Pumping and Sluice Linkage of Zhongshan Torch Development Zone


中阿科技论坛(中英文) 2019年3期

Zheng Jiawen

(Water Resources Institute of Zhongshan Torch High Technology Industry Development Zone,Zhongshan,Guangdong 528437)

Abstract:Due to the increasingly serious pollution of river water bodies,the water environment is deteriorating,urban residents'domestic sewage and the industrial wastewater is directly discharged into the river,causing different degrees of black hair odor in some rivers of our district.This paper makes a preliminary discussion on how to use the city's existing drainage facilities to achieve regional water circulation,enhance water flow,dilute pollutant concentration,continuously promote and improve urban rainwater and sewage diversion measures,and gradually improve the river water quality.

Keywords:pump station;sluice;pump gate linkage;sewage

The terrain of the Torch Development Zone is flat and low,the river network is staggered,the natural water conservancy conditions are poor,and the typhoon is frequently attacked.Especially the typhoon-induced tidal waves are very serious due to heavy rains and floods.The pollution of river water bodies is also becoming more and more serious,and the water environment is deteriorating.Some rivers in our district have different levels of black hair odor.The pump gates will be combined with sewage to accelerate the replacement of inland river water and improve the inland water environment.Yangguan Pumping Station is located in the northeast of Zhongshan Torch Development Zone.It is located at the left bank of Xiaoyinyong Exit and the south bank of Hengmen Waterway.The controlled rain collection area is 95.4 square kilometers(including the Yangtze River Reservoir's rain collection area of 36.4 square kilometers).The treatment standard of the pumping station is one day after 24 hours of rainstorms in a decade.The standard flow rate of drainage and drainage design is 130 cubic meters per second.The pumping station project consists of water inlet buildings,pump rooms and water outlets.The standard is designed according to the flood in 50 years,and the flood is checked once in 100 years.The pumping station adopts a fully automatic monitoring system,which supplies power directly to 10kV high voltage,and installs 4 pumps with a diameter of 3 meters and a model of 3000ZLQ32.5-2.2.The total installed capacity is 5000kW,and the single unit discharge is second only to Donghe Pumping Station.In the second place in Guangdong Province,the motor model is TL1250-48/3250.

I.Interconnected ScourImplementation Plan

According to the changes in weather and tidal level,the pump gate joint mobilization and flushing operation was implemented.The sluices involved in the transfer are:Xiaoyin Sluice Gate,Qiyong Sluice Gate,Private Salt Sluice Gate and Zhangjiabian Sluice Gate,Pumping Station and Yangguan Pumping Station[1].

(i)When the outer tide of the outer river rises,the industrial management unit is responsible for arranging the opening of the Xiaoyin sluice gate,the sluice sluice gate,the private salt sluice gate and the Zhangjiabian sluice gate to implement water discharge into the river.

(ii)When the water level of the outer river rises to about+1 meter,the industrial management unit is responsible for arranging the closure of the Xiaoyin sluice gate,the sluice sluice gate,the private salt sluice gate(under construction)and the Zhangjiabian sluice gate.

(iii)When the internal water level is stable,the pump station unit is responsible for arranging to open the pumping and discharging of the Yangguan pumping station unit after receiving the notice,and change the starting station according to the internal water level.

II.Setting of Observation Point

The water circulation path of the project is long,involving the improvement of water quality in Zhangjiabian Fountain,Zi Fountain,Siyan Fountain,and Eight Kilometers River,Huilu Fountain and Xiaoyin Fountain.In order to grasp the situation of pollution,arrange personnel to observe the following six observation points:1.Xiaoyin Fountain(the end of the ash furnace village),2.Xiaoyin Fountain(the Great Ring Bridge section),3.Zi Fountain(Century Road Bridge section),4.Siyan Fountain(behind the integrated market),5.The intersection of Eight Kilometers River and Zhangjiabian Fountain,6.Zhangjiabian Fountain(behind the TV station).Observers should be ready to work 10 minutes before the start of the Yangguan pumping station,register the start time,water level and water level change time;observe the water level every 15 minutes,observe the flow rate every 30 minutes and register.

In order to understand the changes in water level and flow velocity during the flooding process,such as Xiaoyin Fountain,Eight Kilometers River,Zi Fountain,Siyan Fountain,and Zhangjiabian Fountain,there are six observation points in the appropriate position of the above-mentioned river.At the time of starting up,the water level in the small hidden area is 0.89 meters.It is assumed that the six observation points are on the same horizontal line,the water level is observed once every 15 minutes,and the flow rate is observed once every 30 minutes.

III.The implementation of Sluice

(i) Pumping Station Linkage

On June 16,2015,the Torch District Water Conservancy implemented the joint operation of the gate station to mobilize the sewage operation from 09:30 to 11:30.The sluices involved in the transfer are:Xiaoyin Sluice Gate,Qiyong Sluice Gate,Private Salt Sluice Gate and Zhangjiabian Sluice Gate and Yangguan Pumping Station.Specific mobilization situation:When the water level of the outer river rises to+1.0 meters,the above four sluice gates are closed.After the water level is stabilized,4 units of the Yangguan pumping station are opened for pumping and discharging.This time,the sewage is separated at 9:30.At 11:30,it shuts down and lasts 2 hours.The design flow rate of the four units of Yangguan Pumping Station is 130 m/s.According to the test report of the Ministry of Water Resources Test Center,the average value of the five tests of each unit running at the lowest angle is about 112m/s,and the efficiency can reach 86%.The estimated amount of water pumping is about 810,000 m3.

Table 1 Statistical Table of the Implementation of Sluice Level and Flow Rate in the Torch Area

(ii) Water Level at the Observation Point

(1)At the No.1 observation point in the tail section of the Huilu village,the water level first changed during the pumping and flushing process.After pumping for 15 minutes,the water level has dropped by 0.12 m.In the 120 minutes of pumping,the water level has the largest drop.The decrease is 0.63 m,and the average drop is about 0.08 m every 15 minutes.

(2)The observation point No.3 located in the bridge section of Zi Fountain Century Road is only second to the observation point of No.1.After 30 minutes of pumping,the water level drops by 0.09m.In the 120 minutes of pumping,the total decrease is 0.43m,with an average decrease of 15 minutes is about 0.05 m.

(3)The observation point No.2 located at the Xiaoying Fountain Dahuan bridge section is basically the same as the No.5 observation point located at the intersection of the Eight Kilometer River and the Zhangjiabian Fountain.The affected degree is only behind the No.3 observation point.a.At the observation point No.2 of the Xiaoyin Fountain section,after 30 minutes of pumping,the water level dropped by 0.07m.In the 120 minutes of pumping,the total drop was 0.43m,and the average drop was about 0.05m every 15 minutes.b.At the observation point No.5 of the intersection of the Eight-kilometer River and the Zhangjiabian Fountain,the water level drops by 0.07m after pumping for 30 minutes,and the total decrease is 0.46m during the 120 minutes of pumping.The average drop is about 0.06 m every 15 minutes.

(4)The No.4 observation point located in the private salt surge comprehensive market is affected by the No.2 observation point of the Xiaoyin Fountain Dahuan Bridge section and the No.5 observation point located at the intersection of the Eight Kilometer River and the Zhangjiabian Fountain.After 45 minutes of pumping water,the water level dropped by 0.14 m.During the 120 minutes of pumping,the total drop was 0.44 m,and the average drop was about 0.06 m every 15 minutes.

Table 2 Statistical Table of Observation Point Velocity during the Sluice of the Torch Area

(5)Observation No.6 located behind Zhangjiabian Fountain TV Station has the least impact.After 45 minutes of pumping,the water level drops by 0.06 m.In the 120 minutes of pumping,the total drop is 0.37 m,and the average drop is about 0.05 m every 15 minutes..

The observation point location,water level,and flow rate observation data are shown in the table 1.

(iii) Flow Rate of Observation point

In the 120 minutes of the pumping and flushing of the Yangguan pumping station,the flow velocity was measured 4 times at 6 observation stations.The flow velocity of observation point No.1 at the end of the Huilu village and the observation point No.3 at the bridge section of the Zi Fountain Century Road is the first to be reflected.The other four observation points are relatively slower,see the table 2 for details.


According to the flow measurement situation,the joint dispatching of pumping stations and sluices has important strategic significance for the replacement of river water in the Torch Development Zone,improving the water environment,consolidating the economic development achievements in the region,and further improving the investment environment of the Torch Zone.