Whole Genome Analyses of Chinese Population and De Novo Assembly of A Northern Han Genome
Zhenglin Du, Liang Ma, Hongzhu Qu, Wei Chen,Bing Zhang, Xi Lu, Weibo Zhai, Xin Sheng, Yongqiao Sun,Wenjie Li, Meng Lei, Qiuhui Qi, Na Yuan, Shuo Shi,Jingyao Zeng, Jinyue Wang, Yadong Yang, Qi Liu,Yaqiang Hong, Lili Dong, Zhewen Zhang, Dong Zou,Yanqing Wang, Shuhui Song, Fan Liu, Xiangdong Fang,Hua Chen, Xin Liu, Jingfa Xiao*, Changqing Zeng*,dd
1 Beijing Institute of Genomics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
2 BIG Data Center, Beijing Institute of Genomics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
KEYWORDS De novo assembly;Reference genome;Variation map;Phenotype association;Large population
Abstract To unravel the genetic mechanisms of disease and physiological traits, it requires comprehensive sequencing analysis of large sample size in Chinese populations.Here,we report the primary results of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Precision Medicine Initiative (CASPMI) project launched by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, including the de novo assembly of a northern Han reference genome (NH1.0) and whole genome analyses of 597 healthy people coming from most areas in China. Given the two existing reference genomes for Han Chinese (YH and HX1) were both from the south, we constructed NH1.0, a new reference genome from a northern individual,by combining the sequencing strategies of PacBio, 10× Genomics, and Bionano mapping. Using this integrated approach, we obtained an N50 scaffold size of 46.63 Mb for the NH1.0 genome and performed a comparative genome analysis of NH1.0 with YH and HX1. In order to generate a genomic variation map of Chinese populations, we performed the whole-genome sequencing of 597 participants and identified 24.85 million (M) single nucleotide variants (SNVs), 3.85 M small indels, and 106,382 structural variations. In the association analysis with collected phenotypes,we found that the T allele of rs1549293 in KAT8 significantly correlated with the waist circumference in northern Han males. Moreover, significant genetic diversity in MTHFR, TCN2, FADS1,and FADS2,which associate with circulating folate,vitamin B12,or lipid metabolism,was observed between northerners and southerners. Especially, for the homocysteine-increasing allele of rs1801133(MTHFR 677T),we hypothesize that there exists a‘‘comfort”zone for a high frequency of 677T between latitudes of 35-45 degree North.Taken together,our results provide a high-quality northern Han reference genome and novel population-specific data sets of genetic variants for use in the personalized and precision medicine.
To understand the genetic basis of disease and develop individualized medication,the Human Genome Project generated the first human reference genome, which was based on the Caucasian genetic background[1-3].Despite the consistent updating of the reference genome to the latest version GRCh38,it is still highly demanded to construct the regional reference genomes of various ethnic groups for the advanced medical and population studies. Since the release of the first Asian individual genome(the YH genome from southern China)over a decade ago [2], recent advances in both experimental and in silico technologies have enabled the de novo assembly of individual human genomes with remarkably improved completeness and accuracy. For instance, the Korean genome AK1 was reported using multiple sequencing methods in 2016 [4], and subsequently an updated de novo assembly of the YH genome was generated utilizing a haplotype-based approach [5]. In addition, another Chinese reference genome also from the south, HX1, was constructed using single molecular sequencing and NanoChanel array [6]. However, as evidenced by DNA markers and SNP array analyses,northern and southern Chinese populations have undergone significant genetic differentiation during the prehistoric times of agricultural civilization [7-10]. Thus, population studies will largely benefit from the creation of a northern Chinese reference genome, which is currently lacking.
Unraveling the individualized genetic mechanisms of disease and physiological traits requires comprehensive sequencing analysis of population samples [11,12]. Following the initial efforts of the International HapMap Project and the 1000 Genomes Project (1KGP) [13,14], extensive genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have been conducted globally for over a decade, resulting in over 60 K of SNP-trait correlations being reported in the current GWAS Catalog[15].Furthermore,taking advantage of continuing breakthroughs in next-generation sequencing,several national whole-genome sequencing(WGS)-based projects have been completed in recent years. For instance,parent-offspring samples were sequenced in the Genome of the Netherlands(GoNL,250 trio or larger family samples,average 13×)and in the GenomeDenmark(50 trio family samples,average 78×)[16,17].A milestone in population studies was the WGS of 2638 Icelanders(≥10×coverage)plus the array-based genotyping of another 100,000 individuals, which resulted in both the identification of disease-related variants and the discovery of the common lineage for this remarkably homogenous population [18]. Aiming to characterize somatic mutations and rare variants in patients with cancer and rare diseases, the UK10K project includes the WGS (~7×) and extensive exome sequencing (~80×) of 10,000 individuals[19].In Asia,the 1KJPN panel was constructed by sequencing 1070 Japanese individuals (~32×) [20]. Moreover, the WGS analysis of the Wellderly cohort has reported the association of healthy aging with reduced susceptibility to Alzheimer’s and coronary artery disease [21].
The Han Chinese constitute the world’s largest ethnic group[22]. In a recent joint investigation of major depressive disorders (CONVERGE), the genomes of 11,670 Han women were sequenced as a control group[23].With a sequencing depth of 1.7×,this large-scale study of genetic variation among the Han Chinese reported a catalog of 25,057,223 variants. A most recent project by BGI-Shenzhen performed WGS at a high depth(~80×)in 90 Han individuals,and observed over 7 million (M) novel, low-frequency variants [24]. In view of nearly one fifth of the world’s population [22], a large-scale whole genome study by deep sequencing has been expected to provide an important resource for studying the genetic basis of the disease in Han population.
In 2016, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)launched the Precision Medicine Initiative (CASPMI) project. The aims of Phase I of this project include: (i) generating a reference genome of a northern Han individual(NH1.0) using an integrated approach; (ii) the WGS (25-35×) of 600 samples from the CASPMI cohort; (iii) association analyses based on sequencing and baseline phenotypic data collected from the project’s participants; and (iv) construction of electronic health records (EHR) and genetic reports for the participants.
Here, we report the near completion of phase I of the CASPMI project, the generation of a high-quality northern Han reference genome, together with a comprehensive genetic map that consists of over 28.8 M variants.We observed several highly differentiated variants in folate cycle-related and lipid metabolism-related genes between northern and southern Han Chinese, which suggests the selection from various environmental exposures and life styles especially the diet habit during the evolution of the Han population. The populationspecific data we report here will support and benefit future research aimed at providing precision medicine and individualized healthcare.
Sequencing and assembly of the NH1.0 genome
The genomic DNA of a northern Han male (originating from Shandong province) was sequenced using various approaches,as listed in Table S1. These combinational applications included: PacBio for single-molecule sequencing with 49.9×coverage; the 10× Genomics Chromium system, followed by Illumina sequencing at 60.4×depth; Illumina paired-end sequencing at 79.2×;Illumina mate pair sequencing at 22.9×; and Bionano Saphyr optical mapping with~100×coverage (GSA Accession Number CRA000631).
Using CANU [25] and Supernova [26] to assemble PacBio long reads and 10× Genomics linked reads, respectively, we generated two sets of genome contigs/scaffolds with N50 of 1.74 Mb and 18.56 Mb, respectively (Table S2). Mismatches and small indels of the PacBio contigs were then corrected by comparison with the Illumina paired-end reads(Table S3), resulting in the decrease of 0.002% mismatch rate and 0.099% indel rate, and an increase of 3,440,598 bp in the assembly length after sequence correction.
After aligning the PacBio contigs to the scaffolds of 10×Genomics and filtering for redundancy, two genome sets were merged into one with the scaffold N50 increasing to 30.45 Mb(Table S2). Bionano optical mapping data were then used for hybrid scaffolding to the chromosomal level,resulting in a further improvement of the scaffold N50 to 46.63 Mb, including 5574 scaffolds and a total assembly length of 2.89 Gb(Table 1).We denoted this assembled genome as NH1.0 (GWH Accession Number GWHAAAS00000000).A haplotype of this genome with a scaffold N50 of 2.16 Mb was also constructed,mainly from the 10× Genomics linked reads.
Sequence alignment of the NH1.0 scaffolds to the GRCh38 genome showed high collinearity between these two genomes(Figure S1). Among all the 542 raw scaffolds over 10 kb in length in NH1.0,23 scaffolds showed inconsistent with the reference genome, mainly due to the local misassembly of complex repeat sequences, as confirmed by checking the mapped paired-end reads near the non-conforming regions.These scaffolds were corrected at the misassembly points accordingly.
As shown in Table 1, compared with the two existing individual genomes of Chinese(HX1 and YH2.0)[5,6],NH1.0 haslonger scaffolds (N50 length of 46.63 Mb versus 21.98 Mb for HX1 and 20.52 Mb for YH2.0), which spans 15 chromosome arms with the coverage of more than 85% of the autosomal regions, and improved integrity at the chromosomal level(Figure S2).
Table 1 Statistics for the sequencing and assembly of four reference genomes
A total of 99 sequencing gaps on GRCh38 were completely filled by the NH1.0 genome. The largest filling consisted of 188,143 bp on the chromosome X,and the total length of the filled gaps was 609,822 bp(Figure S2).Furthermore,749 novel sequences,spanning 4.76 Mb,were identified by comparing the NH1.0 genome with the reference genome GRCh38. Ranging from 2001 bp to 180,551 bp, the average length of the novel sequences identified was 6348 bp.
To evaluate the representativeness of the NH1.0 genome,Illumina paired-end reads from 15 samples (including three Han Chinese) of five populations in 1KGP were mapped to the GRCh38 and NH1.0 genomes. The Mapping rates for most samples to the two genomes were over 99% (Table S4),although the rates to GRCh38 were approximately 0.3%-0.6% higher, indicating a more complete assembly. However,the mismatch rate of Han Chinese (CHB) paired-end reads to NH1.0 was less than that to GRCh38 by approximately 0.04%,suggesting that the NH1.0 genome is more representative to the Chinese population than the reference genome GRCh38.
Comparing to the human reference genome, a total of 2,218,371 single nucleotide variants (SNVs), 378,750 small indels (<50 bp), and 18,613 structural variations (SVs,≥50 bp) were detected in NH1.0. This northern Han genome also shares 39.0% and 37.0% SNVs with the HX1 and YH2.0 genomes, respectively (Figure 1A), and a total of 55.9% SNVs were observed in the two southern Chinese genomes.By contrast,most structural variations were found to be individual-specific,i.e.,73.79%of the deletions and 88.20%of the insertions in the NH1.0 genome were not found in either of the HX1 and YH2.0 genomes (Figure 1B). With 2.2% of the deletions and 3.3% of the insertions found in exonic regions,most of the identified structural variants (53.2% of the deletions and 66.6% of the insertions) occur in repeat regions(Table S5).
Some of the structural variations were identified with putative functional significance. For example, a homozygous deletion of a 6.1 kb fragment(Figure 1C)encompassing two exons of ZNF718 was detected. This region was inside a large copy number variation (CNV) of 103 kb, which was recently reported from a diabetes study in the Mexican population[27].Interestingly,this deletion results in a truncated gene product with the loss of the entire Krueppel-associated box(KRAB) domain, which functions as a transcriptional repressor when tethered to template DNA via a DNA-binding domain[28].Further investigations to illustrate the deleterious metabolic effects of this homozygous deletion for the sequenced individual, particularly concerning metabolismrelated phenotypes, are under way.
Sequencing and variation analysis in the CASPMI cohort
To investigate genetic variations in the Chinese population,we performed Illumina paired-end WGS (25-35×, Figure S3) on 597 participants of the CASPMI cohort. These individuals come from nine ethnic groups of 30 provinces and autonomous regions(Figure S4).Among them,455 samples were categorized as northern Han (NH) and southern Han (SH)according to the self-reported ancestry of each participant,and each group of NH and SH consisted of 339 and 116 individuals, respectively (Table S6, and details in Methods).
A total of 24.85 M SNVs and 3.85 M small indels(<50 bp,Table 2) were identified using the Genome Analysis Toolkit(GATK,version 3.5)[29].Among them,5.69 M(22.9%)SNVs and 1.27 M indels (33.0%) were common types [allele frequency (AF) ≥5%] and 90.9% of the variants were located in intergenic and intronic regions. Furthermore, 153,884 non-synonymous SNVs and 1588 frameshift indels were detected, and a portion of these variants (10.4% of nonsynonymous SNVs and 8.2% of frameshift indels) had AF equal or larger than 5%(Table 3).In mitochondria,1211 variants were detected,among which 897(74.1%)were localized in genic regions (Table S7 and Figure S5). To evaluate the accuracy of SNV calling, 890 variants were randomly selected for Sanger sequencing, and 882 (99.1%) were verified (Table S8).In addition, a high-quality haplotype reference of SNVs and short indels was constructed using various phasing approaches.
As illustrated in Figure 2A,as well as Figures S6 and S7,the sample size and sequencing depth of present cohort study enabled us to identify remarkably a total of 10.20 M SNVs and 1.55 M indels that were not listed in dbSNP(7.6%of version 149) nor in 1KGP (version Aug-2015). Although most of these SNVs and indels have allele frequencies below 5%, such a large quantity of novel variants will help to inform and support population and health-related studies in China and globally.
Population-specific SNPs and metabolism-related annotation
To further characterize population-specific variants from the CASPMI cohort, firstly, we compared the frequencies of the SNPs and indels from our samples to those of different populations from 1KGP. As the Chinese populations, especially northern residents,share the greatest similarity with other East Asian (EAS) people [13], we used the genomes of South Asians, Africans, Native Americans, and Europeans as outlying groups to analyze the frequencies of population variations.By screening for frequency differences that were at least 0.3 greater than those in the outlying groups, we identified 55,271 SNPs and 6774 indels in our samples. We named this set of population-specific variations hfCAS-EAS, standing for the relatively high-frequency SNPs of the CASPMI cohort,which shared with the EAS of 1KGP.
Next, we performed KEGG pathway enrichment analysis of the hfCAS-EAS dataset (Figure 2B). The metabolic pathways of the top enrichment were of particular interest, since one aim of the CASPMI project was to discover genetic correlations of metabolic diseases in an attempt to benefit personal healthcare in this cohort. We then checked the hfCAS-EAS variants that were also present in the GWAS Catalog, and identified 253 SNPs involving 276 genes that are associated with 213 traits or diseases (Table S9). In particular, among these significant SNPs, 40 SNPs in 38 genes correlated with various metabolism-related traits and diseases,including waist circumference, BMI, lipid metabolism, obesity, hypertension,glycometabolism, and diabetes (Figure 2C).
Figure 1 A comparison of three Chinese reference genomes
The above results caught our attention,since by comparing the prevalence rate of 8.4%for metabolic syndrome in Chinese males(35-44 years old)from an earlier national report[30],an increased rate of 17.9% in the NH and SH males of the CASPMI cohort was observed, of whom 80% were under the age of 45(Table S10).Thus,we screened the 40 SNPs that were associated with metabolism in the GWAS Catalog and also present in the hfCAS-EAS dataset(Figure 2C)to identify variants that are corresponding to available phenotypes in our baseline dataset collected from the project’s participants (see Methods). With the discovered 17 SNPs, we conducted a quantitative association analysis employing phenotypic data including waist circumference, fasting plasma glucose levels,and blood pressure, etc. (Table 4). In terms of the eight physiological traits or diseases that were investigated, we found that rs1549293 in KAT8 significantly associated with the waist circumference in males and rs2398162 in NR2F2-AS1 correlated to hypertension mainly in females (red in Table 4 and asterisks in Figure 2C).
Total Intergenic 1,916,118 3,778,711 2,763,590 16,391,547 24,849,966 1,088,588 2,119,311 1,492,106 8,619,679 13,319,684 314,473 956,738 746,656 1,833,338 3,851,205 173,161 512,111 393,381 958,744 2,037,397 I cohort Table 2 Allele frequency and genomic features of the SNVs and indels identified in the CASPM Down-stream 12,061 24,117 18,337 109,551 164,066 Up-stream 11,693 23,236 18,148 113,756 166,833 Intronic 664,216 1,343,806 1,025,511 6,221,982 9,255,515 3′UTR 13,805 27,056 24,531 157,899 223,291 5′UTR 2969 6021 5977 41,586 56,553 ncRNA splicing 32 67 58 280 437 ncRNA intronic 105,509 199,759 144,622 872,202 1,322,092 ncRNA exonic 5749 11,660 8763 51,408 77,580 Splicing 5165115 1595 1826 Exonic 11,445 23,613 25,422 201,609 262,089 AF ≥50%-50%-5%5%0.5%<0.5%All Type SNV 2400 7523 5684 14,846 30,453 2217 6798 5520 14,524 29,059 114,668 366,652 289,865 702,803 1,473,988 2778 7771 6936 21,859 39,344 467 935 1058 4264 6724 3913 45 70 17,654 52,435 41,482 102,642 214,213 713 1813 1594 5213 9333 654043458 606 347 651 1080 7940 10,018≥50%-50%-5%5%0.5%<0.5%All Indel Note: SNV, single-nucleotide variant; AF, allele frequency.
Total Unknown 11,445 23,613 25,422 201,609 262,089 247 379 305 2268 3199 347 651 1080 7940 10,018 842822140 274 Table 3 Statistics of SNVs and indels in the coding regions identified in the CASPMI cohort Stop loss 41011103 128 Stop gain 19 98 168 2597 2882 Synonymous SNV 6029 12,320 11,345 72,302 101,996 Nonsynonymous SNV 5146 10,806 13,593 124,339 153,884 Non-frame-shift deletion NA NA NA NA NA Non-frame-shift insertion NA NA NA NA NA Frameshift deletion NA NA NA NA NA Frameshift insertion NA NA NA NA NA AF ≥50%-50%-5%5%0.5%<0.5%All Type SNV 02068 2711 161 181 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 87228 448 2534 3297 84150 164 869 1267 47 149 262 2945 3403 4387173 1285 1588≥50%-50%-5%5%0.5%<0.5%All Indel Note: NA, not applicable.
Figure 2 SNV identification among projects and metabolism-related rs1549293 in KAT8
I cohort Table 4 Phenotype correlation of the 17 SNPs associated with the metabolic-related traits in the CASPM Phenotype association(P value)ale Female Total M 0.1073 0.3253 0.361 0.5242 0.2793 0.446 0.5319 0.8388 0.3953 Annotation data ChIA-PET 0.791 0.0093 0.5406 DHS DHS+DHS DHS ANKS1A KAT8 P1 Gene EFEM HIST1H2BF Allele frequencyRegion CAS EAS SAS AFR AMR EUR 0.28 Intronic 0.38 Intronic 0.23 Intronic 0.30 3_prime_UTR 0.64 0.69 0.31 0.34 0.31 0.92 0.88 0.14 0.09 0.38 0.78 0.77 0.25 0.03 0.24 0.77 0.76 0.45 0.38 0.45 Effect allele Major allele CTGG SNP rs13210323 A rs1549293* T rs3791679 AA rs806794 Trait Waist circumference 0.5517 0.3214 0.55 0.5996 0.6583 0.8272 0.7108 0.4669 0.9738 0.5613 0.9468 0.8 DHS DHS DHS DHS CDC123 CAMK1D KCNQ1OT1 LOC100506682 GCC1 FSCN3 0.23 Intergenic 0.30 ncRNA exonic 0.31 Intergenic 0.22 Intronic 0.58 0.54 0.24 0.24 0.26 0.79 0.79 0.48 0.25 0.43 0.65 0.69 0.32 0.01 0.25 0.63 0.66 0.26 0.27 0.24 T TT C rs11257655 T T C rs231356 rs62481355 T rs806215 Type 2 diabetes 0.6071 0.6828 0.8547 DHS PDK1 RAPGEF4-AS1 0.04 Intergenic 0.52 0.52 0.18 0.00 0.15 A A rs733331 Fasting plasma glucose 0.0256 0.6531 0.0071 DHS NR2F2-AS1 0.21 ncRNA intronic 0.65 0.67 0.28 0.04 0.34 G rs2398162* A Hypertension 0.6159 0.6138 0.1146 0.8001 0.8163 0.763 DHS DHS SLC4A7 EOMES PRDM6 0.39 Intergenic 0.17 Intronic 0.70 0.67 0.38 0.02 0.37 0.62 0.59 0.29 0.14 0.27 G A A rs820430 rs13359291 A Systolic blood pressure 0.1913 0.1317 0.4146 DHS LINC01539 TXNL1 0.34 Intergenic 0.79 0.78 0.44 0.05 0.43 G rs1792738 G Systolic blood pressure(cigarette smoking interaction)0.8312 0.4117 0.4473 DHS SLC4A7 EOMES 0.39 Intergenic 0.70 0.67 0.38 0.02 0.37 G A rs820430 Diastolic blood pressure 0.6986 0.6136 0.2415 DHS CTF1 FBXL19-AS1 0.39 Intergenic 0.93 0.90 0.17 0.02 0.41 G rs11649653 G Triglycerides 0.3521 0.1906 0.9844 0.1471 0.3878 0.2987 0.9099 0.6911 0.76 DHS DHS DHS LILRA3 LILRA5 MIR4752 LILRA3 0.31 Intergenic 0.19 Downstream gene RAB11B 0.19 Intergenic 0.81 0.72 0.29 0.07 0.36 0.64 0.60 0.30 0.22 0.24 0.84 0.65 0.15 0.17 0.43 C TC C rs759819 rs2967605 TC rs386000 HDL cholesterol 0.05).CAS,CASPMI cohort participants in the current study;Note:Association analysis was performed using PLINK toolset.SNPs significantly associated with the phenotypes are put in red(P <EAS,East Asian;SAS,South Asian;AFR,African;AMR,Admixed American;EUR,European;HDL,high-density lipoprotein;DHS,DNase hypersensitive site;ChIA-PET,chromatin interaction analysis with paired-end tag sequencing.
As shown in Figure 2D and Table 4, the frequency for Tallele of rs1549293 in KAT8 (associated with susceptibility to a wider waist) varies dramatically among populations and is high in the CASPMI cohort and East Asians, which reached the highest as 92% in our hfCAS-EAS dataset. In particular,this SNP demonstrated a significant association with larger waist circumferences in the 246 males of our cohort (P value=0.0093, Figure 2E and Table 4). Moreover, within the CASPMI cohort, northern men carrying this SNP, particularly the TT genotype,had significantly larger waist measurements than southern males (Table S11). Considering the general discrepancy in body build between northern and southern Chinese, i.e., significantly taller and larger body mass in northerners [31], the association of the T allele with wider waist measurements implied the potential link to populationbased differentiation in the physique.
As illustrated in Figure 2F, the region where rs1549293 resides was a potential enhancer as shown by its H3K4Me1 and H3K27Ac modification from ENCODE data[32].We then searched DNase I hypersensitive sites (DHSs), which showed possible transcription activities in the genome, across a total of 79 cell types [33]. In the genomic locus covering rs1549293, the chromosomal interactions with FUS and HSD3B7 were observed to form each of 54 kb and 145 kb complexes, suggesting a regulatory role by this SNP to these obesity-associated genes (Figure 2F, Pearson correlation coefficient r is 0.78 and 0.74, respectively) [34,35]. Supporting evidence also came from the polymerase II chromatin interaction analysis with paired-end tag sequencing(ChIA-PET)data[36],which suggested that rs1549293 located in an enhancer that regulated the activities of both promoters of FUS and HSD3B7. Moreover, this locus was reported as an eQTL to regulate the expression of HSD3B7 in the Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) project [37]. Importantly, the interaction between rs1549293 and each of these two genes appeared to be mediated by PU.1 transcription factor as demonstrated by a genome-wide study on the binding sites of transcription factors [38]. A significantly weaker affinity was generated when the T allele was present in the motif (Figure 2G). Taken together, we proposed that rs1549293 in KAT8 correlated to larger waist circumference in the northern males of the CASPMI cohort via the enhancer region containing this SNP, in which the weaker binding to PU.1 by the T-allele may alter the expression of the obesity-associated genes FUS and HSD3B7.
In addition, we analyzed the genomic features of the SNPs in the hfCAS-EAS dataset based on DNase hypersensitive site(DHS)profiles from 79 cell lines.Among these 55,271 variants,1751 variants were mapped to the distal DNase I hypersensitive sites which were assigned to 2738 genes genome-wide with an average distance of 228 kb between the SNP and genes,indicating a long-range regulatory role of these variants to the genes through chromatin interactions (Table S12). Moreover, 116 of these connections were further validated by the ChIA-PET data.
By comparing these DHS-related SNPs with the hfCAS-EAS variants that were present in the GWAS Catalog(Tables S9 and S12), eleven of the high-frequency SNPs were shown to be disease- or trait-associated and to locate within the DHSs.Accordingly,the DHSs holding these 11 SNPs were associated with the promoters of their target genes within a±500 kb region based on their DHS patterns (Table S13).One of these SNPs is rs1549293 in KAT8 (Figure 2D-G),supporting its putative regulatory role associated with the waist circumference as described above. This list of 11 SNPs provided us with candidates for further phenotype-associated analyses in our cohort, as well as in other populations.
Genetic differentiation between northern and southern populations
We investigated the genetic structure of the Han population mainly by analyzing the frequency distribution of general variants in NH and SH groups (Table S6). A total of 19,456,897 autosomal SNPs were utilized for the study after filtering for quality control (Methods). As shown in Figure S8, the southern and northern groups were well clustered in the Principle Component Analysis (PCA). In addition, the NH1.0 genome showed to be more representative of northern people in the samples from both CASPMI and 1KGP.
For the differentiation between the NH and SH based on the analysis of the above SNPs, the average value of the fixation index (Fst) was 0.0015. However, the distribution of Fstvalues was highly right-skewed,with a long extending tail(Figure S9),where 1947 SNPs were found with Fst≥0.054(empirical P <10-4,Table S14).Despite the wide distribution of the highest Fstsignals across the genome, several significant peaks were found to be clustered,mainly on chromosomes 6,11,14,and 19 (Figure 3A). The highest Fstsignals were clustered on chromosome 14,near genes mostly related to the immunoglobulin heavy locus (IGH) at 14q32.33. The SNPs, which were present within the two peaks on chromosome 6,located mostly within or around the MHC regions, including the most differentiated missense SNP (rs41549014, Fst=0.0800) in HLA-A(Table S14). The differentiation of SNPs in immunity-related regions possibly reflected the exposure of populations to diverse environmental conditions, including climate and diet.
The significant SNP cluster on chromosome 11 located in the fatty acid desaturase (FADS) gene family, where 16, 39,and 4 SNPs were in either intronic or in nearby intergenic regions of the genes FADS1,FADS2,and FADS3.These genes encoded the enzymes which regulate the unsaturation of fatty acids. One SNP in FADS2 (rs28456), which may influence phospholipid and arachidonic acid levels and was involved in the immune process, showed the highest Fst(0.1119) in the FADS family [39]. On chromosome 19, four intronic SNPs of LILRA3(Leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor subfamily A member 3) were highly differentiated between the two Han groups. This gene has been associated with high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) as reported in several studies[40].For the peak on 19q13.42,a total of 21 SNPs were found within or near the genes of LILRA3, LILRA5, LILRB2, and MIR4752 (Figure 3A). Thus, some of these populationdifferentiated SNPs associated with genes that are involved in the metabolism of fatty acids and cholesterol, providing clues about the genomic factors that might contribute to the observed difference in body build between northern and southern Han populations.
Figure 3 Genetic differentiation between northern and southern Han populations in the CASPMI cohort
The second most-differentiated missense SNP (rs1801133,Fst=0.0729,Figure 3B)was in the locus of MTHFR on chromosome 1. This gene encodes methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase in the homocysteine and folate metabolic pathway that provided a carbon donor for the methylation of homocysteine to methionine.SNP rs1801133 was also named as C677T of MTHFR in early studies as the A allele (677T) leads to an alanine to valine substitution that largely reduced the enzymatic activity of MTHFR up to 70%in the homozygous state[41].The frequency of allele A was 57.8%in NH and 37.9%in SH in the CASPMI cohort,which was consistent with previous studies showing lower frequencies of 677T in southern populations,but it appears to be contradictory from results in Europe where a high 677T occurred in southern areas (Table S15).By mapping our population results and other reported frequencies to their geographic locations, we hypothesize that there exists an adaptation zone between 35-45 degree North on Afro-Eurasia continents, where the frequency of 677T was maintained high and decreases both northward and southward from this belt (Figure 3D, see Discussion).
Another differentiated missense variant,rs75680863,which is located in the gene TCN2 on chromosome 22, is also involved in the folate metabolism pathway (Figure 3C). The T allele of this SNP was reported as an East Asia-specific polymorphism and to provide a protective effect against congenital heart defects, as compared to the A allele. The T allele of this SNP had a frequency of 0.195 in NH in our dataset,and a frequency of only 0.065 in SH group, which is similar to the frequency previously reported in the southern Chinese [42].
Mutational signatures of novel singletons and the population distribution
For the large set of novel singletons which were identified as the SNVs that were absent in dbSNP(Version 150)and present in only one individual of the CASPMI population, we analyzed their mutational signatures to explore the possible mechanisms that might drive the generation of segregating variants.First, we assigned the SNVs into 96 classes, according to the mutation sites and their two flanking bases. We then adopted a non-negative matrix factorization(NMF)to identify specific mutational features[43].As illustrated in Figure 4A,five mutation signatures, representing different mutational processes in the Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer (COSMIC)were identified. Among them, signature 16, a mutation type that has been reported to segregate in world-wide populations and only found in liver cancer patients in COSMIC [43,44],showed the highest individual load (Figure 4B, Figure S10).The other two major mutation patterns of signatures 1 and 5 were age-related, which had been previously identified as the most common types of de novo germline mutations [45,46].
Given that the spectrum of germline mutations can be affected by population-specific genetic factors and by environmental exposure[44],we wondered whether any differentiation had occurred in the mutational patterns between the northern and southern Han populations, whose life styles and residing circumstances differ substantially from each other. Among the five COSMIC mutation signatures identified above, a significant difference was observed in signature 1 between the two groups (P value=0.001, Wilcox rank test, Figure S11,Figure 4B). The signature 1 represented the mutations caused by the deamination of cytosine and accumulates in an agerelated manner. The higher incidence of this type of the mutations in southern Han people implied that southerners may have a longer generation time, suggesting a larger effective population size [45-47]. At the individual level, as indicated in Figure 4B, a large proportion of COSMIC signatures 5 and 16 were observed,although the etiology of both mutation patterns remains unknown. Furthermore, signature 5 showed the largest difference across individuals. By taking the load of this mutation type in each individual as a quantitative trait,we then performed a genome-wide association analysis on the COSMIC signature 5 to identify polymorphisms related to this mutation.In total 17 significant SNPs were identified as being associated with the individual load of this signature(Figure 4C,P <10-5), including one SNP located in the gene AHRR on chromosome 5. AHRR encodes a component in the aryl hydrocarbon receptor signaling cascade, which is involved in cell growth,and mutations in AHRR have been shown to associate with male infertility [48].
Taken together, we observed a closely similar mutational spectrum between northern and southern Han people. Both of population divergence and individual difference in the load of mutational signatures may be related to the average generation time, and southern Han may have a longer average generation time as previously reported [49].
Structural variations in the CASPMI cohort
Three methods were used to identify structural variations(SVs,≥50 bp) in the CASPMI cohort, namely Pindel [50], CREST[51],and Control-FREEC[52].The deletions identified by Pindel and CREST, and the inversions and insertions derived from CREST, were separately merged according to their breakpoints by at least 50% overlap between sample-specific identifications. In total, 102,663 deletions, 2249 insertions,and 38 inversions were identified among 597 sequenced individuals (Figure S12). Among all the 106,382 SVs, there are 65,732 novel SVs, comparing to dbVar and the Database of Genomic Variants (DGV) [53,54] (Table S16). In addition,1432 copy number variants (CNVs) were detected by Control-FREEC, and the frequencies of most CNVs were below 0.05 (Figure S13).
As shown in Figure S12 and Table S16, among all of the structural variations,97.8%(102,663)were deletions,of which with an allele frequency <0.05 accounted for 88.6% (92,953).In addition, two-thirds of SVs (66.7%, 70,036) had allele frequencies <0.005, indicating that most SVs were rare or very rare in the sequenced population.With respect to the variation size, most identified SVs were below 20 kb, and the largest variant (deletion) reached 48 kb.
Most SVs were located in repetitive regions. In detail, the SNVs, small indels, large deletions, insertions, and inversions overlapped with 48.9%, 63.5%, 70.5%, 77.6%, and 64.1%of the repetitive regions, respectively (Table S17). In addition,interspersed repeats (also known as mobile elements, MEs)were more commonly found to be associated with most SVs(but not with inversions) than tandem repeats (Table S17),which agreed with previously reported studies [19]. We also found the SVs with complex repetitive elements were generally longer than others, from a comparison of their mean lengths(Table S17).
Table 5 Top 10 enriched traits for the SVs mapped to the GWAS Catalog
Finally, to investigate the functional effects of the SVs,genes containing SVs were mapped to the GWAS Catalog.Notably, as listed in Table 5, body mass index and obesityrelated traits are among the top 10 significantly enriched terms,which resembled the results of KEGG enrichment analysis for the hfCAS-EAS dataset(Figure 2B).That both the SNVs and SVs identified in this study correlated with metabolism-related traits might be associated with the high prevalence of metabolic syndrome in the males of the CASPMI cohort, as revealed in this project. This possibility would, however,require further investigation.
A combination of multiple approaches greatly improved genome assembly
Except for a few circumstances in which traditional Fosmid or BAC libraries are used to improve scaffolding [3,5], hybrid approaches are also generally used for de novo genome assembly of complex organisms. A typical approach is to combine Illumina paired-end sequencing with PacBio sequencing and/or Bionano optical mapping. In this typical approach, such as the assembly of the HX1 genome,sequencing errors of Pac-Bio can be corrected by Illumina reads, while Bionano optical mapping generates longer scaffolds, thus resulting in highquality contigs that contain less gaps relative to a single approach [6]. Alternatively, Illumina sequencing combined with 10×Genomics library preparation can generate considerably longer scaffolds than PacBio sequencing although more gaps (N-base gaps) may be resulted [4].
To further improve genome assembly in this study,we integrated the approach of 10× Genomics library preparation by Illumina sequencing further with PacBio sequencing, and followed by Bionano mapping (Figure S14). This enabled the construction of longer scaffolds from 10× Genomics sequencing as the main frame of the genome assembly, and PacBio contigs were used to fill gaps by sequence substitutions and to link adjacent scaffolds. This strategy increased our scaffold N50 to 30 Mb. Further integration with Bionano maps resulted in an N50 of >46 Mb, which is more than twice that of previously assembled Chinese genomes(Table 1)and is also better than any combination of Bionano mapping with either 10×scaffolds or with PacBio contigs(Table S2).Accordingly,this integrated strategy greatly increased the scaffold N50 and reduced the number of gaps in assembled sequences.
Genetic differentiation of Han populations in folate and homocysteine metabolism
As the largest population in the world,Chinese people reside in a vast area. From the most northern to the most southern provincial capitals - Harbin of Heilongjiang province to Haikou of Hainan province - the latitudes differ by 26 degrees(46°N to 20°N), resulting in different adaptations between northern and southern inhabitants to the diverse climates and environments. The most apparent discrepancy between northerners and southerners is perhaps the physique that northern residents,including non-Han ethnic groups,have significantly taller and larger body mass than southern populations [31]. Latitude and environmental variation also lead to remarkable differences in diet among the Chinese. The dominant crop in the north is wheat while that in the south is rice.Moreover,the consumption of vegetables and fruits varies largely in the country. The insufficient ingestion of folate, a soluble B vitamin that is highly enriched in greens, has historically been a severe challenge in certain rural regions of the north and northwest in the country, leading to a high prevalence of various birth defects,such as neural-tube defects[55].Supplementary folic acid provided in early pregnancy significantly reduces the risks of these birth defects.
Although the overall genetic difference between the northern and southern Han populations is much smaller than that between the Han Chinese and Japanese(Fst0.0002-0.0009 versus 0.007-0.008,as reported)[10],some significant genetic differences do exist between these two geographically distinct Han groups,as shown in our study and those of others[22].Among the near two thousand SNPs identified in our study that have an Fstvalue ≥0.054 between northerners and southerners(Figures S8 and S9,Table S14),the missense variants rs1801133 or C677T of MTHFR,which is involved in the homocysteine and folate metabolic pathways, caught our immediate attention.This SNP directly correlates to homocysteine levels since the Ala to Val substitution by A allele (677T) results in a much lower MTHFR activity[41].As an important regulating factor in the folate cycle,as well as an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease, deficient folate/VB12/VB6 levels and the prevalence of hyperhomocysteinemia(≥10 μM in plasma)have been reported to be more common in northern China[56].Our finding that the A allele of rs1801133,as well as the AA genotype(677TT),was about 20%higher in the northerners of our cohort(both with P value <1×10-3,Figure 3B)thus provides one interpretation for such observations.
Interestingly, although this significantly higher frequency for 677T of MTHFR in the northern group is similar to the results of a few recent studies among Chinese populations, as well as in other Asian populations, 677T is most frequently found in south European populations and its frequency decreases northwardly in Europe (see references of Table S15). Such an apparent opposite decrease tendency in Europe and Asia has been commonly reported,however,without an interpretation [42,57]. As illustrated in Figure 3D, by mapping the population frequencies of 677T to corresponding geographic locations, the populations with the top most frequencies of 677T, including in relatively southern Europe and in northern regions of China, as well as in Japan and Korea, are actually residing in a latitude zone of 35 to 45 degree North.This led us to raise our hypothesis,the existence of a ‘‘comfort” zone between 35 and 45 degree on Afro-Eurasia continents, where 677T frequency is highly adapted(>30%,may reach as high as >45%).From this belt,the frequency decreases both northward and southward including regions of Africa and West Asia although the sample size was limited.One piece of supporting evidence for this hypothesis came from a study in China[58], which showed that comparing to the high 677T in northern area(Hebei), significantly lower frequencies were localized in both the most north region of the northeast (Heilongjiang) and in southern region* (Hainan) (Table S15).
It remains unknown for the driven force that shaped such a narrow but global zone of high 677T in MTHFR. In view of the biochemical effect of 677T, as well as the role of MTHFR in cycles of folate and homocysteine [59], it is a little easier to understand or imagine how a bi-directional reduction of MTHFR 677T formed towards the frigid and the tropic zone.Obviously living in more frigid regions may require full activity of the enzyme to cope with the much less folate intake especially in winter, during the evolution. More interestingly, the decrease range of 677T is larger in the south than that in the north globally, i.e., the higher enzyme activity of MTHFR in more tropical regions. This raises another question whether maintaining a suitable blood folate concentration is more critical for early farmers with high but natural folate intake in preand early history of agriculture civilization. Nevertheless, if a genomic advantage for 677T allele or physiological benefits from low activity MTHFR in this belt of 35-45 degree North,the junctional region between the warm temperate and subtropical zone, awaits for further studies. The related factor(s)that may help answer these questions include environmental conditions [60], nutrition, and dieting including folate intake[61],or genetic differentiation among populations[62].In particular, it should consider the possible linkage of 677T with other missense loci involved in homocysteine and folate metabolism including rs1801131 (A1298C) also in MTHFR and rs1801394(A66G)in MTRR,in which geographic and population diversities were also observed [57].
Association analysis for waist circumference in males of Chinese populations
We collected phenotypic information on the study participants since the ultimate goal of the CASPMI project is to benefit personal healthcare.It came to our attention that the male participants presented with the metabolic syndrome, as defined by the International Diabetes Federation, were nearly twice that of the national statistics for the average male [63]. This result also supports the earlier report stating that the prevalence of metabolic syndrome with abdominal obesity was significantly higher in males than in female [64].
From a series of phenotype-genotype association analyses,we found that rs1549293, a noncoding SNP of KAT8 gene,was significantly associated with male waist circumference in our cohort and this variant was also listed in the GWAS Catalog for the same trait (Table 4) [65]. This finding is particularly interesting for several reasons. First, as a highly population-specific SNP,its T allele(particularly the TT genotype)associates with waist width and has the highest frequency of 91.6% in East Asians populations (Figure 2D). More importantly, our stratified phenotype analysis revealed significantly higher waist circumference measurements in northern males with the TT genotype than the men with the same genotype from the South(Table S11),suggesting a possible correlation of this SNP in the physique differentiation of northerners and southerners as stated above.Furthermore, in our association studies on BMI and other metabolism-related phenotypes,the waist circumference results showed the strongest signal,indicating that this measurement is a better predictor than BMI for non-communicable diseases,including cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes, as suggested by the World Health Organization.One possible reason might be that,compared to Caucasians, abdominal obesity is the most common type of obesity to occur in Asian populations; thus, waist circumference might better reflect the amount of abdominal adipose tissue and the total body fat in an individual[66].Finally,taking account of both genetic risks and relatively lacking physical activities, our study thus raises the possibility that northern Han males may be at an increased genetic risk of developing metabolic syndrome, highlighting the potential need to adapt their life styles accordingly, especially for all desk-bound workers.
In summary, in phase I of the CASPMI project, we assembled a high-quality reference genome of the northern Han Chinese. We also provided a comprehensive genetic map containing over 28.8 M variants and a novel population-specific data set hfCAS-EAS resulted from whole genome analyses of near 600 participants. By populationspecific analysis between northern and southern individuals,as well as genotype-phenotype association study, our identification of several genes and variants in various metabolismrelated pathways demonstrated significant differentiation between northern and southern populations. In our future research, we will enlarge sample size for further identification of rare variations and association studies on more physiological traits in Chinese populations. In view of the current variation identification of the CASPMI cohort which was based on the reference genome hg19,we will release another set of variation data on GRCh38 to increase the data usability of the CASPMI project.
Materials and methods
Sample information
This study was performed as a part of the CASPMI Project launched by CAS. Collection and storage of human samples were registered at and approved by the Human Genetic Resources Administration of China (HGRAC). The sample collection protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of the Beijing Institute of Genomics (BIG),CAS. Participants were from various CAS institutes or offices in Beijing and the community engagement for CASPMI was conducted by lectures and inquiries at each location. Written informed consent was obtained from each participant after community engagement. All data were deposited in the BIG Data Center of BIG, CAS.
A total of 597 individuals participated in this study (246 males and 351 females) with ages between 20 and 60 years old. These participants came from nine ethnic groups of 30 provinces or autonomous regions of China (Figure S4,Table S6).Han individuals were further categorized according to their self-reported ancestry. Individuals with both of their parents reported as being of northern origins were categorized as northern Han (NH) and those who declared non-northern origin of both parents were denoted as Southern Han (SH).A total of 455 samples were identified by either northern or southern ancestry as being 339 NH and 116 SH, respectively(Table S6).All analyses of northern and southern Han groups are based on this categorization.
Phenotype collection
All phenotypes were collected at the General Hospital of Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVID). Blood pressure was measured with an automated blood pressure monitor Omron HBP-9021 (OMRON Corporation, Kyoto, Japan)and each measurement was recorded as the average of three times in a seated position after resting for 5 min. Anthropometric measurements, including height, waist circumference,and hip circumference,were obtained using standard protocols with Seca 213 Stadiometer or Seca 203 Body Circumference Measuring Tape (Seca Corporation, Hamburg, Germany).Body weight was examined by an InBody570 Body Composition Analyzer (InBody, Seoul, Korea). Blood samples were collected from participants after an overnight fasting for at least 8 h. Blood tests were processed using a Hitachi Automatic Analyzer 7600 (Hitachi High-Technologies, Tokyo,Japan), including fasting plasma glucose, total cholesterol(TC), triglycerides, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDLC), and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C).
Sample preparation and sequencing
For the NH1.0 genome, the fresh blood sample was collected from a healthy male of northern Han. Genomic DNA was extracted and purified using TIANamp Blood DNA kit (Catalog No. DP348-03, TIANGEN Biotech Co., Beijing, China).Two PacBio libraries with the insert size of >10 kb were prepared and then sequenced with P6-C4 reagent kits on PacBio RSII (Pacific Biosciences, Menlo Park, CA). A library with the insert size of 300-500 bp was prepared and sequenced on Illumina HiSeq 3000 (Illumina, San Diego, CA) with 2×101 bp read length (Catalog No. FC-410-1003, PE-410-1001, Illumina). Other three mate pair libraries with the insert sizes of 3-5 kb, 5-8 kb, and 8-10 kb were also constructed using Illumina Nextera Mate Pair Sample Prep Kit (Catalog No.FC-132-1001, Illumina) followed by sequencing on HiSeq 3000 with 2×101 bp read length. High molecular weight genomic DNA was obtained from fresh blood using MagAttract HMW DNA kit (QIAGEN, Venlo, Netherlands) to prepare a 10× Genomics barcode library according to manufacturer’s protocol. This barcode library was sequenced on Illumina HiSeq X (Illumina) with 2×150 bp read length(Catalog No. FC-501-2521, Illumina). Additionally, genome optical mapping data was obtained using Saphyr System(Bionano GENOMICS, San Diego, CA) with nicking enzyme Nt.BspQI according to manufacturer’s protocols.
For population samples, genomic DNA sequencing libraries were prepared using NEXTflex Rapid DNA-seq Kit(Catalog No. 5144-08, Bioo Scientific Corporation, Austin,TX, USA) followed by sequencing on the Illumina HiSeq 3000 or HiSeq X.
Genome assembly
PacBio long reads and 10×Genomics linked reads were assembled respectively using CANU [25] and Supernova [26] with default options.Mismatches and small indels in PacBio contigs were corrected using Illumina paired-end reads.
To combine the two data sets of assembled genomes, the PacBio contigs over 50 kb were aligned to the scaffolds assembled from 10× Genomics linked reads using MUMMER [67],and sequence overlaps between the two data sets were identified and classified to 8 types (Figure S15). Using in-house Perl/Python scripts, 10× Genomics scaffold sequences were substituted with PacBio contigs in the matched regions where PacBio contigs are fully included,and were linked by the Pac-Bio contigs which were mapped to the ends of two 10×Genomics scaffolds. The PacBio contigs with ambiguous alignment to 10× Genomics scaffolds were excluded in the PacBio-10×merging process to avoid the errors on determining sequence overlaps. Then Bionano optical mapping data was used for hybrid scaffolding using Bionano Solve (V3.0.1) [68]. Finally,the gaps in hybrid scaffolds were filled with Illumina pairedend reads using Gapcloser [69].
SNV and indel calling and validation
After removing sequencing adapters and trimming consecutive low-quality bases from both the 5′and 3′end of the reads using an in-house Perl script,the clean reads were mapped to the reference human genome (hg19) using BWA (V0.7.12) [70] with default parameters. The Picard tool (http://picard.sourceforge.net) was used to sort mapping results to BAM format and mark duplicates of PCR amplification. Then GATK(V3.4) was used for variant calling and filtration. To validate the accuracy of SNVs calling, 890 SNVs were randomly selected, and the fragments contained the SNV loci were amplified by PCR and validated using Sanger sequencing.
Detection of structural variations
For SVs identification in three Chinese individual genomes,scaffold sequences were aligned to GRCh38 using LASTZ[71], and candidate SVs were obtained using SOAPsv packages.Then SVs were filtered by comparing the ratio of aligned single-end reads to paired-end reads(S/P ratio)as described in a previous study [72].
For SVs identification in the CASPMI cohort, using hg19 as the reference, CREST (V1.0.1), Pindel (V0.2.5b8), and Control-FREEC (V10.6) [52] were used with default parameters. According to the previous studies [50], 10 kb and 50 kb were selected as the max threshold of SV size for Pindel and CREST,respectively,and the SVs longer than 50 bp were kept for further analyses. For each sample, the SVs overlapped more than 80% were merged, and the start and end position were defined as the mean of the start and end positions of each SV, respectively. Across samples, the SVs overlapped more than 50% were merged to achieve non-redundant SVs. The SVs overlapped more than 80% with the gaps in the human genome (hg19) were removed.
Annotation of genomic variants
Genomic variations were annotated for allele frequencies and associated gene functions using ANNOVAR (version May-11-2017) [73] with the built-in databases, such as RefGene,dbSNP (version 147), 1KGP (version 2015aug), ClinVar (version 20170130), and GWAS Catalog. Pathway enrichment analysis of variation association genes was performed using KOBAS 3.0 [74].
DHS patterns across diverse cell types were used to correlate the distal DHS to the promoter of genes as described by Thurman and the colleagues [33]. The Pearson correlation coefficients (r) were calculated between signals of promoter-DHS and distal DHS within ±500 kb. If the coefficient is greater than 0.7, the distal DHS was considered to be correlated with the gene where the promoter DHS located. The H3K4me1, H3K27Ac, and ChIA-PET data were obtained from the UCSC Genome Browser.The DNA features and regulatory elements around the non-coding SNPs were annotated using the online tools regulomeDB [75].
Haplotype construction
A subset SNVs (with fine-scale recombination map provided by SHAPEIT2) from GATK were extracted as the input of SHAPEIT2 to construct haplotype scaffolds. Subsequently,MVNcall was used to build the haplotype reference panel based on the haplotype scaffolds with default parameters.
Population differentiation analysis
Fstbetween northern and southern Han Chinese populations was calculated based on the autosome SNPs of 455 samples with distinguished ancestry information. After filtering for SNPs with missing rate >50%, a total of 19,456,897 SNPs were retained for further analysis. The SNP-specific Weir and Cockerham Fstestimator between NH and SH was calculated using VCFtools [76].
Association analysis
Association analysis was performed by PLINK toolset [77].For metabolic-trait association analysis, the 10 phenotypes listed in Table 4, including 8 quantitative traits and 2 selfreported diseases, were recruited from the EHR system. The 8 quantitative traits were normalized by the R package. The association test for quantitative traits and case-control was conducted by PLINK linear regression module and logistic regression module, respectively.
For genome-wide association analysis, the quantitative trait was set as the individual load of mutational signature 5. The SNPs with population frequencies larger than 0.05 and with most missing genotype in one sample were finally used for analysis. A threshold of association significance was set to 1×10-7.
Mutational signatures identification
For the SNV calling from all individuals, we focused on variants presented only once in entire samples, also known as singletons.The SVs,which were supported by more than 10 reads in each individual and were not presented in dbSNP build 147,were identified as novel singletons.
Each of the novel singletons was classified into 96 possibly mutated trinucleotides, according to the mutation site and its two flanking bases. Then the count matrix of the 96 possibly mutated trinucleotides for all samples was generated. The context of each mutation type was extracted from the human reference genome build hg19. Then, the mutation profiles which were fit to known signatures from COSMIC were estimated by the R package of‘‘MutationalPatterns”.
Data availability
The raw sequencing data of NH1.0 have been deposited in the Genome Sequence Archive [78] (GSA: CRA000631).The NH1.0 genome sequence has been deposited in the Genome Warehouse (GWH: GWHAAAS00000000), which is publicly accessible at the BIG Data Center (http://bigd.big.ac.cn/gwh). The sequencing data, variant calls, and inferred genotypes for other CASPMI individuals will be available upon request after approval by the Ethical Committee and the Data Access Committee of CASPMI.
Authors’ contributions
CZ and JX supervised the study. XL (Xin Liu), CZ, JX, FL,and XS designed sample and phenotype collection. XL (Xin Liu), FL, XL (Xi Lu), WZ, XS, DZ, YW, and SS (Shuhui Song) participated in sample and phenotype collection. BZ,YS, WL, ML, and QQ constructed sequencing libraries and generated genomic data. ZD, LM, HQ, WC, JX, HC, XF,NY, SS (Shuo Shi), JZ, JW, YY, QL, YH, LD, and ZZ performed data analysis. CZ, ZD, LM, HQ, WC, BZ, and JX wrote and edited the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Competing interests
The authors have declared no competing interests.
We are grateful to all anonymous participants of CASPMI project.We sincerely appreciate the supports from the medical staff of AVID General Hospital in sample and phenotype collection. We truly thank our colleagues of BIG, CAS for data management and helpful discussions. We also thank Muhammad Sohail Raza, Yongbin Zhao, Zaichao Zhang, and Xin Zhang for proofreading. This study was supported by the grants of Key Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(Grant No.KJZD-EW-L14 awarded to CZ),and the National Key R&D Program of China from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (Grant No. 2016YFB0201702 awarded to JX, as well as Grant Nos. 2016YFC0901701 and 2018YFC0910700 awarded to XF).
Supplementary material
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gpb.2019.07.002.
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