhang on the shoulder and said:“You should blow your own horn!”
As soon as that friend finished speaking,a burst of sounds of horn was heard.His friend quickly stopped him:“Hey, what will be you doing? Sounding your horn is forbidden here,otherwise fines will be imposed.Did you see the sighbroad ‘Dont Horn over there?”
Xiao Zhang felt wronged and said:“Didnt you ask me to blow the horn? I thought you wanted me to sound the horn to hurry the unmoving car in front.”
Later Xiao Zhang figured out that “blow your own horn” means “publicize or boast ones abilities or achievements”. There his friends meant that Xiao Zhang should not modest but show off his strong points and merits when writing his resume.
其中一个朋友拍着小张的肩膀说:“You should blow your own horn!”
话音刚落,只听到阵阵的喇叭声,朋友急忙制止:“喂,你干什么?这里不准鸣喇叭,违者罚款。你看到那块‘Dont horn!(请勿鸣喇叭)的牌子吗?”
小张委屈地说:“不是你叫我blow the horn吗?我还以为你想让我按喇叭催前面停着不动的车呢。”
后来小张弄清楚了,原来“blow the horn”有“自吹自擂”的意思。在这里,小张的朋友是指写简历的时候,不要谦虚,而要展示自己的长处和优点。