生态环保 共建绿色丝绸之路


一带一路报道 2019年2期





“荒漠化”被形象地定义为地球的癌症,在联合国环境规划署《全球环境展望》系列报告中的首份主题报告《全球沙漠展望》中,赤裸裸的数据震慑着所有人:目前全球有110多个国家10亿多人受到沙漠化威胁,其中1.35亿人面临流离失所的危险;全球气候变暖导致占全球41%的干旱地区土地不断沙化,且面积正在逐渐扩大,目前养活引亿人口的干旱地区中有10% -20%的土地无法耕种;非洲是沙漠化最严重的地区,据统计,非洲有大约三分之二的面积被沙漠和干旱土地所覆盖,世界上已经沙漠化的土地有一半在非洲。


中国生态建设的脚步不仅仅只局限于防沙治沙环节,对于一切涉及到环保的大事,中国政府都将义无反顾地倡导并执行下去。2018年11月6日,国家市场监督管理总局与中国人民对外友好协会在中国国际进口博览会期间共同举办“一带一路”生态农业与食品安全论坛,论坛的主题是“扩大食品进口 丰富百姓生活”。与会嘉宾共同研讨了国际生态农业对食品安全保障作用,探索了中国食品消费结构变化趋势。9月12日,“一带一路”生态治理民间合作国际论坛在甘肃省武威市召开,推广民勤生态治理的中国案例及“一带一路”生态治理成果,让“一带一路”民间力量携起手来,共建绿色“丝绸之路”。

科伦坡国际集装箱码头“油改电”获赞(本版图片/新华社 供图)



中国援建的阿尔及尔歌剧院    (新华社供图)










Having been trained in an international workshopon desertification prevention and control inChina. Nasheed Shayeb,a researcher from theHorticulture Research Institute, Cairo, Egypt, workedout a plan to "copy" China's cropping pattern ofwater-saving terraces to mountainous areas of theSinai Peninsula for water conservation and preventionof soil erosion in local deserts. Presently. the Ministryof Agriculture and Land Reclamation of Egypt isstudying her plan of building terraces in the SinaiPeninsula, gradually tuming her vision into reality

Sarmad Kamil Ali, Deputy Chief AgriculturalEngineer of Iraq's State Board of CombatingDesertification, held the same idea. Iraq has animportant ancient civilization as Egypt. In recentdecades, due to salinization of soil and desertification,the Mesopotamian civilization that used to be splendidhas been buried under sand, where no traces of itsorigin can be found, Therefore,Sarmad Kamil Aliwas eager to leam effective means of preventing andcontrolling desertification so as to turn deserts intooases.

“Desertification" is vividly depicted as the cancerof the earth. The figures from the Global DesertsOutlook, the first thematic assessment report intheGlobal Environment Outlook (GEO) series of theUnited Nations Environment Programme (UNEP),shocked all people. At present, desertification threatensthe livelihoods of over one billion people in morethan 110 countries around the world and 135 millionof them are likely to become destitute and homeless.Global warming has led to the desertification of 41%of the land in arid regions worldwide and such areais gradually expanding. 2.1 billion people currentlylive in arid regions but 10% t0 20% of the land hereis non-cultivable. The most serious desertificationoccurs in Africa. According to the statistics, two thirdsofAfrica is covered by deserts and arid lands with halfof the desertified land in the world located here.

In China, Gansu is a key province for preventingand controlling desertification and has achievedgood results by scientific and technological means.Therefore, to slow down the desertification processon a global scale and spread more beneficial measuresit has taken to combat this issue worldwide, theGansu Desert Control Research Institute (GDCRI)has established several key scientific research bases,including the State Key Laboratory of Desertificationand Aeolian Sand Disaster Combating, the NationalField Observation & Research Station on Ecosystemof Desert Grasslands. and the Intemational TrainingCenter for Desertification Control. The GDCRI hasheld 36 sessions of intemational training on China'stechnologies of desert and desertification control withover l,000 learners from more than 90 developingcountries trained. Its basic research facilities, researchresults and training level are all world-leading.

China's efforts in ecological improvement aremore than desertification prevention and control.The Chinese government will advocate and act outevery major event involving environmental protectionwithout hesitation. On November 6, 2018, the Belt& Road Eco-Agriculture and Food Safety Forum(BREAFSF), with a theme of "expanding foodimports to enrich people's lives", was jointly hostedby the State Administration for Market Regulation(SAMR) and the Clrinese People's Association forFriendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC) duringthe China International Import Expo. Attendeesdiscussed about how the intemational eco-agriculturefunctions to ensure food safety, and exploredthe change trend of China's food consumptionstructure. On September 12, 2018, the Belt andRoad Intemational Forum on Public Cooperation forEcological Remediation was convened in WuweiCity, Gansu Province to popularize Minqin County'scase of ecological remediation and the ecologicalremediation results achieved under the BRI. Thisevent hoped to pool the public strengths along the BRIroutes to jointly build a green Silk Road.

Besides, the Ministry of Ecology and Environmentof China issued the Belt and Road Ecological andEnvironmental Cooperation Plan in 2017. The planpresented the encouraging progress and impressiveresults China made by actively deepening bilateraland multilateral dialogues, exchanges and cooperationwith countries along the Belt and Road, improvingsupport services related to ecological environmentinformation, and promoting cooperation inenvironmental standards, technologies and industries.In the same year, the Intemational Coalition for GreenDevelopment on the Belt and Road was built byChina and the UNEP to offer experience in ecologicalremediation and desertification control for countriessuffering from desertification; the training prograrnfor foreign aid on environmental management led bythe Ministry of Ecology and Environment was hailedby the UN as a model of South-South cooperation;the China-Africa Environmental Cooperation Centerwas established in Kenya; and the Green Silk RoadEnvoys Program aimed at promoting environmentalexchanges was launched.

Currently, the Colombo International ContainerTerminals (CICT) located in the deep-water free portin southwest Sri Lanka has become the largest greenterminal within South Asia. The CICT is under thejurisdiction of the Port of Colombo, the largest seaportin Sri Lanka. The port is the only place that connectstrade routes between Asia and Europe, serving as animportant transit hub in South Asia.

In 2011, China Merchants Port HoldingsCompany Limited invested in the CICT in Sri Lanka.Relevant data indicates that the CICT's businesshas grown rapidly since its operation in July 2013.The CICT's container handling capacity surgedsurprisingly from 58,000 TEUs in 2013 t0 680,000TEUs in 2014 and further t0 1.3 million TEUs till thefirst half of 2018. That helped the Port of Colombo move to the 23rd in the global ports ranking in 2016from the 34th in 2012.

While economic indicators have risen, ecologicalones must reach the standard. In November 2017, theCICT completed the oil-to-electricity transformationfor 40 gantry cranes and 40 container yards, whichmade CICT the first green temunal in Sri Lanka andthe largest green terminal in South Asia.

According to the estimate, since gantry craneswere powered by AC rather than diesel generatorsets, the CICT has seen a savmg in economic costof USD l.5 million every year and has becomemore environmentally friendly as the project hasreduced the fuel consumption by 220,000 liters andcarbon emission by over l,000 tons every month.Additionally, when the gantry crane lowers containers,gravitational potential energy can be transformedinto renewable electric energy, which can powerother equipment at the CICT. And surplus energy canprovide for the local State Grid freely.

An engineering technician of the oil-to-electricitytransformation project introduced that the CICTemployed low-rack DC safety sliding contact lines forelectrification, with world-leading environmentallyfriendly technologies adopted. In addition, thoselines were renovated and tropicalized. As a result, airpollution, noise as well as operation and maintenancecosts have been reduced while the participation rate ofequipment has been improved.

Seeing fruitful achievements in local economy andecology, Mr. Parakrama Dissanayake, Chairman ofSri Lanka Ports Authority, said joyfully that the CICTGreen Terminal Project has set an example for otherenterprises in Sri Lanka's port and shipping industry.

Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, former PrimeMinister of Pakistan, also highly appreciated Chineseenterprises for their contributions to environmentalprotection. "Rome was not build in one day.POWERCHINA overcame difficulties to buildthe most environmentally friendly and advancedpower plant in the world ahead of schedule at anunprecedented pace with the lowest cost, which couldgreatly relieve the power shortage in Pakistan as it willsupply sustainable electrical energy for developinglocal economy and improving people's livelihoods,"he said affectionately.

On a sunny afiernoon at the end of November2017, the ceremony for the first unit of Port QasimCoal Fired Power Plant Project to commence powergeneration in Pakistan was held in the plant. Investedprimarily and constructed by POWERCHINA, it isthe first implemented energy project of China-PakistanEconomic Corridor (CPEC). Port Qasim Coal FiredPower Plant is located in the Bin Qasim IndustrialZone, 37 km southeast of Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan. Theproject, invested jointly by POWERCHINA (51%) andAMC from Qatar(49%), runs in a mixed ownershipmodel with a total investment of USD 2.085 billion.

Since POWERCHINA entered the Pakistanimarket in 1983, it has been actively engaged inthe planning, design and construction of projectsin various fields in Pakistan, including waterconservancy, electric power and infrastructure, strivingto build the Port Qasim Coal Fired Power Plant intoan excellent demonstration project of the BRI as wellas CPEC. On April 20, 2015, the ImplementationAgreement and Power Purchase Agreement weresigned as witnessed by the leaders of China andPakistan. Tw0 660MW supercritical units bothachieved commercial operation in June 2018 with theannual average on-grid power generation reachingsome 9 billion kWh. They meet the power demandof 4 million households in Pakistan, greatly alleviatethe power shortage here and have far-reachinginfluences on the country in adjusting the electricalenergy mix, reducing the generating cost, relieving thecontradiction between supply and demand, optimizingthe investment environment, promoting infrastructureconstruction and economic development as well asimproving people's livelihoods.

Since the proposal of the BRI till now. China hasnot only been focusing on economic constructionbut also giving priority to ecological constructionduring its increasingly intensified cooperationand communications with the rest of the world.Infrastructure construction and economic and tradecontacts make the Belt and Road a path to economicprosperity while the concept of low carbon andenvironmental protection builds it into a path to greendevelopment which benefits all humans.


如皋市发扬治沙精神 打赢安全主动仗
石光银 治沙英雄的大漠雄心
防治土地荒漠化 推动绿色发展——写在第二十五个世界防治荒漠化和干旱日