

中国微创外科杂志 2019年9期

美国腹腔镜内镜外科医师协会(The Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons, SLS) 2019年会——微创外科周于2019年9月4~7日在美国路易斯安那州新奥尔良举办,这是一次微创外科领域多学科的重大学术会议。来自50个国家和地区共近500名代表参会。《中国微创外科杂志》(ChineseJournalofMinimallyInvasiveSurgery,CJMIS)编辑部是本次盛会的主办方之一,由编辑部主任张小为教授带领11名中国微创外科医生参会,其中8人大会发言,2人壁报展示。

9月4日下午5∶15微创外科周拉开帷幕。SLS前主席Raymond J. Lanzafame教授主持开幕式。首先,Jessica Ybanez-Morano教授介绍2019轮值主席Jay A.Redan教授。2019轮值主席Jay A. Redan教授致欢迎辞,并对当地组委会的工作表示感谢。SLS前主席Maurice K. Chung教授致辞,对参与本届大会组织工作的25家附属团体表示欢迎和感谢。2019轮值主席Jay A. Redan教授介绍本届大会荣誉主席Steven Schwaitzberg, Steven Schwaitzberg教授做了题为“The Value of Collaboration”的演讲。Jessica Ybanez-Morano教授介绍本届大会荣誉主席深圳大学第三附属医院(深圳罗湖医院)罗光楠教授,潘宏信博士代表罗光楠教授做了题为“From China to the World: My Chinese Dream-Luohu Vaginoplasty”的演讲,罗光楠教授的人格魅力和学术成就赢得了参会者的热烈掌声。开幕式上Jay A. Redan和Jessica Ybanez-Morano教授颁发了以下奖项:优秀住院医师论文Michael S. Kavic奖(Presentation of Michael S. Kavic Award for Best Resident Paper);优秀多学科论文Paul Alan Wetter 奖(Presentation of Paul Alan Wetter Award for Best Multispecialty Paper);优秀视频Carl J. Levinson奖(Presentation of Carl J. Levinson Award for Best Video);优秀教育和培训演示推广Harrith M. Hasson 奖(Presentation of Harrith M. Hasson Award for Best Presentation Promoting Education & Training);科学论文、视频奖(Presentation of Award Winning Scientific Papers, Videos);年度赞助商/团体会员/创新的认证(Recognition of Sponsors/Corporate Members/Innovations of the Year)。

本届大会内容丰富,涉及妇科、泌尿外科、普通外科、小儿外科等多个学科,包括学术日(Academic Day)、微创外科全球展望(Global Perspectives in MIS)、多学科全体会议(Multidisciplinary Plenary Session)、机器人手术的目前发展状况(State of the Art Lectures in Robotic Surgery)、优秀壁报陈列展(Best Posters Showcase)、世界峰会(The World Summit)、视频会议:手术意外——当意外发生时(Video Session: Surgical Surprises-When the Unexpected Happens)、全球小儿外科会议(Global Pediatric Surgery Session)、普外科当前的问题:专家的观点(Current Problems in General Surgery-Perspectives From the Experts)等多个分会场,参会者以PPT、视频播放、壁报展示3种形式,就各专业的最新进展、观念理念和技术技巧、经验教训等进行了充分深入的交流。另外,本届大会开设的课程培训有:垂直区缝合技巧课程:先进的腹腔镜下缝合(Vertical Zone Suturing Skills Course-Advanced Laparoscopic Suturing);美国科医人CO2激光妇科手术技巧课程(CO2Laser Skills Course by Lumenis/Gynecology Focus);美国科医人CO2激光普通外科手术技巧课程(CO2Laser Skills Course by Lumenis/General Surgery Focus);宫腔镜技巧课程(Hysteroscopy Skills Course);TransEnterix 公司Senhance 机器人普外科手术技巧课程(Senhance Robotic Surgery Skills Course by TransEnterix/General Surgery Focus);TransEnterix 公司Senhance 机器人妇科手术技巧课程(Senhance Robotic Surgery Skills Course by TransEnterix/Gynecology Focus)等。

9月7日未来技术会议上,SLS特邀嘉宾哈佛大学Wyss研究所Donald E.Ingber教授做了令人震撼不已的“未来技术新浪潮”的讲演,他以动漫形式演示了人的器官芯片的构造和原理、最新的模仿在体组织细胞的3D打印技术发展现状,并介绍了肿瘤疫苗研发新技术和已经进入Ⅰ期临床的最新进展,引起了参会者的浓厚兴趣。闭幕式上2019轮值主席Jay A. Redan教授把小木槌交给2020轮值主席Jessica Ybanez-Morano教授,SLS 2020年会——微创外科周将于2020年8月26~29日在夏威夷举办。


1.深圳大学第三附属医院(深圳罗湖医院)妇科盆底与生殖道畸形专科潘宏信博士:Uterovaginal Anastomosis for Cases of MRKH Syndrome with Rudimentary Cavity(子宫阴道吻合术治疗有子宫残腔的MRKH综合征)

2.深圳大学第三附属医院(深圳罗湖医院)妇科盆底与生殖道畸形专科秦成路教授:The Technique for Patient with Congenital Partial Vaginal Atresia Combined Congenital Lesion of the Anterior Urethra(1例先天性阴道部分闭锁合并先天性前尿道缺如的手术技巧)

3.首都医科大学附属北京世纪坛医院普外科宫轲教授:Effect of Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery on the Coagulation System of Obese Patients(腹腔镜减肥手术对肥胖病人凝血系统的影响)

4.首都医科大学附属北京世纪坛医院普外科张能维教授:Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy for the Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients with Low BMI(腹腔镜胃袖状切除术治疗低BMI 2型糖尿病)

5.北京市房山区良乡医院普外科王红禄教授:Evaluation of Three-dimensional Spiral CT Cholangiography to Bile Duct Configuration Before Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy(螺旋CT三维胆道成像对腹腔镜胆囊切除术前胆道结构的评估)

6.北京大学第三医院《中国微创外科杂志》编辑部李贺琼编辑:The Application Status of Laparoscopic Pancreaticoduodenectomy in Mainland China(中国大陆腹腔镜胰十二指肠切除术的应用现状)

7.南京大学附属第二医院妇产科应小燕教授:Effects of Two Different Hemostatic Methods of Electric Coagulation or Suture Hemostasis on Ovarian Reservation Function After Laparoscopic Ovarian Surgery(电凝或缝合止血对腹腔镜卵巢手术后卵巢储备功能的影响)

8.中国医科大学附属第一医院妇科张颐教授:Accurate Assessment through 3D-Refundation in Minimally Invasive Surgery: A Case Report(微创手术中3D重建的精准评估:1例报告)


1. 多学科全体会议(Multidisciplinary Plenary Session)

First-hand Experience In Katrina with Lack of Resources and Support Services, Lessons LearnedAnnaPou,MD

LSU Health Science Center Response to Katrina, and RebuildingLarryHollier,MD

Lessons Learned from September 11th and Hurricane Maria AntoniaCoelloNovello,MD,MPH,Dr.PH

Advantages and Disadvantages of Laparoscopy for the Patient Over Robotic Surgery. Includes Learning Curves, Cost, Cosmetics and Outcome MeasuresStevenSchwaitzberg,MD

Advantages and Disadvantages of Robotic Surgery to the Surgeon and Patient. Includes Learning Curves, Cost, Outcome Measures and Future Technology not Available in a Laparoscopy SystemGuyOrangio,MD

Financial Impact of Robotic Surgery Versus Laparoscopic Surgery for a Hospital System. Revenue and Reimbursement and Initial Financial Commitment for the HospitalErikaVera,MBA

Introduction of the Topic of Vulnerable PopulationsJessicaYbanez-Morano,MD,MPH

Focus on Transgender PopulationsCooperBenson,MD,SolMundinger,MD,JessicaShank,MD

Focus on Incarcerated PopulationsIanHodgdon,MD

2. 学术日(Academic Day)

TaTME Are We Moving Too Fast?GuyOrangio,MD

Robotic Inguinal Node DissectionScottDelacroix,MD

When The Ureter Gets In The Way: Management StrategiesRajuThomas,MD

New Techniques in Vascular SurgeryAmitChawla,MD

New Technologies and Techniques for GI Interventional Endoscopic UltrasoundJanakShah,MD

The IR Boost: How Interventional Radiology Can Complement a Minimally-Invasive ApproachRichardMarshall,MD,GregCarbonella

Hernia 2019KarlLeblanc,MD

Alternative to Synthetic Mesh for Hernia RepairIanHodgdon,MD

Supporting the Vaginal Apex: Is Hysterectomy Obsolete?LisaPeacock,MD

Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery on The Obese PatientAmeliaJernigan,MD

Robotic EsophagectomyJohnBolton,MD

Robotic Thoracic SurgeryBrianPettiford,MD

MIS Liver Resection Laparoscopic to RoboticJosephBuell,MD

Applications For Single-Incision Laparoscopy in ChildrenDavidYu,MD

3. 微创外科全球展望(Global Perspectives in MIS)

Complex Endometriosis. How to Approach?ThiersSoaresRaymundo,MD

Think Outside the Toolbox-New Uses of Energy for Endometriosis and Advanced Adhesive DiseaseJessicaOpoku-Anane,MD

Small Bowel Obstruction Caused by the Use of a Fibrant Sealant Hemostatic Agent during Robotic-Assisted Myomectomy: A Case Report and Literature ReviewMaureenCho,MD

Laparoscopic Management of Peripheral Nerve PainRichardP.Marvel,MD

Aquablation a New Treatment for BPHMichaelMcDonald,MD

Why Mini Laparoscopic Surgery Hasn’t Grown as it Should in the Surgical CommunityRobertoGallardo,MD

Evidence Medicine: What is the Evidence and have RCT’s and other Studies become Questionable in our Managing Patients? A Critical ReviewNicholasPairaudeau,MB,BS,FRCSC

Ovarian Endometriosis: Diagnosis, Treatment, ConsequencesMariusLucianCraina,ProfDrMed(MC-GP)

SLS Contribution in Promoting Surgical Laparoscopy in RomaniaBiancaGavrilita,MD

Laparoscopic Retroperitoneal Systemic Lymphadenectomy from Circumflex Iliac Vein to Left Renal VeinJoongSubChoi,ProfDrMed

The Virtual Reality in Real Surgery: Is this a Future for us?SedaDzhantukhanova,MD,PhD

Hysteroscopic Surgery: Complications and PreventionBartDeVree,MD

5 Years Later: Still Debating Power MorcellationJoseNieves-Sosa,MD

Minimal Invasive Strategies in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Mild to Severe EndometriosisCeanaNezhat,MD

Efficacy of the TAP block for Minimally Invasive Hysterectomies: Presentation of Meta-AnalysisKariPlewniak,MD

Uterovaginal Anastomosis for Cases of MRKH Syndrome with Rudimentary CavityHongxinPan,MD,PhD

MIS in Developing NationsCristineMalino,MD,MPH

Laparoscopic Hysterectomy Ultra-SimplifiedCharlesH.Koh,MD

Global Education: Role of Surgical Simulation Beyond BordersMireilleTruong,MD

Endometriosis Diagnostic Laparoscopy: To Do or Not To Do: What’s the Answer?JuanSalgado,MD

Pelvic Pain PanelRichardP.Marvel,MD,MauriceK.Chung,RPh,MD,MichaelMcDonald,MD,JayA.Redan,MD,CoreyHazama,DPT,AnaLuciaHerreraBetancourt,MD,JuanDiegoVillegas-Echeverri,MD,LinaMariaZuluaga,MD,SallieSarrel,DPT

Case Presentation: Widening the Lens: Pelvic Physical Therapy and Pelvic Pain PTSallieSarrel,DPT

Case Presentation: What Could PT Offer to the Treatment of Patients with Abdominal and Pelvic Pain? The Truly Minimally Invasive TherapyCoreyHazama,DPT

Case Presentation: General SurgeryJayA.Redan,MD

Case Presentation: UrologyMichaelMcDonald,MD

Pain LecturesJuanDiegoVillegas-Echeverri,MD

"Pelvic Desensitization" A Treatment for Chronic Pelvic PainMauriceK.Chung,RPh,MD

Why Would Hernia Cause Pain, and Why Wouldn’t It?JuanDiegoVillegas-Echeverri,MD

Surgical Treatment of Chronic Pelvic PainLinaMariaZuluaga,MD

Post Surgical PainAnaLuciaHerreraBetancourt,MD

Trends and Factors Associated with Antibiotic Use by Gynecologic Surgeons during MyomectomyMaureenCho,MD

4. 世界峰会(The World Summit)

Leak Predictors in Surgical Repair of Perforated Duodenal UlcerQatarHeshamAljohary,MD,PhD

Laparoscopic Management of Perforated Peptic UlcerItalyFrancescoLattanzio,MD

Cultural Presentation: General Surgery Residency in Brazil: How the Recent Changes can Improve Surgical EducationBrazilDiegoLaurentinoLima,MD

Pelvic Organ Prolapse Surgery with STARR (POPSSTARR) in Pelvic Floor DysfunctionIndiaBrijBhushanAgarwal,ProfDrMed

The Ultimate Secret of Laparoscopy HistoryQatarRashadAlfkey,MD,PhD

Minimally Invasive Laparoscopic Surgeries for Renal Tumor: Our Current ProceduresJapanToshitakaShin,MD,PhD

Lasers in ProctologyIndiaJayaMaheshwari,MS

Cultural Presentation:IndiaIndiaJayaMaheshwari,MS

Advanced Robotic Techniques for Colorectal Operations in the United StatesUSAMarkSoliman,MD

The Application Status of Laparoscopic Pancreaticduodenectomy in Mainland ChinaChinaHeqiongLi,MD

Investigation of in-bag Morcellation in Laparoscopic Myomectomy: Comparison of Perioperative OutcomeJapanMinetoMorita,MD,PhD

New Laparoscopic Vaginoplasty Resulting in Normal Vagina, Identification of Progenitor Cell and Genetic Decoding of MRKHPravinMhatre,ProfDrMed

Between POP and OASIS: Diagnosis and Surgical Repair of Perineal DefectsCzechRepublicIanVasicka,MD

Cultural Presentation: Foz do Iguaçu-Land of WaterfallsBrazilNiltonDeNadaiFilho,MD

The Uterine Artery Occlusion-Why? How?BrazilNiltonDeNadaiFilho,MD

Risk Reducing Strategies to Prevent Transfusions in Gynecologic Laparoscopic SurgeriesCanadaLesliePo,MD,MSc(HQ)FRCSC

An Analysis of the Importance of Preoperative Accurate Assessment Used for Pelvic Solid Masses in Minimally Invasive SurgeryChinaZhangYi,MD

Cultural Presentation: CanadaCanadaLesliePo,MD,MSc(HQ)FRCSC

5. 全球小儿外科会议(Global Pediatric Surgery Session)

Highlights of the First SLS Global Pediatric Surgery Session in New York City 2018-Plans and Suggestions for the Next Session in Hawaii in 2020GustavoStringel,MD,MBA

Pediatric Surgery SIG UpdateRichardHendrickson,MD

Minimally Invasive Surgery in Neonatal Patients: A ReviewGustavoStringel,MD,MBA

Thoracoscopic Management of Recurrent Spontaneous PneumothoraxRichardHendrickson,MD

Laparoscopic Revision of a Peritoneal Dialysis CathetersRichardHendrickson,MD

Thoracoscopic Neonatal SurgeryJasonD.Fraser,MD

Video Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery for Symptomatic Congenital Thoracic MassRichardHendrickson,MD

Adolescent Endometriosis: Multidisciplinary ApproachCeanaNezhat,MD

Adolescent Endometriosis: Diagnosis and Surgical ManagementRobertK.Zurawin,MD

How Young is too Young? Ethical Considerations in Adolescent Bariatric SurgeryMichaelCook,MD

6. 视频会议:手术意外——当意外发生时(Video Session: Surgical Surprises-When the Unexpected Happens)

7. 机器人手术的目前发展状况(State of the Art Lectures in Robotic Surgery)

Proving Effectiveness of the Fundamentals of Robotic Surgery (FRS) CurriculumRichardM.Satava,MD

Machine Learning and AI in Robotic Surgery: A Brave New WorldCOLTimothyC.Brand,MD

Innovative Robotic System for Transvaginal Surgical ProceduresRobertK.Zurawin,MD

State of the Art on Robotic Excision of Endometriosis and AdenomyosisAntonioR.Gargiulo,MD

Robotic OR efficiency: Hints and TricksJeremyHeffner,MD

Innovations in Gynecologic RoboticSurgeryMonaOrady,MD

Robotic Surgery CredentialingJayA.Redan,MD

Retroperitoneal Robotic Renal Surgery. Why aren’t we doing more of this?SamayJain,MD

Application of Immunofluorescence Imaging in Robotic SurgeryBeemanN.Khalil,MD,MS

Robotic Vascular Aortic and Non-Aortic SurgeryPetrStadler,ProfDrMed

Hand-Held Robotized Instruments as an Alternative to Console Robots: First Clinical ExperienceStevenSchwaitzberg,MD

8. 优秀壁报陈列展(Best Posters Showcase)

Laparoscopic vs Robotic Colectomy-Outcomes from a Rural General Surgery Training CenterPatrickWillauer

Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients with Low BMINengweiZhang

Effects of Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery on the Coagulation System of Obese PatientsKeGong

Do Gynecologic Surgeons Overprescribe Opioid Pain Medications After Minimally Invasive Surgery?RickyPatel

Femoral Neuropathy in Gynecological Surgery-An Anatomical PerspectiveHopeConrad

The Role of Laparoscopic Hysterectomy in the Treatment of Uterine Prolapse-A Perioperative Comparison to Vaginal HysterectomyAlexandraGarcia

Mallory Weiss Tear Post Operatively after Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy: A Case ReportErikaSchaeffer

A Case of Paratubal Adrenal Rest TumorTakashiYamada

External Validation of Two Nomograms Predicting Lymph Nodes Invasion in Robot-assisted Radical ProstatectomySatokiAbe

Experience of Left Reduced Port Laparoscopic Partial Adrenalectomy for Pheochromocytoma of MEN Type 2ATadamasaShibuya

Robotic-Assisted Uretero-Ureterostomy: Technical Modifications to Enhance a Challenging ProcedureThomasShelton

Utilization and 5-Year Treatment Free Rates for Radical Nephrectomy and Partial Nephrectomy for the Diagnosis of Renal Cell Carcinoma Between 2000-2014 in New York StateElieKaplan-Marans


(整理:李贺琼 张小为)

SLS前主席Raymond J. Lanzafame教授主持开幕式

2019轮值主席Jay A. Redan教授在开幕式上致欢迎辞

SLS前主席Maurice K. Chung教授在开幕式上致辞

本届大会荣誉主席Steven Schwaitzberg教授


本届大会两位荣誉主席罗光楠教授与Steven Schwaitzberg教授合影


《中国微创外科杂志》编辑部主任张小为教授、李贺琼编辑与本届大会两位荣誉主席罗光楠、Steven Schwaitzberg教授等合影













SLS荣誉主席Paul Alan Wetter教授为Ceana Nezhat教授颁发卓越奖(Excel Award)

SLS前主席Richard M. Satava教授介绍未来技术主讲人:Wyss研究所Donald E. Ingber教授

未来技术主讲人:Wyss研究所Donald E. Ingber教授

闭幕式上2019轮值主席Jay A. Redan教授把小木槌交给2020轮值主席Jessica Ybanez-Morano教授

《中国微创外科杂志》编辑部主任张小为教授、首都医科大学附属北京世纪坛医院张能维教授与SLS前主席Maurice K. Chung教授交谈


《中国微创外科杂志》编辑部主任张小为教授、李贺琼编辑与JSLS主编Michael S. Kavic教授合影

《中国微创外科杂志》编辑部主任张小为教授与SLS前主席Raymond J.Lanzafame教授合影

《中国微创外科杂志》编辑部主任张小为教授与2020轮值主席Jessica Ybanez-Morano教授合影

《中国微创外科杂志》编辑部主任张小为教授与SLS前主席Maurice K. Chung、Gustavo Stringel、Phillip P.Shadduck教授等合影


《深圳大学学报理工版》2021 年分类总目次