中图分类号:TP393 文献标识码:A
Abstract: In this paper, based on ZigBee2007 protocol stack, an embedded WEB gateway is designed and developed. ARM microprocessor S3C6410 and CC2530 RF module are used to realize the function of intelligent security module of smart home system. The main feature of the intelligent security system is that it can log in the intelligent security system remotely through the network, view the state of the sensor node of the security system, with automatic alarm and intelligent processing of security events, but also the network remote debugging node for detection and maintenance. The system in this paper not only has the advantages of small size, low cost and small power consumption, but also has the characteristics of good real-time performance and simple use, which is suitable for the application in the Internet of things of smart home.
Key words: embedded; WEB gateway; ZigBee; intelligent security
智能家居系統是物联网的一种重要应用。智能家居系统又称为智能家庭局域网,是以住宅为平台,兼备建筑、网络通信、信息家电、设备自动化,集系统、结构、服务、管理为一体的高效、舒适、安全、便利、环保的居住环境。目前,家庭网关的实现主要有PC 机与嵌入式系统两种,与PC 机相比,嵌入式系统具有体积小、成本低、可靠性高、稳定性好及功耗低等优点,更符合家庭网关的性能要求,因此,目前家庭网关主要采用嵌入式系统[1]。
本文设计的嵌入式WEB网关是基于北京博创科技有限公司UP-CUP6410开发平台, S3C6410X(ARM11)嵌入式微处理器,无线传感网协议是基于赛佰特科技有限公司的CBT-SuperIOT全功能物联网教学科研平台,ZIGBEE 芯片是采用德州仪器公司的CC2530,实现了物联网网关的设计及其在智能家居中的应用。
1 系统框架和功能模块概述
网站架构里主要有主页index.html, 查看节点check.html ,节点设置set.html。
主程序webserver.c 实现嵌入式WEB网关和智能安防系统功能:用户登录网站,点击网页界面的标签链接跳到数据处理模块,运行执行代码展示相应的结果。
2 系统设计与实现
2.1 ZigBee 通信协议[2]
2.2 网页设计