超越传统发展援助 增进民心相通


一带一路报道 2019年2期




——北京大学新结构经济学研究院、北京大学国家发瓞研究院 赵祚翔


来自“一带一路”沿线国家的留学生体验徽州竹雕(本版图片/新华社 供图)

As an active effort in exploring a new global governance model, the Belt and Road InitiatiVe attaches greatImportance to the practical needs of the Belt and Road countries for economic development and better livelihoodof their peoples. China has learned from its own practice and experience that only education-based employmentand industry-based development can help recipient countries to eliminate poverty and realize sustainableeconomic and social progress.Over the five-plus years since the Initiative was proposed,a great number ofpeople-oriented projects have delivered tangible social benefits to the Belt and Road countries: The MusanzeIntegrated Polytechnic Regional Colleague built by China for Rwanda has grown into the bjggest professionaltrainino center inthe Norhem Province; the Lancang-Mekong Vocational Education Base, jointly built byYunnan Xinzu University and Tengchong County, has trained thousands of technical personnel for Myanmar,Laos,Thailand,Vietnam and Cambodia, effectively enhancing local labor productivity.

What's more, Chinese investors value localized operation. Local labors account for 60% in the infrastructureconstruction field and up to 90% in the manufacturing industry in some cases,greatly boosting the employmentof the host countries. Earlv-harvest projects of the China-Pakistam Economic Corridor have created 38,000jobs, more than 75% held by local people; in theThai-Chinese Rayong Industrial Zone. 105 Chineseenterprises have settled down, offering jobs tomore than 30,000 locals; the Sihanoukville SpecialEconomic Zone (SSEZ) is home t0 125 enterprises,employing more than 20,000 local labors. As of theend of 2018, the Belt and Road Initiative had offeredhundreds of thousands of jobs and generated severalbillion U.S. dollars of tax revenue, making significantcontributions to the economic growth and people'slivelihood of the Belt and Road countries.

Economic growth and better livelihood arethe priorities of Belt and Road countries, and theconverging interests between China and thesecountries. The Initiative is a new cooperation platformbased on the equality and mutual benefit of all parties, with no additional conditions or subordinate relationship.That is why it has encouraged the participation of local people and won their support. Under the framework ofthe Initiative, cooperation among countries is mutually beneficial and has tumed from the conventional "bloodtransfusion" model that developed countries provide capital aid to developing countries to "blood generation"model where China explores ways to help developing countries develop their own endogenous growth driver.This "teach a man to fish" cooperation model has transcended the traditional North-South development aid andset up a new model of South-South cooperation against the backdrop of economic globalization.

——Zhao Zuoxiang, Institute of New Structural Economics at Peking University, National School of

Development at Peking University


——中国文化软实力研究中心主任、中央马克思主义理论研究和建设工程首席专家 张国柞

The Belt and Road Initiative is not onlv a roadmap for economic globalization and development, but also aroadmap for cultural progress. People-to people bonds top among "policy coordination, facilities connectivitv,unimpeded trade, financial integration, and people-to-people bond", without which mutual understanding isimpossible and the other four aspects are groundless. That is whv we must give top priority to culture. We mustemphasize cultural confidence. Cultural confidence means that we should be confident in the socialist culturewith Chinese characteristics. The socialist culture originates from the fine traditional Chinese culture nurturedthrough the five thousand years of Chinese civilization, the revolutionary culture and advanced socialist culturecreated in Chinese people's peaceful construction and reform led by the CPC, and is rooted ul the great practiceof socialism with Chinese characteristics.

——Zhang Guozuo, Director of China's Cultural Soft Power Research Center and chief expert of Central

Marxist Theory Research and Construction Project


——清华大学新闻传播学院院长、原新闻出版总署署长 柳斌杰

The co-building of the Belt and Road is a great cooperation project among different ethnic groups, nations,political systems, civilizations, religions, regions, and countries of different economic growth levels. Therefore,cultural communications and recognition, and inclusiveness of cultural values are essential to people-to-peoplebonds and extensive social consensus.

——Liu Binjie, Dean of the School of Journalism and Communication, Tsinghua University, former

Minister of the General Administration of Press and Publication


——中共中央对外联络部当代世界研究中心主任、“—带一路”智库合作联盟秘书长 金鑫

Not only focusing on "hard connectivity" such as economic cooperation, the Belt and Road Initiative alsoattaches importance to "soft connectivity" like people-to-people exchanges. Over nearlv six years, the programof people-to-people bonds has laid a solid foundation of popular will for the Initiative. Going forward, it isnecessary for China and its partners to intensify the overall layout of people-to-people bonds, highlight workingpriorities, shape activity brands, create new forms of cooperation, and broaden and deepen cultural exchanges, toco-build the spiritual home for the Initiative.——Jin Xin, Director of China Center for Contemporarv World Studies of the International Department

of the CPC Central Committee and Secretarv General of the Belt and Road International Think Tank

Cooperation Alliance


——北京师范大学“一带一路”研究院院长 胡必亮

For Chinese enterprises engaging in project construction along the Belt and Road, it is important to protectthe environment. Meanwhile, they should fulfill their social responsibilities, strengthen communications andcontacts with local oovemments, enterprises, people,and other circles of society, and leam and respect localcultures, religions, and customs; employ local people as manv as possible and create more jobs for localcommunities; make active efforts to contribute to local education, health, technology, sports, and communitydevelopment, and bring tangible benefits for local communities, building the image of China in the Belt andRoad countries.

——Hu Biliang, Dean of the "Belt and Road" Research Institute, Beijing Normal University

