(剧 本)
第一幕场景:山坡上 角色:旁白者、男孩、农民们
旁白:A boy is sitting and thinking to himself.
男孩没精打采地说:One, two, three… ahhhh, I’m so bored of counting birds.
旁白:The boy looks down the hill and smiles to himself.
男孩微笑着说:Hmmm…, I have an idea.
旁白:The boy is jumping up and down in a frantic fashion.
男孩跳着大喊:Help! Help! A wolf is coming!
旁白:The farmers run up the hill to help the boy.
农民们拿着农具跑上台,着急地问:Where is the wolf? We don’t see it.
男孩得意地说:Haha, I tricked you, silly men. I am only having fun.
农民们边摇头边说:You are a naughty boy.
旁白:The farmers walk away while the boy laughs behind their backs.
第二幕场景:山坡上 角色:旁白者、男孩、农民们
旁白:The next day, the boy is playing the prank again.
男孩跳着大喊:Help! Help! A wolf is coming!
旁白:The farmers run up the hill to help the boy.
农民们拿着农具跑上台,着急地问:Where is the wolf? We don’t see it.
男孩得意地说:Haha, I tricked you, silly men. I am only having fun.
农民们边摇头边说:You bad bad boy!
旁白:The farmers walk away while the boy laughs behind their backs.
旁白:On the third day, the boy plays the prank again. The farmers run up the hill to help the boy but fi nd no wolf.
农民们生气地说:You lied to us again boy! You are too bad! We will never believe you again!
旁白:The farmers walk away while the boy laughs behind their backs.
第三幕场景:山坡上 角色:旁白者、 男孩、农民们、狼
旁白:On the fourth day, a wolf really comes.
男孩着急地大喊:Help! Help! A wolf is coming!
农民1:Bad boy!
农民2:Nasty liar!
旁白:Nobody goes to help him. The boy has no choice but to go down the hill to ask for help.
男孩着急地说:There’s a wolf! Can you help me?
农民3:You must be lying again!
男孩哭着说:Please, I need your help! There’s a wolf!
农民 4:We’ll trust you no more.
旁白:Finally, the wolf eats all the sheep and the boy crys sadly.
第四幕场景:山脚下 角色:旁白者、 男孩、农民们
旁白:The boy realizes his wrong behavior. He apologizes to the farmers.
男孩羞愧地说:I’m so sorry about my behavior. I will never lie and play a trick on you. Can you forgive me?
农民1:Yes, certainly.
农民2:As long as you learn from your mistake, then you are a good boy.
农民3:Remember that forever, honesty is one of the most precious qualities of humans.
男孩:Well, I will remember, and I will never lie again.
旁白:From then on, the boy never told a lie.