

智慧农业(中英文) 2019年3期

李凯亮 舒磊 黄凯 孙元昊 杨帆 张宇 霍志强 王彦飞 王心怡 卢巧玲 张亚成

摘   要:太阳能杀虫灯在农业趋光性害虫受灯光引诱并接触金属网时释放高压脉冲电流杀灭害虫,可有效减少施用农药造成的环境污染和食品安全问题。本文介绍了利用无线传感器网络技术提升太阳能杀虫灯在农业迁飞性趋光害虫防治领域的应用效果,明确提出了一种新型农业物联网——太阳能杀虫灯物联网。首先,从杀虫灯在国内农业生产中的应用研究现状出发,总结了杀虫灯在林果、水稻和蔬菜等作物生产种植中的部署特点和杀虫工作时段分布情况;其次,分析了现有联网型太阳能杀虫灯节点的产品特点和杀虫灯物联网研究现状;然后,结合太阳能杀虫灯的能量采集方式、田间部署特点,综合分析了基于太阳能能量采集方式的传感器网络研究现状和基于启发式的传感器网络节点部署研究现状;最后,探讨了太阳能杀虫灯物联网的节点部署、能量预留管理、虫害爆发区域边界定位、虫情数据抗干扰传输等关键研究问题,并对太阳能杀虫灯物联网在农业生产中的应用进行了总结和展望。


中图分类号:S-1                  文献标志码:A             文章编号:201905-SA001

李凯亮, 舒   磊, 黄   凯, 孙元昊, 杨   帆, 张   宇, 霍志强, 王彦飞, 王心怡, 卢巧玲, 张亚成. 太阳能杀虫灯物联网研究现状与展望[J]. 智慧农业, 2019,1(3): 13-28.

Li K, Shu L, Huang K, Sun Y, Yang F, Zhang Y, Huo Z, Wang Y, Wang X, Lu Q, Zhang Y. Research and prospect of solar insecticidal lamps Internet of Things[J]. Smart Agriculture, 2019, 1(3): 13-28. (in Chinese with English abstract)

1  引言






随着“精准农业”和“智能农业”的快速发展,以及农业信息化需求的不断增长,无线传感器网络(Wireless Sensor Networks, WSN)技术已广泛应用于农情信息采集、农业装备智能控制等方面[13,14]。WSN适用于大规模部署和区域监测,可以很容易地与太阳能杀虫灯(Solar Insecticidal Lamps,SILs)结合,形成一种新型的农业物联网——太阳能杀虫灯物联网(Solar Insecticidal Lamps Internet of Things:SIL-IoTs)。太阳能杀虫灯物联网节点结构图如图1所示。在每个太阳能杀虫灯物联网节点中,可以集成无线通信模块(例如,ZigBee)通过网络及时地向终端用户报告所在位置的害虫密度信息。白天,太阳能杀虫灯物联网节点(以下简称“节点”)利用太阳能电池板收集能量并转化为电能存储到蓄电池中。夜间,节点开启诱虫灯吸引附近的趋光性害虫并在害虫接触金属网时释放高压脉冲电流杀灭害虫,通过统计脉冲电流的次数可以估算区域内虫口密度。除了虫口密度信息外,无线通信模块还可收集更多信息,例如杀虫灯节点的太阳能电池板能量收集情况、杀虫灯的电池剩余容量等信息。



2  杀虫灯应用研究现状







3  太阳能杀虫灯物联网产品及研究


3.1  联网型太阳能杀虫灯产品现状






3.2  杀虫灯物联网研究现状









4  基于太阳能能量采集的传感器网






5  基于启发式算法的传感器网络节




在农业生产中的复杂地形、地貌和杀虫灯对异构作物不同的部署密度需求、网络通信需求等多重条件约束下,太阳能杀虫灯物联网节点部署无法通过整数线性规划的方法给出更好的优化方案。因此,需要考虑采用启发式算法,例如,遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm)、蚁群算法(Ant Colony Algorithm)、蜂群算法(The Bee Colony Algorithm)、粒子群算法(Particle Swarm Algorithm)和生物地理算法(Biogeographic Algorithm)等,在可接受的计算成本内获得较好的网络节点优化部署策略。基于这样的考虑,对近五年采用启发式算法的网络节点优化部署的相关研究工作整理如表7所示。



等[72, 75]开展的研究工作,都是从“以最少网络节点数量”的研究目标出发来实现最大的区域覆盖,这与实现太阳能杀虫灯物联网有效工作范围对区域全覆盖的研究需求相近,可以起到很好的借鉴作用。



6  关键研究问题与展望

6.1  关键研究问题












6.2  展望




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Research and prospect of solar insecticidal lamps

Internet of Things

Kailiang Li1, Lei Shu1,2*, Kai Huang1, Yuanhao Sun1, Fan Yang1, Yu Zhang2, Zhiqiang Huo2, Yanfei Wang1, Xinyi Wang1, Qiaoling Lu1, Yacheng Zhang1

(1. Nanjing Agricultural University, College of Engineering, Nanjing 210031, China;

2. School of Engineering, University of Lincoln, Lincoln LN6 7TS, U.K.)

Abstract: Along with the increasing awareness of environmental protection and growing demand for green and pollution-free agricultural products, it has a great need to explore new ways to apply greener pest control methods in agricultural production. Researching on Solar Insecticidal Lamps (SILs) has continuously received incremental attentions from both the academia and industry, which brings a new mode for the preventing and controlling of agricultural migratory pests with phototaxis feature, and now is becoming to a hot research topic. Towards the fast development of "precision agriculture" and "smart agriculture" as well as the increasing demands for agricultural informatization, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have been widely used for agricultural information collection and intelligent control of agricultural equipment. WSNs are suitable for large-scale deployment and regional monitoring, which can be easily combined with SIL nodes. Based on the combination, a new type of agricultural Internet of things - Solar Insecticidal Lamps Internet of Things (SIL-IoTs) was proposed and the technology of WSNs for the prevention and control of phototactic migratory pests in agricultural applications were surveyed. Firstly, the state-of-art insecticidal lamps applications was reviewed and their characteristics deployment manners and working lifetime in the production of crops (e.g., forest, fruits, rice, vegetables) were summarized. Secondly, the characteristics of existing GSM/3G/4G-enabled SIL nodes and their latest research status on SIL-IoTs were summarized. Furthermore, the research status was analyzed concerning the energy harvesting mode and deployment characteristics of SIL, which are solar energy SIL harvesting mode for energy saving and the heuristic mode for node deployment, respectively. Finally, towards the fast-developed vision of smart agriculture, in which various emerging IT and automation technologies are maturely applied, SIL-IoTs can be considered as a new and important component to contribute to the green agricultural pest monitoring and control. To further enhance SIL-IoTs' capability and enrich SIL-IoTs' function, four open research issues on SIL-IoTs were proposed, i.e., 1) optimized deployment scheme of SIL-IoTs with multiple constrains, 2) optimized and adaptive energy management strategy for ensuring normal working hours of SIL node, 3) lack of algorithms for pests outbreak area localization, and 4) interference on data transmission because of dense high voltage discharge during severe pest disaster. To sum up, SIL-IoTs is one of the representative applications of "precision agriculture" and "smart agriculture" based on WSNs, which is a new model on prevention and control of pests. The combination of both optimized deployment algorithms of SIL-IoTs nodes and artificial intelligence techniques will provide a theoretical basis for SIL-based applications in terms of optimized deployment and energy management. Intelligent pest information collection, alarm, and node' senergy management via SIL-IoTs will facilitate decisions-makings for precise agricultural applications in prevention and control of pests.

Key words: agricultural insect control; solar insecticidal lamp; wireless sensor networks; agricultural Internet of Things

