Son's Mind, Mother's Read


Special Focus 2019年9期

By Cai Yi

I was dining with my friend Mei one day. At the table, she complained that she was extremely angry when she heard her son wanted a tattoo. She told him, “Never come back to see me if you dare!”

I didn't give her any advice but shared one of my own experiences with her.

One night several years ago, my son, living in Los Angeles, the United States, called me to announce that he planned to run a travel agency after obtaining his doctorate in mathematics.

Tired from a day's hard work, I felt terribly depressed at his “great ambition.” He was in the doctoral program of mathematics at California University, and secured a white-collar job on campus against the cutthroat competition—he took charge of arranging further education for teaching assistants from all faculties and departments. This working experience would be a great benefit to his future career if he wanted to teach at the university or handle administrative affairs, so he was more than happy to accept it.

How was it that he suddenly changed his mind? He was never an early riser, but why call me from California in the early morning just to tell me he was going to run a travel agency? There must be some secret in it. Was he testing my patience? I thought I shouldn't give in to him so I took a deep breath before replying in relaxation, “You might as well own a travel agency as long as you can put into practice what you have studied for six years in mathematical theory. Anyway, you're the master of your own life.”

There was slight silence on the other end as if the word “life” had offered him much food for thought. He sighed after a while, “I don't think I'll find any job in my life which deserves my efforts. Although I taught as a teaching assistant for three years, with my performance consistently being at the level of A plus, I still got tired of it. Now I take care of the management of teaching assistants, but the administrative affairs are also boring.”















I knew he was about to get to the point.

“Mom, there will be a two-day training program held for all the university teaching assistants. I have spent two months preparing for it, but the school staff waged a fight against the college authority due to a case, and they even wanted to stage a demonstration at the space where I intended to do the training. In that case, all my efforts would be wasted!”

Ah! Here came the real intention of his call. It turned out that he was seeking my advice as he met setbacks in his work. However, he didn't get straight to the point but beat around the bush so much as to almost take me in.

I asked him if the training was to take place indoor or outdoor, and if the demonstrators would shout slogans with amplifiers. To which he replied, “The training will be held indoor, and the demonstrators will be holding posters in the doorway or outside the training hall. But through the windows of the hall, everything is in view.”

Much relieved at his words, I said, “Good for you! Just take the chance to showcase your ability. So many members from the workers union will show up to draw people's attention and this will be a perfect free advertisement for your program. Boy, grab the opportunity to impress all the students and teachers!”

As a green hand in society, my son eventually learned how to turn a disadvantage into an advantage, and he successfully overcame his timidity to get ready for the challenges to follow. Regarding his plan to own a travel agency, that was just a symbol of his confusion.

I told Mei not to let the tattoo gain an edge over her. Maybe it was only a cover, under which the truth was hidden.

(FromWhoever You Are, Beijing Joint Publishing Company. Translation: Wang Wen)


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