

土木建筑与环境工程 2019年4期

毛湘云 徐冰峰 孟繁艺

摘 要:针对余氯量在供水系统内非线性变化特性,建立了PSO-SVM+BP神经网络组合模型对管网末端余氯进行预测分析。该模型通过粒子群优化算法(PSO),对SVM的特性参数进行优化;采用BP神经网络对模型进行残差修正。本文通过对比BP和SVM单一预测、对组合模型预测精度进行分析。结果表明:组合模型预测比BP和SVM单一预测均方误差分别降低了62.30%、75.29%,平均相对误差降低了55.03%、54.27%。综上所述,该模型具有强大的非线性拟合能力,预测精度高,运行稳定性强,对供水企业控制余氯的投加量和设置二次加氯点有一定的指导性作用。


中图分类号:TU991.33   文献标识码:A   文章编号:

Abstract: Due to the nonlinearity of residual chlorine in the pipe network, we established a PSO-SVM and BP neural network combined model to prediction of residual chlorine.This model through particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO) to optimization the characteristics parameter of the SVM, and use the BP neural network model to residual error correction. In this paper , we analyzed the prediction precision of combined model by comparing the single prediction model of BP and SVM. The results show that compared with the single prediction of BP and SVM, the mean square error of the combined model decreased by 62.30% and 75.29% respectively, but the average relative error decreased by 55.03% and 54.27% respectively. In a conclusion, the combined model had strong nonlinear fitting capability, high prediction accuracy, and strong operation stability. This model plays an important role in controlling the residual chlorine dosing and setting the secondary chlorination point for water supply enterprise

Keywords: residual chlorine; Support vector machines; Particle swarm optimization; neural networks; combined model;


氯是供水處理中使用最广泛的一种消毒剂,余氯作为衡量管网水质的一项重要指标,对控制水中的细菌滋生,保证管网水质安全十分重要。《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB 5749—2006)中规定,出厂水余氯应大于0.3mg/L,管网末梢余氯量不应小于0.05mg/L[1]。但由于氯是一种非稳定性物质,受到管网中各种因素的影响,其浓度随时间的推移而发生削减,消毒能力下降,使得水质发生恶化,水质保障的中心已逐渐由水厂向管网转移[2-4]。所以探究余氯预测方法,为供水企业对氯的投加提供参考十分重要[5]。


1 PSO-SVM+BP神经网络组合模型

支持向量机(Support Vector Machine)是基于统计学理论发展起来的机器学习算法[5]。它以结构风险最小化原则为理论基础,引入核函数方法,将原始问题映射到高维空间,把待求解问题转换为二次优化问题,使SVM收敛于问题的全局最优解。它适能较好地解决小样本、非线性、高维数和局部极小点等实际问题,具有良好的泛化能力[10-12]。但SVM中关键参数(核函数参数、惩罚因子C)的选取多依靠经验或实验,而这些参数对预测的结果有至关重要的影响[13]。


2 组合算法模型的建立




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