【摘要】 初中英语文学名著阅读教学是培养学生具有良好交际能力、人文素养的绝佳教材,也是培养学生英语核心素养的重要途径。本文主要从初中英语名著阅读教学重要性出发,分析《鲁滨孙漂流记》文本,提出英语名著阅读教学的具体思路和方法,即猜——读——赏——论——写,真正提高初中生的阅读能力,培养跨文化交际能力。
【关键词】 名著阅读;猜;读;赏;论;写
二、以 Robinson Crusoe《鲁滨孙漂流记》阅读教学为例
本课文本材料包括五个部分,即Part. 1. Introduction of myself;Part. 2. My first sea journey;Part. 3. My second sea journey;Part. 4. The third sea journey;Part. 5. A new life on an island——Learning to live alone。本課学习目标:1.浏览梗概,概括主要情节;2.提高提取、梳理信息的能力;3.运用“五步法”阅读,在小组合作、探究解疑、交流分享的过程中,初步感受鲁滨孙顽强求生的可贵品质。本课的教学目标不仅仅涵盖梳理文本、提高阅读技能,即read for skill and read for language,还承担着培养学生正确的情感态度和价值观,以及阅读兴趣等内容。下面是笔者运用猜——读——赏——论——写“五步”教学法指导学生进行英语文学名著阅读的探索。
笔者设计了几个读前问题,以谈话的方式、轻松的氛围导入课文。(Show the book cover.)Robinson Crusoe is one of the world’s most popular adventure novels. Have you read it? How much do you know about it? What do you think of the story? 然后告知学生1. You can get much information from the cover and illustrations, such as the book’s name,the writer’s name,the publishing company, part of the plot and so on. 2. Read through the title, the first or the last paragraph, then guess what the story is about. 3. Iwill ask 2-3 students to speak out their predictions. Any predication is welcome!
笔者根据鲁滨孙三次出海经历分别设计围绕小说的基本要素(character, settings, plot)展开的wh-questions,教师的问题须类型多样,且层次明晰,从what到how再到why,逐步激发学生的思维能力。 设计思维导图帮助学生把握小说大意和细节,采取同伴互助或小组合作的形式完成思维导图。思维导图包含Who/When/Where/What/Why /How(weather)/.
1.What does the word “sailor” mean? (a man who goes to sea.)
2. What does the word “adventure” mean? A.危险 B.冒险 C.舒适 (B)
3. But,a few days later,there was a strong wind. The sea was rough and dangerous, ……)Help Ss to guess the meaning of “rough” according to the word “dangerous”.
4. All my friends were dead. I found myself in a strange wild country, with no food, no water, and no gun. I was alone and depressed. Help Ss to guess the meaning of “depressed” according to the words above.
5.For two long years I lived the life of a slave,and this Turkish captain was my master. Help Ss to guess the meaning of “slave” according to the words “was my master”.等。
第二,培养学生朗读的意识和能力。如Read and express: Read Robinson’s words and show his feeling. (‘Oh,I don’t want to die!’I cried. ‘I want to live!If I live,I’ll go home and never go to sea again!’) 小说对白丰富,教者可以设计分角色朗读,必要时利用多媒体进行配音练习,学生经过自己的理解和思考,基本能归纳出主要角色的性格特征,这是阅读理解中较高层次的要求,旨在训练学生在阅读中归纳、总结、提炼、升华信息的能力。
Read and enjoy: Enjoy the descriptions of weather in the third journey and taste the characteristics of the language in the work.
Give examples:
(1)but then there was a terrible storm. For twelve days the wind and the rain didn’t stop. The sea was trying to break the ship into pieces, the sea was very rough and our little boat could not live for long in that wild water. Half an hour later the angry sea turned our boat over……Help Ss to feel “a terrible storm” by reading the underlined parts.
(2) Ask Ss to pay more attention to detailed description(細致的描写)和lively words(生动的语言)
(3) Circle Ss’ favourite word(s), sentence(s), paragraph(s) and enjoy them, or they can enjoy the beauty of phonology (韵律美), expressions (表达美) or imagery (意境美).
教师让学生再次阅读文本,欣赏文中语言的音律之美、用词的精确之美、句式的多变之美、意境的深邃之美等。问:Which sentence do you think is beautiful?让学生以小组为单位讨论并在书上划出优美词句,请学生展示、分享文中能体现文本之美的句子。
在和学生共读Part 5 A new life on an island-- Learning to live alone时,笔者设计了以下环节:
1.Read and think: Was Robinson a negative(消极的) or positive(积极的) man when he was in the island? How do you know?
2.Watch a video about his life on the island and have a discussion: What do you think of Robinson? Why do you think so?
3.Which spirit do you admire Robinson most? Adventurous(爱冒险的)/Creative /Faithful(忠诚)to the dream/Positive(积极的)/Brave ……
4.Further thinking:
(1).What impresses you most? Experience/Journey/Spirit/Language
(2).If you were Robinson, would you like to choose a life like this? Why or why not?
以Free Writing作为后续活动,深化效果。
(1)Go on writing about the fourth sea journey or add an ending about how Robinson escaped the lonely island. Any topic is welcome.
(2)Share the Ss’ work. Make comments on Ss’ writing. Encourage any imaginative and creative ideas.
通过本课的学习,学生学会了利用上下文语境策略猜测sailor, adventure, slave, depressed等生词的含义;初步了解了此部文学作品的主要内容;通过品味有关描写天气的句子,了解了作者的语言特点;通过对主人公语言的模仿,体会了其性格特征和心理活动;借助任务型教学让学生采用自主思考、小组交流等多元化的学习方式,引领学生个性化学习,提高了学习效率;通过思维导图,理解文本表层意义;通过问题引领,发展了学生深层思维的能力,从而体会了主人公敢于冒险、面对困境时积极乐观的创新精神;运用猜---读---赏---论---写“五步”教学法进行英语文学名著阅读教学过程中,高度关注了学生的个体差异,注重了学生阅读能力培养,使教学真正做到有的放矢。
学生的人文素养决定他未来的发展空间。现代语言教学理论指出:阅读教学的目的不仅仅是要学生学习掌握语言知识,更重要的是通过阅读获取信息、学习文化、发展阅读技能和策略,为可持续发展打下基础。因此,教师有责任引导学生enjoy reading。文学名著的课堂教学是英语教学不可或缺的部分,作为英语教师,应尽可能多地运用“五步”教学法对学生进行阅读训练和指导,教会学生热爱阅读、品读人生、享受人生,使之终身受益!
[2]陈永芳.英语文学名著阅读教学的探索——以“The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”的赏析为例[J].教学月刊·中学版(教学参考), 2014(02).
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