Giving up isn't so bad!


疯狂英语·新读写 2019年10期

四川双流中学 蒋建平





When you try too hard but you don't succeed or when despite all your efforts you don't get the results you need,give up and move on.Drop it and run in the opposite direction as fast as you can.

Confused?What is wrong with giving up?

Oh yes,we all have been trained to work hard to achieve our dreams,and that is a good thing.

The problem arises when all these inspirational quotes start confusing us.

These messages tell people not to give up,but they don't tell you that it should only apply to your true dreams.

They tell people to “try and try again”until they succeed,but that amount of effort should only be put into what you really want in life.People should never quit what they think to be their life's purpose.

The rest is all just there to confuse you,distractyou,give you a headache,heartache and depress you,so don't give it a chance.

If you are not good at playing the piano and you know it's because you don't even like the instrument,give it up.

If no matter how hard you study you can hardly score an above-average grade,don't worry,your talent lies somewhere else.Not everybody is an A-student.

If you always end up burning the chocolate cake you are trying to bake,maybe it is because you were born to buy one but not make one.Quit baking.

Are you the worst performer on your sales team,and even theinternsare better than you?It's because you are not fit to be a sales person,and perhaps you are meant to be a DJ.

Try to recognize your talent,your ability and your skills.Find out what you are good at,what makes you happy and then work on it.

If you do,no one would have to tell you or inspire you not to give up because when you love something,you keep trying until you get it right and the enthusiasm flows from within.

Don't worry about what people will say or think.It's your life.You have to live it and you have to be your own boss.

Reading Check

Have you ever given up something?If so,why?

Language Study

Sentences for writing


We all have been trained to work hard to ___________our dreams.


These messages tell people not to give up,but they don't tell you that it should only________your true dreams.


If you always end up _________the chocolate cake you are trying to bake,maybe it is because you were _________to buy one but not make one.


Don't worry about what people will say or think.It's your life.You have to _________it and you have to be your own _________.


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