

疯狂英语·初中版 2019年5期

The first-ever image of a black hole,a joint effort of more than 200 astronomers worldwide,including 16 from the Chinese mainland,was released on April 10th. It was the first visible [可见的;看得见的] representation of what are considered“the most extreme objects in the universe.”The image depicts the black hole at the heart of Messier 87,a massive,distant galaxy in the Virgo galaxy cluster. It resides 55million light-years from Earth and has a mass 6.5 billion times that of the sun. Itputs to the test Albert Einstein' s Theory of General Relativity put forward in 1915,which allows for a prediction of the size and shape of a black hole. The EventHorizon Telescope,a globe-spanning array of eight ground-based radio telescopes [射电望远镜],was used to observe the black hole. It took an international scientific team to capture the paradigm-shifting [颠覆性的] image,which was announced through coordinated news conferences around the world.


Fill in the blanks:

The first image of_______ _______ _______ was released on April 10th.

Activists are calling for more supervision over labor exploitation in an online crusade [讨伐] spearheaded [带头,做先锋] by software developers against the so-called 996 work schedule,which is widely practiced in China 's tech industry. The rules,which require employees to work from 9 am to 9 pm,six days a week without overtime pay,came under fire after a programmer created 996.ICU,a page on code-sharing platform The page garnered immediate attention at home and abroad. The name 996.ICU refers to a saying among Chinese developers that following the 996 schedule puts you at risk of ending up in an intensive care unit. In the weeks that followed the creation of 996.ICU in March,the page has accrued [获得,积累] almost 200,000stars,which indicates popularity among users. Jiang Ying,a professor at ChinaUniversity of Labor Relations and a leading expert on China’s Labor Law,said the rare protest by sleep-deprived tech firm employees underscored the difficulties facing workers who defend their rights.“When resorting to[求助于,诉诸]the legal system for protection,there is a price to pay:time,money and the risk of losing your job. And as a result they took to cyberspace," she said.


Fill in the blanks:

996 work schedule is to work from ______ to ______, ______ days a week.

According to a public announcement fromthe Palace Museum,director and curator [馆长]Shan Jixiang has retired on April 8,succeeded by the director of the Dunhuang Academy,Wang Xudong. During his time at the PalaceMuseum,the place underwent a series of innovative [革新的」changes. By theend of 2018,over 80% of the areas in the Forbidden City opened up topublic visitors,compared with only 52% in 2014. Shan also injected I [注入] new vitality [活力] into Chinese cultural heritage [传统;继承物]. From the various creative products to the Lantern Festival light show,the Palace Museum has returned to the center of public discussion. Netizens praised him as a tireless guardian and promoter of the nation's heritage. Shan“has made the ForbiddenCity shift from a luxury[奢侈品] beyond reach to one that is accessible to ordinary people”,a Sina Weibo user posted on April 8.“He made more younger people fall in love with the Forbidden City.

根据故宫博物院发布的公告,院长单霁翔4月8日退休,敦煌研究院原院长王旭东接任故宫博物院院长一职。单霁翔在任期间,故宫博物院经历了一系列创新性变革。截至2018年年底,故宫对公众的开放面积达到80%以上,而2014年该数据只有52%。他还为故宫注入新的活力。从各种创意产品到元宵节灯会,故宫博物院再次成为公众谈论的焦点。有网友称赞单霁翔是故宫不知疲倦的守护者和倡导者。一.位新浪微博用户8日发帖称:“ 单霁翔把故宫从一个可望不可及的奢侈品做成了一个平易近人的奢侈品。他使更多年轻人爱上了故宫。”

Fill in the blanks:

Shan Jixiang made more younger people fall in love with the ____________.

4“Reiwa" as new era name

The Japanese government announced that“Reiwa”will be the name ofJapan’S new era to start on May 1,when Crown Prince Naruhito ascends theChrysanthemum [日本天皇王位] throne succeeding his father,Emperor Akihito. The new era name,comprised of two Chinese characters,which roughly translate to“orderly”or“auspicious”and“ peace”or“harmony”,is derived fromMan'yoshu,the oldest anthology(诗、文、曲、画等的)选集」of Japanese poetry dating back to the eighth century. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told a press conference after the announcement was made that the new era name wasdecided upon as it connotes [意味着]“ people’s hearts coming together beautifully to nurture a culture.' ’Abe added that he hopes the new era ahead would be one that held great promise for younger generations.

日本政府宣布,自5月1日起,“令和” 將作为日本的新年号,届时皇太子德仁将从他的父亲明仁天皇那里继承天皇王位。新年号由两个汉字组成,“令”的大意是“有序”或“吉祥”,“和”的大意是“和平”或“和谐”。“令和”出自日本最古老的诗歌总集《万叶集》,该诗集成书于8世纪。日本首相安倍晋三在新年号公布后召开的记者会,上表示,之所以决定使用“令和”,是因为它蕴含着“人们的美丽心灵相互靠近诞生文化”之意。安倍还称,希望改元后能建设对年轻人而言充满希望的日本。

Fill in the blanks:

Japan's new era is named ______ .


Four?day working week trial in Iceland 冰岛试行四天工作制