Computation of drug efficacy indices Q(VPK)of certain common formulations(Curnas)used in Siddha system of medicine


TMR Integrative Medicine 2019年21期

Abhilash Mullasseril

1Veliyanad Post.,Ernakulam Dist.,Kerala-682 313,India.


Key words:Drug efficacy indices Q(VPK),Siddhasystem of medicine,Artificial intelligence,Amukkara kizzhangu Curnam,Arathai Curnam,Nannari Curnam,Nellivattral Curnam,Punaikali Curnam.


It is well known that the Siddha system of medicine isan indigenoustraditionalsystem originated in Southern parts of India especially in the Dravida Desa (Tamil Nadu,Kerala,Karnataka and coastal Andhra)with codified references from age old literatures such as Thirumandhiram,Thirukkural,Tholkappiam etc.,which were aged minimum around 2000 years old.It is also prominently used in various other countries such as Malaysia,Srilanka etc.,where the influences of Tamil are found.This system of medicine believes that the diseases are caused when normal equilibrium of the three somatic humors viz.Vata(v;the airy humor),Pitta(p;the fire humor)and Kapha(k;the earthy humor)(4v:2p:1k)is disturbed due to various causative factors such as environment,climatic conditions,diet,physical activities and stress.According to this system diet and lifestyle play the major role in health and curing diseases.They proved and practiced that the“Food is Medicine and Medicine is Food”(“Unave Marunthu,Marunthe Unavu”)much before the similar statement of Hippocrates,the father of Modern Medicine.

The methodology of diagnosis essentially includes the eight types of diagnosis viz.Na(Tongue),Varna(Colour),Kural(Voice),Kan(Eyes),Thodal(Touch),Malam (Stool),Neer(Urine)and Naadi(Pulse).The examination of pulse is considered as the confirmatory test for the diseases.The materials used by the Siddhars as drugs that could be classified into herbal(Mooligai or thavaram),inorganic substances(Dhathu)and animal products(Jeeva vaguppu).The physician was advised to prescribe primarily starting with pure herbs in the form of liquid,powder,pill or paste.If it is not controlling the disease then the physicians may secondarily use many mixtures of minerals and animal products along with herbs[1,2].

Like Ayurveda,the Siddha is also classifying the dravyas(Matter)based on its unique properties.The classification of matter in the ancient Indian system of knowledge is quite different from the modern science,which classifies the matter based on its physical and chemical properties.The ancient Ayurveda scholars classified the matter according to the Rasa(Taste),Guna(Quality),Virya (Potency),Vipaka(high energy matter formed due to the action of stomach enzymes and heat during digestion) and Prabhava (the corrective entity),Guru/Mrdu(Dense/lightness) a poetic way and many detailed explanations are available in the respective classic literatures.These concepts were correlated to the modern concepts of statistical thermodynamics.The statisticalthermodynamics introduced a new term called partition coefficient for deriving the mathematical representation of various thermodynamic entities.This gave an idea to compute a mathematical equation to represent the efficacy of various Ayurvedic formulations.

The efficacy of Ayurvedic formulations may be considered as a function of Tridosha(humors)that depends on the Dravya guna(The quality of matter)of their constituents and that clearly suggested the possibility of three components to the efficacy when we viewed in an Ayurvedic perspective and can only be understood with the help of their own technical terms and Sanskrit knowledge.Based on these,a new equation for efficacy calculation was introduced and on solving the equation obtained a numerical value that can directly measure the efficacy of the various Ayurvedic formulations.

Where Q(VPK)is the Drug Efficacy Index,VPK represents the three somatic humors(Tridosha)Vata,Pitta and Kapha respectively and q(i)is the individual components for the Vata,Pitta and Kapharespectively.The Πrepresents the Prabhava,the corrective entity that can effectively affect the therapeutic value of the formulation that observed in the real practical world.In most of the cases the value of Π is found to be null and it is needed in special cases for correction if required.The maximum possible value for the Q(VPK)is 1 and it is possible only for single dosha pacifying drugs and tridosha pacifying drugs as evident from the equation[3].


In this research paper the efficacies of certain common herbal powders were computed based on their stated influence on somatic humors or doshas.For computing this previously reported method that followed for the computation of efficacies of various Ayurvedic formulations was used.The selected four formulations are Amukkara kizzhangu Curnam,Arathai Curnam,Nannari Curnam,Nellivattral Curnam and Punaikali Curnam that are unique in the common parlance of Siddha practices[4,5].

Amukkara kizzhangu Curnam:The Amukkara kizzhangu Curnam (Withania somnifera)is a unique root powder formulation specially formulated for treating various rheumatic disorders(Vata Noigal),inflammation (Veekkam)and pain(Vali).In addition,it is very beneficial for increasing quantity and quality of the sperm.The usual dosage is 1-2g with milk or ghee twice a day.The quantity of dosage may vary to higher quantities as and when required.

Arathai Curnam:The Arathai Curnam(Alpinia calcarata)is a unique dried rhizome powder formulation specially recommended for treating Respiratory disorders (Suvasa Noikal) and Rheumatic joint disorders(Keelvayu Noi).It is also advisable for the external application(mixed with milk or water)in the conditions like migraine and sinusitis or even for managing rheumatic pains.The usual dosage is 1-2g with honey after food twice a day.The quantity of dosage may vary to higher quantities as and when required.

NannariCurnam:The NannariCurnam(Hemidesmus indicus)is a unique root powder formulation specially formulated for treating variousPitta disorders(AzhalNoi).Thisis found beneficialfortreating excessive thirst(Neervetkkai),diabetes and disorders of urogenital tract of both male and female(Madhumegam and PunarchiChoodu),burning micturition (Neer Erichal)and retention of urine(Neer Surukku)etc.Further it is found useful also in treating some kind of sexually transmitted diseases(STD)like Pitta megam.The usual dosage is 1-2g with milk or water after food twice a day.The quantity of dosage may vary to higher quantities as and when required.

Nellivattral Curnam:The Nellivattral Curnam(Emblica officinalis)is a powder formulation that is a proven remedy for abnormalities of internal body heat(Utchoodu),tuberculosis(Elumburukki Noi),hypertension (Guruthi Azhal Noi),menorrhagia(Perumpadu),leucorrhoea(Vellai),vomiting(Vanthi),burning sensation of eyes(Kan Erichal)etc.The usual dosage is 1-2g with honey,milk or ghee after food twice a day.The quantity of dosage may vary to higher quantities as and when required.

PunaikaliCurnam:The Punaikali Curnam(Mucuna prurita)isaunique seed powder formulation specially formulated for treating various severe Pitta associated Vata disorders like nervous debility (Thalarchai),Parkinsonism(Nadukku Vatham)etc.In addition,it is also found beneficial for treating diarrhoea with bleeding,loss of vigour and vitality (Anmai Kuraivu),leucorrhoea(Vellai)and gonorrhoea(Vettai).The usual dosage is 1-2g with milk or honey after food twice a day.The quantity of dosage may vary to higher quantities as and when required.

Computational Methods

The properties of the Amukkara (Withania somnifera),Arathai(Alpinia calcarata),Nannari(Hemidesmus indicus),Nelli(Emblica officinalis)and Punaikali(Mucuna prurita)were collected from the classical texts.Then individually computed the Drug Efficacy Index Q(VPK)of each drug and also in combination with recommended adjuvants using the previously reported formula.The drugs were classified in terms of their pharmacological activities and compared with the stated properties in the classical texts.Then it was also compared with the respective disorders in view of the vitiated somatic humors(doshas).To compute the mathematical equation the following step wise methods were used:(1)The components of the formulation understudy are first listed with their respective part percentages;The Rasa,Virya and Vipaka of each component was listed and graded scientifically.(2)The correlation of these characteristic of constituents of the formulations to Tridosha Theory was studied and the individual components of efficacy of the formulations with respect to each dosha based on Tridosha Theory were computed;(3)Finally,the collective result of the formulation known as the Drug Efficacy Index Q(VPK)was computed.These stepwise methods were adopted to solve the efficacy equation and the Data Flow Diagram for the entire process is given(Figure 1).The various available literatures and lexicons were carefully studied while deciding the properties of individual constituent of the formulation under study.

Experimental Methods

The results of the computational studies are tabulated for each formulation and respective recommended adjuvants.The computed results were systematically presented without any prejudice.

Amukkara(Withania somnifera):The Sanskrit term for Amukkara is Aswagandha and it is mentioned in classical texts.It has Madhura,Tikta and Kashaya rasas,Lakhu,Ushna virya and Swadu vipaka[6-10].

Arathai(Alpinia calcarata):The Sanskrit term for Arathai is Rasna but it is in great controversy.It has Tikta rasa,Guru and Ushna virya and Katu vipaka[11].

Nannari(Hemidesmus indicus):The Sanskrit term for Nannari is Sariva and it is classified into two groupsviz.Vidareegandhadigroup and Saribadi group(gana)that can pacify various disorders like excessive thirst,rakta-pitta,paittika-fever,vata-pitta,kasa etc.It has Madhura and Tikta rasa,Guru,Sita virya and Swadu vipaka[12-15].

Nelli (Emblica officinalis):The common Sanskrit term for Nelli is Amalaka and it is classified in three groups viz.Mustadi group,Hareetakyadi group and Amalakyadi group(gana)and can pacify Kapha,Kapha-pitta,fever,Meha,Kushtha etc.It is also recommended for improving eye sight.It has Amla,Tuvara,Madhura and Tikta rasas,Lakhu,Ruksha and Sita virya,and Katu vipaka[16-17].

Punaikali(Mucuna prurita):The Sanskrit term for Punaikali is Kapikacchu and it is classified in the Vidareegandhadi group(gana)and can pacify Vatapitta,Kasaroga etc.It has Madhura and Tikta rasas,Guru,Snigddha and Ushna virya,and Swadu vipaka[18].

Recommended Adjuvants:The recommended adjuvants are water,honey,milk and ghee and the properties as per the classical texts are as follows.The water is Madhura in taste,Lakhu and Snigdha in guna,Sita in virya and Swadu in vipaka.The honey is Madhura and Tuvara in taste,Guru and Ruksha in guna,Sita in virya and Katu in vipaka.The milk is Madhura in taste,Guru,Mrdu and Snigdha in guna,Sita in virya and Swadu in vipaka.The ghee is Madhura in taste,Guru,Mrdu and Snigdha in guna,Sita in virya and Swadu in vipaka.Both milk and ghee has similar properties while water differs only in guna Lakhu from the milk.This might be the reason why we can observe common terms for water and milk in the classical literatures.

Figure 1 Data flow diagram of the drug efficacy index Q(VPK)calculation

Results and Discussion

The computational results of the powder formulations(curnas)understudy are tabulated individually and discussed accordingly.

Amukkara kizzhang Curna:This is specifically prescribed for the ailments like inflammation,pain or insomnia.According to the traditional system pain is due to the vitiation of Vata dosha in the body parts and it may occasionally accompany by inflammation.This is a special case that is considered as the Vata covered with Pitta.The computational studies supported that the pure Amukkara kizzhang curna has more Vatahara component than Pitta.When we use milk or ghee as the adjuvant to this medication,the Vatahara component reduced considerably and Pittahara component increased sufficiently.This supported the efficacy of the drug and does it become capable enough to cleave the cover(Avarana)of Pitta above the Vata at the site and subsequently reduce the pain and inflammation related problems(Table 1).The computational studies showed that theAmukkara kizzhanguCurna withoutany adjuvant is found capable for pacifying somatic humors Vata to a major extend(-63.16)and Pitta to a minor extent(-26.32)while increase slightly the third somatic humor(10.53).The use of proper adjuvant like Milk or Ghee the pharmacological category can be altered as evident from the computational studies.The use of these adjuvants can be recommended to pacify more the vitiated Pitta than the Vata component.

ArathaiCurna:The computationalstudies showed that this powder medicament is capable for managing Pitta-Kapha vitiated diseases.The respiratory diseases like bronchial asthma are classified under Kapha-Vata or Vata-Kapha conditions.This powder formulation found very successfulin decreasing the Kapha related ailments and is supported by the theoretical computational studies.The external application as paste either in milk or water is recommended for managing the migraine(Pitta pradhana sirasula).This pain is mainly due to the vitiation of Avrta Vata(Covered Vata)or in the site of pain the vata is covered with pitta is observed.The normal gati or movement of the vata is restricted in those areas.The computational studies also do support these by changing the class to Vata-Pittaghni with a higher capacity to reduce the Pitta to make the movement of vata to the normal passages(Table 2).The computational studies showed that the Arathai Curna without any adjuvant is found capable for pacifying somatic humors Kapha to a major extend(-60.00)and Pitta to a minor extent(-20.00)while increased slightly the first somatic humor Vata(20.00).The use of proper adjuvant like Milk or Water the pharmacological category can be altered as evident from the computational studies.The use of these adjuvants can be recommended to pacify more the vitiated Pitta than the Vata component with slightly enhancing the Kapha component.

NannariCurna:Thecomputationalstudies showed that this powder medicament is capable for managing Vata-Pitta vitiated diseases.The disorder like excessive thirst,burning micturition,retention of urine,diabetes etc.may be classified to Vata-Pitta vitiated diseases(Table 3).The computational studies showed that the Nannari Curna without any adjuvant is found capable for pacifying somatic humors Pitta to a major extend(-45.45)and Vata to a minor extent(-12.12)while increase slightly the third somatic humor Kapha(45.42).The use of proper adjuvant like Milk or Water the efficacy can be increased slightly as evident from the computational studies.The use of these adjuvants can be recommended to pacify more the vitiated Pitta than the Vata component with slightly enhancing the Kapha component.

Nellivattral Curna:The computational studies showed that this powder formulation has very prominent Pitta decreasing property.The common adjuvant is honey,milk or ghee as required.The adjuvants milk and ghee change the pharmacological activity to Vatapittaghni that can be found beneficial in treating the diseases like hyper tension where Vata-Pitta hara treatments are recommended.The ailments like burning sensation are due to the vitiated Pitta and the computational studies also give supporting evidences(Table 4).The computational studies showed that the Nellivattral Curna without any adjuvant is found capable for pacifying only the somatic humor Pitta to a major extend(-44.44).The use of proper adjuvant like Milk,Ghee or Honey the efficacy can be increased slightly as evident from the computational studies.The use of adjuvant honey enhances the drug efficacy for pacifying the Pitta.While the use of adjuvants Milk or Ghee can be recommended to pacify the vitiated Pitta along with the Vata component.

Punaikali Curna:The computational studies classify this powder formulation to Pitta-Vataghni category.The main adjuvant is either milk or honey that may further alter the category to Vata-Pittagni or even simplePittaghni.This formulation is recommended for the avarana vata hara or mudhavata and Vata-Pittahara treatments.All these properties can be justified based on the computed efficacy results(Table 5).The computational studies showed that the Punaikali Curna without any adjuvant is found capable for pacifying somatic humors Vata to a major extend(-60.87)and Pitta to a minor extent(-21.74)while increased slightly the third somatic humor Kapha(13.39).The use of proper adjuvant like Milk or Water the pharmacological category can be altered as evident from the computational studies.The use of the adjuvant Milk can be recommended to pacify more the vitiated Pitta than the Vata component while the adjuvant water it can be selectively pacify the Pitta only.

The selection of proper adjuvants from the list of recommended adjuvants for each formulation while treating a particular disease or ailment has to be performed by considering the somatic humors to be corrected.The computational studies showed that the selection of adjuvants is not only for enhancing the drug efficacy but also to alter the category as per the conditions of the ailments under consideration.


The developed method for computing the efficacies of various Ayurvedic formulations was also successfully applied to compute the efficacies of certain Siddha formulations.The Drug Efficacy Index Q(VPK)is a concept that based on the Artificial Intelligence and fundamental principles ofpopularIndian system ofmedicineslike Ayurveda and Siddha.The results of the computational studies were found comparable and supportive to the time proven pharmacological effects of the ancient formulations understudy as explained in the classical texts.The respective pharmacological categorization of various formulations is well explained in the classical texts by ancient scientists.The computational method for computing the efficacies of those medications must be based on those fundamental principles than the modern medicalconcepts to get complementary results.Here this method successfully categorizes the formulations as par with the respective claims in the classical texts.More researches are going on to correlate the concept of Prabhava in a better way based on the classical views.The researches for developing a software version for the computation of efficacies are also under processing.

Table 1 The computational results of Amukkara kizzhangu Curna

Table 2 The computational results of Arathai Curna

Table 3 The computational results of Nannari Curna

Table 4 The computational results of Nellivattral Curna

Table 5 The computational results of Punaikali Curna