Art: 灵绘童工作室
This is a story about a famous Chinesepoetnamed Li Bai. He lived in the TangDynastyinancientChina.
When Li Bai was a child, he studied on Xiang'er Mountain in today's Sichuan Province. But Li Bai was not a good student. He was terribly lazy.
Key points
poet 诗人 dynasty 朝代 ancient 古代的
Li Bai's teachers often talked about him. They said, “Li Bai hasbrains! But he's too lazy to use them!”
You see, Li Bai did not enjoy studying much. He thought it wasboring. He just wanted to play in the forests upon the mountains.
Key points
brain 智慧;脑 boring 无聊的
One day,whilstLi Bai was out playing, he
stumbled uponan old womangrinding iron pestlebesides a mountaincreek.
Her hair was long and white, and her skin was
crackedlikebark.But when she looked up at Li Bai,her eyes were full of warmth.
Key points
whilst 当……的时候 stumble upon 偶然遇见 grind 磨
iron 铁器;铁制的 pestle (捣碎或碾磨用的)杵
creek 小溪 cracked 干裂的,有裂纹的 bark 树皮
Li Bai asked her why she wasbotheringwith such a difficult andmind-numbingwork.
“As long as I work hard, this iron pestle will turn into aneedle.”said she. Then she went back to her work, and Li Bai went back to his fun. But her wordslingeredin Li Bai's mind.
Key points
bother 操心,烦恼
mind-numbing (糟糕、无聊或程度强烈到)令人头脑麻木的
needle 针
linger 徘徊;逗留
Li Bai found it dif fi cult to
forget what she had said. Her words were stuck in his head all day and night.
A week later, while sitting alone in his room, Li Bai realized why he could not forget those words.
He realized that he should work hard like the old woman with her iron pestle. If he worked hard, he could achieve anything that he wanted to.
Based onthisrealization, Li Bai began to study hard. Eventually he became one of the greatest poets in Chinese history.
Key points
base on 使建立在……基础上realization 认识;领会
(剧 本)
场景:学堂里 角色:旁白者、李白、李白的老师
旁白:Li Bai is in class. His teacher is criticizing(批评) him for being lazy again.
老师大声训斥:Li Bai! Are you listening to me?
老师:You must concentrate! If you don't study hard, you won't get far in life!
李白无奈地说:But studying is so boring!
老师肯定道:No! It is interesting! And it is useful. You must study.
李白:But I want to go out and play.
老师:You can play after class! Now is the time for study.
旁白:The teacher and students resume their class. However, after 2 minutes later,Li Bai starts staring out of the window again.
场景:小溪旁 角色:旁白者、李白、老婆婆
旁白:Li Bai is out playing. He stumbled upon an old woman grinding an iron pestle besides a creek.
老婆婆一边磨着手里的铁杵一边抬头问:Hello, there young man. What are you chasing?
李白停止了追逐,回答道:A rabbit, but I lost it. What are you doing?
老婆婆拿起手里的铁杵,在李白面前晃了晃,说:I'm grinding my pestle.
李白疑惑地问:Why are you doing that?
老婆婆:I need a needle.
李白惊讶地说:But it's so boring.
老婆婆:Somebody has to do it.
李白不放弃地说:And it's dif fi cult.
老婆婆和蔼地说:Listen to me, young one. As long as I work hard, this iron pestle will turn into a needle. Maybe you should try working hard too. It will make you better.
李白:Maybe, but now I'm going to chase the rabbit! Good luck with your grinding.李白跑远了。
老婆婆:Good luck with your chasing.
旁白:Li Bai continued with his chase, and no matter how hard he tried, he could not forget what the old woman had said to him.
场景:学堂里 角色:旁白者、李白、李白的老师
旁白:Li Bai's teacher notices a change in Li Bai's attitude towards study.
老师惊喜又疑惑地说:You're working much harder these days! What has happened?
李白:I've realized that sometimes people need to work hard. And I want to be a better person.
老师拍着李白的肩膀,欣慰地说:Good for you, boy. Your grades are much better.I think you will achieve your potential in the fi nal.
李白感谢道:Thank you, teacher. I certainly hope so.
旁白:Li Bai continued to work hard and he eventually became, as we all know,one of the greatest poets in Chinese history.