

文化交流 2019年9期

● 王一川










《乡情》。 缪惠新 作Love for Home, by Miao Huixin

斐济观众观看画作。Visitors in Fiji view paintings by rural artists from Zhejiang.
















缪惠新《犁田图》系列在斐济参展。Farming, a series by Miao Huixin, on display in Fiji.






Xiuzhou Farmers'Paintings Portray Beautiful Life

By Wang Yichuan

斐济教育遗产艺术部部长罗西·阿克巴女士观看缪惠新现场作画《三姐》。Hon. Rosy Akbar, Minister for Education, Heritage, Arts of Fiji, holds Elder Sister with the Chinese artist and visitors. Miao Huixin created his own masterpiece on the spot at the exhibition in Fiji.

Romance of the Five Colors of Earth:Xiuzhou Farmers' Paintings, a 15-day exhibition commencing at the Chinese Culture Center of Fiji on July 24, 2019, brought the elegant beauty of a Chinese water town into the island country reputed as “the sapphire of South Pacific”.

At the opening ceremony, Miao Huixin, representing the rural painters from Xiuzhou in northern Zhejiang, wowed the visitors by reproducing his representative work, Elder Sister, first unveiled at an exhibition in the National Art Museum of China in 2017. Miao is from Xiuzhou, a 500-square-kilometer district of Jiaxing, a central city in northern Zhejiang. The district is sandwiched on two sides respectively by Shanghai to the east and Hangzhou to the west.

An interesting episode of the opening ceremony was contributed by Hon. Rosy Akbar, Minister for Education, Heritage,Arts of Fiji. She went up to the stage and invited Miao Huixin to make a portrait of her. She insisted that Miao should create her image that “looks like a Chinese woman”.

The exhibition in Fiji repeated the success of an exhibition of 30 works by Xiuzhou artists in Imatra, a town and municipality in eastern Finland,in early July of this year.

Farmers' painting is one of the most unique forms in the painting art family of China, standing out for its distinctive freestyle in “local fl avor” motifs demonstrating strong regional features, and vibrant color schemes. Dating back to the mid-20th century, this vibrating variation of Chinese art is deeply rooted in the country's rural lifestyle, invented and practiced actively by rural residents only. According to some scholars, the prototype of the art form falls into the “wall painting” category, more often than not improvised by laborers engaged in farm work. In its earlier stage, paintings were mostly created to motivate agricultural productivity against the scarcity caused by the so-called three-year-long Great Famine in the early 1960s.

The farmers' painting gets inspiration from various traditional Chinese arts including paper-cutting, embroidery, shadow play,etc. Decades of exploratory practice has blossomed into a mature style characteristic of full, robust composition, and bold, fl amboyant colors so strong that almost spill out of the frame. Such a style also ref l ects the straight-forward disposition of farmers,their fierce passion for life, and wild imagination that breaks all clichés of traditional Chinese painting.

That “art originates from life” precisely defines this down-to-earth art. The farmers'painting of the 1970s demonstrated more realism than before. The style of farmers'painting leaned toward politics from the 1970s to the early 1980s, but gradually broke away from political motifs towards the end of the 20th century, and developed into what it is today in the new Chinese social climate of reform and openness.

The farmers' painting of Xiuzhou has its unique features derived from the region's long-time prosperity and the Grand Canal culture that has nurtured the region for more than one thousand years. People in Xiuzhou are born with an eye for aesthetic beauty. The 1980s saw the rise of Xiuzhou's first generation of painting enthusiasts. They visited and learned from their rural counterpart artists based in neighboring Jinshan, Shanghai. They came back with basic skills and the determination to create a unique “Xiuzhou style”.Women with experiences in embroidery have played a big part in such innovation,and young art enthusiasts have brought youthful vigor into the vibrant scenes of Xiuzhou farmers' painting.

“Young people tend to be more imaginative and unrestrained when it comes to expressing their feelings,” emphasizes Yang Haiping, Deputy Director of Xiuzhou Culture Center.

One cannot talk about Xiuzhou farmers'painting without mentioning Miao Huixin,whose three decades of exploration has contributed a magnificent chapter to Xiuzhou farmers' painting as a self-contained art form. His artworks have been displayed in a dozen countries including Japan and Sweden, and have found their way into private and public collections all over the world.He was rated in 1998 by TIME (Asia) magazine as one of the “Top 10 Artists in Asia”for his great achievements in such a unique art form.

《打年糕》。 张金泉 作 Making Niangao, by Zhang Jinquan

《虎头娃娃裹粽忙》。 孟玲娣 作Children Help Make Zongzi, by Meng Lingdi

《小猪的故事》。 徐有珍 作A Story about Piglets, by Xu Youzhen

Born in Qizhen Village in Youchegang Town, Xiuzhou in 1959, Miao Huixin never got a chance to hone his skills in a standard art school. The turning point came in 1983,when he shot to fame at the first China Farmers' Painting Exhibition.

His works made their debut overseas in the 1990s. With the recommendation and arrangements by a British friend he made at a solo exhibition in Beijing in 1987, Miao Huixin landed in France with his works permeated with the fragrance of Chinese soil,in 1995. The debut opened up a whole new world to him, and the in fl uence of Western art further enriched his creation.

“I was mentioned by the Western media as ‘Picasso from China'. I never take such a title seriously, because I want only to be myself. I'd rather be called ‘Miao Huixin from China'”, says the artist.

